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Update constitution.md

See merge request medlabboulder/democraticmediums!11
Nathan Schneider 4 жил өмнө

+ 11 - 4

@@ -16,22 +16,29 @@ Detailed modern, Western constitutions began with Oliver Cromwell’s Instrument
 ### Sensitivities
-Constitutions provide rules and checkpoints for an organization, keeping power structures under control. Many include division of powers into various branches. Some groups, though not all, have a legal body to interpret the constitution and declare when acts violate it.
+* Constitutions provide rules and checkpoints for an organization
+* Keep power structures under control through division of powers into various branches
+* Many include division of powers into various branches 
+* Some groups, though not all, have a legal body to interpret the constitution and declare when acts violate it
 ### Oversights
-Many constitutions are unchangeable, preventing members of the organization to update and modernize them. Additionally, many include a “state of emergency” provision that can be used to violate the normally implemented rules should the president decide to do so, allowing for an abuse of power. 
+* Many constitutions are unchangeable, preventing members of the organization to update and modernize them 
+* Many include a “state of emergency” provision that can be used to violate the normally implemented rules should the president decide to do so, allowing an abuse of power 
 ## Implementations
 ### Communities
 * Nations and smaller local organizations use constitutions as a means of governance
-* School clubs, international groups, and nonprofit organizations often use constitutions to outline their purpose and keep mechanisms of power in check
+* School clubs, international groups, and nonprofit organizations often use constitutions to outline their purpose and keep mechanisms of power in check, such as:
+    * [Kiwanis International](https://www.kiwanis.org/docs/default-source/training/governance/kiwanis-international/kiwanis-international-bylaws.pdf?sfvrsn=c1b22cef_20)
+    * [National Medical Association](https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.nmanet.org/resource/resmgr/Docs/HOD/nma_constitution.pdf)
+    * [American Civil Liberties Union](https://www.aclu.org/files/pdfs/about/aclu_bylaws.pdf)
 ### Tools
-* University of Southern Indiana, entitled “How to Write a Constitution and Bylaws”
+* University of Southern Indiana, entitled [“How to Write a Constitution and Bylaws”](https://www.usi.edu/media/959699/how_to_create_your_constitution_and_by-laws.pdf)
 ## Further resources