Democratic Mediums is a participatory effort that depends on community contributions. Please share your expertise by helping to make this resource more useful for others.
To add or edit content, fork the project on GitLab and submit a merge request once you have made your changes. Follow these instructions to take advantage of the website's integration with the GitLab online editor:
The website is built with MkDocs, a simple but powerful static site generator for Markdown files. All site content is located in the docs/ directory, which in turn is organized roughly as it appears on the site itself.
Please send any questions to If you prefer not to use GitLab, you can also simply email your suggestions there.
The "mediums" included in this directory should aim to capture the most discrete, modular elements of democratic practice. That is, Westminster system would not be a good entry because it is a historical phenomenon that combines many elements. Some of those elements, such as proportional representation and parliamentarianism, however, would be useful to include.
To create a new entry, copy the content of the docs/mediums/ file into a new file at docs/mediums/ Follow the format of the template, and look to existing entries for examples.
Democratic Mediums files are written in Markdown, a simple markup language that translates to HTML. (When necessary, HTML may be used as well.) For information about how the MkDocs system handles links, metadata, and other content, see its documentation.
Democratic Mediums is not meant to be exhaustive or encyclopedic. Entries should strive above all for brevity, clarity, and practicality. The model for an entry should be not a Wikipedia article but a technical manual, like API documentation. Concise, grammatical bullet points and examples are more appropriate than lengthy prose discussions. The purpose is not completeness (leave that to sources in the Further Resources section) but usability for governance designers.
Language should be as simple and direct, avoiding specialized terminology wherever possible.
Most citations can be made through links to source material and in-text indications of the source. External sources that are especially useful can be included in the Further Resources section of an entry.
Bibliographic references can be made in the Chicago Manual of Style bibliography-entry format or a format that similarly enables alphabetization. Include links in bibliographic entries where possible.
The following are future goals for this project:
To get involved in developing these strategic objectives, please write to