rule.csv 907 KB

  1. ruleID,timestamp,icon,name,lineage,summary,modules,creatorName,creatorUrl,version,rulewriter
  2. 1586368757244,2020-04-08T17:59:17.244Z,," platformcoop
  3. email lists
  4. ",,"A self-perpetuating board of admins
  5. determines policies and implements them, in consultation with the
  6. community. Find us at",,,,1,"Our purpose is to support the practice and
  7. theory of platform cooperativism. The -discuss list is an
  8. unmoderated discussion list, and the -announce list is a moderated
  9. announcement list, whose posts also go to -discuss. <br /><br />For norms about user conduct and content,
  10. we adhere to the Contributor Covenant (
  11. <br /><br />Anyone may join either of our lists. <br /><br />Admins may suspend or remove list members
  12. according to the guidelines in the Contributor Covenant. <br /><br />Admins may change list policies by
  13. unanimous approval. <br /><br />Admins should all have administrative
  14. rights to the list platform, and they are each empowered to
  15. implement policies. <br /><br />Community members unhappy with the admins'
  16. practices may voice their concerns to individual board members or
  17. in the community at large. <br /><br />Policy changes should generally be shared
  18. with the lists before being implemented so that members can
  19. provide feedback. <br /><br />Policies and admins are published at
  20. and
  21. <br /><br />Changes to this Rule require unanimous
  22. approval of the admins. "
  23. 1586600250788,2020-04-11T10:17:30.788Z,,Provision - a commoning space,,Membership,,,,1,"Provision aims to improve the quality of existing value: Requests, offers, and ideas are matched through the WebApp as resources for people, to meet their needs. To realize ideas, users can request or offer resources and skills, without finances, instead providing incentive through value matching. Users can propose adaptive project ideas for solving COVID-19 related problems and for realizing human potential.<br /><br />People obtain high-quality provision inexpensively by “buying from themselves” — without pay, with Provision. Provisionists don’t just own their Provision. They enact their ownership directly and have developed a social commitment to its success.In conlusion, Provision is empowering solidarity with regenerative collaboration within local and global communities. We intent to engage members in a sandbox-mode where we can not just provide&nbsp;resources, skills and implement ideas, but also test laws, norms, transform markets into Commons.&nbsp;We make a stand together against the threat that is COVID-19 and go beyond.<br /><br />do-ocracy<br /><br />friendship<br /><br />Coalition<br /><br />People own their contributions, which multiply in value when combined with ideas.<br /><br />do-ocracy<br /><br />Lazy concensus<br /><br />Do-ocracy<br /><br />Transparancy<br /><br />On the WebApp<br /><br />"
  24. 1586879919055,2020-04-14T15:58:39.055Z,,CommunityRule: About (Polska),,CommunityRule to zestaw narzędzi do zarządzania dla wielkich społeczności.,,,,1,"Zbyt wiele naszych społeczności stosuje domyślne praktyki rządzenia, oparte na autorytecie założycieli, administratorów lub moderatorów, którym brakuje nawet podstawowych cech demokracji na małą skalę. Celem CommunityRule jest pomoc społecznościom w ustanowieniu odpowiednich norm dotyczących podejmowania decyzji, zarządzania i kultury.<br /><br />CommunityRule jest projektem Media Enterprise Design Lab na University of Colorado Boulder, we współpracy z Metagovernance Project ( Każdy, kto uzna ten projekt za przydatny lub potencjalnie taki, może wnieść sugestie, zmiany i uzupełnienia. Aby to zrobić, publikuj problemy i prośby o połączenie do projektu na GitLab (patrz link do stopki) lub wyślij wiadomość e-mail na adres<br /><br />To narzędzie jest objęte licencją Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0 Międzynarodowe, co oznacza, że ​​każdy ma prawo do używania i dostosowywania go, czego rezultatem musi być udostępnianie na tej samej licencji. To daje społecznościom korzystającym z CommunityRule prawo do uczenia się od siebie nawzajem.<br /><br />CommunityRule jest obecnie administrowany i przede wszystkim autorstwa dyrektora MEDLab, Nathana Schneidera.<br /><br />Jeśli społeczność współtwórców i użytkowników tworzy się wokół CommunityRule, powinna rozwinąć się w model zarządzania bardziej oparty na społeczności przy pomocy samej CommunityRule."
  25. 1587062289616,2020-04-16T18:38:09.616Z,,UFO,,Family,,,,1,To become stronger as individuals and as a family<br /><br />friendship<br /><br />friendship<br /><br />Consensus<br /><br />Consensus<br /><br />Rough consensus<br /><br />Debate<br /><br />Notion<br /><br />
  26. 1588009440317,2020.4.27 17:44:0 UTC,,We Are Museums,,membership,,,,1,"To join forces within the museum industry and work towards a better future for people and The Planet<br /><br />Togetherness, communing, benevolence, collaboration, trust, practicality, taking action<br /><br />no ownership<br /><br />The participant needs to request to enter the community by replying to one question<br /><br />The community gardener contacts the participant individually and starts a discussion<br /><br />Participants can become Circle host, Circle facilitator and Challenge Leader<br /><br />do-ocracy<br /><br />they don't<br /><br />they don't<br /><br />they don't<br /><br />they don't<br /><br />they are not<br /><br />"
  27. 1588191943769,2020.4.29 20:25:43 UTC,,The Light Collective,,,,,,1,"We are a nonprofit on a mission to help peer support groups foster healthy human connections on the internet. We provide tools, resources, and training for patient peer support group leaders to practice collective self governance, negotiate fair partnerships, and foster good moderation + cyber hygiene practices.<br /><br />We seek ways to make online communities and the members they serve the&nbsp;beneficiary&nbsp;of resources and knowledge that are generated by online health communities.<br /><br />We are a 501c3, and have developed a series of resources for vulnerable online patient communities:<br /><br />"
  28. 1588305108064,2020.5.1 3:51:48 UTC,,Self-appointed board + Do-ocracy blend,,"Those who take initiative to do work for the project can decide how
  29. they do that work. A self-appointed Steering Team of participants oversees and implements key processes, including the capacity to determine which activities should be considered part of the project and supported by it.",,,,1,"<br /><br />We seek to work together as a community of collaborators, coordinating on mutually beneficial projects. We value autonomy, unexpected connections, diverse backgrounds and skill sets, mutual respect, and a commitment to achieving our shared goals. For norms about user conduct and content, we adhere to the Contributor Covenant (<br /><br />The project is fiscally sponsored by an allied nonprofit organization. Participants' contributions are their own intellectual property but should be shared under free-culture licenses whenever possible.<br /><br />Participants in the community may invite new participants who they think will be valuable contributors. Inviters should support invitees in becoming active, contributing participants.<br /><br />The Steering Team may choose to remove a participant from the project's activities and shared spaces if at least 51% of board members vote for removal.<br /><br />New members of the Steering Team are invited to join the board by unanimous consensus of the existing Team.<br /><br />All participants should feel free to raise concerns (or appreciation!) about the actions of the Steering Team.<br /><br />The Steering Team is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements the Team has created.<br /><br />At least 51% of the Steering Team must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.<br /><br />The Steering Team and its designees are responsible for implementing agreements, and the Team members should have access to the means to implement the agreements that it has approved, including all administrative accounts for project resources and spaces.<br /><br />Community participants unhappy with the Steering Team's implementation with the agreements are encouraged to voice their concerns to individual board members or in the community at large.<br /><br />Policies and records should be made available on the project website or in shared platforms accessible to all participants.<br /><br />Changes to this Rule require approval by at least two-thirds of the Steering Team."
  30. 1588336856167,2020.5.1 12:40:56 UTC,,MetaGov: Frey proposal,,A loose-knit group of researchers and practitioners united by an interest in online governance.,,,,1,"Advance the science and engineering of self-governing systems through broad-based community inquiry about governance online.<br /><br />Value of expertise and experience, value of democracy, participation, and empowerment, empowering potential of quality technology. Be excellent to each other.<br /><br />Ideally FOSS and open-access.<br /><br />By invitation by a current participant. Participants should be active practitioners or researchers in the area of governance, with sufficient domain knowledge to be able to present to the group.<br /><br />By the procedures laid out in the Contributor Covenant v2.0 (<br /><br />There is a core group, which expands by invitation.&nbsp; There are seminar moderators and organizers, who get the role by self-nomination, conflict resolved by seniority, with default to a default moderator/organizer. There are Slack and website administrators, which expands by invitation.<br /><br />No term limits.&nbsp; Norms: No participant should gain so much power that their departure would seriously threaten the survival of the community. No participant should gain so much power that their presence threatens the survival of the community.<br /><br />The level of participation necessary to grow as a result of this community.<br /><br />Core group will propose and pass policy, with a comment period that engages other participants.<br /><br />By members of the core group and/or website administrators.<br /><br />Comment period will give sufficient time to solicit substantive review.<br /><br />Formally, during core group meetings and, as requested by participants, specific time allotted during the seminar series<br /><br />The core group has a tech lead who manages access to administrative accounts and tools<br /><br />The community will commit to developing a policy on fund management before it acquires funds.<br /><br />By the procedures laid out in the Contributor Covenant v2.0 (<br /><br />Policies and records will by available online to all participants.<br /><br />Core group will propose and pass policy, with a comment period that engages other participants."
  31. 1588337249379,2020.5.1 12:47:29 UTC,,Test DAO,,"ritual, stake weight",,,,1,"Autonomous art events<br /><br />transparency, solidarity<br /><br />do-ocracy, friendship, membership, reputation<br /><br />exclusion<br /><br />representation<br /><br />disapproval voting<br /><br />lazy consensus<br /><br />disapproval voting, board<br /><br />debate, lobbying, transparency<br /><br />debate<br /><br />"
  32. 1588695236212,2020.5.5 16:13:56 UTC,,Benevolent Dictator &amp; Do-ocracy Blend,,"A benevolent leader holds ultimate decision-making power as the director of the community. But (s)he nevertheless considers what is best for the members and delegates tasks among them. While (s)he chooses most of the projects that the community will undertake, (s)he also allows members to pitch their own project ideas and begin working on them in the best way that they see fit. Therefore, the do-ocracy model is also applicable in this case; when a new task arises, members are presented with an overview of it and volunteer to complete it through a method that best fits their individual working style. When members volunteer to take on a task, they become responsible for carrying out those initiatives.",,,,1,"<br /><br />Membership is open to anyone who has a strong interest in the goals, objectives, and initiatives of the community. Members are invited to participate in the community by the Benevolent Dictator, though existing members can suggest the recruitment of new members based on their own knowledge of the outside community. The BDFL can remove misbehaving members for the greater good of the community. Members may raise concerns to the BDFL about other members.<br /><br />The BDFL initially sets the community policies and proposes solutions to any problems or proposals that might arise. The members, however, may offer feedback and debate practices and policies to better a reach a consensus or compromise. The do-ers must decide what tasks and contributions they will make to the community, but from a pool of acceptable projects determined by the BDFL.<br /><br />A proposal to change this Rule goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and the Rule changes accordingly. However, the BDFL must approve of the proposal before it goes to a vote. Further, the BDFL and members can suggest changes to the legislation being voted upon to better reach a compromise that works for a greater proportion of the community."
  33. 1589491067257,2020.5.14 21:17:47 UTC,,Temporary Benevolent Dictator (TBD),,"For now, one community member, the benevolent dictator (BD), holds ultimate decision-making power, until the community is ready for a more inclusive model.",,,,1,"<br /><br />This Rule reflects the idea of #ExitToCommunity—that community ownership and control is the destination even if it's not the origin.<br /><br />Participation is open to anyone who wants to join.<br /><br />The BD can remove misbehaving participants at will for the sake of the common good.<br /><br />The BD invites active, committed participants to join the Board, whose members help the BD in managing the community.<br /><br />In the event that the BD is unable or unwilling to continue leadership, the BD may appoint a new BD or choose to alter the governance structure entirely.<br /><br />The BD sets the community's policies and makes decisions for the community, taking reasonable account of input from other community members.<br /><br />The BD is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions.<br /><br />If members are not happy with the BD's leadership, they are free to voice their concerns or leave the community.<br /><br />Community participants are free to discuss and debate community policies, practices, and culture.<br /><br />When the Board reaches 5 members, including the BD, the Board assumes control of the community. This control is activated upon the Board unanimously adopting a revised Role that specifies how the Board will be chosen and make policy. Until then, the BD can change the governance structure of the community at will."
  34. 1590398273058,2020.5.25 9:17:53 UTC,,Maverick,,Those who can work independently and having their own way to express them-self.Team is formed by those who can lead and be creative. They should be capable of achieving goals and be responsible.&nbsp;,,,,1,"To achieve success through honest and hard work. To provide high quality standards and maintain a good name among others<br /><br />The works will be transparent and communication will be clear through. Maintain high standards and achieving goals with such desire.<br /><br />Project is provided by an organisation under a partnership contract shared under a legal license.<br /><br />Participant can be invited based on their quality,skill sets, communication, and experience<br /><br />It is up to the team.If they think someone is deviating from organisational goal or didn't contribute enough for the success team can decide to remove or suspended<br /><br />Team lead will assign roles to everyone based on their skills and requirement.<br /><br />There are no limits but participant have the power to rise an issues or concern about work related matter&nbsp;<br /><br />Team should always follows the rules defined by the community and make sure to everyone is doing so.<br /><br />The board of the community has the rights to decide policy. The board will decide based on their members agreement.<br /><br />If the community whats to implement a policy first the should get an approval from their board.They should&nbsp; get 51%&nbsp; vote&nbsp; from they board to implement a policy&nbsp;<br /><br />If the community is not satisfied with the policy they can voice out with valid reasons and the board will look into the issue&nbsp;<br /><br />The board will look into this matter and control the policy and governance<br /><br />The community will have separate set of team lead by a head to follow up the administrative accounts and tools and they will directly report to the head<br /><br />It manage funds and economic flow through trading and investments.<br /><br />If a participant is found guilty then the board has the rights to remove or suspend or even take legal action against the participant.<br /><br />It will be available on community website where all the participant can look into it.<br /><br />If a rule requires modification they need 51% approval from the board.&nbsp;"
  35. 1590403189940,2020.5.25 10:39:49 UTC,,File sharing IRC,,"Those who take the initiative, and have special skills that aid in particular tasks that are valued by the community come up with new ideas for features, and can decide how they do that work. If any community members believe the work isn't benefiting the community, they can talk to the member doing the work, or the group as a whole, and apply pressure to try to persuade or force them to stop.",,,,1,"Sharing files that are of interest to members, or prospective members, in the highest quality and most efficient and secure means possible.<br /><br />This community shares a belief in free exchange of information, and autonomy, and on the value of having the most motivated and competent members develop and implement ideas to further these beliefs. Exceptions should be on the basis of practical or ethical concerns, not personal disputes. Do-ers should keep in mind the best interests of the community as a whole and consult with community members when it's possible that the implementation of their ideas might harm the efficiency of the community or expose it to risk.<br /><br />The material shared by the community is of debatable legality; in some locales it might be considered legal, in others illegal under civil or criminal law.<br /><br />A member is anyone who has actively contributed to the community's mission or wishes to, at any time.<br /><br />If a member believes another member is engaged in actions that are harmful to the community, they may attempt to bring about an informal consensus to remove them. If such a consensus can be reached to the extent that most of the members discussing the issues have no objections, the offending member may be removed by any members who have the technical skills required to do so, but can also be brought back into the community if enough members wish their return.<br /><br />Participants can be administrators, moderators, or uploaders; these roles are assigned on the basis of their skills and what they wish to contribute.<br /><br />If a member exhibits disregard for for the well-being of the community or hinders its aims, they can be removed via an informal consensus of important and motivated members.<br /><br />Members have a right to decide what, and how much, they will contribute, while other members have the right to object on the basis of serious concerns.<br /><br />Individual members or partnerships of members can decide what and how much they want to contribute to the community, provided their contributions don't create sufficient friction to cause a large number of members to raise objections.<br /><br />Community members are responsible for implementing their own work, and they will not expect any other members to do so, unless those members are interested, and want to, or can be persuaded to.<br /><br />If another member holds serious ethical or practical concerns, that member can discuss the problematic actions with the community as a whole, and attempt to persuade members of the community to pressure or convince an offending member to change their behavior, or to remove that individual from the group. This is done by an informal consensus and judgment that a lack of sufficient objections exist in the community as a whole.<br /><br />On internet relay chat, on their private channel.<br /><br />Technically skilled and trusted members are given administrative privileges, and distribute those privileges and any other resources to additional members as needed.<br /><br />The community has no official funding or finances. Members contribute financially as they desire, and as needed to facilitate the community's mission or implement their own plans, and when additional funds are needed they are raised by consensus and persuasion.<br /><br />Through debate, discussion, persuasion, and threats.<br /><br />A log is automatically kept of all IRC activity by the user's various chat clients.<br /><br />There is no provision for modifying this rule, since the software used by the group to communicate keeps records automatically."
  36. 1590406526808,2020.5.25 11:35:26 UTC,,Bored,,"A group of intelligent, driven, and compassionate individuals come together to form a professional family. Providing guidance to the neighborhood through good deeds.",,,,1,We are here to simply empower each other through support and multifaceted experiences. Building up the community around us and strengthening the local economy.<br /><br />No one person should be left behind to find for themself. And no community should be left in ruins.<br /><br />New participants are openly invited to join. However all new Bored members must pass a 2 week probationary period before gaining full privileges.<br /><br />Bored members can only be removed after a vote by three or more senior members.<br /><br />Bored members are elected at the start of every year by vote. All members are eligible to vote after their probation has ended. A member must have a year of membership before being eligible as a bored member.<br /><br />There are no limits set for how long a member can serve in Bored.<br /><br />Bored will follow the strictest of ethical guidelines and operate according.<br /><br />Bored believes in a majority rule so all proposals must be approved by 51%&nbsp; or more members before being approve.<br /><br />Bored members will be responsible for each of their individual agreements. A senior member will provide assistants if requested but shall remain in the background throughout.<br /><br />Policies shall be maintained by two independent teams of two. Unresolved matters between the four shall be brought before the bored and a vote will be held by all Bored members.<br /><br />Senior Bored members will have full access to all resources. A list of names and numbers will be provided upon request.<br /><br />Funds will be maintained by the appointed treasurer. Monthly audits will be held by outside firms<br /><br />All grievances should be given to a senior Bored member and witness by another senior member. A meeting will be held at the beginning of the following month and a vote will be taken to decide if any actions are needed.<br /><br />Policies and records will be displayed on the website and available to all Bored members.&nbsp;<br /><br />Changes to this Rule must be approved by 2/3 of Bored members and require a 2 week advanced notice.
  37. 1590407436735,2020.5.25 11:50:36 UTC,,Independent software development team,,"The community is structured loosely like any development team, but structure varies across projects. As a typical example, a team will form to tackle a given problem, organize themselves by electing a leader to serve as the project's manager, and then break the problem into parts, with an emphasis on skill building.",,,,1,"The mission of the team is two fold. First, the team's primary goal is to complete projects, to provide both for their own income and to purchase resources that can be shared with the community. The second mission is to give each team member opportunities to learn new skills.<br /><br />The chief goal of the team is self-improvement through practice. As it is easy to slip into a routine and never expand skills, the goal of the team is to fight this natural ohm's law of human nature, by giving team members an opportunity to learn new skills in a productive environment that typically provides at least some monetary compensation.<br /><br />The team's assets are independently held by team members, or shared communally, although typically these shared resources are still the property of one or more team members. Creations are either internal, in which case they are shared as a resources freely to team members, or are external projects, in which case they are licensed and sold to end customers, with profit split between contributing team members.<br /><br />Any team member may recommend new members, and after a brief interview with an ad-hoc committee, prospective members are given an opportunity to contribute to a project. If this contribution is valuable, and if the prospective member wants to continue working with the team, they are given more and more responsibility, until they become a full member, although this is not highly structured.<br /><br />Removal from teams is a self-selecting process in each sub-team. If a member consistently fails to pull their weight on a project, they'll likely be removed so that another available member can step in, learn, and contribute to complete the project. More than a handful of these sorts of failures naturally tend to lead to exclusion; nobody wants to work with a slacker, especially on a typical team passion project.<br /><br />Participants who maintain consistent output can be selected to join the project selection group, which collects and offers projects to teams, and which has access and control to the majority of the community resources, and the discretionary power to assign these resources as requested.<br /><br />Participants are limited by the consensus of their current team, and by the rules which indicate the limits of acceptable behavior.<br /><br />The rule of chief importance is respect for the time of other team members; as the majority contribute in their free time, failure to meet project requirements not only slows or halts project completion, but it also wastes the time of every team member dependent on the output of another member of the team.<br /><br />The rules were established at the foundation of the initial team. While there have been no formal rule changes since these were established, in principle the rules can be changed if a majority make a request to change a rule.<br /><br />Policies were initially implemented by the founding members of the original team. Since that time, there have been no new formal policies implemented, but informally the sharing of community resources has fallen to the project selection group, which initially was not established to make these sorts of decisions.<br /><br />Any proposed policy change would need to be supported by a majority, and if this were the case, the new policy would simply be implemented across teams.<br /><br />Any formal deliberation would occur on the community's private internet forum.<br /><br />The project selection group is responsible for determining the allocation of shared resources, while individual teams are responsible for the allocation of team resources among members.<br /><br />Individual teams completing contract work divide any profit between team members, with a variable percentage, based on total profit, allocated to purchasing or maintaining community resources.<br /><br />Generally, if two members of a team consistently don't get along, they simply won't work together on future projects. Only one instance of a team being unable to resolve a profit allocation dispute has occurred since the foundation of the group, and this was resolved by a discussion on the community's private internet forum, where all members had an opportunity to discuss how the problem should be resolved.<br /><br />Policies are available as a document hosted on the community's private internet forum. Records are kept by individual teams, hosted on the community's private forum, or by the project selection group, as is relevant to the type of record.<br /><br />Rules can be modified by a majority consensus, and presumably this would be the result of a discussion on the community's private internet forum."
  38. 1590440668615,2020.5.25 21:4:28 UTC,,Creative Cooperative Community,,"Those who take initiative in participating and actively doing work for the community can decide how they do that work and how the community functions. If any community members hold serious concerns, they can start a proposal to halt what someone is doing. That is to say if you want input into the community, you must contribute to the community.",,,,1,"To build a community in which all members are productive to their fullest potential.<br /><br />This community shares a bias for action and a commitment to empowering and encouraging its members. Exceptions should be on the basis of serious ethical or moral concerns, not disagreements. Do-ers should keep in mind the best interests of the community as a whole and consult with community members when those interests are not clear. When conflict occurs, a democracy vote of members will still rule.<br /><br />A democracy of all participants.<br /><br />A member is anyone who has actively contributed to the community's mission within the past year. To be a member one must live and work in the community.<br /><br />If a member believes another member is not respecting the serious concerns of others, a proposal for removal may be submitted. The proposal goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, the offending member is removed. Once removed, a participant will not be eligible for reinstatement.<br /><br />There is a governing council which is elected by popular vote of the community members every 2 years. Any member of the community is eligible.&nbsp;<br /><br />If a member exhibits disregard for others' serious concerns, they can be removed from the community as per guidelines above.<br /><br />Members have a right to decide how they make their contributions, while other members have the right to object on the basis of serious concerns. All members are expected to contribute.<br /><br />Individual members and subgroups can decide what and how they want to contribute to the community, reasonably respecting the community's precedent and the expressed opinions of others. The elected council will also have input into the policies of the community.&nbsp;<br /><br />Community members are responsible for carrying out their own initiatives, and they will not expect any other members to do so, except by those members' own volition. Community policies are voted on and ensured by the elected officers.<br /><br />If another member holds serious ethical or moral concerns, that member can create a proposal stating clearly what actions should be prohibited. The proposal goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and becomes a policy for the community. All members of the community of voting age are allowed 1 vote.&nbsp;<br /><br />The community hall will host monthly community meetings open to the public.&nbsp;<br /><br />The elected treasurer will manage administrative accounts of the community.&nbsp;<br /><br />Grievances may be addressed at the monthly public meetings.&nbsp;<br /><br />Records are kept by the elected secretary at the community hall.&nbsp;<br /><br />A proposal to change this Rule goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and the Rule changes accordingly.&nbsp;"
  39. 1590446602384,2020.5.25 22:43:22 UTC,,SSF is the communities name.,,we are a community for people who are traditionally marginalized in coed spaces.&nbsp;,,,,1,"Safe space for fitness for marginalized people is our mission.<br /><br />The main core value is&nbsp;for people who are traditionally marginalized in coed spaces.&nbsp;<br /><br />All shared items fall into the public domain.<br /><br />You can participate by being female or identifying as female, and being invited.<br /><br />Unruly members will be removed by the admin and mods.<br /><br />Admin, Mod, Ambassador are special roles to be assigned by the main admin.<br /><br />Admins and mods have higher powers with limited roles for ambassadors.<br /><br />This rule offers a safe space for fitness for marginalized people.<br /><br />One main admin decides the policies.<br /><br />policies are implemented by mod team and admins<br /><br />The policy will be monitored by the community and mod teams.<br /><br />There will be semi private rooms for the admins to discuss policies.<br /><br />The accounts and tools are to be managed through discord.<br /><br />There are no funds needed for this community, however a paypal will be set up for donations for running purposes.<br /><br />Grievances will be discussed in semi private rooms with the participants.<br /><br />Rules will be kept in a public rules channel<br /><br />Modification to rules will be conducted by feedback from the community to the admin team."
  40. 1590519692892,2020.5.26 19:1:32 UTC,,Beautify Centralia,,A small group who governs the community with clusters of volunteers who communicate with the governing body.,,,,1,"To clean up the community<br /><br />A clean community is a proud community<br /><br />Non-profit<br /><br />All participants are volunteers.<br /><br />They are taken off of the contact list.<br /><br />Governing committee consisting of no less than 3 members, and no more than 6 members. The governing committee will consist of a President, a vice president and a secretary. Each cluster will have a cluster supervisor and cluster volunteers.<br /><br />The governing committee determines where resources are to be distributed. Cluster supervisors communicate needs for their area to get needed resources. Cluster volunteers are contacted by the cluster supervisor to schedule work parties.<br /><br />People are volunteers and are free to participate as much or as little as they like.<br /><br />The main governing committee, through consolation with the cluster supervisors.<br /><br />From the governing committee to the cluster supervisors to the cluster volunteers.<br /><br />Through regular monthly meetings of the governing committee and quarterly meetings with the cluster supervisors.<br /><br />The head of the governing committee with set the time and the place to have monthly meetings. This will be done at the previous meeting.<br /><br />The governing committee appoints a secretary who maintains all of the records.<br /><br />Money is supplied through donations and the secretary will maintain the funds and give an accounting of any money donated and any money spent. Any money spent is required to be on supplies and not for the direct benefit of any member.<br /><br />The governing committee will be responsible for addressing any grievances and determine an appropriate solution to the issues raised.<br /><br />Policies and records are kept with the governing committee secretary who is appointed by the governing committee.&nbsp;<br /><br />A rule can be modified if two-thirds of the governing committee agrees on the modification."
  41. 1590698936116,2020.5.28 20:48:56 UTC,,High Garden,,"The basic structure of the community is made up of all citizens currently living in the community. The community is governed by a Lord. In turn, the Lord is governed by the Queen.",,,,1,"The community's mission is to grow and produce all wheat and barley that is sent to other communities around the world.&nbsp;<br /><br />Core values that the community holds are effectiveness, hard work, motivation, and discipline. We strive to produce and shit enough barley to feed most of the population.<br /><br />The Lord of High Garden is the owner of all community assets and creations of the community.&nbsp;<br /><br />Someone becomes a particant of High Garden by being born into the community. To be able to move to the community one must have permission from the Lord of High Garden and be able to purchase their own home with reasonable assets.<br /><br />Participants are suspended or removed if they broke one of the laws of High Garden or they fail to pay their taxes.<br /><br />Some participants may act as leaders of their sectors. They are able to ensure the adequate production of goods and make sure the workers are not wasting any time. Roles are assigned by the Lord of High Garden.<br /><br />The special roles of participants are only able to dictate matters that pertain to goods being produced.<br /><br />This basic right guarantees that the citizens of High Garden have a safe place to live without the fear of war.<br /><br />Only the Queen and the Lord of High Garden have the capacity to enforce the rule.<br /><br />Policies are implemented by the military, the Lord's men, and the sector leaders.&nbsp;<br /><br />The Lord's men and the sector leaders monitor the effeciency of the workers to ensure the work is getting done.<br /><br />The community deliberates about policies and governments in the small council held in the Lord's residence twice a month.<br /><br />The sector leaders manage access to administrative accounts and other tools by requesting the information from the Lord's house.<br /><br />The funds are monitored and managed by the Lord's accountant.<br /><br />Grievances are given to the sector leaders who can either fix the issue themselves or put in a request to the Lord of High Garden.<br /><br />Policies and records are kept in the Records Hall located South of the Lord's castle.<br /><br />This Rule can not be modified."
  42. 1591163010867,2020.6.3 5:43:30 UTC,,Metagov [draft],,The Metagovernance Project consists of a core group that convenes a wider network of researchers and practitioners.,,Seth Frey & Nathan Schneider,,1,"The mission of the Metagovernance Project is to advance the science, engineering, and practice of self-governing systems through community inquiry about governance online. Our research aims at creating a set of portable tools for the governance of virtual worlds.<br /><br />We value expertise and experience, democratic culture, active participation, and the empowering potential of technology. We seek to be excellent to each other, and to self-govern through mutual trust and shared culture rather than through process and procedure.<br /><br />We seek to produce commons through our work, using appropriate open-access, free-culture licenses wherever possible.<br /><br />Participants may be invited to join seminars or online spaces by a current participant. Participants should be active practitioners or researchers in the area of governance, with sufficient domain knowledge to be able to present usefully to the group.<br /><br />The working group may remove participants according to the procedures laid out in the most recent version of the Contributor Covenant (<br /><br />The core group expands by invitation, according to consensus by the current core group. The core group delegates responsibility for moderating and organizing community events and online spaces.<br /><br />No participant should gain so much power that their departure, or their presence, seriously threatens the survival of the community. Members of the core group may be removed by consensus of all other core group members.<br /><br />The core group proposes and passes policy by consensus. If a policy will affect participants in the wider community, it should be shared in community gatherings for comment and feedback.<br /><br />Policies are carried out either by core group members or those to whom they delegate a role.<br /><br />Deliberation about community policies and norms occurs during core group meetings, community seminars, and other community spaces.<br /><br />The core group manages access to administrative accounts and shared tools.<br /><br />Policies should be posted to The current core group members are listed at the website under ""People.""<br /><br />This document may be modified by consensus of the core group."
  43. 1591474623000,2020.6.6 20:17:3 UTC,,pish group,,detrel,,,,1,"the mission of this community is to make a sort of good unix-like-shell<br /><br />The four essential freedomsthis is essential to a good world,society,community for software.The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.<br /><br /> &lt;pish shell&gt;
  44. Copyright (C) &lt;2020&gt; &lt;pish community&gt;
  45. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  46. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  47. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  48. (at your option) any later version.
  49. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  50. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  52. GNU General Public License for more details.
  53. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License at LICENSE.ascin the git repository at along with this program. If not, see &lt;;.<br /><br />Participation is open to anyone who wants to join.<br /><br />The executive may remove a member for violating the community's policies at least twice.<br /><br />No one member may hold a role on the board, administration, or court simultaneously.<br /><br />Each elected role may be held subsequently for no more than two terms.<br /><br />"
  54. 1591641312806,2020.6.8 18:35:12 UTC,,CoopCast,,"Those who take initiative to do work for the community can decide how they do that work. If any community members hold serious concerns, they can start a proposal to halt what someone is doing.",,,,1,"To build a free and open-source platform for podcast and other spoken-word audio creators to accept financial support from, and socially engage with, their audience.<br /><br />This community shares a bias for action and a commitment to empowering and encouraging its members. Exceptions should be on the basis of serious ethical or moral concerns, not disagreements. Do-ers should keep in mind the best interests of the community as a whole and consult with community members when those interests are not clear.<br /><br />A member is anyone who has actively contributed to the community's mission within the past year.<br /><br />If a member believes another member is not respecting the serious concerns of others, a proposal for removal may be submitted. The proposal goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, the offending member is removed.<br /><br />Members have a right to decide how they make their contributions, while other members have the right to object on the basis of serious concerns.<br /><br />Individual members and subgroups can decide what and how they want to contribute to the community, reasonably respecting the community's precedent and the expressed opinions of others.<br /><br />Community members are responsible for carrying out their own initiatives, and they will not expect any other members to do so, except by those members' own volition.<br /><br />If another member holds serious ethical or moral concerns, that member can create a proposal stating clearly what actions should be prohibited. The proposal goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and becomes a policy for the community.<br /><br />All proposals are discussed and decided in our Discord server.<br /><br />All monetary support is managed on<br /><br />A proposal to change this Rule goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and the Rule changes accordingly."
  55. 1591878267805,2020.6.11 12:24:27 UTC,,204B,,"One community member, the benevolent dictator for life (BDFL), holds ultimate decision-making power while seeking to represent a balance of the views and the best interests of the community as a whole.",,,,1,"<br /><br />Participation is open to anyone who wants to join.<br /><br />The BDFL can remove misbehaving participants at will for the sake of the common good.<br /><br />In the event that the BDFL is unable or unwilling to continue leadership, the BDFL may appoint a new BDFL or choose to alter the governance structure entirely.<br /><br />The BDFL sets the community's policies and makes decisions for the community, taking reasonable account of input from other community participants.<br /><br />The BDFL is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions.<br /><br />If participants are not happy with the BDFL's leadership, they are free to voice their concerns or leave the community.<br /><br />Community participants are free to discuss and debate community policies, practices, and culture.<br /><br />The BDFL can change the governance structure of the community at will."
  56. 1592593069195,2020.6.19 18:57:49 UTC,,PUBLICAE,,NGO,,Ciprian Pater,,1,"Empowering People<br /><br />Emancipation<br /><br />Open Source<br /><br />Join<br /><br />Moderated<br /><br />Team, User or Publisher, manual verification and KYC<br /><br />Yes<br /><br />Agency<br /><br />Team, centralised structure<br /><br />Continuously&nbsp;<br /><br />Manually<br /><br />Slack and Telegram mostly<br /><br />Manually<br /><br />Manually<br /><br />Discussion<br /><br />"
  57. 1592593121313,2020.6.19 18:58:41 UTC,,BMAIN DAO,,Membership,,Adam Stallard,,1,"To direct funding to be used to help BrightID research, development and expansion<br /><br />Broad representation&nbsp;<br /><br />Permissive open source<br /><br />Existing members vote them in (majority vote)<br /><br />Existing members vote them out (majority vote)<br /><br />All roles are equal<br /><br />No--but maybe there should be.<br /><br />It allows BrightID (BMAIN DAO) to make transfers and enter into contracts and agreements.&nbsp;<br /><br />Managers (aka members)&nbsp;<br /><br />by majority vote<br /><br />We talk about them in keybase (when we can get people to chat :)<br /><br />keybase<br /><br />Through Aragon agent when there is a web3 interface to the tool, otherwise by delegation<br /><br />Through an Aragon DAO<br /><br />informally on keybase<br /><br />;and linked google docs<br /><br />By a vote and then delegating to a github repo member to make the change."
  58. 1592593197583,2020.6.19 18:59:57 UTC,,The Experiment: A Self-Governed Summit,,"Our fundamental rule is: all proposals pass unless there is any material objection. We are blurring the line between participating in a conference and organizing the conference. The structure is that every aspect of the conference is discussed in a particular time frame leading to the conference. In that frame, we move from discussion to problem definition to proposal making to agreement/voting. The self-governance is iterative in that we document the processes that worked with the intention of improving the tools for self-governance.",,,,1,"Create an iterative self-governance process that spawns increasingly effective tools for increasingly larger groups of humans to self-organize around commons.&nbsp;<br /><br />The right to participation in governance is intrinsic. If a decision is to affect a person, that person should have some say in the governing body.&nbsp;Cooperation and collective sensemaking are the paths to more sophisticated solutions to the complex problems facing humanity. Through experimentation we will develop better complex systems solutions together.Acculturation and personal emotional development are part of what makes collaboration work. This is an intrinsic part of any form of self-governance and must be seamlessly built into the platform from the outset, otherwise the group will fragment.<br /><br />No legal status. Our goal is to have the minimum viable legal entity and minimum viable financial entities, so that the self-organization is more organic and functions like a movement rather than a centralized formation.<br /><br />Anyone who joins the platform (initially Loomio) is a participant. We will use some sort of hour bank and possibly a reputation system to give people ""weight"" as needed.<br /><br />The reputation system will include ongoing moderation feeds about violations to the code of conduct. Someone with more than 5 violations of code of conduct can be removed without a vote.&nbsp;<br /><br />If a member exhibits disregard for others' serious concerns, they can be removed from the community.<br /><br />Members have a right to decide how they make their contributions, while other members have the right to object on the basis of serious concerns.<br /><br />Individual members and subgroups can decide what and how they want to contribute to the community, reasonably respecting the community's precedent and the expressed opinions of others.<br /><br />Community members are responsible for carrying out their own initiatives, and they will not expect any other members to do so, except by those members' own volition.<br /><br />If another member holds serious ethical or moral concerns, that member can create a proposal stating clearly what actions should be prohibited. The proposal goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and becomes a policy for the community.<br /><br />A proposal to change this Rule goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and the Rule changes accordingly."
  59. 1592593407817,2020.6.19 19:3:27 UTC,,BrightID Advocates,,Friendship,,Paslar,,1,"To send the message of BrightID everywhere<br /><br />Friendship, Caring, Equality<br /><br />ownership<br /><br />Friendship, Making BrightID connections<br /><br />Creating sybils!<br /><br />Seeds<br /><br />Fact-finding<br /><br />That no one is trying to get in the community to make Sybil account<br /><br />All members<br /><br />The rule of majority<br /><br />consensus<br /><br />Google documents that are shared among all members<br /><br />Majority vote<br /><br />everybody votes<br /><br />Meetups<br /><br />Google Drive<br /><br />through a vote on proposed documents"
  60. 1592986268682,2020.6.24 8:11:8 UTC,,The coumity,,"Activities are carried out through individual Roles and small groups called Circles, which have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domain. Representatives of Circles meet in a Council to coordinate efforts and determine the domains of each stuff here&nbsp;",,,,1,"<br /><br />The purpose of this structure is to empower individuals and small groups to act in their domains of expertise in ways that are accountable to the larger group.<br /><br />To join the community, a person must request membership in a particular Circle, and the Circle's members can respond as they see fit.<br /><br />The Circle can create Roles and assign them authority over specified sub-domains. Each Circle should have one Role that represents it on the Council. Members can hold more than one Role within or across Circles.<br /><br />Circles should rotate their representative to the Council at each Council meeting so that every member of the Circle has an equal opportunity to participate.<br /><br />Policies are determined by consent within the Circle assigned to the relevant domain. Consent means that no more than one-tenth of the relevant group presents a serious objection to a policy. Circles may be self-organized among members, provided they do not overlap with the domains of other Circles. In a Council, changes may be made by consent over the Circles' domains. By consent, Circles may also establish Roles, modify them, and appoint members to them. Role-holders are understood to have authority over their Roles' sub-domains, but they are expected to consult with anyone affected by their decisions.<br /><br />Circles, as well as individual Role-holders, are responsible for implementing the decisions they make over their respective domains.<br /><br />Circles should evaluate the actions of the Role-holders within them, and the Council should evaluate the Circles within it.<br /><br />Circles and the Council should establish regular meetings at which they coordinate their activities and adjudicate conflicts over domains.<br /><br />The Council may modify this Rule by consent."
  61. 1593352734663,2020.6.28 13:58:54 UTC,,Seed Faction,,"It's an enlightened oligarchy, run by a triumvirate called the Triumphs.",,JT,,1,"To conquer all.<br /><br />Victory, honor, respect.<br /><br />Uhh...?<br /><br />They have to apply.<br /><br />One of the Triumphs or their deputies kicks them out.<br /><br />Triumph, general, sub-general, commander, soldier, citizen. Too long to explain using this web app, see Google Doc / this Dropbox.<br /><br />Maybe.<br /><br />The right to rise in the hierarchy. Trade rights.<br /><br />The Triumphs, by unanimous consent.<br /><br />TBD. I'll have to come back to this later. Would anyone else like to help?<br /><br />The Triumphs will have a police force, the SUX.<br /><br />On Discord.<br /><br />Don't care.<br /><br />The Triumphs manage it all.<br /><br />Rite of combat, or a payoff.<br /><br />"
  62. 1590021204088,2020.5.21 0:33:24 UTC,,Self-Organizing Systems (derived from Extinction Rebellion),,"Any person or group can organize autonomously and take action in the name of the Wider Circle so long as the activities fit within the Wider Circle’s shared values. Semi-autonomous Working Groups cooperate in a distributed structure of decentralizedand concentric circles, and in horizontal relationships.",,,,1,"<br /><br />Working Groups form because of a shared purpose and agreements. They are semi-autonomous and self-governing within the policies and agreements of the wider circles. Working Groups are created and mandated by consent in the Wider Circle. Working Group mandates are minimal descriptions of a Working Group, its purpose and accountabilities, and (optionally) domain, consented to in the Wider Circle. Any changes to a WG’s mandate must be consented to in the Wider Circle.<br /><br />Role mandates are specifications of ongoing work and accountabilities within agroup. Role mandates are decided within a Working Group. Role holders are decided by volunteering or election and consent within a Working Group. Role holders are empowered to make decisions within their role’s mandate. Asking for input and feedback from those affected by decisions and those with relevant mandates, knowledge or expertise, is expected. Role holders are transparent and accountable.Each Working Group should have an Internal Coordinator (coordinating within the Working Group) and an External Coordinator (coordinating with the Wider Circle). The External Coordinator attends coordination meetings in the Wider Circle and meetings with other interconnected Working Groups or circles.<br /><br />Coordinator roles can be held for a maximum of six months.<br /><br />Working groups are empowered to make decisions within their mandate, cooperating with relevant working groups and roles. Group agreements can be made, and recorded, to further specify governance or operational processes or policies. If a project or need to do something arises outside of a Working Group’s mandate, it should be raised in the Wider Circle, or a relevant Working Group, and the work devolved to the appropriate places.Decisions relating to governance are made with integrative, consent baseddecision making. Consent means there are no valid objections to a proposal. Objections to proposals are encouraged insofar as they anticipate harm thatmight be caused by the proposal.<br /><br />Operational sub-Working Groups operate within the governance of the wider Working Group.<br /><br />People are expected and entitled to attend meetings if they are actively filling arole and working on at least one project for that team. Regular weekly meetings allow for work to be aligned and coordinated within the Working Group.<br /><br />Groups document and share their governance and operational information. All Working Groups should have accessible within the WG, in the wider circle, and tointerconnected Working Groups: a rolling minutes document, including a project board indicating who is working on what and an accessible record of proposals, decisions, agreements, and actions assigned; a document that lists the Working Group mandate description; a document that lists role holders and role mandate descriptions.<br /><br />"
  63. 1594231123795,2020.7.8 17:58:43 UTC,,Make4Covid [sketchpad],,"A group of Core Organizers (about 20 people) make most decisions, and a community of hundreds or thousands are participating in various ways.",,,,1,"""Make4Covid’s purpose is to channel the skills, knowledge, and energy of makers and organizations to rapidly provide needed medical and protective equipment to the healthcare community, first responders, and other essential workers throughout the Rocky Mountain region and beyond, while empowering communities by freely sharing the designs, operational methods, and systems we develop for use during the current crisis and future crisis situations.""<br /><br />Our core values include: do no harm, no half-measures, radical collaboration, work out loud, validate, mutual appreciation, community building, open source and open sharing of information, equity in distribution where the need is greatest, an expectation of excellence, matching the speed of the pandemic.<br /><br />We are incorporated as a cooperative, and we also have a fiscal sponsorship through Community First Foundation, but we have not organized ourselves that way. We are considering shifting to a 501(c)(3) structure to facilitate volunteering and open participation.<br /><br />Volunteers can sign up through the Mighty Networks platform and begin an on-boarding process. No hazing or vetting! But they are expected to sign the code of conduct.<br /><br />The code of conduct specifies criteria for suspension or removal.<br /><br />There are dedicated groups of volunteers, including finance, science, design, testing, and outreach. Groups generally have a Team Lead, with Project Managers under them working on specific projects. The Core Organizers are largely composed of the Team Leads.<br /><br />Lack of performance might also cause a person to be transitions out of a role, either by the Team Lead of the relevant group or by Core Organizers.<br /><br />All participants have a right to open feedback and space for mutual hearing. Consent is a basic principle of decision making.<br /><br />All policy must fall into the mission, which was ratified (and amended) by the Core Organizers. Core Organizers set policies, and a subset of the Core Organizers have focused on developing and iterated processes. Decisions generally occur by consensus—ensuring that everyone is okay with a decision, even if they don't love it. Policies are strongly influenced by scientific expertise.<br /><br />Team Leads oversee the implementation of policies under their purview. When there aren't clear Team Leads, community members tend to hold each other accountable to policies broadcast by the Core Organizers.<br /><br />"
  64. 1594937810411,2020.7.16 22:16:50 UTC,,The Metagovernance Seminar,,"We organize as a three-tiered online community consisting of an organizing committee, a forum for regular seminar participants, and a weekly video seminar open to anyone.",,J Tan and N Schneider,,1,"The seminar's purpose is to host interesting talks and experiences related to online governance.<br /><br />Our core values include an inclusive and welcoming culture; rigorous and respectful discussion; and appreciation of both theory and practice. We adopt the Contributor Covenant ( as our code of conduct.<br /><br />Recordings of talks will be hosted online and freely available, under the umbrella of the fiscally sponsored Metagovernance Project and its core-group.<br /><br />Someone participate by simply attending the seminar, which is held online every week. Regular participants can request a nomination to become a member and to join the Slack forum, where regular discussions occur and working groups related to the Metagovernance Project meet.<br /><br />Participants may be suspended or removed from the Slack or the Zoom call by decision of the core-group, according to the guidelines of the Contributor Covenant.<br /><br />The roles are Organizer, Member, and Viewer. Viewers are members of the general public who attend one of the seminars. Members are regular participants on the Slack. They can invite other members. Organizers organize the speakers and activities of the seminar, and can nominate other organizers to replace them. The core-group of the Metagovernance Project functions as a steering board that handles problems and complaints about seminar and its organizers.<br /><br />The organizers retain executive control over the seminar.<br /><br />There is an open process for feedback via the Slack, or a participant can message any of the organizers.&nbsp;<br /><br />The community deliberates about policies and governance via the Slack.<br /><br />Grievances among participants are first addressed by the seminar organizers, and then by the Metagovernance Project core-group.<br /><br />This Rule can be modified by the seminar organizers, with the approval of the core-group."
  65. 1595257025980,2020.7.20 14:57:5 UTC,,السياسة الترياسية [عربي],,سه نهاد متمایز و متخلف به ترتیب وظایف اجرایی ، قانونگذاری و قضایی را انجام می دهند.,,,,1,<br /><br />هرگونه منبع اقتدار باید از طریق تفکیک اختیارات تحت کنترل باشد.<br /><br />اعضای جدید ممکن است مطابق سیاستهای جامعه عضو شوند.<br /><br />دستگاه اجرایی ممکن است یک عضو را به دلیل نقض خط مشی های جامعه حداقل دو بار حذف کند.<br /><br />هیچ کس نمی تواند به طور هم زمان در هیئت مدیره ، دولت یا دادگاه نقش داشته باشد. هر نقش منتخب ممکن است متعاقباً بیش از دو دوره برگزار شود.<br /><br />یک هیئت مدیره 5 نفره مسئول حفظ لیست سیاست های جامعه است. برای اتخاذ تغییر در سیاست ها ، باید از 3 عضو هیئت مدیره تأیید برد را دریافت کند. اعضای جامعه سالانه هیئت مدیره را انتخاب می کنند.<br /><br />یک مدیر مسئول اجرای سیاست های جامعه یا واگذاری اجرای آن است. اعضای جامعه سالانه مدیر را انتخاب می کنند.<br /><br />یک دادگاه 3 نفره می تواند به شکایات اعضای جامعه عمل کند. اگر مشخص شود كه سیاستی با این قاعده مغایرت دارد ، دادگاه می تواند با 2 رای آن را رد كند. اگر مشخص شود که سرپرست نتوانسته است خط مشی یا این قانون را اجرا کند ، دادگاه می تواند مدیر را حذف کرده و برای اتمام دوره ، یک انتخابات جدید فراخوانی کند. پس از اتمام دوره سالانه ، مدیر می تواند یک عضو دادگاه را منصوب کند ، و جایگزین یک طولانی ترین دوره خدمت شود.<br /><br />تغییر در این قانون به 4 رای هیئت مدیره و 2 رای دادگاه نیاز دارد.
  66. 1595525493001,2020.7.23 17:31:33 UTC,,cadCAD Organization,,"We organize as a three-tiered online community consisting of maintainers, contributors, and community.&nbsp;Contributors can participate in any of the active working groups, consisting of 'Core Tech', 'Admin Infrastructure' and 'Outreach &amp; Education'.&nbsp;",,M Zargham & J Emmett,,1,"The organization's purpose is to continue to develop cadCAD into a useful tool for open source modeling and simulation of complex adaptive systems, and further the education of its use by data scientists and modelers.<br /><br />Our core values include an inclusive and welcoming culture; rigorous and respectful discussion; and appreciation of both theory and practice.&nbsp;<br /><br />The cadCAD organization's assets are managed according to the responsibilities assigned in the assets folder in the cadCAD-org Github repo.<br /><br />Someone participates by attending a bi-weekly call, by joining in the conversation in the Telegram channel ( / Discord channel ( / forum (, by using cadCAD to model their complex system, or contributing to issues on the cadCAD-org Github.&nbsp;<br /><br />Participants may be suspended or removed from the cadCAD community by decision of the maintainers, according to an advice process engaging the wider community.<br /><br />The roles are Maintainer, Contributor, and Community. Community are members of the general public who engage with cadCAD content. Contributors are regular participants in one or more working groups. Maintainers act as a steering board that approve and push suggested changes to the cadCAD repo.<br /><br />Maintainers retain executive control over cadCAD policy changes, with significant leeway given to working groups to determine their own processes, and advice process with the community for any relevant changes.<br /><br />Policies are implemented in the Governance repo of the cadCAD-org Github. This structure of markdown docs acts like a 'paper DAO', clearly delineating roles &amp; responsibilities, and is open to suggestions and changes from participants, to be approved by maintainers.<br /><br />There is an open process for feedback via the cadCAD Discord channel or Forum.&nbsp;<br /><br />The community deliberates about policies and governance via the Discord working group channels.<br /><br />Access to administrative tools are managed by the Admin Infrastructure working group.<br /><br />Community funds are managed by the Admin Infrastructure working group.<br /><br />Grievances among participants are first addressed by the seminar organizers, and then by the Metagovernance Project core-group.<br /><br />Policies are kept in the /governance repo of the cadCAD-org Github.<br /><br />This Rule can be modified by cadCAD maintaners, with the approval of the core-group."
  67. 1595806562687,2020.7.26 23:36:2 UTC,,Haitian Constitution of 1801 (brief summary),,"On February 4, 1801, the seventh anniversary of
  68. the abolition of slavery by the National Assembly, Toussaint Louverture
  69. convoked a Constitutional Assembly to write a constitution for
  70. Saint-Domingue, though it was still a colony of France. Catholicism was made the official religion; the freed slaves
  71. were tied to their workplaces; and Toussaint was named ruler for life. ","
  72. <span class=""module"" id=""module-constitution-1595801829687"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  73. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""In March
  74. representatives from all of Saint-Domingue’s departments were elected to
  75. the Assembly, which completed the constitution in May. Toussaint signed
  76. it in July 1801. "">Constitution</span>
  77. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  78. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  79. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  80. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  81. <span class=""module"" id=""module-executive-1595801835907"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  82. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The administrative reins of the colony are confided to a Governor, who
  83. directly corresponds with the government of the metropole in all matters
  84. relating to the colony"">Executive</span>
  85. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  86. <img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  87. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  88. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  89. <span class=""module"" id=""module-legislative-1595801840578"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  90. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""No law relative to the internal administration of the colony can be
  91. promulgated unless it bears the following formula: the Central Assembly
  92. of Saint-Domingue, on the proposition of the Governor, renders the
  93. following law."">Legislative</span>
  94. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  95. <img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  96. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  97. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  98. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1595801871924"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Bill of rights</span>
  99. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  100. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  101. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  102. <span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1595801898429"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All men can work at all forms of employment, whatever their color. No other distinctions exist than those of virtues and talents, nor any
  103. other superiority than that granted by the law in the exercise of a
  104. public charge. The law is the same for all, whether it punishes or
  105. protects."">Meritocracy</span>
  106. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  107. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  108. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  109. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1595801948925"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""There can be no slaves on this territory; servitude has been forever
  110. abolished. All men are born, live and die there free and French."">No slavery</span>
  111. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  112. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  113. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  114. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-judiciary-1595801972881"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  115. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""No one can be arrested except by virtue of a formally expressed order,
  116. issued by a functionary who the law gives the right to arrest and detain
  117. in a publicly designated place."">Judiciary</span>
  118. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  119. <img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  120. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  121. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  122. </span></span></span>",General-in Chief: Toussaint Louverture,,2,
  123. 1595910099036,2020.7.28 4:21:39 UTC,,Metagov seminar-planning committee [draft],,A standing committee plans seminar meetings with input from the wider community.,"
  124. <span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1595909396483"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  125. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A standing committee takes responsibility for planning seminar meetings."">Committee</span>
  126. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  127. <img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  128. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  129. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  130. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy_consensus-1595909461655"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  131. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions occur through trust and good-faith consultation. In lieu of strong objections from others, committee members may act as they see fit."">Lazy consensus</span>
  132. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  133. <img title=""decision"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  134. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  135. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  136. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1595909819544"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  137. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The committee can add new members as it sees fit. The Metagovernance core-group formed the initial committee."">Membership</span>
  138. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  139. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  140. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  141. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  142. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1595909405783"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  143. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Discussions occur in the open #seminar-planning channel, where any community members can follow the discussions and participate."">Transparency</span>
  144. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  145. <img title=""culture"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  146. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  147. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  148. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1595909894034"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  149. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Community members outside the committee are welcome to propose seminar ideas to the committee. "">Lobbying</span>
  150. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  151. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  152. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  153. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  154. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1595909411636"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  155. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The planning process strives to support diverse voices, hands on learning, mutual education, and the development of liberatory governance research."">Values</span>
  156. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  157. <img title=""culture"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  158. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  159. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  160. </span>",,,2,
  161. 1596225059827,2020.7.31 19:50:59 UTC,,Semi-egalitarian nuclear family,,"Parents leading by consensus and do-ocracy, with lots of input from kids.","
  162. <span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1596224617249"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  163. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions that affect the family as a whole are made by the parents "">Board</span>
  164. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  165. <img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  166. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  167. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  168. <span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1596224803067"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  169. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Parents discuss decisions that affect the whole family and come to agreement"">Consensus process</span>
  170. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  171. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  172. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  173. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  174. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1596224842446"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  175. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Often, an individual parent makes decisions independently when they are taking responsibility for a certain sphere of work "">Do-ocracy</span>
  176. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  177. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  178. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  179. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  180. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1596224636657"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  181. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Kids try to persuade parents to accept their preferences"">Lobbying</span>
  182. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  183. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  184. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  185. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  186. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-refusal-1596224690620"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  187. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Kids can refuse to accept parents' decisions"">Refusal</span>
  188. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  189. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  190. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  191. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  192. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1596224763689"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  193. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Daily and weekly repetition helps maintain stability"">Ritual</span>
  194. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  195. <img title=""culture"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  196. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  197. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  198. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative_justice-1596224907798"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  199. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Conflicts are addressed through processes that the parents deem appropriate "">Restorative justice</span>
  200. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  201. <img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  202. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  203. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  204. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-recess-1596225003313"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  205. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Sometimes family members need a break from one another "">Recess</span>
  206. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  207. <img title=""culture"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  208. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  209. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  210. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1596225029180"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  211. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Family members commit to remain a family together despite hardship and conflict"">Solidarity</span>
  212. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href="""">
  213. <img title=""culture"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  214. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  215. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  216. </span>",,,2,
  217. 1596306256830,2020.8.1 18:24:16 UTC,,Policy Governance basics,,A board sets organizational policies and otherwise provides the executive discretion to implement them. ,"
  218. <span class=""module"" id=""module-separation_of_powers-1596305649033"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  219. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Separation of powers</span>
  220. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  221. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  222. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  223. <span class=""module"" id=""module-executive-1596305658346"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  224. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Executive</span>
  225. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  226. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  227. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  228. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-legislative-1596305666335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  229. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Legislative</span>
  230. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  231. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  232. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  233. <span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1596305694992"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  234. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title="""">Board</span>
  235. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""structure"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  236. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  237. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  238. <span class=""module"" id=""module-representation-1596305809842"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  239. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board should represent of ownership's interests and perspectives."">Representation</span>
  240. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  241. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  242. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  243. <span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1596305753310"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  244. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board holds legal responsibility to govern on behalf of the owners of the organization."">Ownership</span>
  245. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  246. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  247. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  248. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1596305888086"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  249. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Regardless of its actual decisionmaking procedure, the board should speak with one voice on its decisons."">Consensus process</span>
  250. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  251. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  252. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  253. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-secrecy-1596305986821"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  254. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board may deliberate in private so as to speak with one voice to the executive."">Secrecy</span>
  255. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""culture"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  256. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  257. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  258. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-recess-1596306029851"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  259. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board meets at specified times rather than continuously."">Recess</span>
  260. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""culture"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  261. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  262. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  263. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact_finding-1596306089074"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  264. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board can audit and examine any information it needs related to the activities of the organization."">Fact Finding</span>
  265. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  266. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  267. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  268. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-precedent-1596306210726"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  269. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board operates according to its own previously established policies."">Precedent</span>
  270. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  271. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  272. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  273. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1596305722118"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  274. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board delegates the activities of the organization fully to the executive."">Delegation</span>
  275. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""""><img title=""process"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  276. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  277. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  278. </span></span></span>",Based on the work of John and Miriam Carver,,2,
  279. 1596650385096,2020.8.5 17:59:45 UTC,,Manor of Being,,Community house of friends and housemates,"
  280. <span class=""module"" id=""module-debate-1596650147107"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  281. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."">Debate</span>
  282. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/debate/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  283. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  284. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  285. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1596650158599"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  286. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  287. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/""><img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  288. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  289. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  290. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1596650165613"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  291. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."">Rough Consensus</span>
  292. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/""><img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  293. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  294. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  295. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1596650175223"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  296. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  297. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  298. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  299. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  300. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1596650180754"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  301. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  302. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  303. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  304. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  305. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1596650188656"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  306. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."">Committee</span>
  307. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/committee/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  308. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  309. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  310. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-refusal-1596650203793"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  311. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants withdraw participation because of discontent."">Refusal</span>
  312. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/refusal/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  313. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  314. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  315. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1596650306741"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  316. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain animating ideas unite the community."">Values</span>
  317. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  318. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  319. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  320. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1596650319411"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  321. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  322. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  323. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  324. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  325. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1596650327723"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  326. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A repeated cultural practice builds solidarity and community."">Ritual</span>
  327. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ritual/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  328. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  329. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  330. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-eloquence-1596650333987"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  331. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An opportunity to persuade others with rhetorical effect."">Eloquence</span>
  332. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/eloquence/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  333. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  334. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  335. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1596650339987"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  336. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  337. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/""><img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  338. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  339. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  340. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-majority-voting-1596650351707"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  341. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The option that receives more than half the vote wins; it none wins, a runoff occurs."">Majority Voting</span>
  342. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/majority_voting/""><img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  343. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  344. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  345. </span>",,,2,
  346. 1596650526973,2020.8.5 18:2:6 UTC,,Common Motion,,Dynamic online idea exploration and development.,"
  347. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1596650077198"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  348. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  349. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  350. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  351. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  352. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-polling-1596650095325"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  353. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."">Polling</span>
  354. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/polling/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  355. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  356. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  357. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-platform-1596650097230"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  358. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A statement expresses the commitments of a faction contending for authority."">Platform</span>
  359. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/platform/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  360. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  361. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  362. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1596650101415"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  363. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  364. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  365. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  366. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  367. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1596650105195"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  368. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  369. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  370. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  371. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  372. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-debate-1596650106996"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  373. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."">Debate</span>
  374. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/debate/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  375. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  376. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  377. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1596650111248"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  378. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A participant may be removed from, or prevented from entering, the group or a process."">Exclusion</span>
  379. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/exclusion/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  380. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  381. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  382. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1596650134417"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  383. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain animating ideas unite the community."">Values</span>
  384. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  385. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  386. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  387. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1596650136696"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  388. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  389. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  390. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  391. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  392. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1596650139337"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  393. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  394. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  395. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  396. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  397. </span>",Andrew J. O'Keefe II,,2,
  398. 1596651027617,2020.8.5 18:10:27 UTC,,The 41 Community (Draft),,Shared house - complex sublet to 10 lodgers and guests,"
  399. <span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1596650652353"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  400. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."">Ownership</span>
  401. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ownership/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  402. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  403. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  404. <span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1596650902655"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  405. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  406. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/transparency/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  407. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  408. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  409. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1596650911291"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  410. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""One person holds sole decision-making authority over a certain domain."">Autocracy</span>
  411. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autocracy/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  412. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  413. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  414. <span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1596650938020"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  415. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared set of agreements underlies all future ones and is harder to change than other agreements."">Consensus</span>
  416. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/constitution/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  417. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  418. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  419. <span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1596650974718"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  420. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."">Delegation</span>
  421. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/delegation/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  422. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  423. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  424. </span></span></span></span>",,,2,
  425. 1599054822770,2020.9.2 13:53:42 UTC,,Founder-visionary project leader,,"One community member, the founder, holds ultimate decision-making power. (In many FOSS projects the term ""benevolent dictator"" is used; this is not without its baggage but in its essentials it maps to the above.) In time, the project leader may be aided by a Board, a group of active contributors who share the aims of the community the founder and project leader is attempting to form. Should this be the case, the Board may become the basis of a more inclusive governance structure.","
  426. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1597183019943"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  427. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The benevolent dictator (BD) holds ultimate decision-making power in the community."">Autocracy</span>
  428. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autocracy/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  429. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  430. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  431. <span class=""module"" id=""module-executive-1597183029398"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  432. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The BD is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions."">Executive</span>
  433. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/executive/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  434. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  435. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  436. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1597183025820"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  437. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A board advises the BD."">Board</span>
  438. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/board/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  439. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  440. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  441. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1597183097452"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  442. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The BD invites active, committed participants to join the Board, whose members help the BD in managing the community."">Membership</span>
  443. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  444. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  445. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  446. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-evolution-1597183036185"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  447. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""When the Board reaches 5 members, including the BD, the Board assumes
  448. control of the community. This control is activated upon the Board
  449. unanimously adopting a new Rule. Until then, the BD can change the
  450. governance structure of the community at will."">Evolution</span>
  451. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/evolution/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  452. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  453. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  454. </span></span>",Rob Ward,,2,"The community aims to foster habits of agency, association, mutual aid, dialogue, empathy, and creativity. DandyLion, a web application, is a community publishing tool inspired by punk zines, literary journals, samizdat literature, and the punk-like DIY aesthetic of the early internet.<br /><br />DandyLion is being developed under a GNU Affero General Public License. Content on DandyLion zines, including those published by the lead developer, will typically be published on Creative Commons licenses permitting the development of ""open syndication"" protocols.<br /><br />DandyLion is being developed using Git. This offers a number of possibilities for collaboration. Digital manuscripts for DandyLion zines will also be developed using Git. Through following community updates and the like, willing collaborators will likely find out the best way to get involved.<br /><br />Formal roles will be developed in time. This is not Microsoft, however, and you won't get a plaque on your door.<br /><br />The founder / project leader sets the community's policies and makes decisions for the community, taking reasonable account of input from other participants.<br /><br />The founder / project leader is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions.<br /><br />Email for the moment. Potentially irc in time. The Founder will likely never be found on Slack.<br /><br />It loses money hand over fist<br /><br />"
  455. 1600285742946,2020.9.16 19:49:2 UTC,,Ethical EdTech [draft],,"In an open information-sharing community, a volunteer Steering Team makes decisions, implements them, and encourages widespread participation.","
  456. <span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1600285181539"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  457. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Anyone is welcome to submit contributions and ideas through the Ethical EdTech platform or participate in discussions on the public email list.
  458. "">Do-ocracy</span>
  459. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"">
  460. <img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  461. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  462. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  463. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1600285188494"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  464. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All contributions should come in the spirit of the mission and purpose of the project as stated on the website.
  465. "">Mission</span>
  466. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/mission/"">
  467. <img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  468. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  469. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  470. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1600285288139"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  471. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants should adhere to our code of conduct, which is that of the Tech Workers Coalition: The Steering Team is responsible for addressing violations to protect the broader community.
  472. "">Code of Conduct</span>
  473. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"">
  474. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  475. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  476. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  477. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1600285565524"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  478. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The volunteer Steering Team makes decisions, implements them, and encourages widespread participation.
  479. "">Board</span>
  480. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/board/"">
  481. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  482. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  483. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  484. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1600285598305"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  485. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  486. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"">
  487. <img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  488. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  489. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  490. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1600285648051"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  491. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Current members of the Steering Team may admit new members as they see fit. Current members may be removed a unanimous vote of all other members.
  492. "">Membership</span>
  493. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/"">
  494. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  495. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  496. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  497. </span></span>",,,2,
  498. 1600746558747,2020.9.22 3:49:18 UTC,,,," is a user-owned cooperative, operated through group decision-making and open management of monetary, labor, and service contributions. (The Expenses section of the official bylaws is excluded here.)","
  499. <span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1600745743392"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We envision building, owning and controlling our own technology as a
  500. community, in order to achieve collective liberation and care for the
  501. intricate world of which we are a part."">Vision</span>
  502. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  503. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  504. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  505. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1600745722162"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  506. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title="" is a cooperative node of the 'fediverse' social network,
  507. pioneering an open approach to co-owning and co-operating our online
  508. platforms."">Mission</span>
  509. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/mission/"">
  510. <img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  511. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  512. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  513. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1600745864313"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  514. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions regarding are made via Loomio, a group discussion and decision-making platform, at"">Deliberation</span>
  515. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"">
  516. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  517. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  518. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  519. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1600745908007"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  520. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Members may operate on their own initiative based on pre-established
  521. policy (areas of activity, scope of working groups, terms of service,
  522. codes of conduct, moderation policies, etc.), but any new issue that affects other members should be brought before
  523. the appropriate working group, and any policy changes must be brought
  524. before the full group before implementation. "">Autonomy</span>
  525. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  526. <img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  527. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  528. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  529. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1600745944087"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  530. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Working groups are encouraged to make proposals among themselves to
  531. determine consensus and operate within their scope of responsibility."">Committee</span>
  532. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/committee/"">
  533. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  534. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  535. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  536. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-legislature-1600745990002"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  537. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Only proposals passed by the full group may be considered binding for
  538. Any member may make a proposal to the full group, though it
  539. is encouraged to first discuss matters within the appropriate working
  540. group."">Legislature</span>
  541. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/legislature/"">
  542. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  543. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  544. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  545. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-referendum-1600746027726"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  546. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The criteria for passing a proposal (within a working group, or in the full group):
  547. "">Referendum</span>
  548. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/referendum/"">
  549. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  550. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  551. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  552. <span class=""module"" id=""module-recess-1600746072232"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  553. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""At least 6 days allowed for members to participate (a shorter period is permitted for proposals labeled URGENT in the Title, along with a justification in the Details)."">Recess</span>
  554. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/recess/"">
  555. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  556. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  557. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  558. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-majority-voting-1600746100617"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  559. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""More Agree votes than Disagree votes. Abstain votes allow members to register opinions or concerns without being counted."">Majority Voting</span>
  560. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/majority_voting/"">
  561. <img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  562. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  563. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  564. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1600746140332"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  565. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A Block vote represents a fundamental disagreement—a belief that the
  566. proposal violates's core principles. Proposals with Block
  567. require at least 9 times more Agree votes than Disagree and Block votes
  568. in order to pass."">Consensus</span>
  569. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/constitution/"">
  570. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  571. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  572. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  573. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1600746164262"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  574. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title="" is open to all people who consider themselves committed to
  575. fostering the cooperative movement (as defined by the International
  576. Co-operative Alliance) and who commit to adhering to the
  577. Code of Conduct. The path to membership is as follows: 1) People may apply at 2) Based on policies previously agreed through proposals in the full group, the application is approved or denied. 3) Approved applicants receive a Mastodon account. 4) After 42 days of probationary membership without having their account frozen: 4a) They are expected to begin making monthly contributions (membership dues) between USD $1 and $10 (via, unless they have been approved as non-paying member by the membership working group. 4b) They are expected to join the Loomio group, and are invited to get involved in governance and participate in working group.
  578. "">Membership</span>
  579. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/"">
  580. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  581. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  582. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  583. <span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1600746312139"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  584. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Every quarter, all non-paying members receive an email checking in about
  585. their status that contains the per-user cost of the previous quarter’s
  586. operation. The email asks them to set up contributions if their
  587. financial situation has changed, or to renew their membership for the
  588. next three months, until the next quarterly email.
  589. "">Ritual</span>
  590. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ritual/"">
  591. <img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  592. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  593. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  594. <span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1600746328822"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  595. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The membership working group may freeze the account of a member in the case of: Violations of the code of conduct or other policies, after at least two warnings, or 6 months of unpaid dues (except for non-paying members)."">Exclusion</span>
  596. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"">
  597. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  598. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  599. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  600. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-referendum-1600746362633"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  601. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Any appeals of application denials or frozen accounts will be taken up by the general group on Loomio."">Referendum</span>
  602. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/referendum/"">
  603. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  604. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  605. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  606. </span></span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1600746465109"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  607. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title="" is a global community that values a high degree of diversity
  608. among its users, including but not limited to gender/gender identity,
  609. nationality, religious background, ethnic and racial identity, sexual
  610. orientation, economic status, and disability status. strives
  611. to reflect this value in its user community through the following
  612. measures: Including a non-discrimination policy in its code of conduct, which all members are required to follow; Addressing concerns about discrimination or bias through transparent,
  613. thoughtful discussion and inviting related policy change proposals; Actively conducting outreach to potential users in line with the diversity that we seek; Fostering leadership and contributions among as diverse a set of members as possible."">Values</span>
  614. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  615. <img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  616. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  617. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  618. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-evolution-1600746509524"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  619. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""These bylaws may be modified at any time through a proposal passing in
  620. the full group under the same rules as stated above, except requiring a
  621. 10-day period of participation, at least 3 times as many Agree votes as
  622. Disagree votes, and, if there is a Block, least 9.5 times more Agree
  623. votes than Disagree and Block votes."">Evolution</span>
  624. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/evolution/"">
  625. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  626. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  627. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  628. </span>",,,2,
  629. 1600836482486,2020.9.23 4:48:2 UTC,,Rotating Sortition Bonanza,,"A rotating oligarchy, chosen from the membership at random, makes high-level decisions for the community, aided by a paid operations committee.","
  630. <span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1600835814116"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  631. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Oligarchy is a group of 5 community members that makes decisions about policies and resource allocation for the community. It should meet at twice each month.
  632. "">Committee</span>
  633. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/committee/"">
  634. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  635. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  636. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  637. <span class=""module"" id=""module-sortition-1600836039569"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  638. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Oligarchy members are chosen at random from among the community membership quarterly, at the start of each planetary season. If a person selected does not want to serve, another candidate is selected at random.
  639. "">Sortition</span>
  640. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/sortition/"">
  641. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  642. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  643. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  644. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-representation-1600836074934"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  645. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""One of the five members is chosen at random from the current Ops Team.
  646. "">Representation</span>
  647. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/representation/"">
  648. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  649. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  650. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  651. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1600836419099"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  652. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Oligarchy must make decisions by consensus and speak with one voice.
  653. "">Consensus</span>
  654. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/constitution/"">
  655. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  656. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  657. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  658. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-bureaucracy-1600835876672"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  659. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Ops Team is a paid body that implements policy and maintains its services.
  660. "">Bureaucracy</span>
  661. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/bureaucracy/"">
  662. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  663. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  664. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  665. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1600836210583"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  666. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Current Ops Team members must remain active to receive their stipends.
  667. "">Membership</span>
  668. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/"">
  669. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  670. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  671. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  672. <span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1600836300402"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  673. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title="" Ops Team members can be removed by a 2/3 vote by other Ops team members.
  674. "">Exclusion</span>
  675. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"">
  676. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  677. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  678. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  679. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-referendum-1600836201006"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  680. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Ops Team's membership is nominated by the current Ops Team and ratified by the community's membership."">Referendum</span>
  681. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/referendum/"">
  682. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  683. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  684. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  685. </span></span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-evolution-1600835826245"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  686. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Changes to this Rule may be proposed by anyone in the community and are approved if, after a 10-day period of participation, the proposal has at least 3 times as many Agree votes
  687. as Disagree votes, and, if there is a Block, at least 9.5 times more Agree
  688. votes than Disagree and Block votes."">Evolution</span>
  689. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/evolution/"">
  690. <img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  691. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  692. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  693. </span>",,,2,
  694. 1602861346477,2020.10.16 15:15:46 UTC,,Family,,Structured,"
  695. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1602861275839"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  696. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  697. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  698. <img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  699. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  700. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  701. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1602861301187"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  702. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  703. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"">
  704. <img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  705. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  706. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  707. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1602861336363"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  708. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""One person holds sole decision-making authority over a certain domain."">Autocracy</span>
  709. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autocracy/"">
  710. <img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  711. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  712. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  713. </span>",,,2,
  714. 1603147463558,2020.10.19 22:44:23 UTC,,Autonomía Colectiva&nbsp;,,DisCoish,"
  715. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1603146900914"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  716. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  717. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  718. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  719. </a>
  720. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  721. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  722. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1603146906555"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  723. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A repeated cultural practice builds solidarity and community."">Ritual</span>
  724. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ritual/"">
  725. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  726. </a>
  727. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  728. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  729. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1603146908567"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  730. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  731. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  732. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  733. </a>
  734. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  735. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  736. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1603146970372"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  737. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  738. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/"">
  739. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  740. </a>
  741. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  742. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  743. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1603146989463"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  744. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  745. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  746. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  747. </a>
  748. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  749. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  750. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-eloquence-1603147013106"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  751. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An opportunity to persuade others with rhetorical effect."">Eloquence</span>
  752. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/eloquence/"">
  753. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  754. </a>
  755. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  756. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  757. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-polling-1603147063558"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  758. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."">Polling</span>
  759. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/polling/"">
  760. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  761. </a>
  762. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  763. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  764. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-precedent-1603147088091"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  765. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Previous decisions have bearing on how current decisions should be made."">Precedent</span>
  766. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/precedent/"">
  767. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  768. </a>
  769. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  770. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  771. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1603147109787"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  772. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  773. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/"">
  774. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  775. </a>
  776. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  777. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  778. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-canvassing-1603147117461"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  779. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Peer-to-peer campaigning to achieve popular support."">Canvassing</span>
  780. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/canvassing/"">
  781. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  782. </a>
  783. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  784. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  785. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1603147120548"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  786. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  787. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"">
  788. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  789. </a>
  790. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  791. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  792. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-debate-1603147123482"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  793. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."">Debate</span>
  794. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/debate/"">
  795. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  796. </a>
  797. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  798. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  799. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-meritocracy-1603147152432"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  800. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."">Meritocracy</span>
  801. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/meritocracy/"">
  802. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  803. </a>
  804. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  805. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  806. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-reputation-1603147162172"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  807. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."">Reputation</span>
  808. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/reputation/"">
  809. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  810. </a>
  811. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  812. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  813. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-platform-1603147181317"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  814. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A statement expresses the commitments of a faction contending for authority."">Platform</span>
  815. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/platform/"">
  816. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  817. </a>
  818. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  819. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  820. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1603147164082"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  821. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  822. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/transparency/"">
  823. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  824. </a>
  825. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  826. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  827. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1603147209753"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  828. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  829. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"">
  830. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  831. </a>
  832. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  833. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  834. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-petition-1603147270244"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  835. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""If a certain number of people sign on to a statement, it triggers the official decision-making process."">Petition</span>
  836. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/petition/"">
  837. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  838. </a>
  839. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  840. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  841. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-federation-1603147303588"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  842. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A central authority delegates power to, and is co-governed by, subsidiary authorities."">Federation</span>
  843. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/federation/"">
  844. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  845. </a>
  846. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  847. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  848. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1603147318518"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  849. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."">Ownership</span>
  850. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ownership/"">
  851. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  852. </a>
  853. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  854. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  855. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1603147392661"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  856. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  857. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/"">
  858. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  859. </a>
  860. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  861. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  862. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-multicameralism-1603147430157"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  863. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Within a particular role in governance, there are two distinct entities that must independently agree on a decision for it to pass."">Multicameralism</span>
  864. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/multicameralism/"">
  865. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  866. </a>
  867. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  868. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  869. </span>",Alex Soto ,,2,
  870. 1603225386317,2020.10.20 20:23:6 UTC,,Co-op,,Worker-owned,"
  871. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1603225234854"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  872. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  873. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/mission/"">
  874. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  875. </a>
  876. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  877. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  878. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1603225245721"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  879. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  880. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  881. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  882. </a>
  883. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  884. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  885. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1603225248886"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  886. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  887. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  888. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  889. </a>
  890. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  891. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  892. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1603225258094"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  893. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  894. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"">
  895. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  896. </a>
  897. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  898. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  899. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-disapproval-voting-1603225263042"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  900. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Votes are cast for the options voters do not want, and the option with the fewest votes wins."">Disapproval voting</span>
  901. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/disapproval_voting/"">
  902. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  903. </a>
  904. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  905. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  906. <span class=""module"" id=""module-secret-ballot-1603225329424"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  907. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A vote, once cast, cannot be traced to the voter's identity."">Secret Ballot</span>
  908. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/secret_ballot/"">
  909. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  910. </a>
  911. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  912. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  913. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-coalition-1603225364917"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  914. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A network of diverse participants working toward a common aim."">Coalition</span>
  915. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/coalition/"">
  916. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  917. </a>
  918. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  919. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  920. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1603225371564"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  921. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."">Ownership</span>
  922. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ownership/"">
  923. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  924. </a>
  925. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  926. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  927. </span>",,,2,
  928. 1603344407959,2020.10.22 5:26:47 UTC,,Filsebat,,,"
  929. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1603344366188"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  930. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  931. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  932. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  933. </a>
  934. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  935. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  936. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1603344370428"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  937. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  938. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  939. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  940. </a>
  941. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  942. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  943. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1603344373508"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  944. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  945. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/mission/"">
  946. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  947. </a>
  948. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  949. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  950. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1603344378505"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  951. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  952. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/"">
  953. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  954. </a>
  955. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  956. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  957. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1603344390186"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  958. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  959. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/consensus/"">
  960. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  961. </a>
  962. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  963. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  964. </span>",,,2,
  965. 1605611873103,2020.11.17 11:17:53 UTC,,Amani Institute's Global Social Innovation Management Community&nbsp;,,"Fellows who graduate from Amani Institute's Social Innovation Management program automatically become members of the community. Current Fellows have access and can interact with the community via our global 'home' on Workplace. Graduated Fellows also have access to regional Whatsapp groups that are self-organized. Anyone in the community can share learnings, ask for or offer support and inspiration via these platforms and initiate meet-ups or interest-based circles. In matter of grievances they can either find conflict-resolution support in their circle or contact the Global Community Director or any other staff member of their trust at the Institute.Activities in the community are carried out through individual elected Roles and groups called Circles, which have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domain. Representatives of Circles meet twice annually in a Council to coordinate efforts and determine the domains of each Circle and connect once or twice per year through representation with the Amani Institute Executive Council to align and develop strategies to create more impact together.&nbsp;There are two type of circles: The regional Circles (North-America, Latin America, Brazil, Africa, Europe and Asia) and interest-based Circles that cut across regions. Any circle can form sub-circles.&nbsp;New regions can request a circle if they have 50+ members and at least 5 active members. Anyone can start an interest-based circle but has to check in with the Community Council first to receive guidance.&nbsp;Representatives of any circle can request at any time meetings with Amani Institute staff or representatives of other circles to discuss matters of their domain and share back to the global community their findings where appropriate.","
  966. <span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1597942930140"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title="" In a Council, changes may be made by consent over the Circles' domains."">Council</span>
  967. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  968. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  969. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  970. <span class=""module"" id=""module-representation-1597943919820"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  971. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each Regional Circle should have two Roles that represent it on the
  972. Council. These representatives are elected annually. Any Fellow can nominate themselves to become a representative for a regional circle through a form evaluated by the existing Council (in the future) and the Institute's Global Community Director and Executive Council who then select nominees that are entering a simple election process by community members of each regional circle who are presented with the profiles and statement of intent of the nominees. The evaluating committee can request interviews with each nominee to explore scope, ambition and capacity for the role.&amp;nbsp;Interest-based Circles elect one representative that represents it on the Council and can rotate that role if they choose to. Each representative can request support from the Council and any member can request changes to roles in a conflict-resolution process to be outlined by the Council.&amp;nbsp;"">Representation</span>
  973. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/representation/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  974. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  975. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  976. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1597953036003"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  977. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Council should evaluate the Circles within it."">Fact-finding</span>
  978. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  979. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  980. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  981. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1597943897599"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Circles may be self-organized among members, provided they do not overlap with the domains of other Circles. "">Circles</span>
  982. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  983. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  984. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  985. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1597943900033"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  986. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Graduated Fellows are automatically part of a regional circle by geographical location but can also request to be part of other geographical circles if relevant to their work or interest (i.e. a person in Middle America can choose to be part of both, LATAM and North America circles or a person from the MENA region can be part of both, Africa and Europe or Asia circles or a Brazilian can be part of both, Brazil and Africa circles if they live in a country in Africa etc).To join an interest-based circle, a person must request membership in a particular Circle, and the Circle's members can respond as they see fit. Anyone can start an interest-based circle but has to consult first with the Council to receive guidance.&amp;nbsp;
  987. "">Membership</span>
  988. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  989. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  990. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  991. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1597946533729"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  992. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""By consent, Circles may also establish Role over specified sub-domains, modify them, and appoint members to them. The Circle can create Roles and assign them authority over specified
  993. sub-domains. Members can hold more than one Role within or across Circles. Role-holders are understood to have authority over their Roles'
  994. sub-domains, but they are expected to consult with anyone affected by
  995. their decisions."">Delegation</span>
  996. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/delegation/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  997. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  998. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  999. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1597946628874"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1000. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Policies are determined by consent within the Circle assigned to the
  1001. relevant domain. Consent means that no more than one-tenth of the
  1002. relevant group presents a serious objection to a policy. "">Consensus</span>
  1003. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/constitution/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1004. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1005. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1006. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-executive-1597952995002"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1007. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Circles, as well as individual Role-holders, are responsible for
  1008. implementing the decisions they make over their respective domains."">Executive</span>
  1009. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/executive/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1010. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1011. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1012. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1597953063645"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1013. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Circles should evaluate the actions of the Role-holders within them."">Fact-finding</span>
  1014. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  1015. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1016. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1017. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1597943964391"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1018. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The purpose of this structure is to empower individuals and small groups
  1019. to act in their domains of expertise in ways that are accountable to
  1020. the larger group. Free after the old girl-scout emergent leadership principle: Who does may - of course only in ways that don't harm others. Leaders consult those who are affected by their decisions.&amp;nbsp;"">Do-ocracy</span>
  1021. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/""><img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  1022. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1023. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1024. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1597953119615"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1025. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Circles and the Council establish regular meetings at which they
  1026. coordinate their activities and adjudicate conflicts over domains. The minimum is 2 annual meetings. The Council selects representatives that have 1-2 meetings annually also with the Amani Institute Executive Council to discuss any formal matters, align strategies and brainstorm new ideas how the Institute and the Community can create more impact together.&amp;nbsp;"">Ritual</span>
  1027. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ritual/""><img title=""culture (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/palette.svg""></a>
  1028. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1029. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1030. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1605609097936"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1031. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  1032. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"">
  1033. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1034. </a>
  1035. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1036. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1037. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1605609167244"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1038. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Our shared purpose evolves organically with what is most alive and needed in the community. At its core, the community's mission is to create a safe and brave space for social innovators to practice, grow, support each other, collaborate where and when appropriate and find inspiration and strength to walk the talk. We stand by our Amanifesto until we create a new one and are guided by the 11 principles developed by the community during the second global summit 2019 in Brazil.&amp;nbsp;"">Mission</span>
  1039. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/mission/"">
  1040. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1041. </a>
  1042. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1043. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1044. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1605609175166"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1045. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined in each Circle and in the Council each year. We work to embody the core values of Amani Institute: Vision, Empathy, Courage, Changemaking, Global Mindset."">Values</span>
  1046. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  1047. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1048. </a>
  1049. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1050. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1051. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1605609179354"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1052. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  1053. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  1054. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1055. </a>
  1056. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1057. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1058. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1605609192826"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1059. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  1060. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"">
  1061. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1062. </a>
  1063. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1064. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1065. </span>",Gigi,,2,
  1066. 1606178644023,2020.11.24 0:44:4 UTC,,Two birds on a log,,Two birds are on a log looking at each other.,"
  1067. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1606178541956"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1068. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""For now they are together. Since how long? For how long?
  1069. "">Friendship</span>
  1070. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/"">
  1071. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1072. </a>
  1073. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1074. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1075. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1606178548076"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1076. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each could leave at any time.
  1077. "">Autonomy</span>
  1078. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  1079. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1080. </a>
  1081. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1082. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1083. <span class=""module"" id=""module-stochastic-choice-1606178591281"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1084. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""You never know what will come next.
  1085. "">Stochastic Choice</span>
  1086. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/stochastic_choice/"">
  1087. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1088. </a>
  1089. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1090. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1091. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1606178626723"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1092. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Nobody owns the log.
  1093. "">Ownership</span>
  1094. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ownership/"">
  1095. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1096. </a>
  1097. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1098. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1099. </span>",,,2,
  1100. 1606849684453,2020.12.1 19:8:4 UTC,,ChickenShow,,not sure how&nbsp;,"
  1101. <span class=""module"" id=""module-eloquence-1606849595554"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1102. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An opportunity to persuade others with rhetorical effect."">Eloquence</span>
  1103. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/eloquence/"">
  1104. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1105. </a>
  1106. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1107. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1108. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1606849598763"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1109. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  1110. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/"">
  1111. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1112. </a>
  1113. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1114. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1115. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1606849603241"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1116. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  1117. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  1118. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1119. </a>
  1120. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1121. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1122. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1606849605309"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1123. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  1124. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  1125. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1126. </a>
  1127. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1128. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1129. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1606849608280"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1130. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""m&amp;nbsp;module-ranked-choice odule-do-ocracy Shared commitments are clearly defined. module-approval-voting&amp;nbsp;"">Values</span>
  1131. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  1132. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1133. </a>
  1134. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1135. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1136. </span>",,,2,
  1137. 1606849793566,2020.12.1 19:9:53 UTC,,ChickenRun,,let that chicken run,"
  1138. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1606849721140"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1139. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  1140. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  1141. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1142. </a>
  1143. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1144. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1145. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1606849723728"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1146. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  1147. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/"">
  1148. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1149. </a>
  1150. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1151. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1152. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1606849726856"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1153. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  1154. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/mission/"">
  1155. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1156. </a>
  1157. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1158. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1159. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1606849728397"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1160. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  1161. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  1162. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1163. </a>
  1164. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1165. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1166. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1606849730738"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1167. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  1168. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  1169. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1170. </a>
  1171. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1172. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1173. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1606849734543"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1174. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  1175. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"">
  1176. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1177. </a>
  1178. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1179. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1180. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ranked-choice-1606849737882"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1181. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters rank options, and the option with a majority of top-ranked votes wins; if there is no majority, options with the least top-ranked votes are removed until a majority appears."">Ranked Choice</span>
  1182. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/ranked_choice/"">
  1183. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1184. </a>
  1185. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1186. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1187. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1606849740377"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1188. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."">Rough Consensus</span>
  1189. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/"">
  1190. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1191. </a>
  1192. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1193. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1194. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-disapproval-voting-1606849746208"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1195. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Votes are cast for the options voters do not want, and the option with the fewest votes wins."">Disapproval voting</span>
  1196. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/disapproval_voting/"">
  1197. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1198. </a>
  1199. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1200. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1201. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-platform-1606849755748"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1202. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A statement expresses the commitments of a faction contending for authority."">Platform</span>
  1203. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/platform/"">
  1204. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1205. </a>
  1206. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1207. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1208. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-evolution-1606849761450"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1209. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Defines a process for how to change this Rule."">Evolution</span>
  1210. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/evolution/"">
  1211. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1212. </a>
  1213. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1214. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1215. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1606849770956"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1216. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."">Delegation</span>
  1217. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/delegation/"">
  1218. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1219. </a>
  1220. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1221. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1222. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-debate-1606849772215"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1223. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."">Debate</span>
  1224. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/debate/"">
  1225. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1226. </a>
  1227. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1228. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1229. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-evolution-1606849774409"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1230. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Defines a process for how to change this Rule."">Evolution</span>
  1231. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/evolution/"">
  1232. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1233. </a>
  1234. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1235. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1236. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1606849775996"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1237. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A participant may be removed from, or prevented from entering, the group or a process."">Exclusion</span>
  1238. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"">
  1239. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1240. </a>
  1241. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1242. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1243. </span>",Bozo,,2,
  1244. 1607194235481,2020.12.5 18:50:35 UTC,,Chicken Co-op,,"All hens are equal, but the rooster is more equal than others.","
  1245. <span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1607194144844"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Hens</span>
  1246. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  1247. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1248. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1249. <span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1607194104071"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1250. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  1251. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  1252. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1253. </a>
  1254. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1255. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1256. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1607194097845"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1257. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  1258. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/friendship/"">
  1259. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1260. </a>
  1261. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1262. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1263. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1607194165031"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1264. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  1265. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"">
  1266. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1267. </a>
  1268. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1269. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1270. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1607194179405"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1271. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All hens are equal in the henhouse.
  1272. "">Values</span>
  1273. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  1274. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1275. </a>
  1276. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1277. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1278. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1607194120089"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Rooster</span>
  1279. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"">
  1280. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1281. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1282. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1607194093329"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1283. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""He does what he wants.
  1284. "">Autonomy</span>
  1285. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  1286. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1287. </a>
  1288. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1289. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1290. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-stochastic-choice-1607194219833"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1291. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Who knows which hen is next?
  1292. "">Stochastic Choice</span>
  1293. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/stochastic_choice/"">
  1294. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1295. </a>
  1296. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1297. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1298. </span></span>",,,2,
  1299. 1607755457663,2020.12.12 6:44:17 UTC,,Benevolent Dictator for Life," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=benevolent_dictator"">Benevolent Dictator</a>","One community member, the benevolent dictator for life (BDFL), holds ultimate decision-making power indefinitely.","
  1300. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1597183019943"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1301. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) holds ultimate decision-making power in the community."">Autocracy</span>
  1302. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autocracy/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1303. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1304. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1305. <span class=""module"" id=""module-executive-1597183029398"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1306. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The BDFL is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions."">Executive</span>
  1307. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/executive/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1308. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1309. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1310. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1597183260364"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1311. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""If participants are not happy with the BDFL's leadership, they may voice their concerns or leave the community."">Lobbying</span>
  1312. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/lobbying/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  1313. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1314. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1315. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-evolution-1607755411113"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1316. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The BDFL can change this Rule at will.
  1317. "">Evolution</span>
  1318. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/evolution/"">
  1319. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1320. </a>
  1321. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1322. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1323. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1597183199013"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1324. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done, within the guidelines that the BDFL sets."">Do-ocracy</span>
  1325. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/""><img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  1326. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1327. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1328. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1597183206486"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1329. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participation is open to anyone who wants to join. The BDFL can remove misbehaving participants at will for the sake of the common good."">Membership</span>
  1330. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1331. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1332. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1333. </span></span>",,,2,
  1334. 1607819699513,2020.12.13 0:34:59 UTC,,Rocky Mountain Mutual Aid Network (RMMAN),,Semi-autonomous subgroups guided by a central council with a mission of facilitating mutual aid in the spirit of solidarity.,"
  1335. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1607792013028"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1336. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  1337. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  1338. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1339. </a>
  1340. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1341. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1342. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-eloquence-1607792019075"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1343. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The organizational structure and decision-making processes are designed to be easy to understand and accessible to all.
  1344. "">Eloquence</span>
  1345. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/eloquence/"">
  1346. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1347. </a>
  1348. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1349. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1350. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1607792097870"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1351. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  1352. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  1353. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1354. </a>
  1355. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1356. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1357. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1607792108374"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1358. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  1359. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  1360. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1361. </a>
  1362. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1363. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1364. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1607792343457"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1365. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  1366. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/consensus/"">
  1367. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1368. </a>
  1369. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1370. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1371. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1607792371658"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1372. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  1373. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"">
  1374. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1375. </a>
  1376. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1377. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1378. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-majority-voting-1607818070108"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1379. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The option that receives more than half the vote wins; used only as a fall-back when consensus isn't working or isn't needed/desired.
  1380. "">Majority Voting</span>
  1381. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/majority_voting/"">
  1382. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1383. </a>
  1384. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1385. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1386. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1607818909794"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1387. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  1388. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"">
  1389. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1390. </a>
  1391. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1392. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1393. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1607818938892"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1394. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  1395. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"">
  1396. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1397. </a>
  1398. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1399. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1400. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1607818948833"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1401. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available and most decision-making and other processes are viewable by all within the group, with feedback and comment welcomed.
  1402. "">Transparency</span>
  1403. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/transparency/"">
  1404. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1405. </a>
  1406. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1407. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1408. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1607819068838"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1409. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."">Committee</span>
  1410. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/committee/"">
  1411. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1412. </a>
  1413. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1414. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1415. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1607819090379"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1416. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."">Council</span>
  1417. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/council/"">
  1418. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  1419. </a>
  1420. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1421. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1422. </span>",Ian Johnston,,2,
  1423. 1609047966382,2020.12.27 5:46:6 UTC,,Addiction Club 🚬,,3 people democratically determine # of cigarettes that addict is allowed each week and other details. The addict is included in the decision making process. Decisions are made via consensus. A 4th person enforces the agreements cooperatively onto the addict.,,Ian perfitt,,2,
  1424. 1611338874675,2021.1.22 18:7:54 UTC,,modpol," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=benevolent_dictator"">Benevolent Dictator</a>","One administrator, @ntnsndr, holds ultimate decision-making power over the project. This is a temporary arrangement while we build trust as a community and adopt a more inclusive structure.","
  1425. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1597183019943"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1426. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The administrator holds ultimate decision-making power in the community."">Autocracy</span>
  1427. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autocracy/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1428. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1429. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1430. <span class=""module"" id=""module-executive-1597183029398"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1431. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The administrator is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions."">Executive</span>
  1432. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/executive/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1433. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1434. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1435. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1597183260364"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1436. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""If participants are not happy with the administrator's leadership, they may voice their concerns or leave the community."">Lobbying</span>
  1437. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/lobbying/""><img title=""process (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/rotate.svg""></a>
  1438. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1439. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1440. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1597183199013"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1441. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done, in ongoing consultation with each other and the administrator."">Do-ocracy</span>
  1442. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/""><img title=""decision (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/thumb-up.svg""></a>
  1443. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1444. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1445. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1597183206486"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1446. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participation is open to anyone who wants to contribute. The administrator can remove misbehaving participants at will for the sake of the common good."">Membership</span>
  1447. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/membership/""><img title=""structure (press for info)"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/building.svg""></a>
  1448. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1449. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1450. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1611338828150"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1451. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants are expected to abide by the Contributor Covenant (
  1452. "">Code of Conduct</span>
  1453. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1454. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1455. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  1456. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1457. </span>",Nathan Schneider,,2,
  1458. 1616274585462,2021.3.20 21:9:45 UTC,,MEDLab v.202103," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","Project circles have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, subject to the oversight of the director.","
  1459. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1460. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""
  1461. "">Values</span>
  1462. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1463. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1464. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1465. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1466. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1616195242415"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1467. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""MEDLab seeks to advance community accountability and democracy in media economies, and we should seek to do the same in our own processes.
  1468. "">Purpose</span>
  1469. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1470. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1471. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1472. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1473. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1616194592021"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1474. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The director and fellows should have full access to documents, processes, and finances, though these materials should be shared externally only with discretion. Participants should aim to document and share their work to facilitate coordination.
  1475. "">Transparency</span>
  1476. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1477. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1478. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1479. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1480. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1616194712692"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1481. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done.
  1482. "">Do-ocracy</span>
  1483. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1484. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1485. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1486. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1487. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1616194823666"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1488. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants should seek to cultivate a convivial community.
  1489. "">Friendship</span>
  1490. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1491. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1492. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1493. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1494. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1616194854999"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We work in a spirit of including and centering the participation of those too often left out of design processes.
  1495. "">Design justice</span>
  1496. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  1497. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1498. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1499. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1500. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants join by invitation of the director. They may join any project circle that they would like to work in, subject to the director's oversight.
  1501. "">Membership</span>
  1502. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1503. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1504. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1505. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1506. <span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1616194948928"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1507. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants may hold roles including: director, research fellow (for students), faculty fellow (for faculty members), and community fellow (for external collaborators). These roles are determined by the director.
  1508. "">Roles</span>
  1509. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1510. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1511. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1512. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1513. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1616195435046"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1514. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Most work occurs through project circles made up of MEDLab participants.
  1515. "">Committee</span>
  1516. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/committee/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1517. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1518. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1519. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1520. <span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1521. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A project circle can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains."">Delegation</span>
  1522. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1523. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1524. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1525. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1526. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1615779253010"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1527. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Project circles use consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal."">Lazy consensus</span>
  1528. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1529. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1530. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1531. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1532. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1616195027069"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1533. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The director's oversight consists of the right to reject any decision or role of a participant in MEDLab. This right should be exercised only rarely. The reason is that the director holds ultimate responsibility for MEDLab's activities, in the eyes of the university and external stakeholders.
  1534. "">Autocracy</span>
  1535. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1536. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1537. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1538. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1539. <span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1616274545208"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All financial decisions, such as spending or revenue, must be approved by the director.
  1540. "">Finances</span>
  1541. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  1542. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1543. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1544. </span></span>",,,2,
  1545. 1616635683977,2021.3.25 1:28:3 UTC,,The Film Industry,,"The film industry suffers from a chronic and often toxic 'top-down' structure. Studios treat creatives horribly (unless they're well-known) until workers prove executives otherwise. Writers pitching films spawned from their passion are consistently thrown out of executive offices, some directors treat their staff horribly due to the overwhelming stress of perfectly executing their vision, and Production Assistants are given near-impossible loads of tasks yet they are often the worst paid employees on set. This ruleset is a call for the collaborative filmmaking effort that supports creatives in their pursuit to contribute to culture.&nbsp;","
  1546. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1616635159334"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1547. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Workers on set should be treated as capable creatives themselves, no matter how &quot;insignificant&quot; their roles are to the creative direction of the project. Scriptwriters, production assistants, grips, and everyone else working on a film should be treated as integral parts of the creative vision rather than cogs in the director's machine.&amp;nbsp;"">Autonomy</span>
  1548. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1549. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1550. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1551. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1552. </span>",Rand Phillips,,2,
  1553. 1616832295572,2021.3.27 8:4:55 UTC,,Western Anime Community,,"Everything must eventually be connected to a reference to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure even if the one doing the referencing has not read or seen Jojo. Also, watching anime in Japanese with subtitles is the only correct way to watch anime and anyone who watches dubbed anime must be purged.","
  1554. <span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1616832212719"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1555. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Informally agreed-on practices or beliefs."">Norms</span>
  1556. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1557. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1558. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1559. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1560. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1616832219692"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1561. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A repeated cultural practice builds solidarity and community."">Ritual</span>
  1562. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ritual/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1563. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1564. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1565. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1566. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1616832241814"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1567. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  1568. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1569. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1570. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1571. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1572. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1616832251662"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1573. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A participant may be removed from, or prevented from entering, the group or a process."">Exclusion</span>
  1574. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1575. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1576. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1577. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1578. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1616832283225"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1579. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  1580. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1581. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1582. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1583. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1584. </span>",Brian Lee,,2,
  1585. 1616900696523,2021.3.28 3:4:56 UTC,,Diceman Test 1,,"Participatory democracy using FG. CEO, Facilitator and Reporter, etc.","
  1586. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1616899443894"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1587. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We serve our members."">Mission</span>
  1588. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1589. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1590. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1591. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1592. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-range-voting-1616900451938"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1593. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants generate ideas and score each within a range.&amp;nbsp; Results inform CEO decision-making."">Range Voting</span>
  1594. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/range_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1595. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1596. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1597. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1598. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-meritocracy-1616900524466"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1599. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."">Meritocracy</span>
  1600. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/meritocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1601. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1602. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1603. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1604. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1616900602048"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">be cool</span>
  1605. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  1606. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1607. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1608. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1616900630522"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1609. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."">Deliberation</span>
  1610. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1611. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1612. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1613. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1614. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-secret-ballot-1616900642027"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1615. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A vote, once cast, cannot be traced to the voter's identity."">Secret Ballot</span>
  1616. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/secret_ballot/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1617. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1618. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1619. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1620. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-sortition-1616900644944"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1621. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Roles with special authority are chosen from among the community at random."">Sortition</span>
  1622. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/sortition/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1623. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1624. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1625. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1626. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1616900680648"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1627. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  1628. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1629. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1630. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1631. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1632. </span>",Jason Diceman,,2,
  1633. 1617144520165,2021.3.30 22:48:40 UTC,,Hip Hop Community,,People of all ages and backgrounds celebrating the same music,"
  1634. <span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1617144237664"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1635. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  1636. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1637. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1638. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1639. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1640. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1617144243853"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1641. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  1642. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1643. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1644. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1645. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1646. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1617144250893"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1647. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  1648. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1649. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1650. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1651. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1652. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1617144264005"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1653. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  1654. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1655. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1656. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1657. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1658. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-debate-1617144318290"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1659. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."">Debate</span>
  1660. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/debate/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1661. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1662. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1663. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1664. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1617144325723"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1665. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  1666. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1667. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1668. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1669. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1670. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1617144476427"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1671. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  1672. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1673. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1674. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1675. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1676. </span>",Jack M.,hiphopmoe,2,
  1677. 1617144591356,2021.3.30 22:49:51 UTC,,F1_Troll&nbsp;,,It is a fan account that provides updates on the latest F1 news and echos community reactions to a particular incident or event.&nbsp;,"
  1678. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1617144133598"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1679. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Fosters relationships among followers and allows people to find common ground&amp;nbsp;"">Friendship</span>
  1680. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1681. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1682. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1683. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1684. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1617144200428"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1685. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  1686. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1687. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1688. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1689. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1690. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1617144215983"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1691. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A repeated cultural practice builds solidarity and community."">Ritual</span>
  1692. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ritual/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1693. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1694. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1695. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1696. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-majority-voting-1617144272498"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1697. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The option that receives more than half the vote wins; it none wins, a runoff occurs."">Majority Voting</span>
  1698. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/majority_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1699. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1700. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1701. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1702. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-continuous-voting-1617144304518"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1703. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voting can occur anytime, not just on a fixed schedule, and decisions can change if participants alter their votes."">Continuous voting</span>
  1704. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/continuous_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1705. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1706. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1707. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1708. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1617144312727"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1709. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  1710. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1711. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1712. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1713. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1714. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1617144327843"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1715. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  1716. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1717. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1718. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1719. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1720. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-debate-1617144334687"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1721. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."">Debate</span>
  1722. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/debate/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1723. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1724. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1725. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1726. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-polling-1617144345255"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1727. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."">Polling</span>
  1728. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/polling/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1729. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1730. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1731. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1732. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1617144362188"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1733. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  1734. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1735. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1736. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1737. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1738. </span>",Shenali ,https://ShenaliF1_Troll ,2,
  1739. 1617622306945,2021.4.5 11:31:46 UTC,,X-lab,,Open X-lab,,WillWang,,2,
  1740. 1619027781127,2021.4.21 17:56:21 UTC,," platformcoop
  1741. email lists
  1742. "," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1586368757244""> platformcoop
  1743. email lists
  1744. </a>","A self-perpetuating board of admins
  1745. determines policies and implements them, in consultation with the
  1746. community.","<span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1619027373525"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1747. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Our purpose is to support the practice and
  1748. theory of platform cooperativism—democratic ownership and governance of the online economy. We maintain two lists: the -discuss list is an
  1749. unmoderated discussion list, and the -announce list is a moderated
  1750. announcement list, whose posts also go to -discuss. "">Mission</span>
  1751. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1752. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1753. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1754. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1755. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1619027472103"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1756. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""For norms about user conduct and content,
  1757. we adhere to the Contributor Covenant (
  1758. "">Norms</span>
  1759. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1760. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1761. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1762. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1763. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1619027481014"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1764. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We value democratic governance, which is not currently reflected in our own governance.
  1765. "">Values</span>
  1766. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1767. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1768. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1769. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1770. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1619027511099"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1771. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Anyone may join either of our lists. "">Membership</span>
  1772. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1773. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1774. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1775. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1776. <span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1619027553357"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1777. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Admins may suspend or remove list members
  1778. according to the guidelines in the Contributor Covenant.
  1779. "">Exclusion</span>
  1780. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1781. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1782. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1783. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1784. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1619027614351"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1785. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Admins should all have administrative
  1786. rights to the list platform, and they are each empowered to
  1787. implement policies. Admins have no term limits and they have full authority to select or remove new admins.
  1788. "">Board</span>
  1789. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1790. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1791. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1792. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1793. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1619027637651"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1794. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Community members unhappy with the admins'
  1795. practices may voice their concerns to individual board members or
  1796. in the community at large. "">Lobbying</span>
  1797. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lobbying/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1798. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1799. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1800. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1801. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1619027663563"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1802. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Policy changes should generally be shared
  1803. with the lists before being implemented so that members can
  1804. provide feedback. Policies and admins are published at
  1805. and
  1806. "">Transparency</span>
  1807. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1808. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1809. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1810. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1811. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-modification-1619027599029"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1812. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Changes to this Rule require unanimous
  1813. approval of the admins."">Modification</span>
  1814. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/modification/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1815. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1816. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1817. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1818. </span>",platformcoop email collective,,2,
  1819. 1620373571327,2021.5.7 7:46:11 UTC,,Exilians,,Friendly Group,"
  1820. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1620373230797"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1821. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  1822. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1823. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1824. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1825. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1826. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1620373272917"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1827. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  1828. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1829. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1830. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1831. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1832. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1620373311503"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1833. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  1834. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1835. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1836. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1837. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1838. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-debate-1620373480090"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1839. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."">Debate</span>
  1840. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/debate/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1841. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1842. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1843. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1844. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1620373547096"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1845. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  1846. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1847. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1848. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1849. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1850. </span>",Vijay,,2,
  1851. 1621361212090,2021.5.18 18:6:52 UTC,,Chicken,,"2 legs, 2 wings","
  1852. <span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1621361170901"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1853. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  1854. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1855. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1856. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1857. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1858. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1621361185753"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1859. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  1860. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1861. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1862. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1863. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1864. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-reputation-1621361195356"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1865. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."">Reputation</span>
  1866. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/reputation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1867. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1868. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1869. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1870. </span>",Me,,2,
  1871. 1621718953015,2021.5.22 21:29:13 UTC,,platformcoop email lists rotating board," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1620256032439""> Email list rotating board proposal</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1619027781127""> platformcoop
  1872. email lists
  1873. </a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1586368757244""> platformcoop
  1874. email lists
  1875. </a>","A rotating board of admins manages the community, according to proposals approved by the membership.","<span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1621718883602"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1876. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Our purpose is to support the practice and
  1877. theory of platform cooperativism—democratic ownership and
  1878. governance of the online economy. We maintain two lists: the -discuss
  1879. list is an
  1880. unmoderated discussion list, and the -announce list is a moderated
  1881. announcement list, whose posts also go to -discuss. "">Mission</span>
  1882. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1883. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1884. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1885. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1886. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1619027472103"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1887. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""For norms about user conduct and content,
  1888. we adhere to the Contributor Covenant (
  1889. "">Norms</span>
  1890. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1891. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1892. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1893. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1894. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1619027614351"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1895. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A board of at least two volunteer admins manages the community and its shared resources. Ideally, admins rotate between the Mission and Maintenance roles during their time on the board.
  1896. "">Board</span>
  1897. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1898. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1899. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1900. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1901. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1620255346247"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1902. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""At least one admin is a Mission admin, responsible for advancing the culture and mission of the community.
  1903. "">Mission</span>
  1904. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1905. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1906. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1907. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1908. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1620255470116"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""At least one admin is a Stewardship admin, responsible for maintaining the shared tools, moderating posts, and other maintenance tasks.
  1909. "">Stewardship</span>
  1910. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  1911. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1912. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1913. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-term-limits-1620255565661"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1914. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Admins should rotate on a regular basis in order to include many people in governance. Ideally, roles should shift once a year, and any one person's time on the board should last two years.
  1915. "">Term limits</span>
  1916. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/term_limits/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1917. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1918. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1919. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1920. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-representation-1620255698657"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1921. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To become a member of the board, a community member should signal their willingness, and the current board will choose among the candidates. The board should represent a wide diversity of perspectives and backgrounds.
  1922. "">Representation</span>
  1923. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/representation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1924. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1925. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1926. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1927. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1619027511099"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1928. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Anyone may join either of our lists. "">Membership</span>
  1929. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1930. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1931. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1932. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1933. <span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1619027553357"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1934. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Admins may suspend or remove list members
  1935. according to the guidelines in the Contributor Covenant.
  1936. "">Exclusion</span>
  1937. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1938. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1939. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1940. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1941. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-modification-1619027599029"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1942. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""This is a living community, and its rules should evolve.
  1943. "">Modification</span>
  1944. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/modification/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1945. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1946. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1947. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1948. <span class=""module"" id=""module-petition-1620255403990"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1949. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To change community rules, any community member can submit a petition to the admins. A petition signed by at least 20 community members must be proposed as a vote to the community. If 75% of votes are in favor after one week, the proposal is adopted.
  1950. "">Petition</span>
  1951. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/petition/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1952. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1953. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1954. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1955. </span></span>",platformcoop email collective,,2,
  1956. 1621958207332,2021.5.25 15:56:47 UTC,,Metagov [draft v2]," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1591163010867"">Metagov [draft]</a>",The Metagovernance Project consists of a core group that convenes a wider network of researchers and practitioners.,"<span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1621957714160"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1957. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The mission of the Metagovernance Project is to advance the science,
  1958. engineering, and practice of self-governing systems through community
  1959. inquiry about governance online. Our research aims at creating a set of
  1960. portable tools for the governance of virtual worlds."">Mission</span>
  1961. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1962. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1963. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1964. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1965. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1621957737314"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1966. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We value expertise and experience, democratic culture, active
  1967. participation, and the empowering potential of technology. We seek to be
  1968. excellent to each other, and to self-govern through mutual trust and
  1969. shared culture rather than through process and procedure. We seek to produce commons through our work, using appropriate open-access, free-culture licenses wherever possible."">Values</span>
  1970. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1971. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1972. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1973. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1974. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621957773349"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1975. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants may be invited to join seminars or online spaces by a
  1976. current participant. Participants should be active practitioners or
  1977. researchers in the area of governance, with sufficient domain knowledge
  1978. to be able to present usefully to the group."">Membership</span>
  1979. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1980. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1981. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1982. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1983. <span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1621957794600"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1984. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The core group may remove participants according to the procedures
  1985. laid out in the most recent version of the Contributor Covenant
  1986. ("">Exclusion</span>
  1987. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1988. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1989. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1990. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1991. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1621957809422"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1992. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""
  1993. "">Board</span>
  1994. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" style=""display: none;"">
  1995. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  1996. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  1997. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  1998. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621957815664"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  1999. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The core group expands by invitation, according to consensus by the
  2000. current core group. The core group delegates responsibility for
  2001. moderating and organizing community events and online spaces."">Membership</span>
  2002. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2003. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2004. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2005. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2006. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1621957832086"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2007. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""No participant should gain so much power that their departure, or their
  2008. presence, seriously threatens the survival of the community. Members of
  2009. the core group may be removed by consensus of all other core group
  2010. members."">Values</span>
  2011. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2012. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2013. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2014. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2015. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1621957853543"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2016. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""
  2017. The core group proposes and passes policy by consensus. If a policy will
  2018. affect participants in the wider commsunity, it should be shared in
  2019. community gatherings for comment and feedback."">Consensus</span>
  2020. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2021. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2022. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2023. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2024. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1621957877055"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2025. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Policies are carried out either by core group members or those to whom they delegate a role."">Delegation</span>
  2026. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2027. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2028. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2029. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2030. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1621957892353"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2031. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Deliberation about community policies and norms occurs during core group
  2032. meetings, community seminars, and other community spaces."">Deliberation</span>
  2033. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2034. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2035. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2036. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2037. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-access-1621957916464"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2038. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The core group manages access to administrative accounts and shared tools."">Access</span>
  2039. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/access/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2040. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2041. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2042. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2043. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1621957929745"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2044. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Policies should be posted to The current core group members are listed at the website under &quot;People.&quot;"">Transparency</span>
  2045. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2046. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2047. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2048. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2049. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-modification-1621958181031"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2050. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""This document may be modified by consensus of the core group."">Modification</span>
  2051. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/modification/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2052. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2053. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2054. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2055. </span>",Seth Frey & Nathan Schneider,,2,
  2056. 1621962094883,2021.5.25 17:1:34 UTC,,Working groups and a council," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","Units called working groups have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a council.","
  2057. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2058. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decentralization, delegation, trust"">Values</span>
  2059. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2060. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2061. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2062. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2063. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2064. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To join, a person must be welcomed into a particular working group according to its policies."">Membership</span>
  2065. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2066. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2067. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2068. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2069. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1615779176775"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2070. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Representatives of working groups regularly meet in a council to coordinate efforts, create or revoke working groups, and define the working groups' domains.
  2071. "">Council</span>
  2072. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2073. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2074. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2075. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2076. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621962013298"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2077. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each working group can select one member to represent it at the counci.
  2078. "">Membership</span>
  2079. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2080. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2081. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2082. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2083. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2084. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Primary work occurs in working groups, and the council generally delegates its work to particular working groups. A working group can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains. Working groups can decide for themselves how they self-govern.
  2085. "">Delegation</span>
  2086. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2087. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2088. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2089. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2090. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1615779253010"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2091. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The council uses consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal."">Lazy consensus</span>
  2092. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2093. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2094. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2095. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2096. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1621961688574"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Working groups are self-governing, non-permanent units focused on specific research or development efforts.
  2097. "">Working groups</span>
  2098. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  2099. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2100. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2101. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1621961815279"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2102. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The legal oversight group that manages the finances, etc., for the organization.
  2103. "">Board</span>
  2104. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2105. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2106. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2107. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2108. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621961822201"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2109. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Appointed by the council.
  2110. "">Membership</span>
  2111. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2112. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2113. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2114. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2115. </span></span>",,,2,
  2116. 1622067316982,2021.5.26 22:15:16 UTC,,Reputation,,Participants obtain privileges by contributing things the group values.,"
  2117. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1622066128460"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2118. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  2119. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2120. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2121. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2122. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2123. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1622066122160"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2124. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  2125. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2126. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2127. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2128. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2129. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-meritocracy-1622067034560"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2130. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."">Meritocracy</span>
  2131. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/meritocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2132. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2133. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2134. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2135. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-reputation-1622067050412"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2136. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."">Reputation</span>
  2137. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/reputation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2138. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2139. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2140. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2141. <span class=""module"" id=""module-access-1622067059456"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2142. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain levels of reputation give participants access to group resources.
  2143. "">Access</span>
  2144. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/access/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2145. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2146. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2147. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2148. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1622067114153"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2149. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Information about participants' reputation is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  2150. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2151. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2152. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2153. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2154. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-legislature-1622067262499"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2155. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants with a certain threshold of reputation set policy for the community."">Legislature</span>
  2156. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/legislature/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2157. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2158. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2159. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2160. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-judiciary-1622067174174"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2161. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants can challenge the measures of reputation that they or others hold.
  2162. "">Judiciary</span>
  2163. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/judiciary/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2164. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2165. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  2166. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2167. </span></span>",,,2,
  2168. 1622073156956,2021.5.26 23:52:36 UTC,,Asian Girls Ignite,,,"
  2169. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1622072548707"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2170. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  2171. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2172. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2173. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2174. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2175. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1622072554005"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2176. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  2177. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2178. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2179. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2180. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2181. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1622072556026"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2182. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  2183. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2184. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2185. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2186. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2187. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1622072559780"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2188. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  2189. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2190. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2191. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2192. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2193. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1622072564211"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2194. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."">Story</span>
  2195. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2196. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2197. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2198. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2199. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1622072565679"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2200. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  2201. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2202. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2203. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2204. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2205. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-origins-1622072760473"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2206. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."">Origins</span>
  2207. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/origins/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2208. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2209. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2210. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2211. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1622072818567"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2212. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  2213. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2214. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2215. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2216. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2217. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-condorcet-1622072841217"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2218. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Selects the option that would win a majority of votes against each of the other options."">Condorcet</span>
  2219. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/condorcet/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2220. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2221. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2222. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2223. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1622072859252"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2224. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  2225. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2226. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2227. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2228. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2229. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-continuous-voting-1622072868844"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2230. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voting can occur anytime, not just on a fixed schedule, and decisions can change if participants alter their votes."">Continuous voting</span>
  2231. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/continuous_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2232. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2233. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2234. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2235. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-majority-voting-1622072915678"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2236. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The option that receives more than half the vote wins; it none wins, a runoff occurs."">Majority Voting</span>
  2237. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/majority_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2238. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2239. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2240. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2241. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-access-1622073066142"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2242. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system for determining who has rights to control, change, or manage shared resources."">Access</span>
  2243. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/access/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2244. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2245. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2246. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2247. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1622073074524"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2248. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  2249. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2250. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2251. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2252. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2253. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1622073103894"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2254. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."">Deliberation</span>
  2255. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2256. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2257. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2258. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2259. </span>",,,2,
  2260. 1622136758831,2021.5.27 17:32:38 UTC,,female:pressure," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1622099015825"">female:pressure</a>","female:pressure is an online network, a collegial and non-hierarchical multitude of almost 2800 people from 82 countries [as at June 2021] who operate in electronic music and visual arts. ","
  2261. <span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1622098076399"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2262. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  2263. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2264. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2265. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2266. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2267. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1622098122999"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2268. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  2269. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2270. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2271. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2272. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2273. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1622098135949"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2274. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  2275. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2276. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2277. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2278. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2279. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1622098150571"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2280. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."">Story</span>
  2281. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2282. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2283. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2284. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2285. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1622098160164"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2286. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  2287. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2288. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2289. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2290. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2291. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1622098252096"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2292. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  2293. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2294. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2295. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2296. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2297. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1622098286812"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2298. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."">Rough Consensus</span>
  2299. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2300. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2301. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2302. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2303. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-proof-of-work-1622098293349"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2304. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community."">Proof of Work</span>
  2305. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/proof_of_work/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2306. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2307. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2308. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2309. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1622098310740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2310. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  2311. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2312. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2313. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2314. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2315. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1622098394892"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2316. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  2317. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2318. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2319. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2320. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2321. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1622098417810"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2322. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."">Deliberation</span>
  2323. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2324. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2325. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2326. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2327. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-stake-1622098563582"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2328. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."">Stake</span>
  2329. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/stake/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2330. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2331. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2332. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2333. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1622098583353"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2334. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  2335. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2336. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2337. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2338. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2339. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-refusal-1622098595157"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2340. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants withdraw participation because of discontent."">Refusal</span>
  2341. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/refusal/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2342. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2343. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2344. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2345. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1622098617616"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2346. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."">Committee</span>
  2347. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/committee/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2348. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2349. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2350. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2351. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1622098629498"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2352. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  2353. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2354. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2355. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2356. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2357. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1622098639255"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2358. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  2359. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2360. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2361. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2362. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2363. </span>",Electric Indigo,,2,
  2364. 1623261930052,2021.6.9 18:5:30 UTC,,"Working groups, council, board"," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1621962094883"">Working groups and a council</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","Units called working groups have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a council.","
  2365. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2366. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decentralization, delegation, trust"">Values</span>
  2367. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2368. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2369. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2370. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2371. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2372. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""There is not a strict membership in the organization. People can get involved by participating in the activities of the working groups.
  2373. "">Membership</span>
  2374. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2375. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2376. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2377. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2378. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1615779176775"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2379. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Representatives of working groups regularly meet in a council to coordinate efforts, create or revoke working groups, and define the working groups' domains.
  2380. "">Council</span>
  2381. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2382. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2383. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2384. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2385. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621962013298"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2386. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each working group can select one member to represent it at the council.
  2387. "">Membership</span>
  2388. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2389. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2390. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2391. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2392. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1621961688574"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Working groups are self-governing, non-permanent units focused on specific research or development efforts. A new working group must by approved by the council, and the council can decide to withdraw a working group's membership. Working groups must publish a brief explanation of how they are governed and how people can get involved.
  2393. "">Working groups</span>
  2394. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  2395. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2396. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2397. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1615779253010"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2398. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The council uses consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal, or that a proposal passes by a 75% vote.
  2399. "">Lazy consensus</span>
  2400. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2401. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2402. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2403. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2404. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2405. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Primary work occurs in working groups, and the council generally delegates its work to particular working groups. A working group can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains. Working groups can decide for themselves how they self-govern.
  2406. "">Delegation</span>
  2407. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2408. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2409. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2410. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2411. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1621961815279"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2412. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board hires lean staff resources to manage the administration of the organization.
  2413. "">Board</span>
  2414. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2415. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2416. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2417. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2418. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621961822201"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2419. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""New members of the board must be approved by the council.
  2420. "">Membership</span>
  2421. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2422. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2423. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2424. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2425. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1623261508329"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2426. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."">Delegation</span>
  2427. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2428. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2429. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2430. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2431. </span></span>",,,2,
  2432. 1623694717950,2021.6.14 18:18:37 UTC,,Friends saving circle," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1623184352136"">Friends saving circle</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=consensus"">Consensus</a>",This is a mutual aid savings circle group. Decisions that affect the group collectively involve the participation and cn of all participants.,"
  2433. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2434. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Creativity, empathy, solidarity"">Values</span>
  2435. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2436. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2437. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2438. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2439. <span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1623182476713"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2440. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  2441. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2442. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2443. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2444. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2445. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1623182474718"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2446. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Informally agreed-on practices or beliefs."">Norms</span>
  2447. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2448. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2449. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2450. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2451. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1623182472313"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2452. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  2453. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2454. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2455. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2456. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2457. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1623182500606"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2458. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  2459. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2460. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2461. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2462. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2463. <span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1623182484484"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2464. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  2465. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2466. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2467. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2468. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2469. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1623182504316"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2470. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  2471. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2472. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2473. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2474. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2475. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2476. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""New participants may join as long as no others object.
  2477. "">Membership</span>
  2478. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2479. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2480. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2481. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2482. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1615779356027"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2483. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants may be removed if a proposal to do so passes the consensus process."">Exclusion</span>
  2484. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2485. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2486. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2487. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2488. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1615779412679"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2489. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Any participant may make a proposal at any group meeting to which all participants are invited. A decision is made only if there are no serious objections remaining."">Consensus</span>
  2490. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2491. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2492. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2493. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2494. <span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1615779439115"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2495. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The proposal should be discussed and modified through open conversation in order to address all concerns. "">Deliberation</span>
  2496. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2497. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2498. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2499. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2500. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1623182479581"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2501. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  2502. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2503. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2504. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2505. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2506. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1615779383747"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2507. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People who make proposals that the group agrees on is responsible for its implementation, delegating as necessary and as participants are willing to help."">Do-ocracy</span>
  2508. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2509. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2510. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2511. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2512. </span></span>",Olivia Henry,,2,
  2513. 1623866402068,2021.6.16 18:0:2 UTC,,All power to the working groups," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1623261930052"">Working groups, council, board</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1621962094883"">Working groups and a council</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","Units called working groups have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a council.","
  2514. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2515. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We share a commitment to collaboration among projects, and to empowering those who come forward to do the work, and making explicit pathways for participation.
  2516. "">Values</span>
  2517. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2518. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2519. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2520. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2521. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2522. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""There is not a strict membership in the organization. People can get involved by participating in the activities of the working groups.
  2523. "">Membership</span>
  2524. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2525. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2526. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2527. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2528. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1615779176775"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2529. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Representatives of working groups regularly meet in a council to coordinate efforts, create or revoke working groups, and define the working groups' domains.
  2530. "">Council</span>
  2531. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2532. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2533. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2534. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2535. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621962013298"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2536. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each working group can select one member to represent it at the council. One person may represent multiple groups.
  2537. "">Membership</span>
  2538. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2539. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2540. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2541. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2542. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1621961688574"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Working groups are self-governing, non-permanent units focused on specific research or development efforts. A new working group must by approved by the council, and the council can decide to withdraw a working group's membership. Working groups must publish a brief explanation of how they are governed and how people can get involved.
  2543. "">Working groups</span>
  2544. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  2545. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2546. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2547. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1615779253010"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2548. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The council uses consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal, or that a proposal passes by a 75% vote.
  2549. "">Lazy consensus</span>
  2550. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2551. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2552. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2553. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2554. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1623866384214"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2555. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The council defines an explicit code of conduct governing all groups."">Code of Conduct</span>
  2556. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2557. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2558. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2559. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2560. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2561. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Primary work occurs in working groups, and the council generally delegates its work to particular working groups. A working group can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains. Working groups can decide for themselves how they self-govern.
  2562. "">Delegation</span>
  2563. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2564. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2565. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2566. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2567. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1621961815279"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2568. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A board oversees the work of the organization and ensures legal compliance.
  2569. "">Board</span>
  2570. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2571. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2572. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2573. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2574. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621961822201"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2575. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The council makes board membership and removal decisions.
  2576. "">Membership</span>
  2577. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2578. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2579. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2580. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2581. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1623261508329"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2582. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The board hires lean staff resources to manage the administration of the organization.
  2583. "">Delegation</span>
  2584. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2585. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2586. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2587. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2588. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1623865741281"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The council determines the membership of a consultative body of advisors.
  2589. "">Advisory board</span>
  2590. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  2591. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2592. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2593. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1623866105895"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2594. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We seek to employ our own software in our governance practices as much as possible.
  2595. "">Norms</span>
  2596. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2597. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2598. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2599. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2600. </span>",,,2,
  2601. 1623959332972,2021.6.17 19:48:52 UTC,,Independence Missouri,,Code of Conduct Contributor Covenant,"
  2602. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1623958928482"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2603. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  2604. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2605. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2606. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2607. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2608. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1623958950358"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2609. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  2610. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2611. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2612. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2613. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2614. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1623958981363"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2615. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  2616. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2617. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2618. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2619. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2620. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1623958997894"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2621. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  2622. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2623. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2624. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2625. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2626. <span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1623959204784"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2627. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."">Delegation</span>
  2628. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2629. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2630. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2631. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2632. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-origins-1623959001494"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2633. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."">Origins</span>
  2634. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/origins/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2635. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2636. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2637. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2638. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-proof-of-work-1623959035795"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2639. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community."">Proof of Work</span>
  2640. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/proof_of_work/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2641. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2642. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2643. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2644. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1623959051863"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2645. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  2646. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2647. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2648. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2649. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2650. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-continuous-voting-1623959062193"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2651. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voting can occur anytime, not just on a fixed schedule, and decisions can change if participants alter their votes."">Continuous voting</span>
  2652. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/continuous_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2653. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2654. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2655. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2656. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1623959081836"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2657. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  2658. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2659. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2660. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2661. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2662. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-dissolution-1623959137229"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2663. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Defines a process for how to dissolve the community."">Dissolution</span>
  2664. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/dissolution/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2665. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2666. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2667. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2668. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1623959140271"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2669. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  2670. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2671. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2672. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2673. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2674. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1623959158890"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2675. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."">Deliberation</span>
  2676. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2677. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2678. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2679. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2680. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1623959162450"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2681. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  2682. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2683. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2684. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2685. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2686. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-identity-1623959184212"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2687. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A mechanism for identifying participants as appropriate for the community."">Identity</span>
  2688. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/identity/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2689. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2690. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2691. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2692. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1623959187029"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2693. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  2694. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2695. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2696. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2697. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2698. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1623959190045"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2699. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  2700. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2701. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2702. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2703. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2704. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-term-limits-1623959192262"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2705. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Roles can be held for a maximum of a fixed period of time."">Term limits</span>
  2706. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/term_limits/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2707. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2708. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2709. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2710. <span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1623959245984"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2711. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."">Ownership</span>
  2712. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ownership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2713. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2714. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2715. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2716. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-representation-1623959194558"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2717. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Rather than decide directly, people choose representatives to participate in decision making on their behalf."">Representation</span>
  2718. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/representation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2719. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2720. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2721. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2722. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-referendum-1623959209387"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2723. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A decision is posed to the community's members at large."">Referendum</span>
  2724. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/referendum/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2725. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2726. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2727. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2728. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-policy-register-1623959215650"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2729. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A record that documents all currently binding agreements and policies."">Policy Register</span>
  2730. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/policy_register/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2731. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2732. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2733. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2734. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-modification-1623959220475"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2735. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Defines a process for how to change this Rule."">Modification</span>
  2736. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/modification/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2737. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2738. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2739. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2740. <span class=""module"" id=""module-rights-1623959234830"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2741. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants are entitled to certain specified guarantees."">Rights</span>
  2742. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rights/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2743. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2744. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2745. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2746. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-coalition-1623959238358"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2747. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A network of diverse participants working toward a common aim."">Coalition</span>
  2748. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/coalition/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2749. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2750. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2751. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2752. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1623959249544"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2753. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  2754. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2755. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2756. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2757. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2758. </span>",Whitney B Gerstner,,2,
  2759. 1625075089520,2021.6.30 17:44:49 UTC,,"Working groups, core group, board"," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1623866402068"">All power to the working groups</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1623261930052"">Working groups, council, board</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1621962094883"">Working groups and a council</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","Participants join and collaborate through working groups, which decide and act on matters in their domains and coordinate through a core group.","
  2760. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2761. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We share a commitment to collaboration among projects, and to empowering those who come forward to do the work, and making explicit pathways for participation.
  2762. "">Values</span>
  2763. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2764. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2765. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2766. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2767. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2768. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People can get involved by participating in the activities of the working groups.
  2769. There is not a strict membership in the organization. "">Membership</span>
  2770. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2771. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2772. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2773. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2774. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1615779176775"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2775. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Representatives of working groups regularly meet in a core group to coordinate efforts, create or revoke working groups, and define the working groups' domains.
  2776. "">Council</span>
  2777. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2778. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2779. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2780. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2781. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621962013298"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2782. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each working group can select one member to represent it at the core group. One person may represent multiple groups.
  2783. "">Membership</span>
  2784. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2785. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2786. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2787. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2788. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1621961688574"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Working groups are self-governing, non-permanent units focused on specific research or development efforts. A new working group must by approved by the core group, and the core group can decide to withdraw a working group's membership. Working groups must publish a brief explanation of how they are governed and how people can get involved.
  2789. "">Working groups</span>
  2790. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  2791. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2792. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2793. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1615779253010"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2794. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The core group uses consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal, or that a proposal passes by a 75% vote.
  2795. "">Lazy consensus</span>
  2796. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2797. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2798. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2799. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2800. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1623866384214"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2801. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The core group defines an explicit code of conduct governing all groups."">Code of Conduct</span>
  2802. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2803. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2804. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2805. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2806. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2807. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Primary work occurs in working groups, and the core group generally delegates its work to particular working groups. A working group can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains. Working groups can decide for themselves how they self-govern.
  2808. "">Delegation</span>
  2809. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2810. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2811. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2812. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2813. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1621961815279"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2814. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A board oversees the work of the organization and ensures legal compliance.
  2815. "">Board</span>
  2816. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2817. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2818. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2819. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2820. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1621961822201"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2821. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The core group makes board membership and removal decisions.
  2822. "">Membership</span>
  2823. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2824. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2825. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2826. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2827. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1623261508329"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2828. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The core group hires lean staff resources to manage the administration of the organization.
  2829. "">Delegation</span>
  2830. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2831. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2832. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2833. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2834. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1623866105895"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2835. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We seek to employ our own software in our governance practices as much as possible.
  2836. "">Norms</span>
  2837. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2838. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2839. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2840. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2841. </span>",,,2,
  2842. 1625931580416,2021.7.10 15:39:40 UTC,,Federatia,,"A federated protocol owned by its users, working with interoperable and openly accessible assets (e.g. data, information), enabling local capacity and local choice for ways to interact.In terms of potential problems (e.g. federated entities which operate outside or against the values of the larger community), this is presumably handled through transparency, ""the law of two feet"", and radical transparency + capacity building — making it as simple and easy as possible for people to fork new federated entities.In the case of conflicts, the cause of the conflict will be transparent— and constituents who are subject to that conflict will have the capacity to freely ""fork"" new entities, while other members of the community will have the opportunity to freely disassociate with any other participants.As opposed to traditional forms of conflict resolution (e.g. blocking, sanctions, censorship, punishment, excommunicado) — with Federatia, the conflict resolution is led through transparency, ""the law of two feet,"" and a commitment to ensuring all constituents and stakeholders have the ability to create their own federated entities and self-determine their own experiences.","
  2843. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1625930510992"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2844. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  2845. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2846. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2847. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2848. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2849. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1625930513619"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2850. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  2851. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2852. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2853. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2854. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2855. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1625930515789"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2856. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  2857. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2858. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2859. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2860. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2861. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1625930528390"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2862. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  2863. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2864. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2865. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2866. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2867. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1625930592155"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2868. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  2869. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2870. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2871. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2872. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2873. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-modification-1625930596380"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2874. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Defines a process for how to change this Rule."">Modification</span>
  2875. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/modification/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2876. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2877. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2878. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2879. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-access-1625930599224"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2880. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system for determining who has rights to control, change, or manage shared resources."">Access</span>
  2881. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/access/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2882. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2883. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2884. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2885. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-federation-1625930679607"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2886. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A central authority delegates power to, and is co-governed by, subsidiary authorities."">Federation</span>
  2887. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/federation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2888. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2889. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2890. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2891. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-power-vacuum-1625930695180"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2892. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A point of authority at which no structure or role is specified."">Power Vacuum</span>
  2893. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/power_vacuum/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2894. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2895. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2896. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2897. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1625930717640"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2898. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."">Ownership</span>
  2899. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ownership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2900. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2901. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2902. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2903. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1625930735320"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2904. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  2905. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2906. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2907. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2908. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2909. </span>",Sam Butler,,2,
  2910. 1626193458362,2021.7.13 16:24:18 UTC,,Meryt Protocol,,"In the earliest stages, it will be run by a few individuals. Over time, it will become more of a meritocracy, those who add the most value rise highest.","
  2911. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1626193258044"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2912. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  2913. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2914. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2915. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2916. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2917. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1626193270533"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2918. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  2919. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2920. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2921. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2922. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2923. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-quadratic-voting-1626193311459"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2924. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters pay to vote, but the cost of voting power increases the more a voter buys."">Quadratic Voting</span>
  2925. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/quadratic_voting/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2926. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2927. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2928. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2929. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-meritocracy-1626193341513"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2930. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."">Meritocracy</span>
  2931. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/meritocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2932. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2933. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2934. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2935. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1626193426537"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  2936. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."">Committee</span>
  2937. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/committee/"" style=""display: none;"">
  2938. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2939. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  2940. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2941. </span>",Richard Mooney,,2,
  2942. 1626973270526,2021.7.22 17:1:10 UTC,,"Our union, as we perceive it"," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1626970884303"">Our union</a>",We're still figuring this out!,"
  2943. <span class=""module"" id=""module-referendum-1626969805424"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  2944. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Some things require a vote of the membership: Passing a budget, Steering Committee elections.
  2945. "">Referendum</span>
  2946. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/referendum/"" class=""module-info"">
  2947. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2948. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2949. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2950. <span class=""module"" id=""module-majority-voting-1626969776165"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  2951. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Sometimes we get asked to vote on things. Like the budget and the leadership.
  2952. "">Majority Voting</span>
  2953. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/majority_voting/"" class=""module-info"">
  2954. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2955. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2956. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2957. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626969829477"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""These people aren't employees of the university, and they help us with a lot of stuff. They don't have decision-making power. Employed by the national union, but Steering Committee must approve raises, so accountable to both.
  2958. "">Paid organizers</span>
  2959. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  2960. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  2961. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2962. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2963. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626969737757"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Sometimes there are trainings about how to talk with co-workers and other things.
  2964. "">Trainings</span>
  2965. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  2966. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  2967. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2968. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2969. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626969699630"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People send us email sometimes."">Email</span>
  2970. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  2971. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  2972. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2973. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2974. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1626969884256"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  2975. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Steering Committee has 9 members called Local Officers. 4 roles: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer.
  2976. "">Board</span>
  2977. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" class=""module-info"">
  2978. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2979. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2980. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2981. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1626970063306"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  2982. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Do-ocracy: the people who take up a task basically decide how they do it.
  2983. "">Norms</span>
  2984. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" class=""module-info"">
  2985. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2986. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2987. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2988. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1626970315335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  2989. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."">Delegation</span>
  2990. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" class=""module-info"">
  2991. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2992. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  2993. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  2994. <span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1626969977144"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  2995. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Membership Committee has one Steering Committee member on it. Chaired by a Local Officer who isn't on the Steering Committee.
  2996. "">Committee</span>
  2997. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/committee/"" class=""module-info"">
  2998. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  2999. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3000. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3001. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626970179404"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Groups focused on a particular kind of job classification.
  3002. "">Caucuses</span>
  3003. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3004. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3005. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3006. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3007. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626970189176"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All these bodies operate under the Steering Committee. But the relationship isn't fully clear.
  3008. "">Committees</span>
  3009. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3010. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3011. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3012. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3013. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1626970396366"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3014. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People pay dues to be a member of the union. Anyone can join the union, technically, but it is for people who work at the system. Members have a vote.
  3015. "">Membership</span>
  3016. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  3017. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3018. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3019. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3020. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626973200965"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Shared tech</span>
  3021. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3022. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3023. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3024. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3025. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626969558676"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Communication tool, with lots of channels and permissions.
  3026. "">Slack</span>
  3027. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3028. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3029. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3030. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3031. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1626969607187"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Data management and sharing. Member lists.
  3032. "">Google Sheets</span>
  3033. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3034. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3035. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3036. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3037. </span></span>",,,2,
  3038. 1627541773676,2021.7.29 6:56:13 UTC,,Tracer DAO - Phase 1,,Decentralised community governed by Tracer DAO,"
  3039. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1627539702256"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3040. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  3041. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  3042. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3043. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3044. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3045. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1627539738978"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3046. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  3047. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" class=""module-info"">
  3048. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3049. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3050. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3051. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1627539741738"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3052. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  3053. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  3054. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3055. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3056. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3057. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1627539981024"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3058. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  3059. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" class=""module-info"">
  3060. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3061. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3062. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3063. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-stake-weight-1627540000504"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3064. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants hold power in proportion to their investment in the organization."">Stake Weight</span>
  3065. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/stake_weight/"" class=""module-info"">
  3066. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3067. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3068. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3069. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1627540271050"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3070. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."">Rough Consensus</span>
  3071. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3072. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3073. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3074. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3075. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-polling-1627541264275"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3076. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."">Polling</span>
  3077. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/polling/"" class=""module-info"">
  3078. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3079. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3080. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3081. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1627541285131"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3082. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People outside decision-making obtain ways to influence decision makers."">Lobbying</span>
  3083. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lobbying/"" class=""module-info"">
  3084. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3085. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3086. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3087. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-stake-1627541352814"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3088. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."">Stake</span>
  3089. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/stake/"" class=""module-info"">
  3090. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3091. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3092. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3093. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ownership-1627541490316"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3094. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."">Ownership</span>
  3095. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ownership/"" class=""module-info"">
  3096. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3097. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3098. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3099. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1627541569974"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3100. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  3101. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" class=""module-info"">
  3102. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3103. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3104. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3105. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1627541619155"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3106. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""One person holds sole decision-making authority over a certain domain."">Autocracy</span>
  3107. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3108. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3109. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3110. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3111. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1627541704877"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3112. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."">Council</span>
  3113. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" class=""module-info"">
  3114. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3115. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3116. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3117. </span>",Mycelium,,2,
  3118. 1628021514410,2021.8.3 20:11:54 UTC,,University Libraries CoP: Open Models of Access," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1627587534913"">University Libraries CoP: Open Models of Access</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","The University Libraries have adopted a strategic initiative to prioritize the learning and adoption of Open Models of Access, including: Open Access Publishing, Open Educational Resources, Open Data, Open Government, and Open-Source Software. Units called Circles have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a Council.
  3119. &nbsp;The Open Models of Access Community of Practice (OMA CoP) will bring together leadership from chapters, sections, and teams to provide updates on their projects and collaborate on future projects that advance the University Libraries' strategic initiative.&nbsp;&nbsp;","
  3120. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1627585266171"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3121. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The University Libraries are a knowledge catalyst. We spark inquiry, discovery, collaboration, creation, and the dissemination of knowledge. We welcome everyone, wherever they are on their educational journey. We strive to unify the groups working to advance the University Libraries OMA strategic initiative to ensure all faculty and staff involved in projects that expand discovery of open models receive support from one another. We strive to build a CoP that encourages collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and ideas that support. We strive to ensure all OMA projects advance our values, mission, and goals.&amp;nbsp;"">Mission</span>
  3122. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  3123. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3124. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3125. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3126. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3127. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Our values define our interactions within the libraries and radiate outwardly. This means that we foster a culture that compassionately and authentically embodies our values in all aspects of our work.&amp;nbsp;
  3128. We welcome and courageously express diverse ideas, and establish mutual support and trust for others to do the same. We treat all members with fairness and respect, and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to learn. We encourage initiative, experimentation, assessment, openness, transparency. We develop services and resource offerings that evolve with and inspire our diverse community.&amp;nbsp;"">Values</span>
  3129. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3130. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3131. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3132. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3133. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1615779176775"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3134. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Representatives from the Center from Data &amp;amp; Digital Scholarship (CRDDS) will meet bi-weekly to provide updates on projects related to their focus areas (OSS, Open Data, and Scholarly Publishing) and participate in ideation sessions with libraries and university stakeholders as needed.&amp;nbsp;
  3135. Representatives of Collections Strategies within the Rare and Distinctive Collections (RAD) section will meet bi-weekly to provide updates on projects related to their focus areas (Open Government) and participate in ideation sessions with libraries and university stakeholders as needed.&amp;nbsp;
  3136. Representatives of the Success and Engagement Strategies' Learning &amp;amp; Engagement and Researcher &amp;amp; Collections Engagement sections will meet bi-weekly to provide updates on projects related to their focus areas (OER) and participate in ideation sessions with libraries and university stakeholders as needed.&amp;nbsp;
  3137. Representatives from CRDDS, Collections Strategies, and Success and Engagement Strategies should look for flexibility within their council as needed, as each chapter and section operates differently. Representatives from chapters and sections will meet monthly bring ideas together and engage in more formal meetings that bring into account business such as event planning, communications tactics, and debriefs after workshops, events, or projects have come to an expected conclusion.&amp;nbsp;"">Council</span>
  3138. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3139. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3140. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3141. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3142. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3143. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Representatives from each chapters and sections are able to delegate tasks to team members, as well as in hybrid groups that may form organically through participation in the CoP.&amp;nbsp;"">Delegation</span>
  3144. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3145. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3146. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3147. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3148. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1627585257374"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3149. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We recognize the University Libraries has a history of working towards achieving this strategic initiative in groups or in an individual capacity as it pertains to their disciplines or areas of expertise.&amp;nbsp;The OMA CoP respects the needs of community members to practice autonomy and trusts in the high-levels of expertise they bring to advancing our values, mission, and goals.&amp;nbsp;"">Autonomy</span>
  3150. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3151. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3152. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3153. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3154. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1627587274695"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3155. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The OMA CoP will strive to promote a shared narrative to external audiences about the benefits of such work and how the libraries can help communities succeed in their learning and adoption of OMA practices."">Story</span>
  3156. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" class=""module-info"">
  3157. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3158. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3159. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3160. </span>",C-Wood,,2,
  3161. 1628850896211,2021.8.13 10:34:56 UTC,,TNG,,worker cooperative,"
  3162. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1628850474423"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3163. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  3164. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" class=""module-info"">
  3165. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3166. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3167. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3168. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1628850718995"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3169. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."">Rough Consensus</span>
  3170. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3171. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3172. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3173. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3174. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1628850791867"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3175. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  3176. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  3177. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3178. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3179. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3180. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-caucus-1628850881555"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3181. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A semi-formal group of people organized around shared priorities."">Caucus</span>
  3182. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/caucus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3183. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3184. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3185. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3186. </span>",yasu,,2,
  3187. 1629237835615,2021.8.17 22:3:55 UTC,,E2C Collective [draft v.3]," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1627413680445"">E2C Collective [draft v.2]</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1627412884546"">E2C Collective [draft v.2]</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1626282450161"">E2C Collective [draft]</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>",The Collective is a community of practitioners who organize and implement projects that advance the vision of Exit to Community.,"
  3188. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3189. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Collaboration, delegation, trust, shared commitment to Exit to Community.
  3190. "">Values</span>
  3191. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3192. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3193. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3194. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3195. <span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1627412248825"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3196. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All activity of the E2C Collective must adhere to the current version of the Contributor Covenant (
  3197. "">Code of Conduct</span>
  3198. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" class=""module-info"">
  3199. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3200. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3201. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3202. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-custom-1626280589891"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Collective holds a shared account with funds and decides how to allocate it.
  3203. "">Collective</span>
  3204. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" class=""module-logo"" draggable=""false"" style=""display: none;"">
  3205. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3206. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3207. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3208. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To join the Collective, a member must be approved by the existing members. Members should be actively contributing to E2C efforts. A member may be removed by a decision of the Collective.
  3209. "">Membership</span>
  3210. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3211. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3212. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3213. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3214. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1626282051761"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3215. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Any member may make a proposal for a policy or a project for the Collective. Proposals pass occur through unanimous agreement of all members that signal support within one week. In the case of disagreement, a proposal may pass with three-quarters approval of voting participants, also over the course of a week.
  3216. "">Consensus</span>
  3217. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3218. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3219. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3220. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3221. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1627413614070"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Collective uses Open Collective to manage and allocate funds and a Discourse forum for discussion and decision-making. The two are integrated through a Metagov governance policy.
  3222. "">Shared platforms</span>
  3223. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3224. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3225. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3226. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3227. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3228. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Collective decides how to delegate work and associated funds to members to carry out projects.
  3229. "">Delegation</span>
  3230. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3231. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3232. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3233. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3234. <span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1626281902912"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3235. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done, provided it does not violate the Code of Conduct.
  3236. "">Do-ocracy</span>
  3237. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3238. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3239. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3240. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3241. </span></span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1629237688278"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The advisory board supports and guides the E2C Collective but without formal control over it.
  3242. "">Advisory board</span>
  3243. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3244. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3245. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3246. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3247. <span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1629237764601"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3248. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Advisory board members are invited to join by a decision of the Collective, and may be removed by the same process. No members of the Collective should sit on the advisory board.
  3249. "">Membership</span>
  3250. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  3251. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3252. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3253. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3254. </span></span>",Nathan,,2,
  3255. 1632240030218,2021.9.21 16:0:30 UTC,,Kitchen,,"Manager is in charge,&nbsp;module-board","
  3256. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1632239713898"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3257. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  3258. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  3259. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3260. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3261. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3262. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1632239716142"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3263. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  3264. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" class=""module-info"">
  3265. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3266. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3267. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3268. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-proof-of-work-1632239805358"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3269. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community."">Proof of Work</span>
  3270. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/proof_of_work/"" class=""module-info"">
  3271. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3272. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3273. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3274. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1632239897040"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3275. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  3276. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3277. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3278. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3279. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3280. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1632239953894"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3281. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  3282. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" class=""module-info"">
  3283. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3284. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3285. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3286. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-stake-1632239981044"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3287. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."">Stake</span>
  3288. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/stake/"" class=""module-info"">
  3289. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3290. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3291. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3292. </span>",,,2,
  3293. 1632240145577,2021.9.21 16:2:25 UTC,,Social Media,,Network of individuals through digital platforms,"
  3294. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1632239823687"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3295. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People make friends in these spaces."">Friendship</span>
  3296. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" class=""module-info"">
  3297. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3298. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3299. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3300. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1632239903260"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3301. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  3302. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" class=""module-info"">
  3303. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3304. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3305. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3306. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1632239938141"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3307. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Users give feedback and that can lead to policy change or edits."">Lobbying</span>
  3308. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lobbying/"" class=""module-info"">
  3309. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3310. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3311. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3312. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1632240081649"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3313. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  3314. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  3315. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3316. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3317. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3318. </span>",,,2,
  3319. 1634541640643,2021.10.18 7:20:40 UTC,,Eastern Town Hall," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1634541503809"">Eastern Town Hall</a> &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1634540743304"">Eastern Town Hall</a>","A group of individuals that heavily collaborates and decide together the development of the organization. Where decisions are done collectively through discussions and/or arguments which are data driven and derived from various pools that can be confirmed, viewed and understood by all. Where there is no one-power and/or influence monger and all views -including individual or minorities- are appreciated with equal zest and effort regardless of any form of human tendency. Human tendency that can stem of years and years of passive indoctrination of various current existing global systems that influences their current surroundings. Community, humanity and equality -not personal agenda, selective -ism and popularity- are the continuous guidelines.","
  3320. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1634539881449"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3321. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  3322. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" class=""module-info"">
  3323. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3324. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3325. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3326. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1634539919890"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3327. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  3328. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  3329. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3330. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3331. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3332. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1634539952488"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3333. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  3334. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" class=""module-info"">
  3335. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3336. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3337. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3338. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1634539953986"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3339. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."">Story</span>
  3340. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" class=""module-info"">
  3341. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3342. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3343. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3344. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1634539965754"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3345. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  3346. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" class=""module-info"">
  3347. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3348. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3349. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3350. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1634539973019"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3351. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  3352. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3353. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3354. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3355. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3356. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1634540091639"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3357. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  3358. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/"" class=""module-info"">
  3359. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3360. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3361. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3362. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-identity-1634540112856"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3363. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A mechanism for identifying participants as appropriate for the community."">Identity</span>
  3364. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/identity/"" class=""module-info"">
  3365. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3366. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3367. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3368. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-petition-1634540155901"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3369. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""If a certain number of people sign on to a statement, it triggers the official decision-making process."">Petition</span>
  3370. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/petition/"" class=""module-info"">
  3371. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3372. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3373. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3374. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-policy-register-1634540183801"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3375. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A record that documents all currently binding agreements and policies."">Policy Register</span>
  3376. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/policy_register/"" class=""module-info"">
  3377. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3378. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3379. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3380. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-polling-1634540218806"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3381. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."">Polling</span>
  3382. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/polling/"" class=""module-info"">
  3383. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3384. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3385. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3386. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-precedent-1634540239297"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3387. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Previous decisions have bearing on how current decisions should be made."">Precedent</span>
  3388. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/precedent/"" class=""module-info"">
  3389. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3390. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3391. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3392. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-reputation-1634540293808"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3393. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."">Reputation</span>
  3394. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/reputation/"" class=""module-info"">
  3395. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3396. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3397. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3398. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1634540343026"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3399. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  3400. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"" class=""module-info"">
  3401. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3402. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3403. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3404. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-secret-ballot-1634540365171"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3405. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A vote, once cast, cannot be traced to the voter's identity."">Secret Ballot</span>
  3406. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/secret_ballot/"" class=""module-info"">
  3407. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3408. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3409. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3410. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-term-limits-1634540398194"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3411. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Roles can be held for a maximum of a fixed period of time."">Term limits</span>
  3412. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/term_limits/"" class=""module-info"">
  3413. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3414. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3415. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3416. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1634540417536"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3417. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  3418. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  3419. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3420. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3421. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3422. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-coalition-1634540582091"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3423. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A network of diverse participants working toward a common aim."">Coalition</span>
  3424. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/coalition/"" class=""module-info"">
  3425. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3426. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3427. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3428. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rights-1634540693895"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3429. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants are entitled to certain specified guarantees."">Rights</span>
  3430. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rights/"" class=""module-info"">
  3431. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3432. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3433. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3434. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1634540697313"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3435. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  3436. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" class=""module-info"">
  3437. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3438. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3439. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3440. </span>",Yan Tirta,,2,
  3441. 1634856806346,2021.10.21 22:53:26 UTC,,Research DAO,,A small group of researchers sharing a multisig DAO with research funds.,"
  3442. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1634856261212"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3443. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Our goal is to responsibly steward funds for qualitative research projects, with accountability to our shared organization.
  3444. "">Purpose</span>
  3445. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  3446. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3447. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3448. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3449. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1634856365288"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3450. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The members of the multisig have decision-making power over resource allocations. All must assent to allocations.
  3451. "">Board</span>
  3452. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" class=""module-info"">
  3453. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3454. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3455. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3456. <span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1634856777632"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3457. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The multisig signers should meet to review progress at least once per season.
  3458. "">Ritual</span>
  3459. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ritual/"" class=""module-info"">
  3460. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3461. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3462. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3463. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-petition-1634856532174"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3464. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Anyone interested in participating may use a simple proposal template for funds requests.
  3465. "">Petition</span>
  3466. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/petition/"" class=""module-info"">
  3467. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3468. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3469. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3470. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1634856626727"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3471. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Requests for the equivalent of under $5,000 pass if there is an absence of opposition within 5 days.
  3472. "">Lazy consensus</span>
  3473. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3474. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3475. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3476. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3477. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1634856630767"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3478. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Requests for the equivalent of over $5,000 pass if all multisig signers approve within 5 days.
  3479. "">Consensus</span>
  3480. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3481. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3482. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3483. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3484. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1634856712511"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3485. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Discussions about proposals occur in the DAO's channel.
  3486. "">Deliberation</span>
  3487. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" class=""module-info"">
  3488. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3489. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3490. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3491. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1634856448945"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3492. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The DAO discussion channel is visible to members of the organization.
  3493. "">Transparency</span>
  3494. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  3495. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3496. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3497. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3498. </span>",,,2,
  3499. 1635187081885,2021.10.25 18:38:1 UTC,,Reboot [draft],,,"
  3500. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1635186221068"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3501. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Reboot is a publication and community reclaiming techno-optimism for a better collective future."">Mission</span>
  3502. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  3503. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3504. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3505. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3506. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1635186239188"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3507. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""- Inform and engage the public about issues in technology, ethics, and society.- Connect members from diverse backgrounds to learn together through reading, writing, and discussion
  3508. - Equip community members with the knowledge, skills, and networks to build toward their future visions
  3509. "">Purpose</span>
  3510. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  3511. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3512. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3513. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3514. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1635186277534"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3515. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Make key decisions visible and offer opportunities to poll group sentiment, have discussions, and express dissent. Discord announcements, reactions, and threads are used here."">Rough Consensus</span>
  3516. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3517. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3518. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3519. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3520. <span class=""module"" id=""module-polling-1635186357395"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3521. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."">Polling</span>
  3522. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/polling/"" class=""module-info"">
  3523. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3524. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3525. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3526. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1635186343606"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3527. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""As many docs as possible are worked on in the shared Notion."">Transparency</span>
  3528. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  3529. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3530. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3531. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3532. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1635186347441"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3533. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."">Deliberation</span>
  3534. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" class=""module-info"">
  3535. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3536. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3537. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3538. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1635186430063"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3539. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Members include anyone in the internal Discord."">Membership</span>
  3540. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  3541. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3542. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3543. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3544. <span class=""module"" id=""module-initiation-1635186371354"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3545. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Members join via waiting on an internal form. Onboarding revamp TBD."">Initiation</span>
  3546. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/initiation/"" class=""module-info"">
  3547. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3548. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3549. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3550. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1635186436158"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3551. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Season-long roles (e.g. Task Force Lead) provide members access with special rights, rewards, and recognition."">Roles</span>
  3552. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" class=""module-info"">
  3553. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3554. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3555. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3556. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-norms-1635186240514"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3557. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Establish strong community norms and culture as the groundwork for most community projects and events. (E.g. assume good faith, value reading/writing/discussion, learn collaboratively and interdisciplinarily, etc.)&amp;nbsp;"">Norms</span>
  3558. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/norms/"" class=""module-info"">
  3559. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3560. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3561. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3562. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1635186286879"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3563. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Reboot acts as a platform to empower any current contributor with a good proposal and serious commitment to create a project with the group's resources (network, funding, brand).&amp;nbsp;"">Do-ocracy</span>
  3564. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3565. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3566. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3567. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3568. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1635186427683"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3569. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""For now, Jasmine Sun holds veto power over most organization-level decisions.&amp;nbsp;"">Autocracy</span>
  3570. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3571. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3572. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3573. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3574. </span>",Jasmine Sun,reboot,2,
  3575. 1635911851397,2021.11.3 3:57:31 UTC,,E2C Alliance [draft0],,The purpose is to create a light interface that enables various entities advancing Exit to Community to share resources and coordinate.,"
  3576. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1635911398179"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3577. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All member entities are committed to working in diverse ways toward making community ownership a live option in the online economy. The Alliance is not an organization so much as a set of agreements and resources that several organizations share.
  3578. "">Purpose</span>
  3579. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  3580. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3581. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3582. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3583. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1635911658476"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3584. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Organizations can apply to join and, if accepted by a consensus of other members, become party to the agreements.
  3585. "">Membership</span>
  3586. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  3587. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3588. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3589. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3590. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1635911635390"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3591. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared chat channel includes representatives from each member.
  3592. "">Deliberation</span>
  3593. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" class=""module-info"">
  3594. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3595. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3596. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3597. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1635911783154"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3598. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All changes to agreements must be made by unanimous consensus of all members.
  3599. "">Consensus</span>
  3600. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3601. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3602. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3603. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3604. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1635911820970"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3605. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The goal of the Alliance is to make itself no longer necessary as community ownership becomes more of a live option for more communities.
  3606. "">Story</span>
  3607. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" class=""module-info"">
  3608. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3609. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3610. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3611. </span>",,,2,
  3612. 1636536221802,2021.11.10 9:23:41 UTC,,Consensus," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=consensus"">Consensus</a>",Decisions that affect the group collectively should involve participation of all participants.,"
  3613. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3614. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Creativity, empathy, solidarity"">Values</span>
  3615. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3616. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3617. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3618. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3619. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3620. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""New participants may join as long as no others object.
  3621. "">Membership</span>
  3622. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3623. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3624. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3625. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3626. <span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1615779356027"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3627. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants may be removed if a proposal to do so passes the consensus process."">Exclusion</span>
  3628. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3629. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3630. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3631. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3632. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1615779412679"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3633. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Any participant may make a proposal at any group meeting to which all participants are invited. A decision is made only if there are no serious objections remaining."">Consensus</span>
  3634. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3635. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3636. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3637. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3638. <span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1615779439115"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3639. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The proposal should be discussed and modified through open conversation in order to address all concerns. "">Deliberation</span>
  3640. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3641. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3642. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3643. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3644. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1615779383747"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3645. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People who make proposals that the group agrees on is responsible for its implementation, delegating as necessary and as participants are willing to help."">Do-ocracy</span>
  3646. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3647. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3648. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3649. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3650. </span>",,,2,
  3651. 1638940202802,2021.12.8 5:10:2 UTC,,MetagovDAO v1," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1634856806346"">Research DAO</a>","A small group of researchers sharing a multisig DAO with research funds, working as part of the Metagovernance Project.","
  3652. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1634856261212"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3653. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Our goal is to responsibly steward funds for research and community-building projects, with accountability to our shared organization.
  3654. "">Purpose</span>
  3655. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  3656. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3657. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3658. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3659. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1634856365288"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3660. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The members of the multisig have decision-making power over resource allocations. All must assent to allocations.
  3661. "">Board</span>
  3662. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" class=""module-info"">
  3663. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3664. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3665. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3666. <span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1634856777632"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3667. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The multisig signers should meet to review progress at least once per season.
  3668. "">Ritual</span>
  3669. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ritual/"" class=""module-info"">
  3670. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3671. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3672. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3673. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-petition-1634856532174"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3674. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Anyone interested in participating may use a simple proposal template for funds requests.
  3675. "">Petition</span>
  3676. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/petition/"" class=""module-info"">
  3677. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3678. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3679. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3680. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1634856626727"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3681. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Requests for the equivalent of under $500 pass if there is an absence of opposition within 5 days.
  3682. "">Lazy consensus</span>
  3683. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3684. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3685. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3686. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3687. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1634856630767"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3688. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Requests for the equivalent of over $500 pass if all multisig signers approve within 5 days.
  3689. "">Consensus</span>
  3690. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3691. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3692. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3693. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3694. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1634856712511"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3695. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Discussions about proposals occur in the DAO's channel.
  3696. "">Deliberation</span>
  3697. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" class=""module-info"">
  3698. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3699. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3700. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3701. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1634856448945"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3702. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The DAO discussion channel is visible to members of the organization.
  3703. "">Transparency</span>
  3704. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  3705. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3706. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3707. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3708. </span>",MetagovDAO,,2,
  3709. 1638996351906,2021.12.8 20:45:51 UTC,,Consensus," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=consensus"">Consensus</a>",Decisions that affect the group collectively should involve participation of all participants.,"
  3710. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3711. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Creativity, empathy, solidarity"">Values</span>
  3712. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3713. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3714. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3715. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3716. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3717. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""New participants may join as long as no others object.
  3718. "">Membership</span>
  3719. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3720. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3721. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3722. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3723. <span class=""module"" id=""module-ritual-1638996187188"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3724. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A repeated cultural practice builds solidarity and community."">Ritual</span>
  3725. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ritual/"" class=""module-info"">
  3726. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3727. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3728. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3729. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1615779356027"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3730. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants may be removed if a proposal to do so passes the consensus process."">Exclusion</span>
  3731. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3732. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3733. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3734. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3735. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1615779412679"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3736. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Any participant may make a proposal at any group meeting to which all participants are invited. A decision is made only if there are no serious objections remaining."">Consensus</span>
  3737. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3738. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3739. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3740. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3741. <span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1615779439115"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3742. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The proposal should be discussed and modified through open conversation in order to address all concerns. "">Deliberation</span>
  3743. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3744. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3745. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3746. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3747. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1615779383747"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3748. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People who make proposals that the group agrees on is responsible for its implementation, delegating as necessary and as participants are willing to help."">Do-ocracy</span>
  3749. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3750. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3751. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3752. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3753. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1638996308220"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Coordinator</span>
  3754. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3755. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3756. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3757. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3758. </span>",testing,tester.test,2,
  3759. 1640639609928,2021.12.27 21:13:29 UTC,,Verses," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","Units called Projects have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a Council.","
  3760. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3761. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decentralization, delegation, trust"">Values</span>
  3762. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3763. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3764. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3765. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3766. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3767. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To join, a person must be welcomed into a particular Circle according to its policies."">Membership</span>
  3768. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3769. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3770. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3771. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3772. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1615779176775"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3773. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Frontload / directly responsible for infrastructural / org work (governance charter, process for resourcing artifacts + working groups, managing budget, external partnerships)"">Council</span>
  3774. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3775. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3776. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3777. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3778. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1640637540019"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3779. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections.&amp;nbsp;Circles and the Council use consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal."">Lazy consensus</span>
  3780. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3781. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3782. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3783. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3784. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1640637242162"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Spins up with 1-pager on what the drop is, who's contributing, timeline, why it is Verses-y. First circle is &quot;core&quot;, then second circle of &quot;contributors&quot;, then wider Verses community in terms of levels of commitment / feedback / direction over the artifact. Core gets to lazy consensus on artifact.
  3785. "">Artifacts</span>
  3786. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3787. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3788. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3789. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3790. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1640637450942"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Group of people with decision-making power over an artifact."">core</span>
  3791. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3792. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3793. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3794. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3795. <span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1640637710297"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3796. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the core's shared will."">Rough Consensus</span>
  3797. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  3798. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3799. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3800. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3801. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1640637914316"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3802. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Core determines membership in core group and contributor group."">Membership</span>
  3803. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  3804. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3805. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3806. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3807. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1640637786761"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Invited to open workshops / feedback sessions, join core by expressing interest / as determined by core.&amp;nbsp;"">contributors</span>
  3808. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3809. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3810. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3811. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3812. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1640638002358"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""&quot;minimum meaningful gesture&quot; / first public release of an artifact"">drop</span>
  3813. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3814. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3815. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3816. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3817. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1640638417915"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">multidisciplinary</span>
  3818. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3819. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3820. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3821. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3822. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1640638489441"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Interweaving is a core value. It is a process. Gardening == tending the soil !!"">Interweaving</span>
  3823. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3824. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3825. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3826. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3827. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1640638624221"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""analogous to &quot;core&quot; on artifacts, responsible to weaving community fabric and helping direct people to different artifacts, introducing people via 1-1s, longer term potentially proposing + enacting explicit structures like disciplinary guilds&amp;nbsp;"">innkeepers</span>
  3828. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3829. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  3830. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3831. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3832. <span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1640638731564"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3833. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  3834. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3835. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3836. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3837. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3838. </span></span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615779192740"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3839. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A Circle can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains."">Delegation</span>
  3840. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3841. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3842. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3843. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3844. </span>",,,2,
  3845. 1641542351600,2022.1.7 7:59:11 UTC,,Pods (Based on RMMAN)," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=1607819699513"">Rocky Mountain Mutual Aid Network (RMMAN)</a>",Semi-autonomous subgroups guided by a central council with a mission of facilitating mutual aid in the spirit of solidarity.,"
  3846. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1607792013028"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3847. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  3848. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"">
  3849. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3850. </a>
  3851. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3852. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3853. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-eloquence-1607792019075"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3854. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The organizational structure and decision-making processes are designed to be easy to understand and accessible to all.
  3855. "">Eloquence</span>
  3856. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/eloquence/"">
  3857. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3858. </a>
  3859. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3860. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3861. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1607792108374"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3862. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  3863. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/values/"">
  3864. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3865. </a>
  3866. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3867. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3868. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1607818909794"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3869. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  3870. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"">
  3871. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3872. </a>
  3873. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3874. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3875. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1607818948833"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3876. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available and most decision-making and other processes are viewable by all within the group, with feedback and comment welcomed.
  3877. "">Transparency</span>
  3878. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/transparency/"">
  3879. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3880. </a>
  3881. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3882. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3883. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1607819068838"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3884. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."">Committee</span>
  3885. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/committee/"">
  3886. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3887. </a>
  3888. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3889. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3890. <span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1607792371658"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3891. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  3892. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"">
  3893. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3894. </a>
  3895. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3896. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3897. <span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1607792343457"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3898. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  3899. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/consensus/"">
  3900. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3901. </a>
  3902. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3903. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3904. </span></span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1607819090379"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3905. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."">Council</span>
  3906. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/council/"">
  3907. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3908. </a>
  3909. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3910. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3911. <span class=""module"" id=""module-majority-voting-1607818070108"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3912. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The option that receives more than half the vote wins; used only as a fall-back when consensus isn't working or isn't needed/desired.
  3913. "">Majority Voting</span>
  3914. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/majority_voting/"">
  3915. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3916. </a>
  3917. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3918. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3919. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1607818938892"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3920. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  3921. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"">
  3922. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3923. </a>
  3924. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3925. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3926. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1607792097870"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3927. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  3928. <a target=""_blank"" style=""display: none;"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"">
  3929. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg"">
  3930. </a>
  3931. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: none;"">
  3932. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3933. </span>",Ian Johnston,,2,
  3934. 1642442507187,2022.1.17 18:1:47 UTC,,Pueblo Media,,Decentralized Media Company,"
  3935. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1642442189653"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3936. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Making the creation in the virtual space available for everyone to participate"">Mission</span>
  3937. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  3938. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3939. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3940. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3941. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1642442301161"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3942. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We value self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  3943. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3944. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3945. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3946. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3947. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1642442308449"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3948. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  3949. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" class=""module-info"">
  3950. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3951. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3952. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3953. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1642442340444"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3954. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  3955. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" class=""module-info"">
  3956. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3957. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3958. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3959. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1642442349580"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3960. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  3961. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" class=""module-info"">
  3962. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3963. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3964. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3965. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1642442362603"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3966. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  3967. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  3968. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3969. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3970. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3971. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-quadratic-voting-1642442392467"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3972. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters pay to vote, but the cost of voting power increases the more a voter buys."">Quadratic Voting</span>
  3973. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/quadratic_voting/"" class=""module-info"">
  3974. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3975. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3976. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3977. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-ranked-choice-1642442470133"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  3978. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters rank options, and the option with a majority of top-ranked votes wins; if there is no majority, options with the least top-ranked votes are removed until a majority appears."">Ranked Choice</span>
  3979. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/ranked_choice/"" class=""module-info"">
  3980. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3981. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  3982. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3983. </span>",MiloDix,,2,
  3984. 1642504893853,2022.1.18 11:21:33 UTC,,Консенсус,"<font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">&lt; </font></font><a href=""/create/?r=consensus""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">Консенсус</font></font></font></font></a>","Решения, влияющие на группу коллективно, должны предусматривать участие всех участников.","
  3985. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3986. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Творчество, сопереживание, солидарность""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">Ценности</font></font></span>
  3987. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3988. <img title=""Больше информации"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3989. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3990. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3991. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615779164335"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3992. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Новые участники могут присоединиться, если никто не возражает.
  3993. ""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">Членство</font></font></span>
  3994. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  3995. <img title=""Больше информации"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  3996. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  3997. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  3998. <span class=""module"" id=""module-exclusion-1615779356027"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  3999. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Участники могут быть удалены, если предложение об этом проходит процедуру консенсуса.""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">Исключение</font></font></span>
  4000. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/exclusion/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4001. <img title=""Больше информации"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4002. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4003. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4004. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1615779412679"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4005. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Любой участник может внести предложение на любом собрании группы, на которое приглашены все участники. Решение принимается только в том случае, если не осталось серьезных возражений.""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">Консенсус</font></font></span>
  4006. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4007. <img title=""Больше информации"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4008. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4009. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4010. <span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1615779439115"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4011. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Предложение следует обсудить и изменить в ходе открытого обсуждения, чтобы учесть все опасения. ""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">Обсуждение</font></font></span>
  4012. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4013. <img title=""Больше информации"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4014. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4015. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4016. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1615779383747"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4017. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Люди, вносящие предложения, с которыми соглашается группа, несут ответственность за их реализацию, делегируя полномочия по мере необходимости и по мере готовности участников помогать.""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">До-ократия</font></font></span>
  4018. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4019. <img title=""Больше информации"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4020. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4021. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4022. </span>",Cell-TON,,2,
  4023. 1642812767967,2022.1.22 0:52:47 UTC,,Самоорганизующиеся системы (производные от Extinction Rebellion),"<font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">&lt; </font></font><a href=""/create/?r=1590021204088""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;""><font style=""vertical-align: inherit;"">Самоорганизующиеся системы (производные от Extinction Rebellion)</font></font></font></font></a>","Любой человек или группа могут организоваться автономно и действовать от имени Большого круга, если деятельность соответствует общим ценностям Большого круга. Полуавтономные рабочие группы сотрудничают в распределенной структуре децентрализованных и концентрических кругов и в горизонтальных отношениях.",,цц,,2,"Рабочие группы формируются из-за общей цели и соглашений. Они полуавтономны и самоуправляются в рамках политики и соглашений более широких кругов. Рабочие группы создаются и назначаются с согласия в «Широком круге». Мандаты рабочей группы представляют собой минимальное описание рабочей группы, ее целей и ответственности, а также (необязательно) домена, согласованное в более широком кругу. Любые изменения мандата рабочей группы должны быть одобрены в более широком кругу.Ролевые мандаты — это спецификации текущей работы и ответственности внутри группы. Ролевые мандаты определяются в рабочей группе. Обладатели ролей определяются путем добровольного участия или избрания и согласия в рабочей группе. Обладатели ролей уполномочены принимать решения в рамках мандата своей роли. Ожидается запрос информации и отзывов от тех, кого затрагивают решения, а также от тех, кто обладает соответствующими полномочиями, знаниями или опытом. Обладатели ролей прозрачны и подотчетны. Каждая рабочая группа должна иметь внутреннего координатора (координирующего действия внутри рабочей группы) и внешнего координатора (координирующего действия с более широким кругом). Внешний координатор посещает координационные встречи в рамках Расширенного круга и встречи с другими взаимосвязанными рабочими группами или кругами.Роли координатора могут занимать не более шести месяцев. Рабочие группы уполномочены принимать решения в рамках своих полномочий, сотрудничая с соответствующими рабочими группами и ролями. Групповые соглашения могут быть заключены и записаны для дальнейшего уточнения процессов управления или операционных процессов или политик. Если проект или потребность сделать что-то выходит за рамки мандата рабочей группы, он должен быть поднят в более широком кругу или соответствующей рабочей группе, а работа передана в соответствующие места. Решения, касающиеся управления, принимаются с комплексным согласием на основе принятия решений. Согласие означает отсутствие действительных возражений против предложения. Возражения против предложений приветствуются, если они предполагают вред, который может быть нанесен предложением.Оперативные рабочие подгруппы действуют в рамках руководства более широкой рабочей группы. Ожидается, что люди будут присутствовать на собраниях, если они активно исполняют обязанности и работают хотя бы над одним проектом для этой команды. Регулярные еженедельные встречи позволяют согласовывать и координировать работу в рамках Рабочей группы. Группы документируют и делятся своей управленческой и оперативной информацией. Все рабочие группы должны иметь доступ внутри WG, в более широком кругу и для взаимосвязанных рабочих групп: документ с текущими протоколами, включая проектную доску, указывающую, кто над чем работает, и доступный список назначенных предложений, решений, соглашений и действий; документ, содержащий описание мандата рабочей группы; документ, в котором перечислены обладатели ролей и описания мандатов ролей."
  4024. 1644199658779,2022.2.7 2:7:38 UTC,,sb1," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=circles"">Circles</a>","SB needs an initial governance structure to support its work, creating a framework for future evolution as the DAO evolves. The min spec of governance is whatever is fit for purpose to get to the NFT drop without damaging future contributors and the long-run success of the initiative towards its Purpose.","
  4025. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644195018464"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Ethos</span>
  4026. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4027. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4028. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4029. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4030. <span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1644194985226"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4031. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To embed universal abundance into the core infrastructure of the future."">Purpose</span>
  4032. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  4033. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4034. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4035. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4036. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1644194981061"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4037. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To develop the social and financial flywheels that enable invention, investment, and acceleration of a better world."">Mission</span>
  4038. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  4039. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4040. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4041. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4042. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615779154626"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4043. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""⭐️&amp;nbsp;Believe in better
  4044. ⭐️&amp;nbsp;Act into being
  4045. ⭐️&amp;nbsp;Explore and experiment
  4046. ⭐️&amp;nbsp;Seek leverage
  4047. ⭐️&amp;nbsp;Learn and scale
  4048. ⭐️&amp;nbsp;Together, for all, for generations to come"">Values</span>
  4049. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4050. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4051. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4052. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4053. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644196745715"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""General Circle is the primary decision making body, connecting and integrating the work of all Squads."">General Circle</span>
  4054. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4055. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4056. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4057. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4058. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644199241089"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The General Circle members include the General Circle Lead, the Leads of Squads plus any additional Roles that the Circle may create to further its work."">Membership</span>
  4059. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4060. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4061. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4062. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4063. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644199275607"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The General Circle Lead sets strategy and priorities, and together with other members of the Circle, steers the initiative towards its Purpose."">General Circle Lead</span>
  4064. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4065. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4066. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4067. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4068. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644199435630"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The General Circle Lead is accountable to the holders of governance tokens, who have the authority to change who fills the General Circle Lead role."">Accountability</span>
  4069. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4070. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4071. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4072. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4073. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644199328968"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The General Circle is responsible for overall structure: it creates Squads and sets their Purpose, and can remove Squads when they are no longer needed"">Overall Structure</span>
  4074. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4075. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4076. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4077. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4078. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644199398852"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The General Circle can decide to bring important strategic decisions to the Contributors for a vote."">Voting on important decisions</span>
  4079. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4080. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4081. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4082. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4083. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644196752436"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We will organize work into Squads (referred to as sub-circles in Holacracy), which are created by the General Circle. Each Squad has a Purpose it is pursuing and/or a domain that it controls."">Squads</span>
  4084. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4085. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4086. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4087. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4088. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197952098"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All Contributors actively contributing to the Circle's Purpose are members of the Squad."">Squad Membership</span>
  4089. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4090. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4091. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4092. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4093. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197047799"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each Squad has a Lead, who is invited into the role by the General Circle Lead"">Lead Role</span>
  4094. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4095. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4096. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4097. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4098. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644198820798"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Leads help a Squad or Circle move forward by setting priorities"">Setting priorities</span>
  4099. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4100. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4101. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4102. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4103. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644198837021"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Leads invite Contributors into work. They also have the ability to remove individual Contributors from that Squad or Circle if they are keeping it from moving forward."">Inviting and removing contributors</span>
  4104. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4105. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4106. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4107. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4108. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644199502000"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Leads can invite other Squad or Circle members into the roles of Facilitator (convening and facilitating group process) and/or Secretary (documenting key decisions and outcomes) as needed"">Other Roles</span>
  4109. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4110. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4111. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4112. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4113. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644198668406"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Contributors are community members who have been approved by a Lead to contribute to a project or squad. Contributors have the opportunity to participate in governance and to be rewarded for their contributions."">Contributor</span>
  4114. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4115. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4116. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4117. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4118. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197550215"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Contributors are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to each other as they work to help improve the Squad or Circle's ability to execute on its Purpose."">Feedback</span>
  4119. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4120. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4121. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4122. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4123. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197557184"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""SuperBenefit Contributors will be provided with practices they can use in giving or receiving feedback"">Feedback Practices</span>
  4124. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4125. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4126. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4127. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4128. </span></span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197233107"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Squads or Circles will establish a regular cadence of Tactical Meetings, which are used to review KPIs, clear blockers to key projects, prioritize work in progress or make key decisions."">Tactical Meetings</span>
  4129. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4130. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4131. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4132. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4133. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197243699"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Tactical Meetings and their outcomes are transparently documented and shared in the relevant Discord channel."">Transparency</span>
  4134. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4135. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4136. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4137. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4138. </span></span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197414738"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Governance</span>
  4139. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4140. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4141. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4142. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4143. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644194870210"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""1) Minimum viable governance, only as much as we need&amp;nbsp; / 2) Attracts energy, skills and contributions / 3) Creates clarity of action and forward momentum / 4) Rewards Contributor Role for their efforts / 5) Respects the autonomy of Contributors working to advance SuperBenefit's Purpose / 6) Key decisions and actions are documented and transparent to all"">Design Principles</span>
  4144. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4145. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4146. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4147. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4148. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644198625550"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""We will reward work of Contributors with tokens (based on a formula TBD), which will include a token to be used in DAO governance."">Token</span>
  4149. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4150. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4151. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4152. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4153. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197594940"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Contributors only use their governance tokens to vote on questions of fundamental purpose, mission, values and strategic objectives, in addition to the appointment of the General Circle Lead. Contributor votes are facilitated by a tool such as Snapshot."">Contributor Voting</span>
  4154. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4155. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4156. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4157. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4158. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644198129939"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Holders of the governance tokens have the authority to elect/appoint the General Circle Lead."">Appointment of General Circle Lead</span>
  4159. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4160. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4161. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4162. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4163. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644198116252"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Holders of the governance tokens have the authority to change the Purpose of the General Circle through a proposal, reaction, discussion and integration process."">Change of Purpose</span>
  4164. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4165. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4166. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4167. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4168. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197184280"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""In general, decisions should be made by the Contributor who is taking action in service of a Squad or Circle's Purpose, unless that action is likely to impact the work of others in the Squad or Circle. They can test this assumption of autonomy by sharing the intent of their action in the relevant channel and asking for advice."">Autonomy</span>
  4169. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4170. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4171. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4172. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4173. </span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1644197318795"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Squads or Circles make their significant decisions by Contributors surfacing tensions (gaps or opportunities) and asking for advice or seeking consent to a Proposal in the relevant channel."">Consent</span>
  4174. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4175. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4176. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4177. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4178. </span></span>",,,2,
  4179. 1644814480603,2022.2.14 4:54:40 UTC,,The CX Team," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=benevolent_dictator"">Benevolent Dictator</a>","The Benevolent Dictator holds ultimate decision-making power, until the group is ready for a more inclusive structure.","
  4180. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1615778591752"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4181. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Servant leadership, singular vision, voluntarism"">Values</span>
  4182. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4183. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4184. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4185. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4186. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1615778611357"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4187. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participation is open to anyone who wants to join, but the Benevolent Dictator can remove participants at will."">Membership</span>
  4188. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4189. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4190. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4191. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4192. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1615778642004"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4193. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Benevolent Dictator has authority and can change the group's governance as necessary.
  4194. "">Autocracy</span>
  4195. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4196. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4197. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4198. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4199. <span class=""module"" id=""module-delegation-1615778633281"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4200. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Benevolent Dictator can invite participants to help with managing
  4201. the group.
  4202. "">Delegation</span>
  4203. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/delegation/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4204. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4205. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4206. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4207. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-expiration-1615778695231"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4208. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""When the group is sufficiently mature, the Benevolent
  4209. Dictator will establish a more inclusive structure."">Expiration</span>
  4210. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/expiration/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4211. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4212. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4213. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4214. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-executive-1615778782633"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4215. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Benevolent Dictator is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions."">Executive</span>
  4216. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/executive/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4217. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4218. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4219. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4220. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1615778805501"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4221. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""If participants are not happy with the Benevolent Dictator's leadership, they may voice their concerns or leave the group."">Lobbying</span>
  4222. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lobbying/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4223. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4224. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4225. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4226. </span></span>",,,2,
  4227. 1645470507244,2022.2.21 19:8:27 UTC,,Plot Twisters [draft 1],,"Circles that overlap and interact, led by members with the lived experience to make a decision, all within one big circle with hazy edges based on involvement.","
  4228. <span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1645468665168"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4229. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  4230. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" class=""module-info"">
  4231. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4232. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4233. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4234. <span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1645470326074"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4235. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  4236. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4237. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4238. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4239. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4240. <span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1645468774891"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4241. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  4242. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4243. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4244. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4245. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4246. <span class=""module"" id=""module-stake-weight-1645469988055"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4247. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants hold power in proportion to their investment in the organization."">Stake Weight</span>
  4248. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/stake_weight/"" class=""module-info"">
  4249. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4250. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4251. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4252. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-representation-1645470278986"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4253. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Rather than decide directly, people choose representatives to participate in decision making on their behalf."">Representation</span>
  4254. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/representation/"" class=""module-info"">
  4255. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4256. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4257. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4258. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1645468769500"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4259. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  4260. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4261. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4262. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4263. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4264. <span class=""module"" id=""module-continuous-voting-1645470001236"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4265. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voting can occur anytime, not just on a fixed schedule, and decisions can change if participants alter their votes."">Continuous voting</span>
  4266. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/continuous_voting/"" class=""module-info"">
  4267. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4268. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4269. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4270. </span></span></span></span></span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1645470310824"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4271. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  4272. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  4273. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4274. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4275. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4276. <span class=""module"" id=""module-roles-1645470314009"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4277. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."">Roles</span>
  4278. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/roles/"" class=""module-info"">
  4279. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4280. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4281. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4282. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1645470149919"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4283. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  4284. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"" class=""module-info"">
  4285. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4286. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4287. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4288. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645470388880"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Co-design</span>
  4289. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4290. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4291. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4292. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4293. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1645468669344"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4294. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  4295. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4296. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4297. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4298. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4299. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-origins-1645468670784"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4300. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."">Origins</span>
  4301. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/origins/"" class=""module-info"">
  4302. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4303. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4304. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4305. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1645470146223"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4306. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  4307. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  4308. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4309. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4310. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4311. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1645468667808"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4312. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  4313. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" class=""module-info"">
  4314. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4315. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4316. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4317. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1645468662185"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4318. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  4319. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  4320. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4321. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4322. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4323. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1645468666480"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4324. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."">Story</span>
  4325. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" class=""module-info"">
  4326. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4327. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4328. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4329. <span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1645468657857"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4330. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  4331. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" class=""module-info"">
  4332. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4333. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4334. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4335. <span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1645468676559"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4336. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""To create initiatives that nurture our self-knowledge for wellbeing."">Mission</span>
  4337. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  4338. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4339. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4340. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4341. </span></span></span>",Jenny Liu Zhang,,2,
  4342. 1645509073021,2022.2.22 5:51:13 UTC,,The Elemental Triarchy of Amelehtia,,"Established during the early golden age of Amelehtia, the Council of Sages&nbsp; stewarded the cultures, natural resources, and economic relations between the nine tribes of Amelehtia. Each of the nine tribes maintained its own governance structure, and the sages did not interfere with internal affairs of the tribes. In fact, the sages did not interfere at all. They had no military or enforcement arm. They were facilitators of slow, holistic, and generative cultural and economic development for 609 years.","
  4343. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645214731620"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""United by the Counsel of Sages, the Empire of Amelehtia is comprised of the continent of the same name and its outlying archipelagos. For hundreds of years, the various peoples of the empire thrived in peace under the guidance of the lineage of sages. In time, the leadership of the sages declined and new powers rose. Amelehtia was weakened. The Heingryn, long considered to be valuable allies in commercial, cultural, and intellectual trade, seized the moment of political weakness and invaded, initiating a seemingly endless war to conquer all of the Amelehtian peoples."">Amelehtia</span>
  4344. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4345. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4346. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4347. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4348. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645211140117"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each of the nine tribes of Amelehtia were, before the golden age, not only separated from each other but also within themselves. It was the sages who identified the commonalities of each and helped them to identify the nested wholes of culture which individuated and united them."">The Nine Tribes</span>
  4349. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4350. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4351. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4352. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4353. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645214471415"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""What unites the water tribes is that each of their societies is driven more by their cultural sense of meaning, relational structures, and adaptivity than by their economies, fixed traditions, collective ambitions. The water tribes are composed of individuals relating more than they are made of institutions instrumentally directing individuals.
  4354. What is odd about the water tribes is that they have next to no contact with each other. They exist at the distant fringes of the Amelehtian continent and have only rare causes to interact."">Water Tribes</span>
  4355. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4356. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4357. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4358. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4359. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645212030624"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Semoreal are a lively people. The whole of their society is somewhat transient and happily so. They do have towns with homes and craft businesses, but the majority of their people live on the open sea. The Semoreal and the Ithsk are the only two tribes which maintain frequent interaction with non-Amelehtian peoples, mostly through trade, though some Semoreal are also pirates. And, some ship’s captains occupy a space in between."">Semoreal</span>
  4360. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4361. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4362. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4363. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4364. <span class=""module"" id=""module-power-vacuum-1645221289106"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4365. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""As a people, the Semoreal never really developed any unified governance. There were many Semoreal port towns, and each had its own governance. But, as the Semoreal were — and remain — a sea fairing people, the most potent authorities in their society were individual ship captains and market barons. In most Semoreal port towns, there was a mayor. And, in every town there was at least one marketplace with a market baron who was either the founder or inheritor of the market. Even in towns with multiple markets, each market baron was individually more powerful and influential than the mayor.
  4366. What little provincial governance existed within the coastal region and islands of the Semoreal was maintained by the Germice, and the Semoreal were — on the whole — glad to not have to involve themselves with broader governmental affairs than those which were close to home. As such, once the Heingryn annexed Germice University, the Semoreal had little defense against invasion. They were the first to fight back against Heingryn invasion, but quickly fell despite hard fighting. They were simply too disorganized to establish an effective resistance.&amp;nbsp;"">Power Vacuum</span>
  4367. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/power_vacuum/"" class=""module-info"">
  4368. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4369. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4370. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4371. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645211930426"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Zuzhanai occupy the land to the far south of Amelehtia. They are a forest dwelling people who live along the labyrinthine banks of The Eight Rivers and their thousands of tributaries. There are an innumerable number of distinct Zuzhanai communities, with highly diverse cultural features. What unites them is that they all live in and with the forest. In ancient times, the Zuzhanai developed an art of tree weaving, crafting the roots and branches of certain trees into elaborate architectural works over long periods of time. As such, the Zuzhanai have remained out of reach of the war with the Heingryn.&amp;nbsp;"">Zuzhanai</span>
  4372. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4373. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4374. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4375. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4376. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645222642586"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""It is not known to anyone outside of the Zuzhanai themselves how their governance works, or whether or not they have any unified governance. Even during the golden age, they only interacted with the other tribes in certain port cities and through infrequently encountered nomadic bands that occasionally venture into other lands. These groups were not forthcoming with information about their homeland, but many of them served as formidable allies to the Olmahka during the war. The Heingryn considered Zuzhanai warriors to be undefeatable in the forest and took to clearing large tracts of forest in the Olmahkan region in order to conquer central Amelehtia."">Unknown</span>
  4377. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4378. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4379. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4380. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4381. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645211918153"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Ithsk, like the Semoreal, are a seafaring people. However, the Semoreal do not travel the seas in commercial ships but solitary canoes. Their home is an archipelago far off the west coast of the Amelehtian mainland. The archipelago is made up of thousands of small islands, most too small for more than a few houses. Of their islands which are large enough to never disappear under the tide or large waves, all are heavily forested. Among these there are many small villages or even individual family habitations. Their communities are, thus, kept small and disparate. The Heingryn have, for these reasons, largely ignored the Ithsk. To conquer the Ithsk would not constitute a major economic or political gain."">Ithsk</span>
  4382. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4383. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4384. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4385. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4386. <span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1645223379848"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4387. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""There are no governance structures within Ithsk society. Mostly, no one even discusses what they intend to do with anyone not involved. Ithsk communication consists mostly of long slow meandering conversations about the nature and condition of things. In this way, the Ithsk tend to not impose on each other’s decision making, yet they are each of enormous influence on each other. By focusing their communication on sharing observations and objective analysis, without judgement or conclusion, they maintain a high degree of individual autonomy. It is believed that this cultural trait originates with survival adaptations as they learned to navigate the open sea in small solitary vessels. Their lives are naturally very dangerous, and they do not usually know, even, when a member of their community has died. Factors like this have made every aspect of their culture very immediate and present."">Do-ocracy</span>
  4388. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4389. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4390. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4391. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4392. </span></span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645214519728"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Amelehtia’s earth tribes are focused on community wholeness. They thrive through well-established traditions which have brought each of them wealth and stability, according to their own value structure.
  4393. The earth tribes are all native to the mainland of the continent. Each of these tribes is made up of distinct communities which mostly interact economically, being geographically adjacent. Because of their insular and relatively fixed cultural modalities, they do not intermix much, even within their own tribe’s disparate communities. But, their isolation makes them each highly specialized in crafts and industry, making economic interaction between them highly fruitful for all."">Earth Tribes</span>
  4394. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4395. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4396. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4397. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4398. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645211943023"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Sahr are a nomadic war-like people. Even during the golden age, the sages only managed to reduce their violence to an infrequently lethal custom of menacing and raiding Kohrkrick and Germice settlements."">Sahr</span>
  4399. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4400. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4401. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4402. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4403. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autocracy-1645224054630"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4404. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each band of Sahr is ruled by a warlord who pays fealty to the Sahr King. Generally, the warlords and king are determined by contest. There is no succession by inheritance. Leadership is seized by open challenge. In this way, the Sahr avoid assassination. Killing a leader through any means other than open challenge only creates a power vacuum which anyone may claim — implicitly inviting challengers."">Autocracy</span>
  4405. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4406. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4407. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4408. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4409. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645212836061"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Kohrkrick people are nomadic bands who each travel the plains in an annual cycle. Because of this, the Sahr know where they will be and when. And, during the golden age, the Sahr raids were viewed as annual sacrifices and were actually an important aspect of both Kohrkrick and Sahr spiritual traditions."">Korhrkrick</span>
  4410. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4411. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4412. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4413. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4414. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645224547755"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All decision-making is held by mothers of mothers. Once a woman has a daughter who gives birth, she is invited into the circle of grandmothers. Mothers who are only mothers of sons are not included."">Matriarchy </span>
  4415. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4416. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4417. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4418. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4419. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645211162505"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""During the golden age, the Olmahka were governed by just a few largely cooperative regional theocracies. Their culture was, and remains, rooted in traditions and rituals which govern nearly every aspect of life. They are slow to change and were disinterested in any but the slowest technological or economic development during the golden age — having established a broadly spread and stable economic base.
  4420. "">Olmahka</span>
  4421. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4422. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4423. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4424. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4425. <span class=""module"" id=""module-bureaucracy-1645224903583"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4426. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""In Amel, the traditional capital of Amelehtia, there are number of great halls known as the orders. In the early golden age, these were very similar to the guilds of the Nassir Yahmon. But, as time went on, the guilds focused on theoretical pursuits and the orders focused on business development. The guilds developed the most masterful craftsmen and theorists in all of Amelehtia and the orders developed large wealthy trade organizations."">Bureaucracy</span>
  4427. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/bureaucracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4428. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4429. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4430. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4431. </span></span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645214539840"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The air tribes were driven by highly contrasted intellectual aristocracies during the golden age. The academic guilds of the Nassir Yahmon, the great monastery of the Mubrithar, and the university city of the Germice were each highly distinct drivers of technology, and cultural advancement — in their day. During the golden age, each of these institutions took in students from all nine tribes, without discrimination. Resultantly, a majority of the sages were educated in one of these institutions in their early life."">Air Tribes</span>
  4432. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4433. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4434. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4435. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4436. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645211973228"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Dwelling high in the mountains of the distant west, the Nassir Yahmon live spartan, academic, and stoic lives. They are the only tribe in which atheism is a dominant view. They live in multigenerational, polygamous, family estates. Upon reaching adulthood, each Nassir is expected to join a guild. Membership in some guilds is highly competitive. Others, less so. The most difficult guilds to join are those of astronomy, math, chemistry, and transmutation."">Nassir Yahmon</span>
  4437. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4438. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4439. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4440. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4441. <span class=""module"" id=""module-coalition-1645218205682"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4442. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Each of the academic guilds of the Nassir Yahmon is responsible for some set of functions within the society. Masters from each guild meet to discuss these responsibilities and collaborations. None can assume authority over another."">Coalition</span>
  4443. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/coalition/"" class=""module-info"">
  4444. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4445. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4446. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4447. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645212852548"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Mubrithar were governed by a single theocratic power centered in a monastery which, during the golden age, was the place where all gifted boys were sent to learn pious civil service. Leading up to the dissolution of the Council of Sages, the monastery was corrupted with avarice, plunging this region into poverty, crime, and every sort of social ill. Many believe that the social rot that brought the golden age of Amelehtia to an end began here."">Mubrithar</span>
  4448. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4449. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4450. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4451. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4452. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645218988725"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""During the height of the golden age, the Monastery of Mubrithar was a training ground for the most generous, compassionate, and wise of civil servants. These monks traveled through all of the lands of Amelehtia, helping those in need, and sharing advanced knowledge of practical science. Unlike their highland neighbors, the Nassir Yahmon, the Mubrithar valued the functional above all. The developed advanced methods of animal husbandry, breed thousands of varieties of herbs, fruits, and vegetables, and developed much of the folk medicine which enriched the lives of all Amelehtian peoples.&amp;nbsp;"">Theocracy</span>
  4453. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4454. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4455. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4456. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4457. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645212014554"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Germice</span>
  4458. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4459. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4460. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4461. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4462. <span class=""module"" id=""module-board-1645219021568"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4463. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The Germice were ruled by the decisions of the board of Germice University, modern day New Vandyr. This university city was the crown jewel of Amelehtia in the latter centuries of the golden age. The Germice were the only Amelehtian tribe with a majority of its population located in a single municipal authority. For over 200 years, Germice University was the largest city in Amelehtia, with large districts made up of people from most of the various tribes.
  4464. At first, having a powerful central government made up of philosophers and intellectuals was a source of great happiness for the Germice people, and of widespread wealth for most of the Amelehtian peoples. Germice University, and the surrounding Germice villages and port towns, steadily grew in wealth and power, but also in economic and power disparity. The isolation of power in the hands of so few made for an easy point of entry for the invasion of the Heingryn."">Board</span>
  4465. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/board/"" class=""module-info"">
  4466. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4467. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4468. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4469. </span></span></span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645211105878"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Council of Sages</span>
  4470. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4471. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4472. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4473. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4474. <span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1645211069871"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4475. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""The sages of wind, water, and earth remained in each other’s company, always in dialog, always moving between the nine tribes. They did not always agree, but they always reached a consensus among themselves before any of them would enter into dialog with a tribal authority. The sages understood that regional authorities would be biased toward sages from their own people, and so they never exposed the people to their internal disagreements.
  4476. It was this decision, which coincided with the departure of the fire sage, that initiated the golden age. In deciding to never again expose the people to their disagreement they became unified — at least as they were experienced by the people. And so, without any means of enforcement, the sages became a force all of the Amelehtian peoples could unify around."">Consensus</span>
  4477. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4478. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4479. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4480. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4481. </span></span><span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1645214698150"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""At the beginning of the golden age, the Fire Sage removed himself from the counsel following a mysterious incident. After removing himself, the Fire Sage wandered alone and the lineage of Fire Sages was frequently assumed to have died out. Periodically, though, generally in response to some great despotism, the fire sage would emerge from his hermitage to visit surgically precise vengeance upon a regional warlord, slavers, or an exploitative group of merchants. The Fire Sage maintained a strict vow of silence and lived always in isolation. The last appearances of the Fire Sage were long before the end of the golden age and the dissolution of the Counsel of Sages."">Fire Sage</span>
  4482. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4483. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4484. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4485. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4486. </span></span>",SQGLZ,,2,
  4487. 1648817979587,2022.4.1 12:59:39 UTC,,Team Toolkit - Funfetti,,,"
  4488. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1648817681228"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4489. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  4490. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4491. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4492. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4493. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4494. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-friendship-1648817683859"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4495. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."">Friendship</span>
  4496. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/friendship/"" class=""module-info"">
  4497. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4498. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4499. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4500. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1648817716613"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4501. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  4502. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  4503. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4504. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4505. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4506. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1648817731036"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4507. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  4508. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4509. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4510. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4511. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4512. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1648817738074"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4513. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  4514. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4515. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4516. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4517. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4518. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-initiation-1648817803643"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4519. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A script for how people join the community or a certain part of it."">Initiation</span>
  4520. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/initiation/"" class=""module-info"">
  4521. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4522. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4523. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4524. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-committee-1648817848085"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4525. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."">Committee</span>
  4526. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/committee/"" class=""module-info"">
  4527. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4528. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4529. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4530. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-rough-consensus-1648817754624"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4531. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."">Rough Consensus</span>
  4532. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rough_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4533. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4534. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4535. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4536. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-proof-of-work-1648817743368"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4537. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community."">Proof of Work</span>
  4538. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/proof_of_work/"" class=""module-info"">
  4539. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4540. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4541. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4542. </span>",,,2,
  4543. 1649774696664,2022.4.12 14:44:56 UTC,,HoloArchivists," &lt; <a href=""/create/?r=do-ocracy"">Do-ocracy</a>",Those who take initiative to do something in the group can decide how they do it.,"
  4544. <span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1615779612562"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4545. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""There are no fixed structures. Participants can organize meetings or sub-groups as they see fit."">Autonomy</span>
  4546. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4547. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4548. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4549. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4550. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1615779591502"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4551. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants are responsible for carrying out their own initiatives, optionally in collaboration with others.
  4552. "">Do-ocracy</span>
  4553. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4554. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4555. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4556. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4557. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1615779665258"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"">
  4558. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""If someone has serious concerns about an initiative, they should raise those concerns with the person responsible for it."">Lobbying</span>
  4559. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lobbying/"" style=""display: none;"">
  4560. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4561. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"" style=""display: inline;"">
  4562. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4563. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1649769563686"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4564. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""For important decision, member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."">Council</span>
  4565. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" class=""module-info"">
  4566. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4567. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4568. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4569. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1649771542268"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4570. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  4571. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4572. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4573. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4574. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4575. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-representation-1649771035500"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4576. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Active maintainers of projects in the organization are a part of the council. Project inclusions are considered normal proposals."">Representation</span>
  4577. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/representation/"" class=""module-info"">
  4578. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4579. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4580. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4581. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1649769764243"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4582. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  4583. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  4584. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4585. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4586. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4587. </span>",HoloArchivists,,2,
  4588. 1650572211639,2022.4.21 20:16:51 UTC,,"Let's write fanfiction, we are fans of revolution!",,"We partake in co-creating futurist fictions (self-published zines) and may engage in performance or digital world-building activities, that decenter capitalist/white supremacist modes of thinking.","
  4589. <span class=""module"" id=""module-solidarity-1650571050903"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4590. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."">Solidarity</span>
  4591. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/solidarity/"" class=""module-info"">
  4592. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4593. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4594. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4595. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1650571055688"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4596. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  4597. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" class=""module-info"">
  4598. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4599. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4600. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4601. <span class=""module"" id=""module-access-1650571152126"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4602. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system for determining who has rights to control, change, or manage shared resources."">Access</span>
  4603. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/access/"" class=""module-info"">
  4604. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4605. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4606. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4607. </span></span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-autonomy-1650571057080"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4608. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."">Autonomy</span>
  4609. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/autonomy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4610. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4611. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4612. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4613. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1650571118454"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4614. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  4615. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4616. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4617. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4618. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4619. <span class=""module"" id=""module-lazy-consensus-1650571121118"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4620. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."">Lazy consensus</span>
  4621. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lazy_consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4622. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4623. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4624. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4625. <span class=""module"" id=""module-do-ocracy-1650571139230"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4626. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."">Do-ocracy</span>
  4627. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/do-ocracy/"" class=""module-info"">
  4628. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4629. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4630. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4631. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1650571255278"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4632. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."">Consensus</span>
  4633. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4634. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4635. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4636. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4637. <span class=""module"" id=""module-deliberation-1650571159214"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4638. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."">Deliberation</span>
  4639. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/deliberation/"" class=""module-info"">
  4640. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4641. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4642. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4643. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-proof-of-work-1650572161793"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4644. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community."">Proof of Work</span>
  4645. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/proof_of_work/"" class=""module-info"">
  4646. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4647. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4648. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4649. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-restorative-justice-1650571162710"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4650. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Redress for wrong-doing occurs not through punishment but through repairing the harm done."">Restorative Justice</span>
  4651. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/restorative_justice/"" class=""module-info"">
  4652. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4653. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4654. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4655. <span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1650571998746"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4656. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."">Story</span>
  4657. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" class=""module-info"">
  4658. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4659. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4660. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4661. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-coalition-1650571266989"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4662. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A network of diverse participants working toward a common aim."">Coalition</span>
  4663. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/coalition/"" class=""module-info"">
  4664. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4665. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4666. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4667. <span class=""module module-custom"" id=""module-custom-1650571333822"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()""><span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("">Constellations</span>
  4668. <img class=""module-info"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/grid-dots.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4669. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg"" draggable=""false"">
  4670. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4671. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4672. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-code-of-conduct-1650571156127"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4673. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."">Code of Conduct</span>
  4674. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/Code_of_Conduct/"" class=""module-info"">
  4675. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4676. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4677. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4678. </span>",Friends of Friends,,2,
  4679. 1650572300705,2022.4.21 20:18:20 UTC,,Why Not Community?,,module-friendship,"
  4680. <span class=""module"" id=""module-origins-1650570997816"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4681. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."">Origins</span>
  4682. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/origins/"" class=""module-info"">
  4683. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4684. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4685. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4686. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-purpose-1650571002193"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4687. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared goals for which the community exists."">Purpose</span>
  4688. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/purpose/"" class=""module-info"">
  4689. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4690. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4691. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4692. <span class=""module"" id=""module-values-1650571201919"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4693. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Shared commitments are clearly defined."">Values</span>
  4694. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/values/"" class=""module-info"">
  4695. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4696. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4697. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4698. <span class=""module"" id=""module-initiation-1650571110103"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4699. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A script for how people join the community or a certain part of it."">Initiation</span>
  4700. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/initiation/"" class=""module-info"">
  4701. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4702. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4703. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4704. </span></span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-story-1650571011920"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4705. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."">Story</span>
  4706. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/story/"" class=""module-info"">
  4707. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4708. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4709. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4710. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-mission-1650571014601"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4711. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A shared purpose is clearly defined."">Mission</span>
  4712. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/mission/"" class=""module-info"">
  4713. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4714. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4715. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4716. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1650571023825"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4717. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  4718. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" class=""module-info"">
  4719. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4720. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4721. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4722. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-consensus-1650571030576"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4723. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group.&amp;nbsp;module-transparency"">Consensus</span>
  4724. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/consensus/"" class=""module-info"">
  4725. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4726. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4727. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4728. <span class=""module"" id=""module-approval-voting-1650571277014"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4729. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."">Approval voting</span>
  4730. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/approval_voting/"" class=""module-info"">
  4731. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4732. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4733. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4734. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-transparency-1650571088096"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4735. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Important information is widely available."">Transparency</span>
  4736. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/transparency/"" class=""module-info"">
  4737. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4738. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4739. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4740. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-fact-finding-1650571099263"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4741. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An investigation into the facts of a matter."">Fact-finding</span>
  4742. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/fact-finding/"" class=""module-info"">
  4743. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4744. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4745. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4746. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-identity-1650571107007"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4747. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A mechanism for identifying participants as appropriate for the community."">Identity</span>
  4748. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/identity/"" class=""module-info"">
  4749. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4750. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4751. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4752. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-lobbying-1650571114670"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4753. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""People outside decision-making obtain ways to influence decision makers."">Lobbying</span>
  4754. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/lobbying/"" class=""module-info"">
  4755. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4756. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4757. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4758. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-council-1650571140599"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4759. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."">Council</span>
  4760. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/council/"" class=""module-info"">
  4761. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4762. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4763. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4764. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-membership-1650571145463"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4765. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."">Membership</span>
  4766. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/membership/"" class=""module-info"">
  4767. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4768. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4769. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4770. <span class=""module"" id=""module-rights-1650571234423"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4771. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""All participants are entitled to certain specified guarantees."">Rights</span>
  4772. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/rights/"" class=""module-info"">
  4773. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4774. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4775. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4776. </span></span><span class=""module"" id=""module-federation-1650571155975"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4777. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A central authority delegates power to, and is co-governed by, subsidiary authorities."">Federation</span>
  4778. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/federation/"" class=""module-info"">
  4779. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4780. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4781. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4782. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-eloquence-1650571183487"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4783. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""An opportunity to persuade others with rhetorical effect."">Eloquence</span>
  4784. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/eloquence/"" class=""module-info"">
  4785. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4786. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4787. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4788. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-access-1650571287558"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4789. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""A system for determining who has rights to control, change, or manage shared resources."">Access</span>
  4790. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/access/"" class=""module-info"">
  4791. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4792. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4793. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4794. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-multicameralism-1650571374525"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4795. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Within a particular role in governance, there are two distinct entities that must independently agree on a decision for it to pass."">Multicameralism</span>
  4796. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/multicameralism/"" class=""module-info"">
  4797. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4798. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4799. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4800. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-separation-of-powers-1650571387597"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4801. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Different aspects of governance fall under the purview of distinct and countervailing entities."">Separation of Powers</span>
  4802. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/separation_of_powers/"" class=""module-info"">
  4803. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4804. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4805. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4806. </span><span class=""module"" id=""module-modification-1650571506388"" draggable=""true"" ondragstart=""drag(event)"" ondragend=""dragEnd()"">
  4807. <span id=""module-name"" onclick=""moduleEditField("" title=""Defines a process for how to change this Rule."">Modification</span>
  4808. <a target=""_blank"" href=""/modules/modification/"" class=""module-info"">
  4809. <img title=""More info"" draggable=""false"" class=""module-logo"" src=""/assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg""></a>
  4810. <a onclick=""this.parentNode.remove()"" class=""delete-module"">
  4811. <img src=""/assets/tabler_icons/x.svg""></a>
  4812. </span>",Adele Loye,,2,
  4813. 1652978647833,2022.5.19 16:44:7 UTC,,You and me,,This is how we relate to each other.,"[
  4814. {
  4815. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  4816. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  4817. ""icon"": """",
  4818. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  4819. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4820. ""modules"": [
  4821. {
  4822. ""moduleID"": ""eloquence"",
  4823. ""name"": ""Eloquence"",
  4824. ""icon"": """",
  4825. ""summary"": ""An opportunity to persuade others with rhetorical effect."",
  4826. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4827. ""modules"": []
  4828. }
  4829. ]
  4830. }
  4831. ]",,,3,
  4832. 1653335318168,2022.5.23 19:48:38 UTC,,Guerrilla Media Collective: the 7 DisCO Principles,,"Guerrilla Media Collective is a feminist translation cooperative with a strong focus on the commons. We are an international group of professionals dedicated to preserving the art of translation, and we see our cooperative as a tool for providing sustainable, dignified and ethical work to those in the knowledge sector.","[
  4833. {
  4834. ""moduleID"": ""values-based-accountability"",
  4835. ""name"": ""Values-based accountability"",
  4836. ""icon"": """",
  4837. ""summary"": ""Just take a look at the headings on our blog of translated articles: activism, environment, feminism, mind, new economy, P2P/Commons, post-capitalism. These and other topics, such as anticolonialism and antiracism, have always been our inspiration to translate. We translate these articles of our own accord and prioritise this pro-bono content (“lovework” as we call it) as much as any paid translation work. Besides the content we curate ourselves, we are also often contacted by organizations with which we collaborate without establishing money-mediated relationships (e.g Rojava Azadi, Vijana Wetu), acting as a bridge to consolidate a network of like-minded projects and spreading the word on social media or translating pro-bono articles about issues that we consider extremely important. In short, much of our production is not driven by profit."",
  4838. ""type"": """",
  4839. ""modules"": []
  4840. },
  4841. {
  4842. ""moduleID"": ""whole-community-governance"",
  4843. ""name"": ""Whole-community governance"",
  4844. ""icon"": """",
  4845. ""summary"": ""Decision-making and ownership is extended to all contributors. Our collective is unique in that there are many ways to participate, each with different levels of commitment, responsibility and ownership. Hence, the types of relationship a potential member can forge with the collective allows for flexibility and takes into account the vicissitudes of daily life. Casual members have a no-strings-attached relationship with the collective and the collaboration can either be one-time or recurring. Sometimes we feel a mutual spark and decide to proceed to the Dating Phase, a 6-to-9 months onboarding process. During this training phase, the veteran members will be mentoring the dating members who will gradually acquire greater benefits and responsibilities while learning the ropes: the daily rhythms, social dynamics, common practices and convivial tools that we use. At the end of this path they will have to uphold certain commitments and show that they care for the collective and its people before becoming full-fledged Guerrilla Translation members. Sounds epic but it’s an effortless, organic journey! The weight of each member’s benefits, responsibilities and input during a decision-making process will depend on their commitment level. Digital tools keep us in touch and allow us to bring authors, designers and thinkers into the discussion. Our collective is shaped by a dynamic, permeable membrane, not a rigid hierarchy."",
  4846. ""type"": """",
  4847. ""modules"": []
  4848. },
  4849. {
  4850. ""moduleID"": ""rethinking-globallocal-economics"",
  4851. ""name"": ""Rethinking global/local economics"",
  4852. ""icon"": """",
  4853. ""summary"": ""Operating transnationally may not sound particularly difficult, especially considering that the way we work and communicate in the digital sphere is, by its own nature, transnational. Our drive to spread the DisCO model as far as the eye can see and provide information on how to do so also transcends borders. However, when it comes to legal structure, the conflict between different countries’ systems may carry disastrous consequences. Bureaucratization and legislative rigidity bring with them the risk of overturning value sovereignty or distorting the distribution of carework, seriously disrupting the integrity of the collective. We’ve naively entered into contractual agreements with funding bodies and project partners in different geo-locations who are bound by restrictive bureaucracy and inflexible deliverables, disregarding the damage these usually cause to small organizations and the amount of work needed to navigate such systems. Relationships with entities of this kind can result in considerable economic loss and injustice. We have learnt this lesson the hard way."",
  4854. ""type"": """",
  4855. ""modules"": []
  4856. },
  4857. {
  4858. ""moduleID"": ""care-work-at-the-core"",
  4859. ""name"": ""Care work at the core"",
  4860. ""icon"": """",
  4861. ""summary"": ""This is the absolute heart and core of our collective. We are humans before translators, and we prioritise the health of the collective and its individual members above all. As we are spread out across Europe, we use digital tools to stay in contact and support each other. Every day we do a “check in” online, letting everyone know what we’re working on, how we’re feeling, what blocks we’re dealing with and what we’re doing for our well-being. We use Loomio in our own DisCO-like way to carry on on-going discussions about power and fairness within our working dynamics and to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard in decision-making. On top of that, we have a mutual support conga line in which each member of the collective is responsible for providing emotional support to one other collective member, and in turn receives support from their own designated “buddy”. The result is an atmosphere of genuine concern and connection among members, a space where people feel safe to open up and be vulnerable. And this is just what we have managed to create in cyberspace. When we actually meet face-to-face, it’s an absolute love fest, and this makes us incredibly resilient and strong when we are faced with challenges or heavy workloads. It’s much easier to focus on your shared goals and carry out a common vision when you know that everyone has your back. We bring care into our translation work as well. We are adamant about not using computer-assisted or machine translation. To us, translation is a craft and expression of creativity. We cultivate our translations together, giving our work the consideration and attention that it deserves."",
  4862. ""type"": """",
  4863. ""modules"": []
  4864. },
  4865. {
  4866. ""moduleID"": ""active-creators-of-commons"",
  4867. ""name"": ""Active creators of commons"",
  4868. ""icon"": """",
  4869. ""summary"": ""Acting on our initial vision, the translations that we publish and articles that we write on our own website have been designed as a commons of curated knowledge targeted towards certain language communities, making knowledge accessible to those who may not have access to it otherwise. In addition to this content, we also have extensive documentation of our internal processes, which we make available to anyone who may want to learn from our experience or model their own collective’s practices after ours. We have published our handbooks and even a wiki of information about any and every aspect of how Guerrilla Translation operates. These documents are used internally, of course, but we have always felt the responsibility to make everything that we have learned from working together available to the public as well. We see this as sowing a garden of wisdom that will be further cultivated by future Guerrilla Translators and members of other related DisCOs."",
  4870. ""type"": """",
  4871. ""modules"": []
  4872. },
  4873. {
  4874. ""moduleID"": ""reimagining-origins-and-flows-of-value"",
  4875. ""name"": ""Reimagining origins and flows of value"",
  4876. ""icon"": """",
  4877. ""summary"": ""Reimagining the origin and flows of value has been a challenging one. Though the problem is not in the process of reimagination, but in the tracking and distribution of value. This is particularly true when trying to comply with legal and contractual requirements imposed on us by governments and institutions that have never encountered a model like ours and basically have no idea what it is that we’re doing. Our coop structure requires monthly salary payments to all members and expects them to be consistent, while our workload and revenue can vary greatly from month to month and be influenced by how much care work any particular member does. On top of that, with members resident in different countries, with different employment rights, some of us have full coop member status by our accounts but must legally be treated as hired contractors. This certainly doesn’t help to distribute power evenly. A further difficulty is trying to reconcile parallel accounting systems when a large client requires payment distribution and the documentation thereof to be done in ways that completely go against our internal model."",
  4878. ""type"": """",
  4879. ""modules"": []
  4880. },
  4881. {
  4882. ""moduleID"": ""primed-for-federation"",
  4883. ""name"": ""Primed for federation"",
  4884. ""icon"": """",
  4885. ""summary"": ""Guerrilla Translation is not only primed for federation, but exists already within a structure of federation, along with Guerrilla Graphic Collective (graphic design and UX) Guerrilla Agitprop (promotion and campaigning), under the umbrella organisation Guerrilla Media Collective. As independent pods that share practices and visions, the translation and graphics collectives work together seamlessly—often in direct collaboration, bringing text and images together, but also in parallel, tracking mutually transferable value within each of the autonomous collectives. Each node can implement the DisCO model according to their specific situation, as translation is not the same as graphic art or web design. However, the value love triangle scheme conformed by livelihood, lovework and carework remains untouched. All nodes need to be in constant discussion with each other about how they are implementing the model, prioritising cross-node carework and mutual support."",
  4886. ""type"": """",
  4887. ""modules"": []
  4888. }
  4889. ]",Guerrilla Media Collective,,3,
  4890. 1653670883828,2022.5.27 17:1:23 UTC,,Movement Collective,,"A collective of people doing work together for the purpose of building a movement, supported by organizational partners.","[
  4891. {
  4892. ""moduleID"": ""story"",
  4893. ""name"": ""Story"",
  4894. ""icon"": """",
  4895. ""summary"": ""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."",
  4896. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4897. ""modules"": []
  4898. },
  4899. {
  4900. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  4901. ""name"": ""Values"",
  4902. ""icon"": """",
  4903. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  4904. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4905. ""modules"": []
  4906. },
  4907. {
  4908. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  4909. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  4910. ""icon"": """",
  4911. ""summary"": ""Members are people who have contributed work to the collective in the past six months."",
  4912. ""type"": ""structure"",
  4913. ""modules"": [
  4914. {
  4915. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  4916. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  4917. ""icon"": """",
  4918. ""summary"": ""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."",
  4919. ""type"": ""decision"",
  4920. ""modules"": []
  4921. },
  4922. {
  4923. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  4924. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  4925. ""icon"": """",
  4926. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  4927. ""type"": ""decision"",
  4928. ""modules"": []
  4929. },
  4930. {
  4931. ""moduleID"": ""proof_of_work"",
  4932. ""name"": ""Proof of Work"",
  4933. ""icon"": """",
  4934. ""summary"": ""Membership depends on evidence of contributing labor to shared projects."",
  4935. ""type"": ""decision"",
  4936. ""modules"": []
  4937. },
  4938. {
  4939. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  4940. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  4941. ""icon"": """",
  4942. ""summary"": ""Members who violate the code of conduct can be removed by a decision of the other members."",
  4943. ""type"": ""process"",
  4944. ""modules"": []
  4945. }
  4946. ]
  4947. },
  4948. {
  4949. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  4950. ""name"": ""Council"",
  4951. ""icon"": """",
  4952. ""summary"": ""A council includes supporting organizations that provide funds and/or labor to the collective."",
  4953. ""type"": ""structure"",
  4954. ""modules"": [
  4955. {
  4956. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  4957. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  4958. ""icon"": """",
  4959. ""summary"": ""The council members support the leadership of the collective members."",
  4960. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4961. ""modules"": []
  4962. }
  4963. ]
  4964. }
  4965. ]",,,3,
  4966. 1653904806354,2022.5.25 13:58:38 UTC,,Unlearn Business Labs,,"As a community, platform, knowledge pool, program and network, we want to rethink and re-live the economy: regenerative, fair, collective. This process works for us primarily on the basis of three connections: to ourselves, to others and to the environment. And for this we design a sincere, friendly and solidary space of action that shares resources and knowledge between organisations, individuals and companies. At the core of our work is our Unlearn process (Connect > Explore > Reflect > Act), which ensures the radicality and relevance of our approaches.","[
  4967. {
  4968. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  4969. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  4970. ""icon"": """",
  4971. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  4972. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4973. ""modules"": []
  4974. },
  4975. {
  4976. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  4977. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  4978. ""icon"": """",
  4979. ""summary"": ""Shared goals for which the community exists."",
  4980. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4981. ""modules"": []
  4982. },
  4983. {
  4984. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  4985. ""name"": ""Values"",
  4986. ""icon"": """",
  4987. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  4988. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4989. ""modules"": []
  4990. },
  4991. {
  4992. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  4993. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  4994. ""icon"": """",
  4995. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  4996. ""type"": ""culture"",
  4997. ""modules"": []
  4998. },
  4999. {
  5000. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  5001. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  5002. ""icon"": """",
  5003. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  5004. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5005. ""modules"": []
  5006. },
  5007. {
  5008. ""moduleID"": ""origins"",
  5009. ""name"": ""Origins"",
  5010. ""icon"": """",
  5011. ""summary"": ""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."",
  5012. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5013. ""modules"": [
  5014. {
  5015. ""moduleID"": ""lobbying"",
  5016. ""name"": ""Lobbying"",
  5017. ""icon"": """",
  5018. ""summary"": ""People outside decision-making obtain ways to influence decision makers."",
  5019. ""type"": ""process"",
  5020. ""modules"": []
  5021. }
  5022. ]
  5023. },
  5024. {
  5025. ""moduleID"": ""trust"",
  5026. ""name"": ""Trust"",
  5027. ""icon"": """",
  5028. ""summary"": ""The individuals build up and build on trust of each other to create a safe space to collaborate and discover"",
  5029. ""type"": """",
  5030. ""modules"": []
  5031. },
  5032. {
  5033. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  5034. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  5035. ""icon"": """",
  5036. ""summary"": ""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."",
  5037. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5038. ""modules"": []
  5039. },
  5040. {
  5041. ""moduleID"": ""trust-based"",
  5042. ""name"": ""Trust Based"",
  5043. ""icon"": """",
  5044. ""summary"": ""Trust to others allows decision to be failed by a group or individuals which supports the common sense and values"",
  5045. ""type"": """",
  5046. ""modules"": []
  5047. },
  5048. {
  5049. ""moduleID"": ""competency-based"",
  5050. ""name"": ""Competency Based"",
  5051. ""icon"": """",
  5052. ""summary"": ""Individuals or groups are deciding on topics following their competencies which were accepted by the community beforehand"",
  5053. ""type"": """",
  5054. ""modules"": []
  5055. },
  5056. {
  5057. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  5058. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  5059. ""icon"": """",
  5060. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  5061. ""type"": ""process"",
  5062. ""modules"": []
  5063. },
  5064. {
  5065. ""moduleID"": ""initiation"",
  5066. ""name"": ""Initiation"",
  5067. ""icon"": """",
  5068. ""summary"": ""A script for how people join the community or a certain part of it."",
  5069. ""type"": ""process"",
  5070. ""modules"": []
  5071. },
  5072. {
  5073. ""moduleID"": ""modification"",
  5074. ""name"": ""Modification"",
  5075. ""icon"": """",
  5076. ""summary"": ""Defines a process for how to change this Rule."",
  5077. ""type"": ""process"",
  5078. ""modules"": []
  5079. },
  5080. {
  5081. ""moduleID"": ""polling"",
  5082. ""name"": ""Polling"",
  5083. ""icon"": """",
  5084. ""summary"": ""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."",
  5085. ""type"": ""process"",
  5086. ""modules"": []
  5087. },
  5088. {
  5089. ""moduleID"": ""stake"",
  5090. ""name"": ""Stake"",
  5091. ""icon"": """",
  5092. ""summary"": ""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."",
  5093. ""type"": ""process"",
  5094. ""modules"": []
  5095. },
  5096. {
  5097. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  5098. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  5099. ""icon"": """",
  5100. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  5101. ""type"": ""process"",
  5102. ""modules"": []
  5103. },
  5104. {
  5105. ""moduleID"": ""coalition"",
  5106. ""name"": ""Coalition"",
  5107. ""icon"": """",
  5108. ""summary"": ""A network of diverse participants working toward a common aim."",
  5109. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5110. ""modules"": []
  5111. },
  5112. {
  5113. ""moduleID"": ""committee"",
  5114. ""name"": ""Committee"",
  5115. ""icon"": """",
  5116. ""summary"": ""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."",
  5117. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5118. ""modules"": []
  5119. },
  5120. {
  5121. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  5122. ""name"": ""Council"",
  5123. ""icon"": """",
  5124. ""summary"": ""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."",
  5125. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5126. ""modules"": []
  5127. },
  5128. {
  5129. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  5130. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  5131. ""icon"": """",
  5132. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  5133. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5134. ""modules"": []
  5135. }
  5136. ]",Unlearn Business Labs,,3,
  5137. 1654167948251,2022.6.2 11:5:48 UTC,,7 DisCO Principles,,"DisCOs are spaces for economic experimentation drawing from the Commons and P2P, Cooperativism, Feminist Economics and Distributed Tech. They are based on 7 key principles:","[
  5138. {
  5139. ""moduleID"": ""1-values-based-accountability"",
  5140. ""name"": ""1: Values-based accountability"",
  5141. ""icon"": """",
  5142. ""summary"": ""This was always at the core of the collective, even before the DisCO model had evolved into its current form. Just take a look at the headings on our blog of translated articles: activism, environment, feminism, mind, new economy, P2P/Commons, post-capitalism. These and other topics, such as anticolonialism and antiracism, have always been our inspiration to translate. We translate these articles of our own accord and prioritise this pro-bono content (“lovework” as we call it) as much as any paid translation work. Besides the content we curate ourselves, we are also often contacted by organizations with which we collaborate without establishing money-mediated relationships (e.g Rojava Azadi, Vijana Wetu), acting as a bridge to consolidate a network of like-minded projects and spreading the word on social media or translating pro-bono articles about issues that we consider extremely important. In short, much of our production is not driven by profit.\n"",
  5143. ""type"": """",
  5144. ""modules"": []
  5145. },
  5146. {
  5147. ""moduleID"": ""2-whole-community-governance"",
  5148. ""name"": ""2: Whole-community governance"",
  5149. ""icon"": """",
  5150. ""summary"": ""This means that decision-making and ownership is extended to all contributors. Our collective is unique in that there are many ways to participate, each with different levels of commitment, responsibility and ownership.\n\nHence, the types of relationship a potential member can forge with the collective allows for flexibility and takes into account the vicissitudes of daily life. Casual members have a no-strings-attached relationship with the collective and the collaboration can either be one-time or recurring. Sometimes we feel a mutual spark and decide to proceed to the Dating Phase, a 6-to-9 months onboarding process. During this training phase, the veteran members will be mentoring the dating members who will gradually acquire greater benefits and responsibilities while learning the ropes: the daily rhythms, social dynamics, common practices and convivial tools that we use. At the end of this path they will have to uphold certain commitments and show that they care for the collective and its people before becoming full-fledged Guerrilla Translation members. Sounds epic but it’s an effortless, organic journey! The weight of each member’s benefits, responsibilities and input during a decision-making process will depend on their commitment level. Digital tools keep us in touch and allow us to bring authors, designers and thinkers into the discussion. Our collective is shaped by a dynamic, permeable membrane, not a rigid hierarchy."",
  5151. ""type"": """",
  5152. ""modules"": []
  5153. },
  5154. {
  5155. ""moduleID"": ""3-active-creators-of-commons"",
  5156. ""name"": ""3: Active creators of commons"",
  5157. ""icon"": """",
  5158. ""summary"": ""Again, acting on our initial vision, the translations that we publish and articles that we write on our own website have been designed as a commons of curated knowledge targeted towards certain language communities, making knowledge accessible to those who may not have access to it otherwise. In addition to this content, we also have extensive documentation of our internal processes, which we make available to anyone who may want to learn from our experience or model their own collective’s practices after ours. We have published our handbooks and even a wiki of information about any and every aspect of how Guerrilla Translation operates. These documents are used internally, of course, but we have always felt the responsibility to make everything that we have learned from working together available to the public as well. We see this as sowing a garden of wisdom that will be further cultivated by future Guerrilla Translators and members of other related DisCOs."",
  5159. ""type"": """",
  5160. ""modules"": []
  5161. },
  5162. {
  5163. ""moduleID"": ""4-rethinking-globallocal-economics"",
  5164. ""name"": ""4: Rethinking global/local economics"",
  5165. ""icon"": """",
  5166. ""summary"": ""Operating transnationally may not sound particularly difficult, especially considering that the way we work and communicate in the digital sphere is, by its own nature, transnational. Our drive to spread the DisCO model as far as the eye can see and provide information on how to do so also transcends borders. However, when it comes to legal structure, the conflict between different countries’ systems may carry disastrous consequences. Bureaucratization and legislative rigidity bring with them the risk of overturning value sovereignty or distorting the distribution of carework, seriously disrupting the integrity of the collective. We've naively entered into contractual agreements with funding bodies and project partners in different geo-locations who are bound by restrictive bureaucracy and inflexible deliverables, disregarding the damage these usually cause to small organizations and the amount of work needed to navigate such systems. Relationships with entities of this kind can result in considerable economic loss and injustice. We have learnt this lesson the hard way.\n"",
  5167. ""type"": """",
  5168. ""modules"": []
  5169. },
  5170. {
  5171. ""moduleID"": ""5-care-work-at-the-core"",
  5172. ""name"": ""5: Care work at the core"",
  5173. ""icon"": """",
  5174. ""summary"": ""Guerrilla Translation is centered on care work. This is the absolute heart and core of our collective. We are humans before translators, and we prioritise the health of the collective and its individual members above all. As we are spread out across Europe, we use digital tools to stay in contact and support each other. Every day we do a “check in” online, letting everyone know what we’re working on, how we’re feeling, what blocks we’re dealing with and what we’re doing for our well-being. We use Loomio in our own DisCO-like way to carry on on-going discussions about power and fairness within our working dynamics and to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard in decision-making. On top of that, we have a mutual support conga line in which each member of the collective is responsible for providing emotional support to one other collective member, and in turn receives support from their own designated “buddy”. The result is an atmosphere of genuine concern and connection among members, a space where people feel safe to open up and be vulnerable. And this is just what we have managed to create in cyberspace. When we actually meet face-to-face, it’s an absolute love fest, and this makes us incredibly resilient and strong when we are faced with challenges or heavy workloads. It’s much easier to focus on your shared goals and carry out a common vision when you know that everyone has your back.\n\nWe bring care into our translation work as well. We are adamant about not using computer-assisted or machine translation. To us, translation is a craft and expression of creativity. We cultivate our translations together, giving our work the consideration and attention that it deserves."",
  5175. ""type"": """",
  5176. ""modules"": []
  5177. },
  5178. {
  5179. ""moduleID"": ""6-reimagining-origins-and-flows-of-value"",
  5180. ""name"": ""6: Reimagining origins and flows of value"",
  5181. ""icon"": """",
  5182. ""summary"": ""This has been a somewhat challenging principle. Though the problem is not in the process of reimagination, but in the tracking and distribution of value. This is particularly true when trying to comply with legal and contractual requirements imposed on us by governments and institutions that have never encountered a model like ours and basically have no idea what it is that we’re doing. Our coop structure requires monthly salary payments to all members and expects them to be consistent, while our workload and revenue can vary greatly from month to month and be influenced by how much care work any particular member does. On top of that, with members resident in different countries, with different employment rights, some of us have full coop member status by our accounts but must legally be treated as hired contractors. This certainly doesn’t help to distribute power evenly. A further difficulty is trying to reconcile parallel accounting systems when a large client requires payment distribution and the documentation thereof to be done in ways that completely go against our internal model."",
  5183. ""type"": """",
  5184. ""modules"": []
  5185. },
  5186. {
  5187. ""moduleID"": ""7-primed-for-federation"",
  5188. ""name"": ""7: Primed for federation"",
  5189. ""icon"": """",
  5190. ""summary"": ""The flexibility and permeability of the model lends itself to federation as well. Guerrilla Translation is not only primed for federation, but exists already within a structure of federation, along with Guerrilla Graphic Collective (graphic design and UX) Guerrilla Agitprop (promotion and campaigning), under the umbrella organisation Guerrilla Media Collective. As independent pods that share practices and visions, the translation and graphics collectives work together seamlessly—often in direct collaboration, bringing text and images together, but also in parallel, tracking mutually transferable value within each of the autonomous collectives. Each node can implement the DisCO model according to their specific situation, as translation is not the same as graphic art or web design. However, the value love triangle scheme conformed by livelihood, lovework and carework remains untouched. All nodes need to be in constant discussion with each other about how they are implementing the model, prioritising cross-node carework and mutual support. Guerrilla Media Collective may be the first self-defined DisCO, but interest from other collectives such as Fairbnb, Pixelache and Cooperation Jackson lets us envision a future of federated DisCOs, creating commons together and supporting each other in upholding these principles."",
  5191. ""type"": """",
  5192. ""modules"": []
  5193. }
  5194. ]",,,3,
  5195. 1654168047142,2022.6.2 11:7:27 UTC,,Guerrilla Media Collective,,"DisCOs are spaces for economic experimentation drawing from the Commons and P2P, Cooperativism, Feminist Economics and Distributed Tech. They are based on 7 key principles:","[
  5196. {
  5197. ""moduleID"": ""1-values-based-accountability"",
  5198. ""name"": ""1: Values-based accountability"",
  5199. ""icon"": """",
  5200. ""summary"": ""This was always at the core of the collective, even before the DisCO model had evolved into its current form. Just take a look at the headings on our blog of translated articles: activism, environment, feminism, mind, new economy, P2P/Commons, post-capitalism. These and other topics, such as anticolonialism and antiracism, have always been our inspiration to translate. We translate these articles of our own accord and prioritise this pro-bono content (“lovework” as we call it) as much as any paid translation work. Besides the content we curate ourselves, we are also often contacted by organizations with which we collaborate without establishing money-mediated relationships (e.g Rojava Azadi, Vijana Wetu), acting as a bridge to consolidate a network of like-minded projects and spreading the word on social media or translating pro-bono articles about issues that we consider extremely important. In short, much of our production is not driven by profit.\n"",
  5201. ""type"": """",
  5202. ""modules"": []
  5203. },
  5204. {
  5205. ""moduleID"": ""2-whole-community-governance"",
  5206. ""name"": ""2: Whole-community governance"",
  5207. ""icon"": """",
  5208. ""summary"": ""This means that decision-making and ownership is extended to all contributors. Our collective is unique in that there are many ways to participate, each with different levels of commitment, responsibility and ownership.\n\nHence, the types of relationship a potential member can forge with the collective allows for flexibility and takes into account the vicissitudes of daily life. Casual members have a no-strings-attached relationship with the collective and the collaboration can either be one-time or recurring. Sometimes we feel a mutual spark and decide to proceed to the Dating Phase, a 6-to-9 months onboarding process. During this training phase, the veteran members will be mentoring the dating members who will gradually acquire greater benefits and responsibilities while learning the ropes: the daily rhythms, social dynamics, common practices and convivial tools that we use. At the end of this path they will have to uphold certain commitments and show that they care for the collective and its people before becoming full-fledged Guerrilla Translation members. Sounds epic but it’s an effortless, organic journey! The weight of each member’s benefits, responsibilities and input during a decision-making process will depend on their commitment level. Digital tools keep us in touch and allow us to bring authors, designers and thinkers into the discussion. Our collective is shaped by a dynamic, permeable membrane, not a rigid hierarchy."",
  5209. ""type"": """",
  5210. ""modules"": []
  5211. },
  5212. {
  5213. ""moduleID"": ""3-active-creators-of-commons"",
  5214. ""name"": ""3: Active creators of commons"",
  5215. ""icon"": """",
  5216. ""summary"": ""Again, acting on our initial vision, the translations that we publish and articles that we write on our own website have been designed as a commons of curated knowledge targeted towards certain language communities, making knowledge accessible to those who may not have access to it otherwise. In addition to this content, we also have extensive documentation of our internal processes, which we make available to anyone who may want to learn from our experience or model their own collective’s practices after ours. We have published our handbooks and even a wiki of information about any and every aspect of how Guerrilla Translation operates. These documents are used internally, of course, but we have always felt the responsibility to make everything that we have learned from working together available to the public as well. We see this as sowing a garden of wisdom that will be further cultivated by future Guerrilla Translators and members of other related DisCOs."",
  5217. ""type"": """",
  5218. ""modules"": []
  5219. },
  5220. {
  5221. ""moduleID"": ""4-rethinking-globallocal-economics"",
  5222. ""name"": ""4: Rethinking global/local economics"",
  5223. ""icon"": """",
  5224. ""summary"": ""Operating transnationally may not sound particularly difficult, especially considering that the way we work and communicate in the digital sphere is, by its own nature, transnational. Our drive to spread the DisCO model as far as the eye can see and provide information on how to do so also transcends borders. However, when it comes to legal structure, the conflict between different countries’ systems may carry disastrous consequences. Bureaucratization and legislative rigidity bring with them the risk of overturning value sovereignty or distorting the distribution of carework, seriously disrupting the integrity of the collective. We've naively entered into contractual agreements with funding bodies and project partners in different geo-locations who are bound by restrictive bureaucracy and inflexible deliverables, disregarding the damage these usually cause to small organizations and the amount of work needed to navigate such systems. Relationships with entities of this kind can result in considerable economic loss and injustice. We have learnt this lesson the hard way.\n"",
  5225. ""type"": """",
  5226. ""modules"": []
  5227. },
  5228. {
  5229. ""moduleID"": ""5-care-work-at-the-core"",
  5230. ""name"": ""5: Care work at the core"",
  5231. ""icon"": """",
  5232. ""summary"": ""Guerrilla Translation is centered on care work. This is the absolute heart and core of our collective. We are humans before translators, and we prioritise the health of the collective and its individual members above all. As we are spread out across Europe, we use digital tools to stay in contact and support each other. Every day we do a “check in” online, letting everyone know what we’re working on, how we’re feeling, what blocks we’re dealing with and what we’re doing for our well-being. We use Loomio in our own DisCO-like way to carry on on-going discussions about power and fairness within our working dynamics and to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard in decision-making. On top of that, we have a mutual support conga line in which each member of the collective is responsible for providing emotional support to one other collective member, and in turn receives support from their own designated “buddy”. The result is an atmosphere of genuine concern and connection among members, a space where people feel safe to open up and be vulnerable. And this is just what we have managed to create in cyberspace. When we actually meet face-to-face, it’s an absolute love fest, and this makes us incredibly resilient and strong when we are faced with challenges or heavy workloads. It’s much easier to focus on your shared goals and carry out a common vision when you know that everyone has your back.\n\nWe bring care into our translation work as well. We are adamant about not using computer-assisted or machine translation. To us, translation is a craft and expression of creativity. We cultivate our translations together, giving our work the consideration and attention that it deserves."",
  5233. ""type"": """",
  5234. ""modules"": []
  5235. },
  5236. {
  5237. ""moduleID"": ""6-reimagining-origins-and-flows-of-value"",
  5238. ""name"": ""6: Reimagining origins and flows of value"",
  5239. ""icon"": """",
  5240. ""summary"": ""This has been a somewhat challenging principle. Though the problem is not in the process of reimagination, but in the tracking and distribution of value. This is particularly true when trying to comply with legal and contractual requirements imposed on us by governments and institutions that have never encountered a model like ours and basically have no idea what it is that we’re doing. Our coop structure requires monthly salary payments to all members and expects them to be consistent, while our workload and revenue can vary greatly from month to month and be influenced by how much care work any particular member does. On top of that, with members resident in different countries, with different employment rights, some of us have full coop member status by our accounts but must legally be treated as hired contractors. This certainly doesn’t help to distribute power evenly. A further difficulty is trying to reconcile parallel accounting systems when a large client requires payment distribution and the documentation thereof to be done in ways that completely go against our internal model."",
  5241. ""type"": """",
  5242. ""modules"": []
  5243. },
  5244. {
  5245. ""moduleID"": ""7-primed-for-federation"",
  5246. ""name"": ""7: Primed for federation"",
  5247. ""icon"": """",
  5248. ""summary"": ""The flexibility and permeability of the model lends itself to federation as well. Guerrilla Translation is not only primed for federation, but exists already within a structure of federation, along with Guerrilla Graphic Collective (graphic design and UX) Guerrilla Agitprop (promotion and campaigning), under the umbrella organisation Guerrilla Media Collective. As independent pods that share practices and visions, the translation and graphics collectives work together seamlessly—often in direct collaboration, bringing text and images together, but also in parallel, tracking mutually transferable value within each of the autonomous collectives. Each node can implement the DisCO model according to their specific situation, as translation is not the same as graphic art or web design. However, the value love triangle scheme conformed by livelihood, lovework and carework remains untouched. All nodes need to be in constant discussion with each other about how they are implementing the model, prioritising cross-node carework and mutual support. Guerrilla Media Collective may be the first self-defined DisCO, but interest from other collectives such as Fairbnb, Pixelache and Cooperation Jackson lets us envision a future of federated DisCOs, creating commons together and supporting each other in upholding these principles."",
  5249. ""type"": """",
  5250. ""modules"": []
  5251. }
  5252. ]",Guerrilla Media Collective,,3,
  5253. 1654446984833,2022.6.5 16:36:24 UTC,,Netzwerk DekolBibDACH (NoS),,[Dies ist ein Entwurf.] Als Teil des Selbstverständnisses des Netzwerks soll im Folgenden seine Kommunikationskultur und Struktur beschrieben werden.,"[
  5254. {
  5255. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  5256. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  5257. ""icon"": """",
  5258. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  5259. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5260. ""modules"": [
  5261. {
  5262. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  5263. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  5264. ""icon"": """",
  5265. ""summary"": ""Shared goals for which the community exists."",
  5266. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5267. ""modules"": []
  5268. },
  5269. {
  5270. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  5271. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  5272. ""icon"": """",
  5273. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  5274. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5275. ""modules"": []
  5276. }
  5277. ]
  5278. },
  5279. {
  5280. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  5281. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  5282. ""icon"": """",
  5283. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  5284. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5285. ""modules"": [
  5286. {
  5287. ""moduleID"": ""rough_consensus"",
  5288. ""name"": ""Rough Consensus"",
  5289. ""icon"": """",
  5290. ""summary"": ""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."",
  5291. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5292. ""modules"": []
  5293. }
  5294. ]
  5295. },
  5296. {
  5297. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  5298. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  5299. ""icon"": """",
  5300. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  5301. ""type"": ""process"",
  5302. ""modules"": [
  5303. {
  5304. ""moduleID"": ""fact_finding"",
  5305. ""name"": ""Fact-finding"",
  5306. ""icon"": """",
  5307. ""summary"": ""An investigation into the facts of a matter."",
  5308. ""type"": ""process"",
  5309. ""modules"": []
  5310. },
  5311. {
  5312. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  5313. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  5314. ""icon"": """",
  5315. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  5316. ""type"": ""process"",
  5317. ""modules"": []
  5318. }
  5319. ]
  5320. },
  5321. {
  5322. ""moduleID"": ""caucus"",
  5323. ""name"": ""Caucus"",
  5324. ""icon"": """",
  5325. ""summary"": ""A semi-formal group of people organized around shared priorities."",
  5326. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5327. ""modules"": []
  5328. }
  5329. ]",NoS,,3,
  5330. 1656509967779,2022.6.29 13:39:27 UTC,,Proposed Structure ,,,"[
  5331. {
  5332. ""moduleID"": ""culture"",
  5333. ""name"": ""Culture"",
  5334. ""icon"": """",
  5335. ""summary"": """",
  5336. ""type"": """",
  5337. ""modules"": [
  5338. {
  5339. ""moduleID"": ""telegraphing-intent"",
  5340. ""name"": ""Telegraphing Intent"",
  5341. ""icon"": """",
  5342. ""summary"": ""Announcing a clear plan to do something, why it's being done, and how it will be done so others can agree/disagree, jump in to help, voice concerns, or help make change "",
  5343. ""type"": """",
  5344. ""modules"": []
  5345. },
  5346. {
  5347. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  5348. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  5349. ""icon"": """",
  5350. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  5351. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5352. ""modules"": []
  5353. },
  5354. {
  5355. ""moduleID"": ""diversity"",
  5356. ""name"": ""Diversity"",
  5357. ""icon"": """",
  5358. ""summary"": ""Welcoming the differences and similarities across the dimensions of diversity: Age, Color, Education, Ethnicity&National Origin, Gender&Gender Identity, Immigration Status, Income&Socioeconomic Status, Marital Status, Occupation, Parental Status, Political Beliefs, Physical&Mental Ability, Race, Religious Beliefs, Sexual Orientation, Veteran Status, Etc."",
  5359. ""type"": """",
  5360. ""modules"": []
  5361. }
  5362. ]
  5363. },
  5364. {
  5365. ""moduleID"": ""decision-making-structure"",
  5366. ""name"": ""Decision-making structure"",
  5367. ""icon"": """",
  5368. ""summary"": """",
  5369. ""type"": """",
  5370. ""modules"": [
  5371. {
  5372. ""moduleID"": ""council-governance"",
  5373. ""name"": ""Council Governance"",
  5374. ""icon"": """",
  5375. ""summary"": ""How the groups conduct the policy, actions and affairs \n"",
  5376. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5377. ""modules"": [
  5378. {
  5379. ""moduleID"": ""consent"",
  5380. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  5381. ""icon"": """",
  5382. ""summary"": ""Proposals are given a deadline, and with no objections by the deadline, they pass."",
  5383. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5384. ""modules"": []
  5385. },
  5386. {
  5387. ""moduleID"": ""fist-to-five-voting"",
  5388. ""name"": ""Fist to Five Voting"",
  5389. ""icon"": """",
  5390. ""summary"": ""A fist means, “I vote NO.” or in consensus it means , “I object and will block consensus (usually on moral grounds).”\n1 finger means, “I’ll just barely go along.” or, “I don’t like this but it’s not quite a no.” or, “I think there is lots more work to do on this proposal.” In consensus this indicates standing aside, or not being in agreement but not blocking the consensus.\n2 fingers means “I don’t much like this but I’ll go along.”\n3 fingers means, “I’m in the middle somewhere. Like some of it, but not all.”\n4 fingers means, “This is fine.”\n5 fingers means, “I like this a lot, I think it’s the best possible decision.”"",
  5391. ""type"": """",
  5392. ""modules"": []
  5393. },
  5394. {
  5395. ""moduleID"": ""rotation"",
  5396. ""name"": ""Rotation"",
  5397. ""icon"": """",
  5398. ""summary"": ""People are in roles temporarily to give others a chance to lead and learn"",
  5399. ""type"": """",
  5400. ""modules"": []
  5401. }
  5402. ]
  5403. },
  5404. {
  5405. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  5406. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  5407. ""icon"": """",
  5408. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done. \nIf a decision is made, or action is taken, and then someone undoes it, then it goes to the appropriate group or DRI (which may be the council)"",
  5409. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5410. ""modules"": []
  5411. },
  5412. {
  5413. ""moduleID"": ""budgeting-process"",
  5414. ""name"": ""Budgeting process"",
  5415. ""icon"": """",
  5416. ""summary"": ""n% pre-allocated for equity, mediation, etc.\nParticipatory budgeting?"",
  5417. ""type"": """",
  5418. ""modules"": []
  5419. },
  5420. {
  5421. ""moduleID"": ""specific-councils"",
  5422. ""name"": ""Specific Councils"",
  5423. ""icon"": """",
  5424. ""summary"": ""TODO: Add full list from all hands meeting"",
  5425. ""type"": """",
  5426. ""modules"": [
  5427. {
  5428. ""moduleID"": ""leadership-council"",
  5429. ""name"": ""Leadership Council"",
  5430. ""icon"": """",
  5431. ""summary"": ""Group meets together for coordination and collective decision-making and as the final decision point for conflicts or major allocations."",
  5432. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5433. ""modules"": []
  5434. }
  5435. ]
  5436. }
  5437. ]
  5438. },
  5439. {
  5440. ""moduleID"": ""communication-structure"",
  5441. ""name"": ""Communication structure"",
  5442. ""icon"": """",
  5443. ""summary"": """",
  5444. ""type"": """",
  5445. ""modules"": [
  5446. {
  5447. ""moduleID"": ""community-forum"",
  5448. ""name"": ""Community forum"",
  5449. ""icon"": """",
  5450. ""summary"": ""Shared place to propose ideas, provide feedback, share information, build community, and express dissent"",
  5451. ""type"": """",
  5452. ""modules"": []
  5453. }
  5454. ]
  5455. },
  5456. {
  5457. ""moduleID"": ""selected-via-x"",
  5458. ""name"": ""Selected via X"",
  5459. ""icon"": """",
  5460. ""summary"": """",
  5461. ""type"": """",
  5462. ""modules"": [
  5463. {
  5464. ""moduleID"": ""leadership-council"",
  5465. ""name"": ""Leadership Council"",
  5466. ""icon"": """",
  5467. ""summary"": ""Group meets together for coordination and collective decision-making and as the final decision point for conflicts or major allocations."",
  5468. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5469. ""modules"": []
  5470. }
  5471. ]
  5472. }
  5473. ]",,,3,
  5474. 1657832798798,2022.7.14 21:6:15 UTC,,Present Team Dynamics,,,"[
  5475. {
  5476. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  5477. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  5478. ""icon"": """",
  5479. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  5480. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5481. ""modules"": []
  5482. },
  5483. {
  5484. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  5485. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  5486. ""icon"": """",
  5487. ""summary"": ""Shared goals for which the community exists."",
  5488. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5489. ""modules"": []
  5490. },
  5491. {
  5492. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  5493. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  5494. ""icon"": """",
  5495. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  5496. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5497. ""modules"": []
  5498. },
  5499. {
  5500. ""moduleID"": ""origins"",
  5501. ""name"": ""Origins"",
  5502. ""icon"": """",
  5503. ""summary"": ""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."",
  5504. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5505. ""modules"": []
  5506. },
  5507. {
  5508. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  5509. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  5510. ""icon"": """",
  5511. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  5512. ""type"": ""process"",
  5513. ""modules"": [
  5514. {
  5515. ""moduleID"": ""polling"",
  5516. ""name"": ""Polling"",
  5517. ""icon"": """",
  5518. ""summary"": ""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."",
  5519. ""type"": ""process"",
  5520. ""modules"": []
  5521. }
  5522. ]
  5523. },
  5524. {
  5525. ""moduleID"": ""identity"",
  5526. ""name"": ""Identity"",
  5527. ""icon"": """",
  5528. ""summary"": ""A mechanism for identifying participants as appropriate for the community."",
  5529. ""type"": ""process"",
  5530. ""modules"": [
  5531. {
  5532. ""moduleID"": ""reputation"",
  5533. ""name"": ""Reputation"",
  5534. ""icon"": """",
  5535. ""summary"": ""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."",
  5536. ""type"": ""process"",
  5537. ""modules"": []
  5538. }
  5539. ]
  5540. },
  5541. {
  5542. ""moduleID"": ""meritocracy"",
  5543. ""name"": ""Meritocracy"",
  5544. ""icon"": """",
  5545. ""summary"": ""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."",
  5546. ""type"": ""process"",
  5547. ""modules"": [
  5548. {
  5549. ""moduleID"": ""stake"",
  5550. ""name"": ""Stake"",
  5551. ""icon"": """",
  5552. ""summary"": ""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."",
  5553. ""type"": ""process"",
  5554. ""modules"": []
  5555. }
  5556. ]
  5557. },
  5558. {
  5559. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  5560. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  5561. ""icon"": """",
  5562. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  5563. ""type"": ""process"",
  5564. ""modules"": []
  5565. },
  5566. {
  5567. ""moduleID"": ""rough_consensus"",
  5568. ""name"": ""Rough Consensus"",
  5569. ""icon"": """",
  5570. ""summary"": ""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."",
  5571. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5572. ""modules"": [
  5573. {
  5574. ""moduleID"": ""consent"",
  5575. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  5576. ""icon"": """",
  5577. ""summary"": ""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."",
  5578. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5579. ""modules"": []
  5580. },
  5581. {
  5582. ""moduleID"": ""condorcet"",
  5583. ""name"": ""Condorcet"",
  5584. ""icon"": """",
  5585. ""summary"": ""Selects the option that would win a majority of votes against each of the other options."",
  5586. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5587. ""modules"": []
  5588. }
  5589. ]
  5590. },
  5591. {
  5592. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  5593. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  5594. ""icon"": """",
  5595. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  5596. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5597. ""modules"": [
  5598. {
  5599. ""moduleID"": ""proof_of_work"",
  5600. ""name"": ""Proof of Work"",
  5601. ""icon"": """",
  5602. ""summary"": ""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community."",
  5603. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5604. ""modules"": []
  5605. },
  5606. {
  5607. ""moduleID"": ""stake_weight"",
  5608. ""name"": ""Stake Weight"",
  5609. ""icon"": """",
  5610. ""summary"": ""Participants hold power in proportion to their investment in the organization."",
  5611. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5612. ""modules"": []
  5613. }
  5614. ]
  5615. },
  5616. {
  5617. ""moduleID"": ""continuous_voting"",
  5618. ""name"": ""Continuous voting"",
  5619. ""icon"": """",
  5620. ""summary"": ""Voting can occur anytime, not just on a fixed schedule, and decisions can change if participants alter their votes."",
  5621. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5622. ""modules"": []
  5623. },
  5624. {
  5625. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  5626. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  5627. ""icon"": """",
  5628. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  5629. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5630. ""modules"": []
  5631. },
  5632. {
  5633. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  5634. ""name"": ""Council"",
  5635. ""icon"": """",
  5636. ""summary"": ""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."",
  5637. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5638. ""modules"": []
  5639. },
  5640. {
  5641. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  5642. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  5643. ""icon"": """",
  5644. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  5645. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5646. ""modules"": []
  5647. },
  5648. {
  5649. ""moduleID"": ""coalition"",
  5650. ""name"": ""Coalition"",
  5651. ""icon"": """",
  5652. ""summary"": ""A network of diverse participants working toward a common aim."",
  5653. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5654. ""modules"": []
  5655. }
  5656. ]",,,3,
  5657. 1657835359289,2022.7.14 21:49:19 UTC,,Future Team Dynamics,,,"[
  5658. {
  5659. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  5660. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  5661. ""icon"": """",
  5662. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  5663. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5664. ""modules"": []
  5665. },
  5666. {
  5667. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  5668. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  5669. ""icon"": """",
  5670. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  5671. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5672. ""modules"": []
  5673. },
  5674. {
  5675. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  5676. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  5677. ""icon"": """",
  5678. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  5679. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5680. ""modules"": []
  5681. },
  5682. {
  5683. ""moduleID"": ""story"",
  5684. ""name"": ""Story"",
  5685. ""icon"": """",
  5686. ""summary"": ""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."",
  5687. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5688. ""modules"": []
  5689. },
  5690. {
  5691. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  5692. ""name"": ""Values"",
  5693. ""icon"": """",
  5694. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  5695. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5696. ""modules"": []
  5697. },
  5698. {
  5699. ""moduleID"": ""canvassing"",
  5700. ""name"": ""Canvassing"",
  5701. ""icon"": """",
  5702. ""summary"": ""Peer-to-peer campaigning to achieve popular support."",
  5703. ""type"": ""process"",
  5704. ""modules"": []
  5705. },
  5706. {
  5707. ""moduleID"": ""initiation"",
  5708. ""name"": ""Initiation"",
  5709. ""icon"": """",
  5710. ""summary"": ""A script for how people join the community or a certain part of it."",
  5711. ""type"": ""process"",
  5712. ""modules"": []
  5713. },
  5714. {
  5715. ""moduleID"": ""identity"",
  5716. ""name"": ""Identity"",
  5717. ""icon"": """",
  5718. ""summary"": ""A mechanism for identifying participants as appropriate for the community."",
  5719. ""type"": ""process"",
  5720. ""modules"": []
  5721. },
  5722. {
  5723. ""moduleID"": ""meritocracy"",
  5724. ""name"": ""Meritocracy"",
  5725. ""icon"": """",
  5726. ""summary"": ""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."",
  5727. ""type"": ""process"",
  5728. ""modules"": []
  5729. },
  5730. {
  5731. ""moduleID"": ""polling"",
  5732. ""name"": ""Polling"",
  5733. ""icon"": """",
  5734. ""summary"": ""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."",
  5735. ""type"": ""process"",
  5736. ""modules"": []
  5737. },
  5738. {
  5739. ""moduleID"": ""reputation"",
  5740. ""name"": ""Reputation"",
  5741. ""icon"": """",
  5742. ""summary"": ""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."",
  5743. ""type"": ""process"",
  5744. ""modules"": []
  5745. },
  5746. {
  5747. ""moduleID"": ""stake"",
  5748. ""name"": ""Stake"",
  5749. ""icon"": """",
  5750. ""summary"": ""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."",
  5751. ""type"": ""process"",
  5752. ""modules"": []
  5753. },
  5754. {
  5755. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  5756. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  5757. ""icon"": """",
  5758. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  5759. ""type"": ""process"",
  5760. ""modules"": []
  5761. },
  5762. {
  5763. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  5764. ""name"": ""Council"",
  5765. ""icon"": """",
  5766. ""summary"": ""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."",
  5767. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5768. ""modules"": []
  5769. },
  5770. {
  5771. ""moduleID"": ""federation"",
  5772. ""name"": ""Federation"",
  5773. ""icon"": """",
  5774. ""summary"": ""A central authority delegates power to, and is co-governed by, subsidiary authorities."",
  5775. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5776. ""modules"": []
  5777. },
  5778. {
  5779. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  5780. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  5781. ""icon"": """",
  5782. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  5783. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5784. ""modules"": []
  5785. },
  5786. {
  5787. ""moduleID"": ""consent"",
  5788. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  5789. ""icon"": """",
  5790. ""summary"": ""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."",
  5791. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5792. ""modules"": []
  5793. },
  5794. {
  5795. ""moduleID"": ""leadership-council-fist-to-five-voting"",
  5796. ""name"": ""Leadership Council Fist-to-Five Voting"",
  5797. ""icon"": """",
  5798. ""summary"": ""The leadership team votes on options. A fist means, “I vote NO.” or in consensus it means , “I object and will block consensus (usually on moral grounds).” 1 finger means, “I’ll just barely go along.” or, “I don’t like this but it’s not quite a no.” or, “I think there is lots more work to do on this proposal.” In consensus this indicates standing aside, or not being in agreement but not blocking the consensus. 2 fingers means “I don’t much like this but I’ll go along.” 3 fingers means, “I’m in the middle somewhere. Like some of it, but not all.” 4 fingers means, “This is fine.” 5 fingers means, “I like this a lot, I think it’s the best possible decision.”"",
  5799. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5800. ""modules"": []
  5801. },
  5802. {
  5803. ""moduleID"": ""broader-community-rough-consensus"",
  5804. ""name"": ""Broader Community Rough Consensus"",
  5805. ""icon"": """",
  5806. ""summary"": ""The broader community makes decisions not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."",
  5807. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5808. ""modules"": []
  5809. }
  5810. ]",,,3,
  5811. 1657853753158,2022.7.15 2:55:53 UTC,,MORE,,Steering Committee and General Body,"[
  5812. {
  5813. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  5814. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  5815. ""icon"": """",
  5816. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  5817. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5818. ""modules"": []
  5819. },
  5820. {
  5821. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  5822. ""name"": ""Values"",
  5823. ""icon"": """",
  5824. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  5825. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5826. ""modules"": []
  5827. },
  5828. {
  5829. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  5830. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  5831. ""icon"": """",
  5832. ""summary"": ""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."",
  5833. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5834. ""modules"": []
  5835. },
  5836. {
  5837. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  5838. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  5839. ""icon"": """",
  5840. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  5841. ""type"": ""process"",
  5842. ""modules"": []
  5843. },
  5844. {
  5845. ""moduleID"": ""roles"",
  5846. ""name"": ""Roles"",
  5847. ""icon"": """",
  5848. ""summary"": ""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."",
  5849. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5850. ""modules"": []
  5851. }
  5852. ]",,,3,
  5853. 1658328324757,2022.7.20 14:45:24 UTC,,Benevolent Dictator,,"The Benevolent Dictator holds ultimate decision-making power, until the group is ready for a more inclusive structure.","[
  5854. {
  5855. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  5856. ""name"": ""Values"",
  5857. ""icon"": null,
  5858. ""summary"": ""Servant leadership, singular vision, voluntarism"",
  5859. ""modules"": []
  5860. },
  5861. {
  5862. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  5863. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  5864. ""icon"": null,
  5865. ""summary"": ""Participation is open to anyone who wants to join, but the Benevolent Dictator can remove participants at will."",
  5866. ""modules"": []
  5867. },
  5868. {
  5869. ""moduleID"": ""autocracy"",
  5870. ""name"": ""Autocracy"",
  5871. ""icon"": null,
  5872. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator has authority and can change the group's governance as necessary."",
  5873. ""modules"": [
  5874. {
  5875. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  5876. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  5877. ""icon"": null,
  5878. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator can invite participants to help with managing the group."",
  5879. ""modules"": []
  5880. },
  5881. {
  5882. ""moduleID"": ""expiration"",
  5883. ""name"": ""Expiration"",
  5884. ""icon"": null,
  5885. ""summary"": ""When the group is sufficiently mature, the Benevolent Dictator will establish a more inclusive structure."",
  5886. ""modules"": []
  5887. },
  5888. {
  5889. ""moduleID"": ""executive"",
  5890. ""name"": ""Executive"",
  5891. ""icon"": null,
  5892. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions."",
  5893. ""modules"": []
  5894. },
  5895. {
  5896. ""moduleID"": ""lobbying"",
  5897. ""name"": ""Lobbying"",
  5898. ""icon"": null,
  5899. ""summary"": ""If participants are not happy with the Benevolent Dictator's leadership, they may voice their concerns or leave the group."",
  5900. ""modules"": []
  5901. }
  5902. ]
  5903. }
  5904. ]",Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  5905. 1658336542841,2022.7.20 17:2:22 UTC,,MORE,,,"[
  5906. {
  5907. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  5908. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  5909. ""icon"": """",
  5910. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  5911. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5912. ""modules"": []
  5913. },
  5914. {
  5915. ""moduleID"": ""norms"",
  5916. ""name"": ""Norms"",
  5917. ""icon"": """",
  5918. ""summary"": ""Informally agreed-on practices or beliefs."",
  5919. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5920. ""modules"": []
  5921. },
  5922. {
  5923. ""moduleID"": ""continuous_voting"",
  5924. ""name"": ""Continuous voting"",
  5925. ""icon"": """",
  5926. ""summary"": ""Voting can occur anytime, not just on a fixed schedule, and decisions can change if participants alter their votes."",
  5927. ""type"": ""decision"",
  5928. ""modules"": []
  5929. },
  5930. {
  5931. ""moduleID"": ""fact_finding"",
  5932. ""name"": ""Fact-finding"",
  5933. ""icon"": """",
  5934. ""summary"": ""An investigation into the facts of a matter."",
  5935. ""type"": ""process"",
  5936. ""modules"": []
  5937. },
  5938. {
  5939. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  5940. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  5941. ""icon"": """",
  5942. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  5943. ""type"": ""structure"",
  5944. ""modules"": []
  5945. }
  5946. ]",,,3,
  5947. 1659644753836,2022.8.4 20:25:53 UTC,,New,,,"[
  5948. {
  5949. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  5950. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  5951. ""icon"": """",
  5952. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  5953. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5954. ""modules"": []
  5955. },
  5956. {
  5957. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  5958. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  5959. ""icon"": """",
  5960. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  5961. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5962. ""modules"": []
  5963. },
  5964. {
  5965. ""moduleID"": ""story"",
  5966. ""name"": ""Story"",
  5967. ""icon"": """",
  5968. ""summary"": ""A shared narrative about how or why the community became as it is."",
  5969. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5970. ""modules"": []
  5971. },
  5972. {
  5973. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  5974. ""name"": ""Values"",
  5975. ""icon"": """",
  5976. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  5977. ""type"": ""culture"",
  5978. ""modules"": []
  5979. },
  5980. {
  5981. ""moduleID"": ""canvassing"",
  5982. ""name"": ""Canvassing"",
  5983. ""icon"": """",
  5984. ""summary"": ""Peer-to-peer campaigning to achieve popular support."",
  5985. ""type"": ""process"",
  5986. ""modules"": []
  5987. },
  5988. {
  5989. ""moduleID"": ""initiation"",
  5990. ""name"": ""Initiation"",
  5991. ""icon"": """",
  5992. ""summary"": ""A script for how people join the community or a certain part of it."",
  5993. ""type"": ""process"",
  5994. ""modules"": []
  5995. },
  5996. {
  5997. ""moduleID"": ""identity"",
  5998. ""name"": ""Identity"",
  5999. ""icon"": """",
  6000. ""summary"": ""A mechanism for identifying participants as appropriate for the community."",
  6001. ""type"": ""process"",
  6002. ""modules"": []
  6003. },
  6004. {
  6005. ""moduleID"": ""meritocracy"",
  6006. ""name"": ""Meritocracy"",
  6007. ""icon"": """",
  6008. ""summary"": ""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."",
  6009. ""type"": ""process"",
  6010. ""modules"": []
  6011. },
  6012. {
  6013. ""moduleID"": ""polling"",
  6014. ""name"": ""Polling"",
  6015. ""icon"": """",
  6016. ""summary"": ""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."",
  6017. ""type"": ""process"",
  6018. ""modules"": []
  6019. },
  6020. {
  6021. ""moduleID"": ""reputation"",
  6022. ""name"": ""Reputation"",
  6023. ""icon"": """",
  6024. ""summary"": ""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."",
  6025. ""type"": ""process"",
  6026. ""modules"": []
  6027. },
  6028. {
  6029. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  6030. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  6031. ""icon"": """",
  6032. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  6033. ""type"": ""process"",
  6034. ""modules"": []
  6035. },
  6036. {
  6037. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  6038. ""name"": ""Council"",
  6039. ""icon"": """",
  6040. ""summary"": ""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."",
  6041. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6042. ""modules"": []
  6043. },
  6044. {
  6045. ""moduleID"": ""federation"",
  6046. ""name"": ""Federation"",
  6047. ""icon"": """",
  6048. ""summary"": ""A central authority delegates power to, and is co-governed by, subsidiary authorities."",
  6049. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6050. ""modules"": []
  6051. },
  6052. {
  6053. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  6054. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  6055. ""icon"": """",
  6056. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done.\n\nWhen proposals are submitted by individuals, lazy consensus among the larger TCA group prioritizes the initiatives for action. The person who has the most ambition (interest, motivation, time, etc.) for the initiative leads it; this may be the person who submitted the proposal but doesn't need to be."",
  6057. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6058. ""modules"": [
  6059. {
  6060. ""moduleID"": ""group-prioritization"",
  6061. ""name"": ""Group Prioritization"",
  6062. ""icon"": """",
  6063. ""summary"": """",
  6064. ""type"": """",
  6065. ""modules"": []
  6066. },
  6067. {
  6068. ""moduleID"": ""leadership-funding-prioritization"",
  6069. ""name"": ""Leadership Funding Prioritization"",
  6070. ""icon"": """",
  6071. ""summary"": ""After the larger TCA group has prioritized initiatives, leadership aligns selected initiatives to funding avenues."",
  6072. ""type"": """",
  6073. ""modules"": []
  6074. }
  6075. ]
  6076. },
  6077. {
  6078. ""moduleID"": ""leadership-decision-making"",
  6079. ""name"": ""Leadership Decision Making"",
  6080. ""icon"": """",
  6081. ""summary"": """",
  6082. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6083. ""modules"": [
  6084. {
  6085. ""moduleID"": ""vision-mission"",
  6086. ""name"": ""Vision / Mission"",
  6087. ""icon"": """",
  6088. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  6089. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6090. ""modules"": []
  6091. },
  6092. {
  6093. ""moduleID"": ""rough_consensus"",
  6094. ""name"": ""Rough Consensus"",
  6095. ""icon"": """",
  6096. ""summary"": ""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will.\nStart here with leadership decisions."",
  6097. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6098. ""modules"": []
  6099. },
  6100. {
  6101. ""moduleID"": ""fist-to-five-voting"",
  6102. ""name"": ""Fist-to-Five Voting"",
  6103. ""icon"": """",
  6104. ""summary"": ""[F2F description]\nWhen rough consensus is no longer working."",
  6105. ""type"": """",
  6106. ""modules"": []
  6107. }
  6108. ]
  6109. },
  6110. {
  6111. ""moduleID"": ""broader-community-decision-making"",
  6112. ""name"": ""Broader Community Decision Making"",
  6113. ""icon"": """",
  6114. ""summary"": ""After a decision is drafted by the leadership team, rough consensus can be used for the larger TCA group to contribute. Decisions around initiative priorities and direction uses rough consensus."",
  6115. ""type"": """",
  6116. ""modules"": [
  6117. {
  6118. ""moduleID"": ""rough_consensus"",
  6119. ""name"": ""Rough Consensus"",
  6120. ""icon"": """",
  6121. ""summary"": ""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."",
  6122. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6123. ""modules"": []
  6124. },
  6125. {
  6126. ""moduleID"": ""consent"",
  6127. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  6128. ""icon"": """",
  6129. ""summary"": ""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."",
  6130. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6131. ""modules"": []
  6132. }
  6133. ]
  6134. },
  6135. {
  6136. ""moduleID"": ""meritocracy-leadership-rotation"",
  6137. ""name"": ""Meritocracy Leadership Rotation"",
  6138. ""icon"": """",
  6139. ""summary"": ""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards. The role rotates."",
  6140. ""type"": """",
  6141. ""modules"": [
  6142. {
  6143. ""moduleID"": ""meritocracy"",
  6144. ""name"": ""Meritocracy"",
  6145. ""icon"": """",
  6146. ""summary"": ""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards.\n\nInitiative leads who have shown success/progress in the previous year are invited/nominated/rough consensused to join the leadership team for the next term."",
  6147. ""type"": ""process"",
  6148. ""modules"": []
  6149. },
  6150. {
  6151. ""moduleID"": ""term_limit"",
  6152. ""name"": ""Term limits"",
  6153. ""icon"": """",
  6154. ""summary"": ""Roles can be held for a maximum of a fixed period of time."",
  6155. ""type"": ""process"",
  6156. ""modules"": []
  6157. },
  6158. {
  6159. ""moduleID"": ""stake"",
  6160. ""name"": ""Stake"",
  6161. ""icon"": """",
  6162. ""summary"": ""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."",
  6163. ""type"": ""process"",
  6164. ""modules"": []
  6165. }
  6166. ]
  6167. },
  6168. {
  6169. ""moduleID"": ""asynchronous-decisions-making"",
  6170. ""name"": ""Asynchronous Decisions Making"",
  6171. ""icon"": """",
  6172. ""summary"": """",
  6173. ""type"": """",
  6174. ""modules"": []
  6175. }
  6176. ]",,,3,
  6177. 1660202674286,2022.8.11 7:24:34 UTC,,Forby ,,Give people the ability to collaborate on decision making.,"[
  6178. {
  6179. ""moduleID"": ""approval_voting"",
  6180. ""name"": ""Approval voting"",
  6181. ""icon"": """",
  6182. ""summary"": ""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."",
  6183. ""config"": """",
  6184. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6185. ""modules"": []
  6186. },
  6187. {
  6188. ""moduleID"": ""continuous_voting"",
  6189. ""name"": ""Continuous voting"",
  6190. ""icon"": """",
  6191. ""summary"": ""Voting can occur anytime, not just on a fixed schedule, and decisions can change if participants alter their votes."",
  6192. ""config"": """",
  6193. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6194. ""modules"": []
  6195. },
  6196. {
  6197. ""moduleID"": ""range_voting"",
  6198. ""name"": ""Range Voting"",
  6199. ""icon"": """",
  6200. ""summary"": ""Voters score each option within a range, and the option with the highest average score wins."",
  6201. ""config"": """",
  6202. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6203. ""modules"": []
  6204. },
  6205. {
  6206. ""moduleID"": ""ranked_choice"",
  6207. ""name"": ""Ranked Choice"",
  6208. ""icon"": """",
  6209. ""summary"": ""Voters rank options, and the option with a majority of top-ranked votes wins; if there is no majority, options with the least top-ranked votes are removed until a majority appears."",
  6210. ""config"": """",
  6211. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6212. ""modules"": []
  6213. },
  6214. {
  6215. ""moduleID"": ""referendum"",
  6216. ""name"": ""Referendum"",
  6217. ""icon"": """",
  6218. ""summary"": ""A decision is posed to the community's members at large."",
  6219. ""config"": """",
  6220. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6221. ""modules"": []
  6222. },
  6223. {
  6224. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  6225. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  6226. ""icon"": """",
  6227. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  6228. ""config"": """",
  6229. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6230. ""modules"": []
  6231. },
  6232. {
  6233. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  6234. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  6235. ""icon"": """",
  6236. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  6237. ""config"": """",
  6238. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6239. ""modules"": []
  6240. },
  6241. {
  6242. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  6243. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  6244. ""icon"": """",
  6245. ""summary"": ""Shared goals for which the community exists."",
  6246. ""config"": """",
  6247. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6248. ""modules"": []
  6249. },
  6250. {
  6251. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  6252. ""name"": ""Values"",
  6253. ""icon"": """",
  6254. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  6255. ""config"": """",
  6256. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6257. ""modules"": []
  6258. },
  6259. {
  6260. ""moduleID"": ""debate"",
  6261. ""name"": ""Debate"",
  6262. ""icon"": """",
  6263. ""summary"": ""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."",
  6264. ""config"": """",
  6265. ""type"": ""process"",
  6266. ""modules"": []
  6267. },
  6268. {
  6269. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  6270. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  6271. ""icon"": """",
  6272. ""summary"": ""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."",
  6273. ""config"": """",
  6274. ""type"": ""process"",
  6275. ""modules"": []
  6276. },
  6277. {
  6278. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  6279. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  6280. ""icon"": """",
  6281. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  6282. ""config"": """",
  6283. ""type"": ""process"",
  6284. ""modules"": []
  6285. },
  6286. {
  6287. ""moduleID"": ""meritocracy"",
  6288. ""name"": ""Meritocracy"",
  6289. ""icon"": """",
  6290. ""summary"": ""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."",
  6291. ""config"": """",
  6292. ""type"": ""process"",
  6293. ""modules"": []
  6294. },
  6295. {
  6296. ""moduleID"": ""modification"",
  6297. ""name"": ""Modification"",
  6298. ""icon"": """",
  6299. ""summary"": ""Defines a process for how to change this Rule."",
  6300. ""config"": """",
  6301. ""type"": ""process"",
  6302. ""modules"": []
  6303. },
  6304. {
  6305. ""moduleID"": ""polling"",
  6306. ""name"": ""Polling"",
  6307. ""icon"": """",
  6308. ""summary"": ""Before decisions are made, a poll gathers opinions in a systematic way."",
  6309. ""config"": """",
  6310. ""type"": ""process"",
  6311. ""modules"": []
  6312. },
  6313. {
  6314. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  6315. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  6316. ""icon"": """",
  6317. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  6318. ""config"": """",
  6319. ""type"": ""process"",
  6320. ""modules"": []
  6321. },
  6322. {
  6323. ""moduleID"": ""identity"",
  6324. ""name"": ""Identity"",
  6325. ""icon"": """",
  6326. ""summary"": ""How participants represent themselves and are seen by the community."",
  6327. ""config"": """",
  6328. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6329. ""modules"": []
  6330. },
  6331. {
  6332. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  6333. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  6334. ""icon"": """",
  6335. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  6336. ""config"": """",
  6337. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6338. ""modules"": []
  6339. },
  6340. {
  6341. ""moduleID"": ""rights"",
  6342. ""name"": ""Rights"",
  6343. ""icon"": """",
  6344. ""summary"": ""All participants are entitled to certain specified guarantees."",
  6345. ""config"": """",
  6346. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6347. ""modules"": []
  6348. },
  6349. {
  6350. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  6351. ""name"": ""Council"",
  6352. ""icon"": """",
  6353. ""summary"": ""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."",
  6354. ""config"": """",
  6355. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6356. ""modules"": []
  6357. },
  6358. {
  6359. ""moduleID"": ""constitution"",
  6360. ""name"": ""Constitution"",
  6361. ""icon"": """",
  6362. ""summary"": ""A shared set of agreements underlies all future ones and is harder to change than other agreements."",
  6363. ""config"": """",
  6364. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6365. ""modules"": []
  6366. }
  6367. ]",Sam,,3,
  6368. 1660925971497,2022.8.19 16:19:31 UTC,,Modpol demo setup,,A demo org structure that offers two org choices: Democracy or Dictatorship.,"[
  6369. {
  6370. ""moduleID"": ""root"",
  6371. ""name"": ""Root"",
  6372. ""icon"": """",
  6373. ""summary"": ""The org everyone is part of."",
  6374. ""config"": """",
  6375. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6376. ""modules"": [
  6377. {
  6378. ""moduleID"": ""democracy"",
  6379. ""name"": ""Democracy"",
  6380. ""icon"": """",
  6381. ""summary"": ""All important decisions are made by Consensus."",
  6382. ""config"": """",
  6383. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6384. ""modules"": [
  6385. {
  6386. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  6387. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  6388. ""icon"": """",
  6389. ""summary"": ""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."",
  6390. ""config"": """",
  6391. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6392. ""modules"": []
  6393. }
  6394. ]
  6395. },
  6396. {
  6397. ""moduleID"": ""dictatorship"",
  6398. ""name"": ""Dictatorship"",
  6399. ""icon"": """",
  6400. ""summary"": ""All important decisions defer to the Dictator."",
  6401. ""config"": """",
  6402. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6403. ""modules"": [
  6404. {
  6405. ""moduleID"": ""dictator"",
  6406. ""name"": ""Dictator"",
  6407. ""icon"": """",
  6408. ""summary"": """",
  6409. ""config"": """",
  6410. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6411. ""modules"": [
  6412. {
  6413. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  6414. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  6415. ""icon"": """",
  6416. ""summary"": ""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."",
  6417. ""config"": """",
  6418. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6419. ""modules"": []
  6420. }
  6421. ]
  6422. }
  6423. ]
  6424. }
  6425. ]
  6426. }
  6427. ]",MEDLab,,3,
  6428. 1661293498676,2022.8.23 22:24:58 UTC,,"Hello world, module configuration!",,CommunityRule now supports configuration options for modules. See an example here!,"[
  6429. {
  6430. ""moduleID"": ""origins"",
  6431. ""name"": ""Origins"",
  6432. ""icon"": """",
  6433. ""summary"": ""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."",
  6434. ""config"": {
  6435. ""Founding date"": ""August 23, 2022""
  6436. },
  6437. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6438. ""modules"": []
  6439. },
  6440. {
  6441. ""moduleID"": ""ritual"",
  6442. ""name"": ""Ritual"",
  6443. ""icon"": """",
  6444. ""summary"": ""A repeated cultural practice builds solidarity and community."",
  6445. ""config"": {
  6446. ""How often?"": ""Once a week""
  6447. },
  6448. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6449. ""modules"": []
  6450. },
  6451. {
  6452. ""moduleID"": ""board"",
  6453. ""name"": ""Board"",
  6454. ""icon"": """",
  6455. ""summary"": ""A small group of people shares top-level authority over an organization."",
  6456. ""config"": {
  6457. ""Max. members"": ""5"",
  6458. ""Min. members"": ""3""
  6459. },
  6460. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6461. ""modules"": [
  6462. {
  6463. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  6464. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  6465. ""icon"": """",
  6466. ""summary"": ""All participants must agree on decisions that affect the entire group."",
  6467. ""config"": {
  6468. ""Block tolerance"": ""0"",
  6469. ""Disagree tolerance"": ""1""
  6470. },
  6471. ""type"": ""decision"",
  6472. ""modules"": []
  6473. }
  6474. ]
  6475. }
  6476. ]",MEDLab,,3,
  6477. 1661359038162,2022.8.24 16:37:18 UTC,,Transformative Autonomous Organization (TAO),,,"[
  6478. {
  6479. ""moduleID"": ""autonomous-adaptivity"",
  6480. ""name"": ""Autonomous Adaptivity (α)"",
  6481. ""icon"": """",
  6482. ""summary"": ""TAOs are highly adaptive organizations, composed of an autonomous membership class that are able to transform their organization's governance to become more hierarchical or more distributed as needed, easily flipping between modes. Organizations may be best off starting with blank slates and allowing new ways of governing to emerge, as opposed to immediately relying on centralized leadership models out of convenience. Establishing and dismantling hierarchies is easy and acceptable, yet always a member decision.\n\nTAOs favor incorruptible democratic, representative, or experimental blended decision-making models over pure token-weighted plutocracies. Voting models that are closer, yet not necessarily equal to, one person, one vote and provide voter anonymity are favored over transparent models weighted based on capital contribution."",
  6483. ""config"": {},
  6484. ""type"": """",
  6485. ""modules"": []
  6486. },
  6487. {
  6488. ""moduleID"": ""anonymous-functioning"",
  6489. ""name"": ""Anonymous Functioning (φ)"",
  6490. ""icon"": """",
  6491. ""summary"": ""TAOs are lunarpunk and have an anonymous core, where by default, a TAO's treasury, spending, participants, and voting activity is anonymous. Anonymity is important for so many reasons, but one can look at past labor movements as an indication. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) formed in June 1905 and aimed to improve the working conditions in industrial corporations in the United States. They had anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist roots and were heavily persecuted in many unjustifiable ways, from 1906-1920, with over 300 occasions where members were subjected to arrests, trials, and assaults. The Espionage Act was created in this era, and was used to arrest many IWW members for their anti-war stance. It is now this same law that is being applied to persecute freedom of information fighters like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.\n\nIt's unclear at what point regulators will start passing new laws, where activity one may deem lawful or important for society is something that will be censored or persecuted. Additionally, what is considered legal in the United States or a European country may not be considered legal in China or Egypt. Encryption provides armor, to be cautiously prepared for the worst case scenario.\n\nThat is not to say a TAO has to be a fully closed organization that operates like a secret society. A TAO can decide to selectively disclose different aspects of their operations dependending on the use case. Expansive privacy, secrecy, and anonymity may be necessary for some types of TAOs, while others will benefit from revealing leadership groups and treasuries or having open chat channels and forums as the entry point to the community."",
  6492. ""config"": {},
  6493. ""type"": """",
  6494. ""modules"": []
  6495. },
  6496. {
  6497. ""moduleID"": ""labor-dissolution"",
  6498. ""name"": ""Labor Dissolution (δ)"",
  6499. ""icon"": """",
  6500. ""summary"": ""TAOs are interested in building towards a free society where labor has ended. When productivity gains are enabled by advancements in technology, then ideally lives should improve, as opposed to the current dystopia where for example, artificial intelligence is being utilized to impose a new surveillance order as a baseline required to maximize shareholder profits.\n\nThis labor dissolution element aims to catalyze a culture where we continuously imagine how a world without labor functions and attempt experiments that will propel societies towards a direction where one’s basic needs are met from birth and one is fully capable of contributing to society.\n\nOne of the solution spaces worth exploring in the path towards labor dissolution can be tying the advancement of artificial intelligence within a TAO to an incentivize system that reduces the work week, such as a stateless version of Robert Anton Wilson's RICH Economy. Alternatively, we can reshape property relationships to move away from the status quo of hard-earned income being diverted to extractive landlords and instead imagine what affordable rent-to-own housing networks can look like and subsequently contribute to labor dissolution as well. With the latter approach, the vision is that if one can afford housing more easily, there may be less pressure to participate in the Bullshit Job economy."",
  6501. ""config"": {},
  6502. ""type"": """",
  6503. ""modules"": []
  6504. },
  6505. {
  6506. ""moduleID"": ""cosmic-stewardship"",
  6507. ""name"": ""Cosmic Stewardship (σ)"",
  6508. ""icon"": """",
  6509. ""summary"": ""TAOs are conscious of their relationship with the resources they extract from the cosmos (Earth and off-Earth), in addition to the labor conditions of their supply chain and also seek to maximize harmony over profits. In the beginning stages of TAO development (such as years 1 - 5), it will be difficult for an individual TAO to do the best they can to maximize harmony, as the legacy systems are both pervasive and entrenched in pollution and slavery and harmonious models are more costly and potentially nonexistant.\n\nIdeally, as more TAOs are created maximizing harmony will become easier and more affordable over time while legacy systems wither into the distance. Nowadays, with virtually all businesses and organizations taking performative steps to signal “sustainability” or “ecological awareness”, guidelines to distinguish sincere methods from greenwashing will be important to determine whether this cosmic stewardship element is active within an organization."",
  6510. ""config"": {},
  6511. ""type"": """",
  6512. ""modules"": []
  6513. },
  6514. {
  6515. ""moduleID"": ""synergetic-coexistence"",
  6516. ""name"": ""Synergetic Coexistence (χ)"",
  6517. ""icon"": """",
  6518. ""summary"": ""TAOs ultimately strive for synergetic coexistence, and hence, by design, have mechanisms that encourage and facilitate cooperation by joining coalitions or proposing mergers with other TAOs. TAOs will consider merging or joining a coalition with another TAO that has a similar mission rather than competing with them. Mergers are recommended for TAOs operating in similar regions with very similar cultural conditions, whereas coalitions can be composed of TAOs that have a unified mission yet operate in different regions or with different cultural conditions.\n\nHealthy competition is encouraged among early stage TAOs, but mergers or coalitions should be considered once the strengths of each TAO become obvious. The aim is that a cooperative mentality at the network level will enable TAOs to strengthen one another."",
  6519. ""config"": {},
  6520. ""type"": """",
  6521. ""modules"": []
  6522. },
  6523. {
  6524. ""moduleID"": ""autarkic-experimentation"",
  6525. ""name"": ""Autarkic Experimentation (ε)"",
  6526. ""icon"": """",
  6527. ""summary"": ""Autarkic experimentation is the element that describes the relationship between a TAO and society. TAOs embrace being part of an evolving experiment in organization design and alternative economics for the purpose of ultimately contributing toward the creation of parallel societies where dystopia is minimized. Essentially, autarky in this context relates to a TAO being part of a society that is stateless and favors self-administration and self-sufficiency.\n\nThere is not yet a “10 point plan” to create a stateless society. Accomplishing this will look different based on local contexts, hence experimentation is an important factor due to the many unknowns in the path towards self-administration. Where appropriate, TAOs will share the results of their experiments in organization design and parallel societies with the broader community to help strengthen the collective knowledge base."",
  6528. ""config"": {},
  6529. ""type"": """",
  6530. ""modules"": []
  6531. }
  6532. ]",Black Sky,,3,
  6533. 1661635227553,2022.8.27 21:20:22 UTC,,DWeb 2022 Minecraft server,,Small friend server in vanilla survival mode,"[
  6534. {
  6535. ""moduleID"": ""war-zone"",
  6536. ""name"": ""War zone"",
  6537. ""icon"": """",
  6538. ""summary"": ""if you want to join you can join.\n\nThere will be two big village/city like things on each side and how it works is trhey both fight each other, a lot of people on each side, and which side survives that side wins. \n\n\n"",
  6539. ""config"": {},
  6540. ""type"": """",
  6541. ""modules"": []
  6542. },
  6543. {
  6544. ""moduleID"": ""griefing"",
  6545. ""name"": ""Griefing"",
  6546. ""icon"": """",
  6547. ""summary"": ""The beds in a 30 block radius up and down no tnt is placed or you get banned for one day. "",
  6548. ""config"": {},
  6549. ""type"": """",
  6550. ""modules"": []
  6551. },
  6552. {
  6553. ""moduleID"": ""boundaries"",
  6554. ""name"": ""Boundaries"",
  6555. ""icon"": """",
  6556. ""summary"": ""The server will be closed to friends with a server code. You should ask permission to give out a code. If a hacker follows you on the code you can ban them or something"",
  6557. ""config"": {},
  6558. ""type"": """",
  6559. ""modules"": []
  6560. },
  6561. {
  6562. ""moduleID"": ""op"",
  6563. ""name"": ""Op"",
  6564. ""icon"": """",
  6565. ""summary"": ""The four original owners are all op. Don't abuse op. Only operators can teleport."",
  6566. ""config"": {},
  6567. ""type"": """",
  6568. ""modules"": []
  6569. },
  6570. {
  6571. ""moduleID"": ""tnt"",
  6572. ""name"": ""TNT"",
  6573. ""icon"": """",
  6574. ""summary"": ""No TNT near built structures unless everyone agrees.\n\nBut also don't destroy a lot of nature with TNT."",
  6575. ""config"": {},
  6576. ""type"": """",
  6577. ""modules"": []
  6578. },
  6579. {
  6580. ""moduleID"": ""no-taking-stuff-off-people-when-theyre-dead"",
  6581. ""name"": ""No taking stuff off people when they're dead"",
  6582. ""icon"": """",
  6583. ""summary"": """",
  6584. ""config"": {},
  6585. ""type"": """",
  6586. ""modules"": []
  6587. },
  6588. {
  6589. ""moduleID"": ""jobs"",
  6590. ""name"": ""Jobs"",
  6591. ""icon"": """",
  6592. ""summary"": ""When you first spawn in the game do you want to be a person who protects a place or do you want to be a builder or some other job. There will still be lots of free time. You don't have to pick a job."",
  6593. ""config"": {},
  6594. ""type"": """",
  6595. ""modules"": []
  6596. },
  6597. {
  6598. ""moduleID"": ""tribes"",
  6599. ""name"": ""Tribes"",
  6600. ""icon"": """",
  6601. ""summary"": ""There are different tribes or villages and within a tribe people should watch out for each other."",
  6602. ""config"": {},
  6603. ""type"": """",
  6604. ""modules"": []
  6605. },
  6606. {
  6607. ""moduleID"": ""stands"",
  6608. ""name"": ""Stands"",
  6609. ""icon"": """",
  6610. ""summary"": ""People are allowed to set up stands and sell potions and other things"",
  6611. ""config"": {},
  6612. ""type"": """",
  6613. ""modules"": []
  6614. },
  6615. {
  6616. ""moduleID"": ""respecting-nature"",
  6617. ""name"": ""Respecting nature"",
  6618. ""icon"": """",
  6619. ""summary"": ""You should destroy a lot of nature. Be careful with fires, TNT, and other things."",
  6620. ""config"": {},
  6621. ""type"": """",
  6622. ""modules"": []
  6623. }
  6624. ]",Seth Frey and others,,3,
  6625. 1661822536118,2022.8.30 1:22:16 UTC,,Metagov membership + research directors proposal,,A proposed structure for Metagov.,"[
  6626. {
  6627. ""moduleID"": ""board"",
  6628. ""name"": ""Board"",
  6629. ""icon"": """",
  6630. ""summary"": ""The legal trustees of the nonprofit organization."",
  6631. ""config"": {},
  6632. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6633. ""modules"": [
  6634. {
  6635. ""moduleID"": ""trustees"",
  6636. ""name"": ""Trustees"",
  6637. ""icon"": """",
  6638. ""summary"": ""Must be approved by a board vote. \n- One seat is nominated by Membership\n- One seat is a member of the Research Council"",
  6639. ""config"": {},
  6640. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6641. ""modules"": []
  6642. }
  6643. ]
  6644. },
  6645. {
  6646. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  6647. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  6648. ""icon"": """",
  6649. ""summary"": ""The dues-paying (or in-kind contributing) members of Metagov."",
  6650. ""config"": {},
  6651. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6652. ""modules"": []
  6653. },
  6654. {
  6655. ""moduleID"": ""research-council"",
  6656. ""name"": ""Research Council"",
  6657. ""icon"": """",
  6658. ""summary"": ""A council of the Research Directors engaged in leading funded research projects in Metagov."",
  6659. ""config"": {},
  6660. ""type"": ""structure"",
  6661. ""modules"": []
  6662. }
  6663. ]",Nathan,,3,
  6664. 1663158680039,2022.9.14 12:31:20 UTC,,De Derde Kamer,,DE DERDE KAMER - COMMUNITY RULES,"[
  6665. {
  6666. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  6667. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  6668. ""icon"": """",
  6669. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  6670. ""config"": {},
  6671. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6672. ""modules"": []
  6673. }
  6674. ]",De Derde Kamer ,,3,
  6675. 1663159026745,2022.9.14 12:37:6 UTC,,DFDK,,DDK - Community Rules,"[
  6676. {
  6677. ""moduleID"": ""ddk---community-rules"",
  6678. ""name"": ""DDK - Community Rules"",
  6679. ""icon"": """",
  6680. ""summary"": ""Rule 1: Be nice"",
  6681. ""config"": {},
  6682. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6683. ""modules"": []
  6684. }
  6685. ]",De Derde Kamer,,3,
  6686. 1663159131956,2022.9.14 12:38:51 UTC,,DE DERDE KAMER - COMMUNITY RULES,,,"[
  6687. {
  6688. ""moduleID"": ""ddk---community-rules"",
  6689. ""name"": ""DDK - Community Rules"",
  6690. ""icon"": """",
  6691. ""summary"": ""Rule 1: Be nice"",
  6692. ""config"": {},
  6693. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6694. ""modules"": []
  6695. },
  6696. {
  6697. ""moduleID"": ""ddk---applications"",
  6698. ""name"": ""DDK - Applications"",
  6699. ""icon"": """",
  6700. ""summary"": ""Je kunt solliciteren bij ons op de site op:"",
  6701. ""config"": {},
  6702. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6703. ""modules"": []
  6704. }
  6705. ]",De Derde Kamer,,3,
  6706. 1665163620868,2022.10.7 17:27:0 UTC,,DefenderDAO Covenant,,DefenderDAO is an experiment in human rights on-chain.,"[
  6707. {
  6708. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  6709. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  6710. ""icon"": """",
  6711. ""summary"": ""To support human rights defenders."",
  6712. ""config"": {},
  6713. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6714. ""modules"": []
  6715. },
  6716. {
  6717. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  6718. ""name"": ""Values"",
  6719. ""icon"": """",
  6720. ""summary"": ""We commit to practicing and advancing the UN Declaration of Human Rights."",
  6721. ""config"": {},
  6722. ""type"": ""culture"",
  6723. ""modules"": []
  6724. }
  6725. ]",DefenderDAO,,3,
  6726. 1666105936798,2022.10.18 15:12:16 UTC,,Kids Cooperation School Classroom (DWeb 2022),,There are kids and adults and teachers. there's a kid principal. it looks like a normal school. There are about 500 students. The campus is big enough to walk around. [Built at DWebCamp 2022 by kids],"[
  6727. {
  6728. ""moduleID"": ""bad-behavior"",
  6729. ""name"": ""Bad behavior"",
  6730. ""icon"": """",
  6731. ""summary"": ""If someone does something terrible they should have to do clean up."",
  6732. ""config"": {},
  6733. ""type"": """",
  6734. ""modules"": []
  6735. },
  6736. {
  6737. ""moduleID"": ""someone-gets-hurt-by-an-accident"",
  6738. ""name"": ""Someone gets hurt by an accident"",
  6739. ""icon"": """",
  6740. ""summary"": ""Ask what happened. Figure out if it was on purpose or an accident. Let's say everyone agrees it was an accident. In which case: : go meet the other person, apologize, go to kid principal, kid principal should decide what happens next with the people who were affected\n"",
  6741. ""config"": {},
  6742. ""type"": """",
  6743. ""modules"": []
  6744. },
  6745. {
  6746. ""moduleID"": ""kid-principal"",
  6747. ""name"": ""Kid principal"",
  6748. ""icon"": """",
  6749. ""summary"": ""Kid principal elected instead of principal. they resolve disputes also classroom principles to make rules for each classroom\n"",
  6750. ""config"": {},
  6751. ""type"": """",
  6752. ""modules"": []
  6753. },
  6754. {
  6755. ""moduleID"": ""riotrevolution"",
  6756. ""name"": ""Riot/revolution"",
  6757. ""icon"": """",
  6758. ""summary"": ""When there's a riot in reaction to a bad kid principal, they should go to the kid principal's office and there will be a vote there. Whoever wants to principal to change will vote then. \""Everybody in the school come to the voting area to vote because there has been a riot to switch the principal\""\n"",
  6759. ""config"": {},
  6760. ""type"": """",
  6761. ""modules"": []
  6762. },
  6763. {
  6764. ""moduleID"": ""protest-against-bad-behavior"",
  6765. ""name"": ""Protest against bad behavior"",
  6766. ""icon"": """",
  6767. ""summary"": ""There should be a process in which people can get up in front of everyone and say what's wrong and make an argument against the kid principal\n"",
  6768. ""config"": {},
  6769. ""type"": """",
  6770. ""modules"": []
  6771. },
  6772. {
  6773. ""moduleID"": ""anyone-can-call-a-vote"",
  6774. ""name"": ""Anyone can call a vote"",
  6775. ""icon"": """",
  6776. ""summary"": """",
  6777. ""config"": {},
  6778. ""type"": """",
  6779. ""modules"": []
  6780. },
  6781. {
  6782. ""moduleID"": ""teachers-should-be-smart-and-well-trained"",
  6783. ""name"": ""Teachers should be smart and well trained"",
  6784. ""icon"": """",
  6785. ""summary"": """",
  6786. ""config"": {},
  6787. ""type"": """",
  6788. ""modules"": []
  6789. },
  6790. {
  6791. ""moduleID"": ""classroom-orderliness"",
  6792. ""name"": ""Classroom orderliness"",
  6793. ""icon"": """",
  6794. ""summary"": ""Teachers and the class president should be able to tell everyone to be quiet\n"",
  6795. ""config"": {},
  6796. ""type"": """",
  6797. ""modules"": []
  6798. },
  6799. {
  6800. ""moduleID"": ""how-the-classroom-runs"",
  6801. ""name"": ""How the classroom runs"",
  6802. ""icon"": """",
  6803. ""summary"": ""Class principal shouldn't be able to overrule the teacher if they just told everyone to be quiet. But it can't be something ridiculous. The teacher can't make new rules for the class. that's the class principal's job. but the teacher can tell the class to be quiet or loud. if a kid is really good at something they can get up and explain: they can teach for like an hour. The teacher is a spectator. The teacher can correct them. if the student makes enough mistakes the teacher can just say OK I'm the teacher again. Teacher doesn't have to ask the class president's permission.\n"",
  6804. ""config"": {},
  6805. ""type"": """",
  6806. ""modules"": []
  6807. },
  6808. {
  6809. ""moduleID"": ""overruling-the-teacher"",
  6810. ""name"": ""Overruling the teacher"",
  6811. ""icon"": """",
  6812. ""summary"": ""The class principal should be able to call a vote for the students to overrule the teacher just in case the teacher says something ridiculous.\n"",
  6813. ""config"": {},
  6814. ""type"": """",
  6815. ""modules"": []
  6816. },
  6817. {
  6818. ""moduleID"": ""there-should-be-a-hierarchy"",
  6819. ""name"": ""There should be a hierarchy"",
  6820. ""icon"": """",
  6821. ""summary"": ""There should be vice presidents and judges and lots of roles.\n"",
  6822. ""config"": {},
  6823. ""type"": """",
  6824. ""modules"": []
  6825. },
  6826. {
  6827. ""moduleID"": ""majorminor-decisions"",
  6828. ""name"": ""Major/minor decisions"",
  6829. ""icon"": """",
  6830. ""summary"": ""Everyone should be able to listen in on all decisions, but if there's talk about changing something really big about the school then maybe everyone should have a vote. it depends what kind of vote is it: not dangerous, everyone should be able to vote for something big.\n"",
  6831. ""config"": {},
  6832. ""type"": """",
  6833. ""modules"": []
  6834. },
  6835. {
  6836. ""moduleID"": ""homework"",
  6837. ""name"": ""Homework"",
  6838. ""icon"": """",
  6839. ""summary"": ""Teacher can assignment homework. You don't have to do it sometimes. But if you don't do it too many times you have to do it in class so that people can make sure you have time and no good excuses. And if you stop doing homework for awhile you need a note from the parent.\n"",
  6840. ""config"": {},
  6841. ""type"": """",
  6842. ""modules"": []
  6843. },
  6844. {
  6845. ""moduleID"": ""cafeteria"",
  6846. ""name"": ""Cafeteria"",
  6847. ""icon"": """",
  6848. ""summary"": ""There will be a schedule. every day has a different meal. every week the same day has the same thing. For example, every monday pizza, every tuesday tacos. you're allowed to bring your own food Overall cafeteria runs the same as a normal school except that the seats are going to be clean. And the food is actually good.\n"",
  6849. ""config"": {},
  6850. ""type"": """",
  6851. ""modules"": []
  6852. },
  6853. {
  6854. ""moduleID"": ""cleaning-after-yourself"",
  6855. ""name"": ""Cleaning after yourself"",
  6856. ""icon"": """",
  6857. ""summary"": ""Kids have to clean up. If none volunteer than .... If you started a mess you have to clean it up."",
  6858. ""config"": {},
  6859. ""type"": """",
  6860. ""modules"": []
  6861. },
  6862. {
  6863. ""moduleID"": ""food-fights"",
  6864. ""name"": ""Food fights"",
  6865. ""icon"": """",
  6866. ""summary"": ""There will be an area where you can do food fights, there will be an area where you cannot do food fights. Food fights are cleaned up by whoever volunteers to clean them up or whoever is being punished.\n"",
  6867. ""config"": {},
  6868. ""type"": """",
  6869. ""modules"": []
  6870. },
  6871. {
  6872. ""moduleID"": ""library"",
  6873. ""name"": ""Library"",
  6874. ""icon"": """",
  6875. ""summary"": ""Kid can do the library, it is volunteer run, but you need some training (your parents are librarians or you take a test).\n"",
  6876. ""config"": {},
  6877. ""type"": """",
  6878. ""modules"": []
  6879. },
  6880. {
  6881. ""moduleID"": ""curriculum"",
  6882. ""name"": ""Curriculum"",
  6883. ""icon"": """",
  6884. ""summary"": ""Mostly the same as a normal school but also extra classes , after school classes, focused on different jobs (how to run the library) and others: how to write speeches, be an actor, be a programmer. also classes for the other roles in the school (library, principal). If you're too good at math you can switch out math with something else. You can ask the teacher to give you harder problems, or you can go into a different.\n"",
  6885. ""config"": {},
  6886. ""type"": """",
  6887. ""modules"": []
  6888. },
  6889. {
  6890. ""moduleID"": ""interpersonal-conflict"",
  6891. ""name"": ""Interpersonal conflict"",
  6892. ""icon"": """",
  6893. ""summary"": ""If you get into a fight, you can go to a person who has a job of clearing fights. Like a kid who got a training to resolve conflict and starta convewrsation that settles the conflict. it's a little better if the mediator is someone else in your class. Maybe the teacher shouldn't be involved, its up to the people in the conflict to tell the teacher (not up to the mediator). The mediator can gives usggestions about what you shold or shouldn't tell the teacher\n"",
  6894. ""config"": {},
  6895. ""type"": """",
  6896. ""modules"": []
  6897. },
  6898. {
  6899. ""moduleID"": ""running-in-the-halls"",
  6900. ""name"": ""Running in the halls"",
  6901. ""icon"": """",
  6902. ""summary"": ""There are times when it's safe to run in the halls (straight line, no people). In those times it's OK to run. If it's not safe (curve in the hallway, lots of people) then you can't run, you should walk.\n"",
  6903. ""config"": {},
  6904. ""type"": """",
  6905. ""modules"": []
  6906. }
  6907. ]",,,3,
  6908. 1666481345842,2022.10.22 23:29:2 UTC,,Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan),,Libertarian Municipalism,"[
  6909. {
  6910. ""moduleID"": ""the-story"",
  6911. ""name"": ""The Story"",
  6912. ""icon"": """",
  6913. ""summary"": ""\tIn the semi-autonomous Kurdish region of Northern Syria known as Rojava, the Kurdish Democratic Union Party is implementing a libertarian socialist government based on the teachings of Abdullah Ocalan. \n\tOcalan, also affectionately known as “Apo” or “uncle” in Kurdish, founded the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in 1978 and led a Kurdish rights movement across Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Following his capture in Nairobi by a Turkish operation assisted by the CIA, Ocalan became the sole prisoner on the Turkish island of Imrali guarded by over 1,000 military personnel where he proceeded to write his greatest works of literature ranging from the Marxist inspired “The Sociology of Freedom” and the feminist work “Liberating Life: Woman’s Revolution.” He continues to advocate for peace from his prison in Turkey to this day. (1, 2, 3)\n\tBased on Ocalan’s writings, in 2013 the Kurdish Democratic Union Party established the autonomous region of Rojava centered around the values of self-sufficiency, ethnic and religious diversity, women’s rights, ecological sustainability, communitarianism, and democracy. (7) Since then, the area has become famous for female soldiers successfully driving back ISIS forces. (8) Rojava, also known as Kurdistan informally and formally titled The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, operates on a participatory governance style known as Libertarian Municipalism. (5) "",
  6914. ""config"": {},
  6915. ""type"": """",
  6916. ""modules"": []
  6917. },
  6918. {
  6919. ""moduleID"": ""governance-structure-overview"",
  6920. ""name"": ""Governance Structure Overview"",
  6921. ""icon"": """",
  6922. ""summary"": ""Informed by Marxism and Murray Bookchin’s Democratic Confederalism, Rojavan Libertarian Municipalism operates based on four levels of decision-making: \nCommune\n30 to 400 households who gather to discuss and vote on local issues and to elect delegates.\nThe Neighborhood or Village People’s Council \nDelegates from 7-30 communes assembling to coordinate across communes.\nDistrict People’s Council\nDelegates from neighboring people’s councils organized into political parties and civil societies.\nPeople’s Council of Western Kurdistan\nDelegates from all people’s councils. By law, at least 40% of the delegates must be women. \n\tAs well as this, councils at various levels may form commissions composed of experts on specific policy areas. (4)\n\nThe confederation is divided into three cantons: afrin, kobani, and cizire, which each form their own federation rather than any central federal government existing. (7) A Kurdish prime minister leads each canton with two non-Kurdish deputy prime ministers assisting each prime minister."",
  6923. ""config"": {},
  6924. ""type"": """",
  6925. ""modules"": []
  6926. },
  6927. {
  6928. ""moduleID"": ""crime"",
  6929. ""name"": ""Crime"",
  6930. ""icon"": """",
  6931. ""summary"": ""Rojava focused its criminal justice efforts into restorative rather than retributive justice. According to a 2015 report by Amnesty International, Rojava held the second lowest rate of incarceration after San Marino with only 8.7 people imprisoned per 100,000. (4)"",
  6932. ""config"": {},
  6933. ""type"": """",
  6934. ""modules"": []
  6935. },
  6936. {
  6937. ""moduleID"": ""economy"",
  6938. ""name"": ""Economy"",
  6939. ""icon"": """",
  6940. ""summary"": ""The economy is divided into the social economy consisting of worker cooperatives who operate around 30% of all industry (7), the war economy which took up 70% of Rojava’s budget (7) in part used to fight against the ongoing Turkish invasion and formerly ISIS, and the open economy focused on foreign investment. \n\nAs of 2015 about three quarters of land is owned in common. (4)\n\nCommunes distribute certificates for members to purchase bread and fuel. (5)\n\nRojava maintains twice the wage level of the rest of Syria. (6)\n\n70% of the economy consists of agriculture. (7)\nFarmers are organized into cooperatives of fifteen members and encouraged to provide excess production to other cooperatives. (5)\nCooperative membership is voluntary and management and property is collective. Participants own 1-5 shares in the cooperative, although each person will remain with one vote regardless of their number of shares. (7)\n30% of profits are spent on future projects, 50% to workers according to both their needs and expended effort, and 20% towards communal works such as health insurance, education, roads, etc. (7)\n\nLarge amounts of oil exist in Rojava, yet the populace does not have the means or desire to extract it. (7)"",
  6941. ""config"": {},
  6942. ""type"": """",
  6943. ""modules"": []
  6944. },
  6945. {
  6946. ""moduleID"": ""challenges"",
  6947. ""name"": ""Challenges"",
  6948. ""icon"": """",
  6949. ""summary"": ""\tThe people of Rojava face considerable challenges with little international support and being surrounded by unfriendly governments and an invasion from Turkey. In the words of one author, “Rojava resembles an injured lion which is chased by a pack of hyenas. The lion has little chances to win, but it will fight to the last breath.” (7) However, the Kurdish people have survived genocidal regimes and successfully drove the better armed ISIS forces out of their territory, and they continue to pioneer Libertarian Municipalism today. (7)"",
  6950. ""config"": {},
  6951. ""type"": """",
  6952. ""modules"": []
  6953. },
  6954. {
  6955. ""moduleID"": ""works-cited"",
  6956. ""name"": ""Works Cited"",
  6957. ""icon"": """",
  6958. ""summary"": ""1. \n\n2. \n\n3. \n\n4. \n\n5. \n\n6. \n\n7. \n\n8. \n\n9.\n\n10.,5 "",
  6959. ""config"": {},
  6960. ""type"": """",
  6961. ""modules"": []
  6962. }
  6963. ]",Noah Lee,,3,
  6964. 1667385011989,2022.11.2 10:30:11 UTC,,Hifa Distributed Learning Ecosystem (DLE): 7 DisCO Principles,,"DisCOs are spaces for economic experimentation drawing from the Commons and P2P, Cooperativism, Feminist Economics and Distributed Tech.
  6965. Hifa is a collective which aims to help learners find experiences which best grow them as individuals. We are developing applications and standards that allow anybody from anywhere to search for the learning experiences that interest them and are in their proximity. Our goal is to bridge learning experiences and learners everywhere, and create a process that celebrates the enormous diversity of ways that humans learn. We value wonder and curiosity, and believe that in a non-coercive education model where the learner has freedom and diversity of choice we can preserve these human traits. ","[
  6966. {
  6967. ""moduleID"": ""1-values-based-accountability"",
  6968. ""name"": ""1: Values-based accountability"",
  6969. ""icon"": """",
  6970. ""summary"": ""**In Hifa, education is guided not by the status quo but by social and environmental priorities.**\n\nWe see ourselves as part of a movement towards better learning for everybody, everywhere. We value agency, creativity, compassion, and diversity when it comes to our core beneficiary: the learner.\n\n*Most education and learning ventures, orient their services toward meeting market demands and traditional academics. In Hifa, learning is explicitly guided by need, including social and environmental priorities, as well as an individual’s curiosity and interests. This orientation towards positive outcomes is the heart of Hifa’s values. The needs-based priorities defined by the cooperative are embedded in Hifa’s legal statutes, as well as the technologies and cultural practices that let Hifa assess and reflect on the outcomes of their effort.*"",
  6971. ""type"": """",
  6972. ""modules"": []
  6973. },
  6974. {
  6975. ""moduleID"": ""2-whole-community-governance"",
  6976. ""name"": ""2: Whole-community governance"",
  6977. ""icon"": """",
  6978. ""summary"": ""**Hifa extends decision making and ownership to all contributors whether present in all value chains or affected by Hifa’s actions.**\n\nPart of Hifa’s education philosophy is modelling what we wish to see in the learners around us. We approach decision-making as something all stakeholders are welcome to engage in, both physically in our learning groups and digitally as a DLE. \n\n*‍Cooperatives are traditionally geared towards bringing democracy to the workplace. But their economic activity has knock-on effects throughout broader chains of production and consumption. Rather than restricting democratic principles to one organization, Hifa extends rights of ownership and decision-making powers to all those affected by Hifa’s activities. Inspired by Disco’s, Hifa place measurable value on the distinctive contributions of a defined community that can include students, families, workers, neighboring communities, suppliers, education providers, Nuanu partners, those who perform reproductive and affective labor, financial backers, etc.*"",
  6979. ""type"": """",
  6980. ""modules"": []
  6981. },
  6982. {
  6983. ""moduleID"": ""3-active-creators-of-commons"",
  6984. ""name"": ""3: Active creators of commons"",
  6985. ""icon"": """",
  6986. ""summary"": ""**New digital (code, design, documentation and best practices) and physical (productive and deliberation spaces, machinery) commons are created through various types of work.**\n\nAll content created by Hifa is automatically accessible to all. We are a creative bunch, so that means lots of content for the world to enjoy. We encourage similar practices among our students, although it is their choice as to what they wish to do with their products. Our protocol uses well designed open source standards, and in turn shares an editable and powerful database. \n\n*‍Typical market enterprises permit the exploitation of shared wealth, such as land, natural resources or human knowledge. Typical education providers are no different, seeing their IP as theirs to exploit. According to mainstream economics, businesses are drivers of a process of enclosure, whereby resources are turned into commodities and relationships into services. DisCOs reverse this trend by actively generating decommodified, open-access resources. These commons can be digital (e.g., code, design, documentation, legal protocols and best practices) or physical (e.g., productive infrastructure, deliberation spaces, machinery).*"",
  6987. ""type"": """",
  6988. ""modules"": []
  6989. },
  6990. {
  6991. ""moduleID"": ""4-rethinking-globallocal-economics"",
  6992. ""name"": ""4: Rethinking global/local economics"",
  6993. ""icon"": """",
  6994. ""summary"": ""**Physical production is kept local while knowledge, resources and values are shared globally with everybody.**\n\nHifa generates tons of valuable data and concepts. We love sharing this kind of stuff. However, we also keep our physical needs (building materials, food, offerings) as local as possible. We work with local individuals and organizations by default, as they best reflect the unique culture of a place. We also value diversity, and therefore seek global experience and passion to support the local experience. \n\n*‍Corporations extract resources as if they were infinitely abundant while restricting immaterial flows of knowledge, usually reproducible at marginal cost, through intellectual property laws and patents. Conversely, DisCOs support and provide a business model for the Design Global, Manufacture Local[[2]]( template. Here, physical production is kept local and needs-based, while knowledge, resources and value flows[[3]]( are shared at the global level with initiatives to create a political and cultural counterpower to the prevailing indoctrination of traditional academics. This also requires directing attention toward exclusionary social practices and the willful invisibility of environmental impacts, which are habituated responses carried over from mainstream techno-cultures into peer production communities. DisCOs foster explicit attention to environmental justice and the various forms that enclosure can take, in the so-called new industrial revolution.*"",
  6995. ""type"": """",
  6996. ""modules"": []
  6997. },
  6998. {
  6999. ""moduleID"": ""5-care-work-at-the-core"",
  7000. ""name"": ""5: Care work at the core"",
  7001. ""icon"": """",
  7002. ""summary"": ""**Hifa is a living entity that reflects the values of its members. Care and attention are needed to maintain the health and well-being of all Hifa members.**\n\nFrom the physical space we occupy to our engagements and contributions in virtual realms, Hifa recognizes the need to sustain our cooperative from within. As place based learning specialists, we regularly get involved in the building and adventure seeking in our local area. We find ways to maintain high spirits and energy within our team while conscientious to not burn out or overextend. \n\n*‍Care and affective work are essential in Hifa and are supported through established mutual support structures. These can include a rotating list of designated mentors[[4]]( and support “buddies”[[5]]( in a roster where each person both gives and receives support within the group. In this way, we establish a peer-to-peer mentorship, which is horizontal and reciprocal. Emphasis is placed upon openly expressing observations and criticisms about the workings of the group and also sharing individual and collective aspirations, preoccupations and humor. This makes space for stronger interpersonal bonds and better trust-based communication, employing healthier and more emancipatory conflict-resolution tools. Beyond individual members, Hifa extends the notion of care work towards the collective as an entity represented by the upkeep of its goals and values. This empowers individuals to undertake, or at least understand, what would usually be considered bureaucratic or administrative work. This work is often channeled to either a highly-paid upper management class or a low-paid assistant function, both acting in the interest of the capitalist class. Upkeep of Hifa’s social mission is the responsibility of working circles or self-organized teams which collectively manage specific needs (e.g., building community, following leads for livelihood work, evaluating potential co-op members) to ensure that Hifa is healthy and able to fulfill its values ongoing.*"",
  7003. ""type"": """",
  7004. ""modules"": []
  7005. },
  7006. {
  7007. ""moduleID"": ""6-reimagining-origins-and-flows-of-value"",
  7008. ""name"": ""6: Reimagining origins and flows of value"",
  7009. ""icon"": """",
  7010. ""summary"": ""**Three types of value — market value, commons-creating value, and care work value — are tracked through complementary metrics.**\n\nHifa recognizes all forms of value the cooperative creates. Through transparent and trust based \n\ntracking we ensure all work which the members contribute is accounted for. Part of our culture is to reflect and assess how we as a group cause regenerative and restorative impact. \n\n**Livelihood Work Examples:**\n\n- Paid Education Services\n- Consulting on Hifa DLE Implementation\n- Active Recruitment of Users through canvassing\n\n**Love Work Examples:**\n\n- Free Education Services\n- Development of new features for Hifa DLE\n- Supporting local schools in the onboarding into Hifa DLE\n\n**Care Work Examples:**\n\n- [Gotong Royong](\n- Organizing cooperative members’ outing\n- Reciprocal mentorships\n\n*‍In the capitalist marketplace, production is determined hierarchically and is exclusively oriented toward profit, while value is measured through opaque mechanisms and financial instruments.[[6]]( Further, the value only becomes manifest through market exchange. Everything else is externalized, omitted from the value equation. In DisCOs, production is communal and value measurement aims to be transparent. Three types of value are highlighted and rewarded:*\n\n1. *Livelihood Work: productive market value (the DisCO’s goods and services are paid for);*\n2. *Love Work: productive pro-bono value (the commons created through self-selected volunteer work);*\n3. *‍Care Work: reproductive work value (towards the collective and among its members, see above).*\n\n*All are tracked through complementary value metrics that apply to all DisCO members. Recognizing different types of value influences functions including payments, work priorities and certain key decisions. This recognition gives visibility and empowerment to other values left out by the market nexus. Tracking and revealing the often invisible, even dismissed, strands of value-producing labor is structurally different from purely quantifying work. By having the ability to track flows of value produced for both the internal operations and also for external exchanges between clients and the DisCO members, we can hack the neoliberal labor classification, hence value exploitation. Seeing, naming and tracking the value of Love and Care work lets us reclaim these contributions with the same level of respect afforded to the provision of goods and services.*"",
  7011. ""type"": """",
  7012. ""modules"": []
  7013. },
  7014. {
  7015. ""moduleID"": ""7-primed-for-federation"",
  7016. ""name"": ""7: Primed for federation"",
  7017. ""icon"": """",
  7018. ""summary"": ""**Hifa replicates through a standard federation protocol that allows critical mass without regimenting all parts.**\n\nHifa is at its core a federated protocol. We seek to change the way education is sought and delivered. We do this through an open access central database of learning experiences. Hifa thrives with more users creating portals and using it. Part of our journey is working with other organizations who wish to build and develop Hifa in their own, unique way. \n\n‍*Cooperatives worldwide have a combined turnover of US$3 trillion, which is similar to the aggregate market capitalization of Silicon Valley’s greatest players (Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple and Facebook).[[7]]( Unfortunately, this economic power is dispersed, with many coops only nominally acknowledging the sixth cooperative principle, cooperation among cooperatives. Unlike networks, which may or may not share common goals, federations are held together by shared commitments and power is equitably distributed among all nodes. Federations also provide viable alternatives to the dangers of scaling, where a worldview is simply extended from a center of power and forces everything in its path to conform to its values.*\n\n*DisCOs are distributed and differentiated structures that replicate themselves through a standard federation protocol.[[8]]( This allows federations of DisCOs to achieve critical mass without regimenting all parts. The modularity of DisCO Value Tracking allows DisCOs to mutualize economic power (as well as shared, non-monetary resources) for greater impact. Every node retains the levels of trust, mutual support and well-being that only small groups can achieve, while still achieving a larger collective impact by being part of broader economic networks. The long-term goal is to make cooperatives transcend their status as a form of economic alternative and instead, become a collective economic counterpower.*"",
  7019. ""type"": """",
  7020. ""modules"": []
  7021. }
  7022. ]",Noan Fesnoux and Mauricio Camacho,,3,
  7023. 1667932239604,2022.11.8 18:30:39 UTC,,Modular Test ,,A modular structure that changes over time,"[
  7024. {
  7025. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  7026. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  7027. ""icon"": """",
  7028. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  7029. ""config"": {},
  7030. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7031. ""modules"": [
  7032. {
  7033. ""moduleID"": ""approval_voting"",
  7034. ""name"": ""Approval voting"",
  7035. ""icon"": """",
  7036. ""summary"": ""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."",
  7037. ""config"": {
  7038. ""Approvals"": """",
  7039. ""Denials"": """"
  7040. },
  7041. ""type"": ""decision"",
  7042. ""modules"": [
  7043. {
  7044. ""moduleID"": ""accountability_process"",
  7045. ""name"": ""Accountability Process"",
  7046. ""icon"": """",
  7047. ""summary"": ""Redress for wrong-doing occurs through repairing the harm done."",
  7048. ""config"": {},
  7049. ""type"": ""process"",
  7050. ""modules"": [
  7051. {
  7052. ""moduleID"": ""roles"",
  7053. ""name"": ""Roles"",
  7054. ""icon"": """",
  7055. ""summary"": ""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."",
  7056. ""config"": {},
  7057. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7058. ""modules"": []
  7059. }
  7060. ]
  7061. }
  7062. ]
  7063. }
  7064. ]
  7065. },
  7066. {
  7067. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  7068. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  7069. ""icon"": """",
  7070. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  7071. ""config"": {},
  7072. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7073. ""modules"": [
  7074. {
  7075. ""moduleID"": ""origins"",
  7076. ""name"": ""Origins"",
  7077. ""icon"": """",
  7078. ""summary"": ""Communities may share a common origin story that helps explain shared norms."",
  7079. ""config"": {
  7080. ""Founding date"": """"
  7081. },
  7082. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7083. ""modules"": []
  7084. }
  7085. ]
  7086. }
  7087. ]",demo,,3,
  7088. 1668276198469,2022.11.12 18:3:18 UTC,,The Mycelium Network,,Choices that affect the group collectively should involve the participation of all participants within reason.,"[
  7089. {
  7090. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  7091. ""name"": ""Values"",
  7092. ""icon"": null,
  7093. ""summary"": ""Creativity, empathy, solidarity"",
  7094. ""modules"": [
  7095. {
  7096. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  7097. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  7098. ""icon"": """",
  7099. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  7100. ""config"": {},
  7101. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7102. ""modules"": []
  7103. },
  7104. {
  7105. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  7106. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  7107. ""icon"": """",
  7108. ""summary"": ""Shared goals for which the community exists."",
  7109. ""config"": {},
  7110. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7111. ""modules"": []
  7112. },
  7113. {
  7114. ""moduleID"": ""norms"",
  7115. ""name"": ""Norms"",
  7116. ""icon"": """",
  7117. ""summary"": ""Informally agreed-on practices or beliefs."",
  7118. ""config"": {},
  7119. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7120. ""modules"": []
  7121. },
  7122. {
  7123. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  7124. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  7125. ""icon"": """",
  7126. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  7127. ""config"": {},
  7128. ""type"": ""process"",
  7129. ""modules"": []
  7130. },
  7131. {
  7132. ""moduleID"": ""accountability_process"",
  7133. ""name"": ""Accountability Process"",
  7134. ""icon"": """",
  7135. ""summary"": ""Redress for wrong-doing occurs through repairing the harm done."",
  7136. ""config"": {},
  7137. ""type"": ""process"",
  7138. ""modules"": []
  7139. }
  7140. ]
  7141. },
  7142. {
  7143. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  7144. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  7145. ""icon"": null,
  7146. ""summary"": ""New participants may join as long as no others object."",
  7147. ""modules"": [
  7148. {
  7149. ""moduleID"": ""consent"",
  7150. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  7151. ""icon"": """",
  7152. ""summary"": ""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."",
  7153. ""config"": {
  7154. ""Max. objections"": """"
  7155. },
  7156. ""type"": ""decision"",
  7157. ""modules"": []
  7158. },
  7159. {
  7160. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  7161. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  7162. ""icon"": """",
  7163. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."",
  7164. ""config"": {},
  7165. ""type"": ""process"",
  7166. ""modules"": []
  7167. }
  7168. ]
  7169. },
  7170. {
  7171. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  7172. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  7173. ""icon"": null,
  7174. ""summary"": ""Any participant may make a proposal at any group meeting to which all participants are invited. A decision is made only if there are no serious objections remaining."",
  7175. ""modules"": [
  7176. {
  7177. ""moduleID"": ""consent"",
  7178. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  7179. ""icon"": """",
  7180. ""summary"": ""Proposals are presumed to pass in the absence of objections."",
  7181. ""config"": {
  7182. ""Max. objections"": """"
  7183. },
  7184. ""type"": ""decision"",
  7185. ""modules"": []
  7186. }
  7187. ]
  7188. },
  7189. {
  7190. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  7191. ""name"": ""Do-Ocracy"",
  7192. ""icon"": null,
  7193. ""summary"": ""People who make proposals that the group agrees on is responsible for its implementation, delegating as necessary and as participants are willing to help."",
  7194. ""modules"": []
  7195. }
  7196. ]",The Mycelium Network,,3,
  7197. 1668371198468,2022.11.13 20:26:38 UTC,,Ligma,,,"[
  7198. {
  7199. ""moduleID"": ""autocracy"",
  7200. ""name"": ""Autocracy"",
  7201. ""icon"": """",
  7202. ""summary"": ""One person holds sole decision-making authority over a certain domain."",
  7203. ""config"": {},
  7204. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7205. ""modules"": []
  7206. },
  7207. {
  7208. ""moduleID"": ""bureaucracy"",
  7209. ""name"": ""Bureaucracy"",
  7210. ""icon"": """",
  7211. ""summary"": ""A portion of the system designed to be neutral and insulated from political pressures."",
  7212. ""config"": {},
  7213. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7214. ""modules"": []
  7215. },
  7216. {
  7217. ""moduleID"": ""constitution"",
  7218. ""name"": ""Constitution"",
  7219. ""icon"": """",
  7220. ""summary"": ""A shared set of agreements underlies all future ones and is harder to change than other agreements."",
  7221. ""config"": {},
  7222. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7223. ""modules"": []
  7224. },
  7225. {
  7226. ""moduleID"": ""legislature"",
  7227. ""name"": ""Legislature"",
  7228. ""icon"": """",
  7229. ""summary"": ""A specific entity sets policy for the community."",
  7230. ""config"": {},
  7231. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7232. ""modules"": []
  7233. }
  7234. ]",Max,,3,
  7235. 1668378918394,2022.11.13 22:35:18 UTC,,just testing,,um,"[
  7236. {
  7237. ""moduleID"": ""um"",
  7238. ""name"": ""um"",
  7239. ""icon"": """",
  7240. ""summary"": ""um"",
  7241. ""config"": {},
  7242. ""type"": """",
  7243. ""modules"": []
  7244. }
  7245. ]",confused visitor,,3,
  7246. 1668391053318,2022.11.14 1:57:33 UTC,,Jury,,Proposals are shaped and decided on by randomly selected juries.,"[
  7247. {
  7248. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  7249. ""name"": ""Values"",
  7250. ""icon"": null,
  7251. ""summary"": ""Equality, participation, study"",
  7252. ""modules"": []
  7253. },
  7254. {
  7255. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  7256. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  7257. ""icon"": null,
  7258. ""summary"": ""Juries set policies for membership and removal."",
  7259. ""modules"": []
  7260. },
  7261. {
  7262. ""moduleID"": ""legislature"",
  7263. ""name"": ""Legislature"",
  7264. ""icon"": null,
  7265. ""summary"": ""All participants have the right to initiate proposals, sign them, and serve on juries."",
  7266. ""modules"": [
  7267. {
  7268. ""moduleID"": ""sortition"",
  7269. ""name"": ""Sortition"",
  7270. ""icon"": null,
  7271. ""summary"": ""Temporary juries form by a random selection."",
  7272. ""modules"": []
  7273. },
  7274. {
  7275. ""moduleID"": ""petition"",
  7276. ""name"": ""Petition"",
  7277. ""icon"": null,
  7278. ""summary"": ""If a certain percentage of participants signs a proposal, a jury is formed to study it, revise it, and agree on it unanimously. "",
  7279. ""modules"": []
  7280. },
  7281. {
  7282. ""moduleID"": ""policy-register"",
  7283. ""name"": ""Policy Register"",
  7284. ""icon"": null,
  7285. ""summary"": ""A proposal agreed on by a jury becomes binding for the group."",
  7286. ""modules"": []
  7287. }
  7288. ]
  7289. },
  7290. {
  7291. ""moduleID"": ""eloquence"",
  7292. ""name"": ""Eloquence"",
  7293. ""icon"": """",
  7294. ""summary"": ""An opportunity to persuade others with rhetorical effect."",
  7295. ""config"": {},
  7296. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7297. ""modules"": []
  7298. },
  7299. {
  7300. ""moduleID"": ""norms"",
  7301. ""name"": ""Norms"",
  7302. ""icon"": """",
  7303. ""summary"": ""Informally agreed-on practices or beliefs."",
  7304. ""config"": {},
  7305. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7306. ""modules"": []
  7307. },
  7308. {
  7309. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  7310. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  7311. ""icon"": """",
  7312. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."",
  7313. ""config"": {},
  7314. ""type"": ""process"",
  7315. ""modules"": []
  7316. },
  7317. {
  7318. ""moduleID"": ""constitution"",
  7319. ""name"": ""Constitution"",
  7320. ""icon"": """",
  7321. ""summary"": ""A shared set of agreements underlies all future ones and is harder to change than other agreements."",
  7322. ""config"": {},
  7323. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7324. ""modules"": []
  7325. }
  7326. ]",Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  7327. 1668440440690,2022.11.14 15:40:40 UTC,,WIP:Development department,,Lorem ipsum...,"[
  7328. {
  7329. ""moduleID"": ""developement-meetings"",
  7330. ""name"": ""Developement meetings"",
  7331. ""icon"": """",
  7332. ""summary"": """",
  7333. ""config"": {},
  7334. ""type"": """",
  7335. ""modules"": [
  7336. {
  7337. ""moduleID"": ""iteration-evaluation"",
  7338. ""name"": ""Iteration evaluation"",
  7339. ""icon"": """",
  7340. ""summary"": """",
  7341. ""config"": {},
  7342. ""type"": """",
  7343. ""modules"": []
  7344. },
  7345. {
  7346. ""moduleID"": ""taskproject-assignment"",
  7347. ""name"": ""Task/Project assignment"",
  7348. ""icon"": """",
  7349. ""summary"": """",
  7350. ""config"": {},
  7351. ""type"": """",
  7352. ""modules"": []
  7353. }
  7354. ]
  7355. },
  7356. {
  7357. ""moduleID"": ""internal-culture"",
  7358. ""name"": ""Internal culture"",
  7359. ""icon"": """",
  7360. ""summary"": """",
  7361. ""config"": {},
  7362. ""type"": """",
  7363. ""modules"": [
  7364. {
  7365. ""moduleID"": ""core-values"",
  7366. ""name"": ""Core values"",
  7367. ""icon"": """",
  7368. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  7369. ""config"": {},
  7370. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7371. ""modules"": []
  7372. },
  7373. {
  7374. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  7375. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  7376. ""icon"": """",
  7377. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  7378. ""config"": {},
  7379. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7380. ""modules"": []
  7381. }
  7382. ]
  7383. },
  7384. {
  7385. ""moduleID"": ""roles-and-responsibilities"",
  7386. ""name"": ""Roles and responsibilities"",
  7387. ""icon"": """",
  7388. ""summary"": """",
  7389. ""config"": {
  7390. ""Configuration"": """",
  7391. ""CTO"": """",
  7392. ""Tech Lead"": """",
  7393. "".Net Developer"": """",
  7394. ""Database developer"": """",
  7395. ""App Developer"": """",
  7396. ""QA engineer"": """"
  7397. },
  7398. ""type"": """",
  7399. ""modules"": []
  7400. },
  7401. {
  7402. ""moduleID"": ""process-standards"",
  7403. ""name"": ""Process standards"",
  7404. ""icon"": """",
  7405. ""summary"": """",
  7406. ""config"": {},
  7407. ""type"": """",
  7408. ""modules"": [
  7409. {
  7410. ""moduleID"": ""code-design-guidelines"",
  7411. ""name"": ""Code design guidelines"",
  7412. ""icon"": """",
  7413. ""summary"": """",
  7414. ""config"": {},
  7415. ""type"": """",
  7416. ""modules"": []
  7417. },
  7418. {
  7419. ""moduleID"": ""ui-design-guidelines"",
  7420. ""name"": ""UI Design guidelines"",
  7421. ""icon"": """",
  7422. ""summary"": """",
  7423. ""config"": {},
  7424. ""type"": """",
  7425. ""modules"": []
  7426. },
  7427. {
  7428. ""moduleID"": ""db-design-guideline"",
  7429. ""name"": ""DB Design Guideline"",
  7430. ""icon"": """",
  7431. ""summary"": """",
  7432. ""config"": {},
  7433. ""type"": """",
  7434. ""modules"": []
  7435. }
  7436. ]
  7437. },
  7438. {
  7439. ""moduleID"": ""investigating-customer-needs"",
  7440. ""name"": ""Investigating customer needs"",
  7441. ""icon"": """",
  7442. ""summary"": """",
  7443. ""config"": {},
  7444. ""type"": """",
  7445. ""modules"": []
  7446. },
  7447. {
  7448. ""moduleID"": ""project-planning"",
  7449. ""name"": ""Project planning"",
  7450. ""icon"": """",
  7451. ""summary"": """",
  7452. ""config"": {},
  7453. ""type"": """",
  7454. ""modules"": [
  7455. {
  7456. ""moduleID"": ""planning-meeting"",
  7457. ""name"": ""Planning meeting"",
  7458. ""icon"": """",
  7459. ""summary"": """",
  7460. ""config"": {},
  7461. ""type"": """",
  7462. ""modules"": []
  7463. },
  7464. {
  7465. ""moduleID"": ""project-work"",
  7466. ""name"": ""Project work"",
  7467. ""icon"": """",
  7468. ""summary"": """",
  7469. ""config"": {},
  7470. ""type"": """",
  7471. ""modules"": []
  7472. },
  7473. {
  7474. ""moduleID"": ""project-evaluation"",
  7475. ""name"": ""Project evaluation"",
  7476. ""icon"": """",
  7477. ""summary"": """",
  7478. ""config"": {},
  7479. ""type"": """",
  7480. ""modules"": []
  7481. }
  7482. ]
  7483. }
  7484. ]",,,3,
  7485. 1668607175641,2022.11.16 13:59:1 UTC,,BA,,,"[
  7486. {
  7487. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  7488. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  7489. ""icon"": """",
  7490. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  7491. ""config"": {
  7492. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7493. },
  7494. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7495. ""modules"": []
  7496. },
  7497. {
  7498. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  7499. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  7500. ""icon"": """",
  7501. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  7502. ""config"": {
  7503. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7504. },
  7505. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7506. ""modules"": []
  7507. },
  7508. {
  7509. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  7510. ""name"": ""Values"",
  7511. ""icon"": """",
  7512. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  7513. ""config"": {
  7514. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7515. },
  7516. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7517. ""modules"": []
  7518. },
  7519. {
  7520. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  7521. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  7522. ""icon"": """",
  7523. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  7524. ""config"": {
  7525. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7526. },
  7527. ""type"": ""decision"",
  7528. ""modules"": []
  7529. },
  7530. {
  7531. ""moduleID"": ""referendum"",
  7532. ""name"": ""Referendum"",
  7533. ""icon"": """",
  7534. ""summary"": ""A decision is posed to the community's members at large."",
  7535. ""config"": {
  7536. ""Threshold"": "">50%""
  7537. },
  7538. ""type"": ""decision"",
  7539. ""modules"": []
  7540. },
  7541. {
  7542. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  7543. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  7544. ""icon"": """",
  7545. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."",
  7546. ""config"": {
  7547. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7548. },
  7549. ""type"": ""process"",
  7550. ""modules"": []
  7551. },
  7552. {
  7553. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  7554. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  7555. ""icon"": """",
  7556. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  7557. ""config"": {
  7558. ""Duration"": """",
  7559. ""Facilitation"": """"
  7560. },
  7561. ""type"": ""process"",
  7562. ""modules"": []
  7563. },
  7564. {
  7565. ""moduleID"": ""reputation"",
  7566. ""name"": ""Reputation"",
  7567. ""icon"": """",
  7568. ""summary"": ""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."",
  7569. ""config"": {
  7570. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7571. },
  7572. ""type"": ""process"",
  7573. ""modules"": []
  7574. },
  7575. {
  7576. ""moduleID"": ""board"",
  7577. ""name"": ""Board"",
  7578. ""icon"": """",
  7579. ""summary"": ""A small group of people shares top-level authority over an organization."",
  7580. ""config"": {
  7581. ""Number of members"": """"
  7582. },
  7583. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7584. ""modules"": []
  7585. },
  7586. {
  7587. ""moduleID"": ""identity"",
  7588. ""name"": ""Identity"",
  7589. ""icon"": """",
  7590. ""summary"": ""How participants represent themselves and are seen by the community."",
  7591. ""config"": {
  7592. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7593. },
  7594. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7595. ""modules"": []
  7596. },
  7597. {
  7598. ""moduleID"": ""roles"",
  7599. ""name"": ""Roles"",
  7600. ""icon"": """",
  7601. ""summary"": ""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."",
  7602. ""config"": {
  7603. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  7604. },
  7605. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7606. ""modules"": []
  7607. }
  7608. ]",Naomi,,3,
  7609. 1668628267519,2022.11.16 19:51:7 UTC,,GraviDAO,,"GraviDAO is a collective of individuals each specialized in a certain area to carry out a specific purpose. There is an individual or two who serve as the ""leaders"" of the group, however decisions can be deliberated by everyone. In the case of a lack of consensus, someone needs to be designated to make a directional choice.
  7610. To breakdown the ""structure"" category. The ""roles"" refer to individuals having domain over areas such as front-end, back-end, marketing, operations, etc... The ""board"" refers to the collective group meeting weekly to discuss directional issues. If there is uncertainty or a lack of consensus regarding a decision, then the ""executive(s)"" can take lead for providing direction.","[
  7611. {
  7612. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  7613. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  7614. ""icon"": """",
  7615. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  7616. ""config"": {},
  7617. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7618. ""modules"": []
  7619. },
  7620. {
  7621. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  7622. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  7623. ""icon"": """",
  7624. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  7625. ""config"": {},
  7626. ""type"": ""culture"",
  7627. ""modules"": []
  7628. },
  7629. {
  7630. ""moduleID"": ""rough_consensus"",
  7631. ""name"": ""Rough Consensus"",
  7632. ""icon"": """",
  7633. ""summary"": ""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."",
  7634. ""config"": {},
  7635. ""type"": ""decision"",
  7636. ""modules"": []
  7637. },
  7638. {
  7639. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  7640. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  7641. ""icon"": """",
  7642. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  7643. ""config"": {},
  7644. ""type"": ""decision"",
  7645. ""modules"": []
  7646. },
  7647. {
  7648. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  7649. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  7650. ""icon"": """",
  7651. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  7652. ""config"": {
  7653. ""Duration"": """",
  7654. ""Facilitation"": """"
  7655. },
  7656. ""type"": ""process"",
  7657. ""modules"": []
  7658. },
  7659. {
  7660. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  7661. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  7662. ""icon"": """",
  7663. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  7664. ""config"": {},
  7665. ""type"": ""process"",
  7666. ""modules"": []
  7667. },
  7668. {
  7669. ""moduleID"": ""initiation"",
  7670. ""name"": ""Initiation"",
  7671. ""icon"": """",
  7672. ""summary"": ""A procedure for how people join the community or a certain part of it."",
  7673. ""config"": {},
  7674. ""type"": ""process"",
  7675. ""modules"": []
  7676. },
  7677. {
  7678. ""moduleID"": ""roles"",
  7679. ""name"": ""Roles"",
  7680. ""icon"": """",
  7681. ""summary"": ""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."",
  7682. ""config"": {},
  7683. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7684. ""modules"": []
  7685. },
  7686. {
  7687. ""moduleID"": ""executive"",
  7688. ""name"": ""Executive"",
  7689. ""icon"": """",
  7690. ""summary"": ""A specific entity implements policy for the community."",
  7691. ""config"": {},
  7692. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7693. ""modules"": []
  7694. },
  7695. {
  7696. ""moduleID"": ""board"",
  7697. ""name"": ""Board"",
  7698. ""icon"": """",
  7699. ""summary"": ""A small group of people shares top-level authority over an organization."",
  7700. ""config"": {
  7701. ""Number of members"": ""Core Team""
  7702. },
  7703. ""type"": ""structure"",
  7704. ""modules"": []
  7705. }
  7706. ]",Rick,,3,
  7707. 1668716373414,2022.11.17 20:19:33 UTC,,Circles,,"Units called Circles have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a Council.","[
  7708. {
  7709. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  7710. ""name"": ""Values"",
  7711. ""icon"": null,
  7712. ""summary"": ""Decentralization, delegation, trust"",
  7713. ""modules"": []
  7714. },
  7715. {
  7716. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  7717. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  7718. ""icon"": null,
  7719. ""summary"": ""To join, a person must be welcomed into a particular Circle according to its policies."",
  7720. ""modules"": []
  7721. },
  7722. {
  7723. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  7724. ""name"": ""Council"",
  7725. ""icon"": null,
  7726. ""summary"": ""Representatives of Circles regularly meet in a Council to coordinate efforts and determine the domains of each Circle, as well as to add or remove Circles from the Council."",
  7727. ""modules"": []
  7728. },
  7729. {
  7730. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  7731. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  7732. ""icon"": null,
  7733. ""summary"": ""A Circle can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains."",
  7734. ""modules"": []
  7735. },
  7736. {
  7737. ""moduleID"": ""lazy-consensus"",
  7738. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  7739. ""icon"": null,
  7740. ""summary"": ""Circles and the Council use consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal."",
  7741. ""modules"": []
  7742. }
  7743. ]",Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  7744. 1668828086754,2022.11.19 3:21:26 UTC,,Benevolent Dictator,,"The Benevolent Dictator holds ultimate decision-making power, until the group is ready for a more inclusive structure.","[
  7745. {
  7746. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  7747. ""name"": ""Values"",
  7748. ""icon"": null,
  7749. ""summary"": ""Servant leadership, singular vision, voluntarism"",
  7750. ""modules"": []
  7751. },
  7752. {
  7753. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  7754. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  7755. ""icon"": """",
  7756. ""summary"": ""Participation is open to anyone who wants to join, but the Benevolent Dictator can remove participants at will."",
  7757. ""modules"": []
  7758. },
  7759. {
  7760. ""moduleID"": ""autocracy"",
  7761. ""name"": ""Autocracy"",
  7762. ""icon"": null,
  7763. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator has authority and can change the group's governance as necessary."",
  7764. ""modules"": [
  7765. {
  7766. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  7767. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  7768. ""icon"": null,
  7769. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator can invite participants to help with managing the group."",
  7770. ""modules"": []
  7771. },
  7772. {
  7773. ""moduleID"": ""expiration"",
  7774. ""name"": ""Expiration"",
  7775. ""icon"": null,
  7776. ""summary"": ""When the group is sufficiently mature, the Benevolent Dictator will establish a more inclusive structure."",
  7777. ""modules"": []
  7778. },
  7779. {
  7780. ""moduleID"": ""executive"",
  7781. ""name"": ""Executive"",
  7782. ""icon"": null,
  7783. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions."",
  7784. ""modules"": []
  7785. },
  7786. {
  7787. ""moduleID"": ""lobbying"",
  7788. ""name"": ""Lobbying"",
  7789. ""icon"": null,
  7790. ""summary"": ""If participants are not happy with the Benevolent Dictator's leadership, they may voice their concerns or leave the group."",
  7791. ""modules"": []
  7792. }
  7793. ]
  7794. }
  7795. ]",Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  7796. 1669459319696,2022.11.26 10:41:59 UTC,,An Artist Hang Out,,Decisions that affect the group collectively should involve participation of all participants.,"[
  7797. {
  7798. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  7799. ""name"": ""Values"",
  7800. ""icon"": null,
  7801. ""summary"": ""Creativity, empathy, solidarity"",
  7802. ""modules"": []
  7803. },
  7804. {
  7805. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  7806. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  7807. ""icon"": null,
  7808. ""summary"": ""New participants may join as long as no others object."",
  7809. ""modules"": [
  7810. {
  7811. ""moduleID"": ""exclusion"",
  7812. ""name"": ""Exclusion"",
  7813. ""icon"": null,
  7814. ""summary"": ""Participants may be removed if a proposal to do so passes the consensus process."",
  7815. ""modules"": []
  7816. }
  7817. ]
  7818. },
  7819. {
  7820. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  7821. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  7822. ""icon"": null,
  7823. ""summary"": ""Any participant may make a proposal at any group meeting to which all participants are invited. A decision is made only if there are no serious objections remaining."",
  7824. ""modules"": [
  7825. {
  7826. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  7827. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  7828. ""icon"": null,
  7829. ""summary"": ""The proposal should be discussed and modified through open conversation in order to address all concerns. "",
  7830. ""modules"": []
  7831. }
  7832. ]
  7833. },
  7834. {
  7835. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  7836. ""name"": ""Do-Ocracy"",
  7837. ""icon"": null,
  7838. ""summary"": ""People who make proposals that the group agrees on is responsible for its implementation, delegating as necessary and as participants are willing to help."",
  7839. ""modules"": []
  7840. }
  7841. ]",Pahrump Music Conservatory & Fine Arts,,3,
  7842. 1670613666508,2022.12.9 19:20:49 UTC,,ResearchOps Community,,,"[
  7843. {
  7844. ""moduleID"": ""definitions"",
  7845. ""name"": ""Definitions"",
  7846. ""icon"": """",
  7847. ""summary"": """",
  7848. ""config"": {},
  7849. ""type"": """",
  7850. ""modules"": [
  7851. {
  7852. ""moduleID"": ""research-operations"",
  7853. ""name"": ""Research Operations"",
  7854. ""icon"": """",
  7855. ""summary"": ""Research Operations (“ResearchOps”) is the people, mechanisms, and strategies that set user research in motion. It provides the roles, tools and processes needed to support researchers in delivering and scaling the impact of the craft across an organisation."",
  7856. ""config"": {},
  7857. ""type"": """",
  7858. ""modules"": []
  7859. },
  7860. {
  7861. ""moduleID"": ""the-researchops-community"",
  7862. ""name"": ""The ResearchOps Community"",
  7863. ""icon"": """",
  7864. ""summary"": ""The ResearchOps Community (“ReOps”) is a global community of ResearchOps practitioners and enthusiasts who’ve come together to discuss the emerging practice of ResearchOps. "",
  7865. ""config"": {},
  7866. ""type"": """",
  7867. ""modules"": []
  7868. },
  7869. {
  7870. ""moduleID"": ""research"",
  7871. ""name"": ""Research"",
  7872. ""icon"": """",
  7873. ""summary"": ""Research (as referred to in this document) is taken to mean a systematic investigation into the behaviors, needs, motivations, and desires of an audience in order to inform the design and development of a product or service. This may include “user research”, “design research”, “market research”, or other terms."",
  7874. ""config"": {},
  7875. ""type"": """",
  7876. ""modules"": []
  7877. },
  7878. {
  7879. ""moduleID"": ""committee"",
  7880. ""name"": ""Committee"",
  7881. ""icon"": """",
  7882. ""summary"": ""A Committee is a group of actively engaged community members centered around an identified domain and interest within the ResearchOps Community or within the ResearchOps practice. The committees are aligned to the 8 pillars of user research,"",
  7883. ""config"": {
  7884. ""8 pillars of user research"": """"
  7885. },
  7886. ""type"": """",
  7887. ""modules"": []
  7888. },
  7889. {
  7890. ""moduleID"": ""community-decisions"",
  7891. ""name"": ""Community Decisions"",
  7892. ""icon"": """",
  7893. ""summary"": ""Community Decisions shall mean any decision affecting the shared resources of the community, including but not limited to changing our default communication platform, starting a new Committee, and starting a new global workshop series."",
  7894. ""config"": {},
  7895. ""type"": """",
  7896. ""modules"": []
  7897. },
  7898. {
  7899. ""moduleID"": ""global-workshop-series"",
  7900. ""name"": ""Global Workshop Series"",
  7901. ""icon"": """",
  7902. ""summary"": ""A Global Workshop Series is a series of workshops undertaken by the community in order to explore an aspect of ResearchOps or the 8 pillars of user research."",
  7903. ""config"": {},
  7904. ""type"": """",
  7905. ""modules"": []
  7906. },
  7907. {
  7908. ""moduleID"": ""community-guidelines"",
  7909. ""name"": ""Community Guidelines"",
  7910. ""icon"": """",
  7911. ""summary"": ""The Community Guidelines are a set of rules of how members should conduct themselves in the context of the ResearchOps."",
  7912. ""config"": {
  7913. ""Community Guidelines"": """"
  7914. },
  7915. ""type"": """",
  7916. ""modules"": []
  7917. }
  7918. ]
  7919. },
  7920. {
  7921. ""moduleID"": ""objectives"",
  7922. ""name"": ""Objectives"",
  7923. ""icon"": """",
  7924. ""summary"": ""We believe that research serves to humanize the services and technologies that affect all of our lives. ResearchOps practitioners are dedicated to amplifying the power of research by enabling it to scale and grow in organizations, defining the tools, mindsets, mechanisms, processes, etc. that make it all work.\n\nThe ResearchOps Community aims to:"",
  7925. ""config"": {},
  7926. ""type"": """",
  7927. ""modules"": [
  7928. {
  7929. ""moduleID"": ""give-shape-to-and-validate-research-operations"",
  7930. ""name"": ""Give shape to, and validate research operations."",
  7931. ""icon"": """",
  7932. ""summary"": """",
  7933. ""config"": {},
  7934. ""type"": """",
  7935. ""modules"": []
  7936. },
  7937. {
  7938. ""moduleID"": ""promote-and-explain-researchops-and-in-particular-the-work-of-the-group-in-general"",
  7939. ""name"": ""Promote and explain ResearchOps and, in particular, the work of the group in general."",
  7940. ""icon"": """",
  7941. ""summary"": """",
  7942. ""config"": {},
  7943. ""type"": """",
  7944. ""modules"": []
  7945. },
  7946. {
  7947. ""moduleID"": ""engender-the-development-of-the-profession-of-researchops"",
  7948. ""name"": ""Engender the development of the profession of ResearchOps."",
  7949. ""icon"": """",
  7950. ""summary"": """",
  7951. ""config"": {},
  7952. ""type"": """",
  7953. ""modules"": []
  7954. }
  7955. ]
  7956. },
  7957. {
  7958. ""moduleID"": ""terms-of-reference"",
  7959. ""name"": ""Terms of Reference"",
  7960. ""icon"": """",
  7961. ""summary"": ""“Terms of reference (TOR) define the purpose and structure of a project, committee, meeting, negotiation, or any similar collection of people who have agreed to work together to accomplish a shared goal.” (ref: Wikipedia. 2019. Terms of Reference. Accessed July 11, 2019.\n\nThe ResearchOps Community will work to:"",
  7962. ""config"": {},
  7963. ""type"": """",
  7964. ""modules"": [
  7965. {
  7966. ""moduleID"": ""create-a-space-for-exchange-support-local-communities-present-at-conferences-highlight-good-work-around-the-web"",
  7967. ""name"": ""Create a space for exchange, support local communities, present at conferences, highlight good work around the web."",
  7968. ""icon"": """",
  7969. ""summary"": """",
  7970. ""config"": {},
  7971. ""type"": """",
  7972. ""modules"": []
  7973. },
  7974. {
  7975. ""moduleID"": ""establish-resources-on-tools-and-best-practices-for-the-use-of-tools-across-human-centered-research-methods"",
  7976. ""name"": ""Establish resources on tools and best practices for the use of tools across human-centered research methods."",
  7977. ""icon"": """",
  7978. ""summary"": """",
  7979. ""config"": {},
  7980. ""type"": """",
  7981. ""modules"": []
  7982. },
  7983. {
  7984. ""moduleID"": ""establish-resources-on-tools-and-best-practices-for-recruitment-and-administration-of-participants-in-research-activities"",
  7985. ""name"": ""Establish resources on tools and best practices for recruitment and administration of participants in research activities."",
  7986. ""icon"": """",
  7987. ""summary"": """",
  7988. ""config"": {},
  7989. ""type"": """",
  7990. ""modules"": []
  7991. },
  7992. {
  7993. ""moduleID"": ""provide-guidelines-resources-as-to-how-to-develop-researchers-across-the-course-of-their-career"",
  7994. ""name"": ""Provide guidelines resources as to how to develop researchers across the course of their career."",
  7995. ""icon"": """",
  7996. ""summary"": """",
  7997. ""config"": {},
  7998. ""type"": """",
  7999. ""modules"": []
  8000. },
  8001. {
  8002. ""moduleID"": ""examine-research-environments-to-determine-the-influence-of-organisational-maturity-in-research-on-the-practical-aspects-of-research"",
  8003. ""name"": ""Examine research environments to determine the influence of organisational maturity in research on the practical aspects of research."",
  8004. ""icon"": """",
  8005. ""summary"": """",
  8006. ""config"": {},
  8007. ""type"": """",
  8008. ""modules"": []
  8009. },
  8010. {
  8011. ""moduleID"": ""determine-governance-rules-and-processes-for-the-safe-effective-management-of-research"",
  8012. ""name"": ""Determine governance rules and processes for the safe effective management of research."",
  8013. ""icon"": """",
  8014. ""summary"": """",
  8015. ""config"": {},
  8016. ""type"": """",
  8017. ""modules"": []
  8018. },
  8019. {
  8020. ""moduleID"": ""establish-resources-for-people-management-insofar-as-reops-supports-research-leadership-and-the-development-of-researchers-careers"",
  8021. ""name"": ""Establish resources for people management insofar as ReOps supports research leadership and the development of researcher’s careers."",
  8022. ""icon"": """",
  8023. ""summary"": """",
  8024. ""config"": {},
  8025. ""type"": """",
  8026. ""modules"": []
  8027. }
  8028. ]
  8029. },
  8030. {
  8031. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  8032. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  8033. ""icon"": """",
  8034. ""summary"": """",
  8035. ""config"": {},
  8036. ""type"": """",
  8037. ""modules"": [
  8038. {
  8039. ""moduleID"": ""community"",
  8040. ""name"": ""Community"",
  8041. ""icon"": """",
  8042. ""summary"": """",
  8043. ""config"": {},
  8044. ""type"": """",
  8045. ""modules"": [
  8046. {
  8047. ""moduleID"": ""anyone-in-good-standing-with-the-community-is-allowed-to-join-the-reops-slack-group-participate-in-local-reops-organizedendorsed-events-contribute-to-community-projects"",
  8048. ""name"": ""Anyone in good standing with the community is allowed to join the ReOps Slack group, participate in local ReOps-organized/endorsed events, contribute to community projects."",
  8049. ""icon"": """",
  8050. ""summary"": """",
  8051. ""config"": {},
  8052. ""type"": """",
  8053. ""modules"": []
  8054. },
  8055. {
  8056. ""moduleID"": ""community-members-are-welcome-to-represent-reops-at-non-reops-events-conferences-etc-so-long-as-the-community-guidelines-and-these-terms-of-reference-are-being-followed-and-the-member-has-notified-at-least-one-board-member"",
  8057. ""name"": ""Community members are welcome to represent ReOps at non-ReOps events, conferences, etc, so long as the Community Guidelines and these Terms of Reference are being followed, and the member has notified at least one Board member."",
  8058. ""icon"": """",
  8059. ""summary"": """",
  8060. ""config"": {},
  8061. ""type"": """",
  8062. ""modules"": []
  8063. },
  8064. {
  8065. ""moduleID"": ""persons-in-good-standing-are-defined-as-anyone-who-has-not-previously-broken-any-of-the-community-guidelines-or-otherwise-has-not-conducted-themselves-publicly-in-a-way-that-would-cause-unrest-amongst-the-existing-reops-community-members"",
  8066. ""name"": ""Persons in “good standing” are defined as anyone who has not previously broken any of the Community Guidelines, or otherwise has not conducted themselves publicly in a way that would cause unrest amongst the existing ReOps community members."",
  8067. ""icon"": """",
  8068. ""summary"": """",
  8069. ""config"": {},
  8070. ""type"": """",
  8071. ""modules"": []
  8072. },
  8073. {
  8074. ""moduleID"": ""in-the-event-that-a-member-breaks-one-of-the-rules-laid-out-in-the-community-guidelines-it-is-up-to-the-community-committee-to-decide-a-course-of-action-including-both-temporary-and-permanent-bans"",
  8075. ""name"": ""In the event that a member breaks one of the rules laid out in the Community Guidelines, it is up to the Community committee to decide a course of action, including both temporary and permanent bans."",
  8076. ""icon"": """",
  8077. ""summary"": """",
  8078. ""config"": {},
  8079. ""type"": """",
  8080. ""modules"": []
  8081. }
  8082. ]
  8083. },
  8084. {
  8085. ""moduleID"": ""board"",
  8086. ""name"": ""Board"",
  8087. ""icon"": """",
  8088. ""summary"": """",
  8089. ""config"": {},
  8090. ""type"": """",
  8091. ""modules"": [
  8092. {
  8093. ""moduleID"": ""the-board-is-comprised-of-4-office-bearers-2-co-chairs-a-secretary-and-a-treasurer-and-the-co-directors-of-each-committee"",
  8094. ""name"": ""The Board is comprised of: 4 Office Bearers (2 Co-Chairs, a Secretary, and a Treasurer), and the Co-Directors of each committee."",
  8095. ""icon"": """",
  8096. ""summary"": """",
  8097. ""config"": {},
  8098. ""type"": """",
  8099. ""modules"": []
  8100. },
  8101. {
  8102. ""moduleID"": ""community-members-can-become-members-of-the-board-in-two-ways"",
  8103. ""name"": ""Community members can become members of the Board in two ways:"",
  8104. ""icon"": """",
  8105. ""summary"": """",
  8106. ""config"": {},
  8107. ""type"": """",
  8108. ""modules"": [
  8109. {
  8110. ""moduleID"": ""individuals-who-have-contributed-to-the-community-such-that-they-are-invited-to-join-the-board-by-the-standing-members"",
  8111. ""name"": ""Individuals who have contributed to the community such that they are invited to join the Board by the standing members."",
  8112. ""icon"": """",
  8113. ""summary"": """",
  8114. ""config"": {},
  8115. ""type"": """",
  8116. ""modules"": []
  8117. },
  8118. {
  8119. ""moduleID"": ""individuals-who-have-applied-to-join-the-board-and-have-been-voted-in-by-the-existing-board"",
  8120. ""name"": ""Individuals who have applied to join the board, and have been voted in by the existing board."",
  8121. ""icon"": """",
  8122. ""summary"": """",
  8123. ""config"": {},
  8124. ""type"": """",
  8125. ""modules"": []
  8126. }
  8127. ]
  8128. }
  8129. ]
  8130. },
  8131. {
  8132. ""moduleID"": ""team-reops"",
  8133. ""name"": ""Team ReOps"",
  8134. ""icon"": """",
  8135. ""summary"": """",
  8136. ""config"": {},
  8137. ""type"": """",
  8138. ""modules"": [
  8139. {
  8140. ""moduleID"": ""the-active-members-of-each-committee-are-considered-at-large-to-be-part-of-team-reops-members-of-team-reops-are-empowered-by-the-board-to-work-on-behalf-of-the-community"",
  8141. ""name"": ""The active members of each committee are considered at large to be part of “Team ReOps”. Members of Team ReOps are empowered by the Board to work on behalf of the Community."",
  8142. ""icon"": """",
  8143. ""summary"": """",
  8144. ""config"": {},
  8145. ""type"": """",
  8146. ""modules"": []
  8147. },
  8148. {
  8149. ""moduleID"": ""team-reops-members-can-expect-to-receive-the-support-of-the-board-in-the-form-of-advice-leadership-and-guidance-and-can-expect-access-to-resources-such-as-branding-and-other-guides"",
  8150. ""name"": ""Team ReOps members can expect to receive the support of the Board in the form of advice, leadership, and guidance, and can expect access to resources such as branding and other guides."",
  8151. ""icon"": """",
  8152. ""summary"": """",
  8153. ""config"": {},
  8154. ""type"": """",
  8155. ""modules"": []
  8156. }
  8157. ]
  8158. }
  8159. ]
  8160. },
  8161. {
  8162. ""moduleID"": ""governance"",
  8163. ""name"": ""Governance"",
  8164. ""icon"": """",
  8165. ""summary"": """",
  8166. ""config"": {},
  8167. ""type"": """",
  8168. ""modules"": [
  8169. {
  8170. ""moduleID"": ""the-community-shall-operate-under-co-chairs-and-the-board-of-directors-who-are-responsible-for"",
  8171. ""name"": ""The Community shall operate under Co-Chairs and the Board of Directors, who are responsible for:"",
  8172. ""icon"": """",
  8173. ""summary"": """",
  8174. ""config"": {},
  8175. ""type"": """",
  8176. ""modules"": [
  8177. {
  8178. ""moduleID"": ""providing-strategic-direction-across-the-community-in-line-with-the-stated-aims-of-the-community"",
  8179. ""name"": ""Providing strategic direction across the Community in line with the stated aims of the community;"",
  8180. ""icon"": """",
  8181. ""summary"": """",
  8182. ""config"": {},
  8183. ""type"": """",
  8184. ""modules"": []
  8185. },
  8186. {
  8187. ""moduleID"": ""addressing-community-issues-and-conflicts-referred-to-it-by-community-members-and-recommending-corrective-action-through-appropriate-negotiation-andor-escalation"",
  8188. ""name"": ""Addressing community issues and conflicts referred to it by Community Members and recommending corrective action through appropriate negotiation and/or escalation;"",
  8189. ""icon"": """",
  8190. ""summary"": """",
  8191. ""config"": {},
  8192. ""type"": """",
  8193. ""modules"": []
  8194. },
  8195. {
  8196. ""moduleID"": ""addressing-items-of-risk-and-other-issues-as-referred-by-the-community-members-and-recommending-action"",
  8197. ""name"": ""Addressing items of risk and other issues as referred by the Community Members and recommending action;"",
  8198. ""icon"": """",
  8199. ""summary"": """",
  8200. ""config"": {},
  8201. ""type"": """",
  8202. ""modules"": []
  8203. },
  8204. {
  8205. ""moduleID"": ""monitoring-and-reviewing-the-working-group-work-plan-implementation-against-the-terms-of-reference-on-a-regular-basis"",
  8206. ""name"": ""Monitoring and reviewing the working group work plan implementation against the terms of reference on a regular basis."",
  8207. ""icon"": """",
  8208. ""summary"": """",
  8209. ""config"": {},
  8210. ""type"": """",
  8211. ""modules"": []
  8212. },
  8213. {
  8214. ""moduleID"": ""all-directors-and-chairs-shall-hold-an-adjunct-position-for-one-year-after-departing-their-position-during-this-time-they-will-make-themselves-available-to-the-surviving-board-members-as-needed"",
  8215. ""name"": ""All Directors and Chairs shall hold an adjunct position for one year after departing their position. During this time, they will make themselves available to the surviving Board Members as needed."",
  8216. ""icon"": """",
  8217. ""summary"": """",
  8218. ""config"": {},
  8219. ""type"": """",
  8220. ""modules"": []
  8221. }
  8222. ]
  8223. },
  8224. {
  8225. ""moduleID"": ""office-bearers"",
  8226. ""name"": ""Office Bearers"",
  8227. ""icon"": """",
  8228. ""summary"": """",
  8229. ""config"": {},
  8230. ""type"": """",
  8231. ""modules"": [
  8232. {
  8233. ""moduleID"": ""as-of-october-2019-the-formal-office-bearer-positions-are-2-co-chairs-1-secretary-and-1-treasurer"",
  8234. ""name"": ""As of October 2019, the formal Office Bearer positions are 2 co-chairs, 1 Secretary, and 1 Treasurer. "",
  8235. ""icon"": """",
  8236. ""summary"": """",
  8237. ""config"": {},
  8238. ""type"": """",
  8239. ""modules"": [
  8240. {
  8241. ""moduleID"": ""additional-office-bearers-may-be-added-as-needed-in-the-future-and-will-be-handled-as-a-community-decision-by-the-board"",
  8242. ""name"": ""Additional Office Bearers may be added as needed in the future and will be handled as a Community Decision by the Board."",
  8243. ""icon"": """",
  8244. ""summary"": """",
  8245. ""config"": {},
  8246. ""type"": """",
  8247. ""modules"": []
  8248. }
  8249. ]
  8250. },
  8251. {
  8252. ""moduleID"": ""all-office-bearers-are-annual-positions-determined-by-nomination-by-the-board-of-directors"",
  8253. ""name"": ""All Office Bearers are annual positions determined by nomination by the Board of Directors."",
  8254. ""icon"": """",
  8255. ""summary"": """",
  8256. ""config"": {},
  8257. ""type"": """",
  8258. ""modules"": [
  8259. {
  8260. ""moduleID"": ""a-chair-is-responsible-for-helping-set-strategy-for-reops-and-to-prioritize-community-efforts-by-coordinating-between-committees-and-ensuring-work-is-in-line-with-this-terms-of-reference"",
  8261. ""name"": ""A Chair is responsible for helping set strategy for ReOps and to prioritize community efforts by coordinating between committees and ensuring work is in line with this Terms of Reference."",
  8262. ""icon"": """",
  8263. ""summary"": """",
  8264. ""config"": {},
  8265. ""type"": """",
  8266. ""modules"": []
  8267. },
  8268. {
  8269. ""moduleID"": ""the-secretary-is-responsible-for-helping-organize-all-of-the-communications-information-knowledge-and-other-logistics-associated-with-the-researchops-community"",
  8270. ""name"": ""The Secretary is responsible for helping organize all of the communications, information, knowledge, and other logistics associated with the ResearchOps Community."",
  8271. ""icon"": """",
  8272. ""summary"": """",
  8273. ""config"": {},
  8274. ""type"": """",
  8275. ""modules"": [
  8276. {
  8277. ""moduleID"": ""in-the-absence-of-a-secretary-the-chairs-will-be-responsible-for-ensuring-the-roles-and-responsibilities-of-the-secretariat-are-undertaken"",
  8278. ""name"": ""In the absence of a Secretary, the Chair/s will be responsible for ensuring the roles and responsibilities of the Secretariat are undertaken."",
  8279. ""icon"": """",
  8280. ""summary"": """",
  8281. ""config"": {},
  8282. ""type"": """",
  8283. ""modules"": []
  8284. }
  8285. ]
  8286. },
  8287. {
  8288. ""moduleID"": ""the-treasurer-is-responsible-for-managing-the-financial-assets-and-liabilities-of-the-researchops-community-including-but-not-limited-to-sponsorship-funds-membership-fees-or-other-assets"",
  8289. ""name"": ""The Treasurer is responsible for managing the financial assets and liabilities of the ResearchOps Community, including (but not limited to) sponsorship funds, membership fees, or other assets."",
  8290. ""icon"": """",
  8291. ""summary"": """",
  8292. ""config"": {},
  8293. ""type"": """",
  8294. ""modules"": []
  8295. },
  8296. {
  8297. ""moduleID"": ""at-least-one-of-the-office-bearers-must-be-an-actively-practicing-researchops-professional"",
  8298. ""name"": ""At least one of the Office Bearers must be an actively practicing ResearchOps Professional."",
  8299. ""icon"": """",
  8300. ""summary"": """",
  8301. ""config"": {},
  8302. ""type"": """",
  8303. ""modules"": []
  8304. }
  8305. ]
  8306. }
  8307. ]
  8308. },
  8309. {
  8310. ""moduleID"": ""committees"",
  8311. ""name"": ""Committees"",
  8312. ""icon"": """",
  8313. ""summary"": """",
  8314. ""config"": {},
  8315. ""type"": """",
  8316. ""modules"": [
  8317. {
  8318. ""moduleID"": ""each-group-shall-contain-at-least-two-directors-who-make-up-the-rest-of-the-board-other-than-the-office-bearers"",
  8319. ""name"": ""Each group shall contain at least two Directors, who make up the rest of the board other than the Office Bearers."",
  8320. ""icon"": """",
  8321. ""summary"": """",
  8322. ""config"": {},
  8323. ""type"": """",
  8324. ""modules"": []
  8325. },
  8326. {
  8327. ""moduleID"": ""directors-report-progress-made-by-their-team-members-up-to-the-chairs-and-to-the-rest-of-the-board-in-order-to-ensure-strategic-alignment-and-make-any-adjustments-needed"",
  8328. ""name"": ""Directors report progress made by their team members up to the Chairs and to the rest of the board in order to ensure strategic alignment and make any adjustments needed."",
  8329. ""icon"": """",
  8330. ""summary"": """",
  8331. ""config"": {},
  8332. ""type"": """",
  8333. ""modules"": []
  8334. }
  8335. ]
  8336. },
  8337. {
  8338. ""moduleID"": ""annual-general-meeting"",
  8339. ""name"": ""Annual General Meeting"",
  8340. ""icon"": """",
  8341. ""summary"": """",
  8342. ""config"": {},
  8343. ""type"": """",
  8344. ""modules"": [
  8345. {
  8346. ""moduleID"": ""there-shall-be-an-annual-general-meeting-agm-in-september-of-each-year-where"",
  8347. ""name"": ""There shall be an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) in September of each year where:"",
  8348. ""icon"": """",
  8349. ""summary"": """",
  8350. ""config"": {},
  8351. ""type"": """",
  8352. ""modules"": [
  8353. {
  8354. ""moduleID"": ""all-members-of-the-community-are-welcomed-to-attend"",
  8355. ""name"": ""All members of the community are welcomed to attend."",
  8356. ""icon"": """",
  8357. ""summary"": """",
  8358. ""config"": {},
  8359. ""type"": """",
  8360. ""modules"": []
  8361. },
  8362. {
  8363. ""moduleID"": ""a-brief-state-of-reops-will-be-given-where-a-board-member-provides-updates-to-the-community-on-the-state-of-the-various-initiativescommittees-as-well-as-the-plan-for-new-activities-going-forward"",
  8364. ""name"": ""A brief “State of ReOps” will be given, where a Board Member provides updates to the Community on the state of the various initiatives/committees as well as the plan for new activities going forward."",
  8365. ""icon"": """",
  8366. ""summary"": """",
  8367. ""config"": {},
  8368. ""type"": """",
  8369. ""modules"": []
  8370. },
  8371. {
  8372. ""moduleID"": ""office-bearers-shall-be-announced-by-the-board-as-well-as-any-recent-changes-to-board-membership"",
  8373. ""name"": ""Office Bearers shall be announced by the Board, as well as any recent changes to Board Membership."",
  8374. ""icon"": """",
  8375. ""summary"": """",
  8376. ""config"": {},
  8377. ""type"": """",
  8378. ""modules"": []
  8379. },
  8380. {
  8381. ""moduleID"": ""changes-to-this-terms-of-reference-if-any-shall-be-discussed-and-referred-to-the-board-for-finalization"",
  8382. ""name"": ""Changes to this Terms of Reference, if any, shall be discussed and referred to the Board for finalization."",
  8383. ""icon"": """",
  8384. ""summary"": """",
  8385. ""config"": {},
  8386. ""type"": """",
  8387. ""modules"": []
  8388. }
  8389. ]
  8390. }
  8391. ]
  8392. }
  8393. ]
  8394. },
  8395. {
  8396. ""moduleID"": ""voting"",
  8397. ""name"": ""Voting"",
  8398. ""icon"": """",
  8399. ""summary"": """",
  8400. ""config"": {},
  8401. ""type"": """",
  8402. ""modules"": [
  8403. {
  8404. ""moduleID"": ""all-community-members-in-good-standing-are-eligible-to-vote-at-the-agm-or-in-any-other-board-initiated-pollsvotes"",
  8405. ""name"": ""All Community Members in good standing are eligible to vote at the AGM or in any other Board-initiated polls/votes."",
  8406. ""icon"": """",
  8407. ""summary"": """",
  8408. ""config"": {},
  8409. ""type"": """",
  8410. ""modules"": []
  8411. },
  8412. {
  8413. ""moduleID"": ""a-majority-voting-rule-shall-apply-with-one-vote-per-active-member-votes-shall-occur-asynchronously-and-be-completed-7-days-168-hours-after-the-vote-is-announced"",
  8414. ""name"": ""A majority voting rule shall apply, with one vote per active member. Votes shall occur asynchronously and be completed 7 days (168 hours) after the vote is announced."",
  8415. ""icon"": """",
  8416. ""summary"": """",
  8417. ""config"": {},
  8418. ""type"": """",
  8419. ""modules"": []
  8420. },
  8421. {
  8422. ""moduleID"": ""researchops-community-decisions-will-be-made-by-the-board-and-will-be-taken-by-majority-vote-either-in-person-or-by-proxy-of-current-board-members"",
  8423. ""name"": ""ResearchOps Community Decisions will be made by the Board and will be taken by majority vote (either in person or by proxy) of current Board Members."",
  8424. ""icon"": """",
  8425. ""summary"": """",
  8426. ""config"": {},
  8427. ""type"": """",
  8428. ""modules"": []
  8429. }
  8430. ]
  8431. },
  8432. {
  8433. ""moduleID"": ""meetings-and-communication"",
  8434. ""name"": ""Meetings and Communication"",
  8435. ""icon"": """",
  8436. ""summary"": """",
  8437. ""config"": {},
  8438. ""type"": """",
  8439. ""modules"": [
  8440. {
  8441. ""moduleID"": ""the-board-shall-communicate-with-the-community-at-large-as-to-what-work-has-been-completed-and-what-the-next-priorities-are-at-least-once-per-quarter-every-3-months"",
  8442. ""name"": ""The Board shall communicate with the Community at large as to what work has been completed and what the next priorities are at least once per quarter (every 3 months)."",
  8443. ""icon"": """",
  8444. ""summary"": """",
  8445. ""config"": {},
  8446. ""type"": """",
  8447. ""modules"": []
  8448. },
  8449. {
  8450. ""moduleID"": ""committees-shall-meet-monthly-to-discuss-recent-activities-and-immediate-priorities-in-order-to-ensure-individual-members-efforts-are-aligned"",
  8451. ""name"": ""Committees shall meet monthly to discuss recent activities and immediate priorities in order to ensure individual members’ efforts are aligned."",
  8452. ""icon"": """",
  8453. ""summary"": """",
  8454. ""config"": {},
  8455. ""type"": """",
  8456. ""modules"": []
  8457. },
  8458. {
  8459. ""moduleID"": ""the-board-shall-meet-every-two-months-to-share-progress-within-committees-and-any-updates-to-community-strategy"",
  8460. ""name"": ""The Board shall meet every two months to share progress within committees and any updates to Community strategy."",
  8461. ""icon"": """",
  8462. ""summary"": """",
  8463. ""config"": {},
  8464. ""type"": """",
  8465. ""modules"": []
  8466. },
  8467. {
  8468. ""moduleID"": ""all-co-chairs-shall-attend-at-least-the-general-bi-monthly-meeting-and-at-least-one-committee-meeting-other-than-their-own-totalling-2-meetings-per-month-per-member-at-a-minimum"",
  8469. ""name"": ""All co-chairs shall attend at least the general bi-monthly meeting and at least one committee meeting other than their own, totalling 2 meetings per month per member at a minimum."",
  8470. ""icon"": """",
  8471. ""summary"": """",
  8472. ""config"": {},
  8473. ""type"": """",
  8474. ""modules"": []
  8475. }
  8476. ]
  8477. },
  8478. {
  8479. ""moduleID"": ""expectations-of-board-members"",
  8480. ""name"": ""Expectations of Board Members"",
  8481. ""icon"": """",
  8482. ""summary"": """",
  8483. ""config"": {},
  8484. ""type"": """",
  8485. ""modules"": [
  8486. {
  8487. ""moduleID"": ""board-members-are-expected-to-contribute-at-least-5-hours-per-fortnight-every-two-weeks-to-supporting-the-community"",
  8488. ""name"": ""Board Members are expected to contribute at least 5 hours per fortnight (every two weeks) to supporting the Community."",
  8489. ""icon"": """",
  8490. ""summary"": """",
  8491. ""config"": {},
  8492. ""type"": """",
  8493. ""modules"": [
  8494. {
  8495. ""moduleID"": ""where-board-members-feel-they-cannot-contribute-this-time-they-shall-contact-an-office-bearer-to-discuss"",
  8496. ""name"": ""Where Board Members feel they cannot contribute this time, they shall contact an Office Bearer to discuss."",
  8497. ""icon"": """",
  8498. ""summary"": """",
  8499. ""config"": {},
  8500. ""type"": """",
  8501. ""modules"": []
  8502. },
  8503. {
  8504. ""moduleID"": ""board-members-may-be-eligible-to-contribute-their-time-in-large-blocks-or-by-making-regular-contributions-however-office-bearers-should-take-into-consideration-how-these-arrangements-may-affect-the-community-and-the-rest-of-the-board"",
  8505. ""name"": ""Board Members may be eligible to contribute their time in large blocks or by making regular contributions, however Office Bearers should take into consideration how these arrangements may affect the community and the rest of the Board."",
  8506. ""icon"": """",
  8507. ""summary"": """",
  8508. ""config"": {},
  8509. ""type"": """",
  8510. ""modules"": []
  8511. },
  8512. {
  8513. ""moduleID"": ""board-members-may-take-leave-from-the-community-for-holidays-or-personal-reasons-but-commit-to-making-contact-with-an-office-bearer-to-advise-and-make-arrangements-for-replacement-board-members-to-fill-in-or-for-other-members-of-the-board-or-their-committee-to-take-on-extra-work-during-this-time"",
  8514. ""name"": ""Board members may take leave from the community for holidays or personal reasons, but commit to making contact with an Office Bearer to advise and make arrangements for replacement Board Members to fill in, or for other members of the Board (or their committee) to take on extra work during this time. "",
  8515. ""icon"": """",
  8516. ""summary"": """",
  8517. ""config"": {},
  8518. ""type"": """",
  8519. ""modules"": []
  8520. },
  8521. {
  8522. ""moduleID"": ""if-a-member-of-the-board-needs-to-take-leave-for-longer-than-90-days-this-shall-be-taken-to-be-stepping-down-from-the-board-and-their-position-shall-be-filled-according-to-422"",
  8523. ""name"": ""If a member of the board needs to take leave for longer than 90 days, this shall be taken to be stepping down from the Board, and their position shall be filled according to 4.2.2."",
  8524. ""icon"": """",
  8525. ""summary"": """",
  8526. ""config"": {},
  8527. ""type"": """",
  8528. ""modules"": []
  8529. }
  8530. ]
  8531. },
  8532. {
  8533. ""moduleID"": ""board-members-are-expected-to-adhere-to-and-to-encourage-other-community-members-to-adhere-to-our-community-guidelines-our-code-of-conduct-and-to-maintain-these-terms-of-reference"",
  8534. ""name"": ""Board Members are expected to adhere to and to encourage other community members to adhere to our Community Guidelines, our Code of Conduct, and to maintain these Terms of Reference."",
  8535. ""icon"": """",
  8536. ""summary"": """",
  8537. ""config"": {},
  8538. ""type"": """",
  8539. ""modules"": []
  8540. },
  8541. {
  8542. ""moduleID"": ""the-board-and-office-bearers-may-make-a-decision-that-a-board-member-needs-to-replaced-this-shall-occur-by"",
  8543. ""name"": ""The Board and Office Bearers may make a decision that a Board Member needs to replaced. This shall occur by:"",
  8544. ""icon"": """",
  8545. ""summary"": """",
  8546. ""config"": {},
  8547. ""type"": """",
  8548. ""modules"": [
  8549. {
  8550. ""moduleID"": ""making-at-least-3-attempts-in-a-14-day-period-to-engage-the-member-in-discussion-about-their-personalprofessional-situation-that-might-be-impacting-on-their-capacity-to-be-present-and-contribute"",
  8551. ""name"": ""Making at least 3 attempts in a 14-day period to engage the member in discussion about their personal/professional situation that might be impacting on their capacity to be present and contribute."",
  8552. ""icon"": """",
  8553. ""summary"": """",
  8554. ""config"": {},
  8555. ""type"": """",
  8556. ""modules"": []
  8557. },
  8558. {
  8559. ""moduleID"": ""providing-the-member-with-14-days-from-the-date-of-the-3rd-attempt-to-engage-the-member-in-discussion-to-reply-with-a-constructive-plan-for-replacement-if-necessary-or-fill-in-for-a-period"",
  8560. ""name"": ""Providing the member with 14 days from the date of the 3rd attempt to engage the member in discussion to reply with a constructive plan (for replacement if necessary or fill in for a period)."",
  8561. ""icon"": """",
  8562. ""summary"": """",
  8563. ""config"": {},
  8564. ""type"": """",
  8565. ""modules"": []
  8566. },
  8567. {
  8568. ""moduleID"": ""providing-an-email-from-the-team-reops-gmail-that-a-decision-has-been-made-to-remove-them-from-the-board-following-adherence-to-the-above-points"",
  8569. ""name"": ""Providing an email from the Team ReOps gmail that a decision has been made to remove them from the board following adherence to the above points"",
  8570. ""icon"": """",
  8571. ""summary"": """",
  8572. ""config"": {},
  8573. ""type"": """",
  8574. ""modules"": []
  8575. }
  8576. ]
  8577. }
  8578. ]
  8579. },
  8580. {
  8581. ""moduleID"": ""committees"",
  8582. ""name"": ""Committees"",
  8583. ""icon"": """",
  8584. ""summary"": ""The ResearchOps Community is comprised of a variety of committees (as defined in 1.3) in the pursuit of the community’s identified interests and goals. This section describes each committee and what their area of focus is."",
  8585. ""config"": {},
  8586. ""type"": """",
  8587. ""modules"": [
  8588. {
  8589. ""moduleID"": ""community"",
  8590. ""name"": ""Community"",
  8591. ""icon"": """",
  8592. ""summary"": """",
  8593. ""config"": {},
  8594. ""type"": """",
  8595. ""modules"": [
  8596. {
  8597. ""moduleID"": ""the-community-committee-shall-focus-its-energies-on-the-researchops-community-itself-including-management-of-the-terms-of-reference-code-of-conduct-and-the-community-guidelines"",
  8598. ""name"": ""The Community Committee shall focus its energies on the ResearchOps Community itself, including management of the Terms of Reference, Code of Conduct, and the Community Guidelines."",
  8599. ""icon"": """",
  8600. ""summary"": """",
  8601. ""config"": {},
  8602. ""type"": """",
  8603. ""modules"": []
  8604. },
  8605. {
  8606. ""moduleID"": ""the-community-committee-is-also-responsible-for-onboarding-of-new-members-resolving-disputes-and-facilitating-communication-and-collaboration-amongst-members"",
  8607. ""name"": ""The Community Committee is also responsible for onboarding of new members, resolving disputes, and facilitating communication and collaboration amongst members."",
  8608. ""icon"": """",
  8609. ""summary"": """",
  8610. ""config"": {},
  8611. ""type"": """",
  8612. ""modules"": []
  8613. }
  8614. ]
  8615. },
  8616. {
  8617. ""moduleID"": ""content"",
  8618. ""name"": ""Content"",
  8619. ""icon"": """",
  8620. ""summary"": """",
  8621. ""config"": {},
  8622. ""type"": """",
  8623. ""modules"": [
  8624. {
  8625. ""moduleID"": ""the-content-committee-is-responsible-for-managing-the-researchops-brand-including-the-website-social-media-presence-conference-materials-and-any-other-official-documentation-representing-the-community"",
  8626. ""name"": ""The Content Committee is responsible for managing the ResearchOps brand, including the website, social media presence, conference materials, and any other official documentation representing the Community."",
  8627. ""icon"": """",
  8628. ""summary"": """",
  8629. ""config"": {},
  8630. ""type"": """",
  8631. ""modules"": []
  8632. },
  8633. {
  8634. ""moduleID"": ""the-content-committee-serves-as-one-of-the-main-mechanisms-for-packaging-work-done-and-discussions-had-within-the-community-for-external-use-by-the-broader-public"",
  8635. ""name"": ""The Content Committee serves as one of the main mechanisms for packaging work done and discussions had within the Community for external use by the broader public."",
  8636. ""icon"": """",
  8637. ""summary"": """",
  8638. ""config"": {},
  8639. ""type"": """",
  8640. ""modules"": []
  8641. }
  8642. ]
  8643. },
  8644. {
  8645. ""moduleID"": ""research-context-and-capability"",
  8646. ""name"": ""Research Context and Capability"",
  8647. ""icon"": """",
  8648. ""summary"": """",
  8649. ""config"": {},
  8650. ""type"": """",
  8651. ""modules"": [
  8652. {
  8653. ""moduleID"": ""the-four-pillars-covered-by-this-committee-are-environment-scope-people-and-organisational-context"",
  8654. ""name"": ""The four pillars covered by this committee are Environment, Scope, People, and Organisational Context. "",
  8655. ""icon"": """",
  8656. ""summary"": """",
  8657. ""config"": {},
  8658. ""type"": """",
  8659. ""modules"": []
  8660. },
  8661. {
  8662. ""moduleID"": ""the-context-capability-committee-focuses-on-guidelines-and-best-practices-related-to-how-research-happens-and-how-it-is-supported-within-an-organization-by-research-operations"",
  8663. ""name"": ""The Context & Capability Committee focuses on guidelines and best practices related to how Research happens and how it is supported within an organization by Research Operations. "",
  8664. ""icon"": """",
  8665. ""summary"": """",
  8666. ""config"": {},
  8667. ""type"": """",
  8668. ""modules"": [
  8669. {
  8670. ""moduleID"": ""this-may-include-but-is-not-limited-to-organizational-structure-research-playbooks-researcher-skills-and-career-growth"",
  8671. ""name"": ""This may include but is not limited to: organizational structure, research playbooks, researcher skills, and career growth."",
  8672. ""icon"": """",
  8673. ""summary"": """",
  8674. ""config"": {},
  8675. ""type"": """",
  8676. ""modules"": []
  8677. }
  8678. ]
  8679. }
  8680. ]
  8681. },
  8682. {
  8683. ""moduleID"": ""knowledge-management-tools-and-infrastructure"",
  8684. ""name"": ""Knowledge Management, Tools, and Infrastructure"",
  8685. ""icon"": """",
  8686. ""summary"": """",
  8687. ""config"": {},
  8688. ""type"": """",
  8689. ""modules"": [
  8690. {
  8691. ""moduleID"": ""the-four-pillars-covered-by-this-committee-are-recruitment-and-administration-data-and-knowledge-management-governance-and-tools-and-infrastructure"",
  8692. ""name"": ""The four pillars covered by this committee are Recruitment and Administration, Data and Knowledge Management, Governance, and Tools and Infrastructure."",
  8693. ""icon"": """",
  8694. ""summary"": """",
  8695. ""config"": {},
  8696. ""type"": """",
  8697. ""modules"": []
  8698. },
  8699. {
  8700. ""moduleID"": ""the-knowledge-management-tools-and-infrastructure-committee-shall-focus-on-guidelines-and-best-practices-related-to-how-research-can-be-systematized-and-scaled-with-research-operations"",
  8701. ""name"": ""The Knowledge Management, Tools, and Infrastructure Committee shall focus on guidelines and best practices related to how Research can be systematized and scaled with Research Operations."",
  8702. ""icon"": """",
  8703. ""summary"": """",
  8704. ""config"": {},
  8705. ""type"": """",
  8706. ""modules"": [
  8707. {
  8708. ""moduleID"": ""this-may-include-but-is-not-limited-to-research-libraries-data-privacysecurity-softwarehardware-tools-and-participant-relations"",
  8709. ""name"": ""This may include but is not limited to: research libraries, data privacy/security, software/hardware tools, and participant relations."",
  8710. ""icon"": """",
  8711. ""summary"": """",
  8712. ""config"": {},
  8713. ""type"": """",
  8714. ""modules"": []
  8715. }
  8716. ]
  8717. }
  8718. ]
  8719. }
  8720. ]
  8721. }
  8722. ]",The ResearchOps Board,,3,
  8723. 1671232609265,2022.12.16 23:16:49 UTC,,Force Technical Partners,,Partnership,"[
  8724. {
  8725. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  8726. ""name"": ""Values"",
  8727. ""icon"": """",
  8728. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  8729. ""config"": {},
  8730. ""type"": ""culture"",
  8731. ""modules"": []
  8732. },
  8733. {
  8734. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  8735. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  8736. ""icon"": """",
  8737. ""summary"": ""Shared goals for which the community exists."",
  8738. ""config"": {},
  8739. ""type"": ""culture"",
  8740. ""modules"": []
  8741. },
  8742. {
  8743. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  8744. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  8745. ""icon"": """",
  8746. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  8747. ""config"": {},
  8748. ""type"": ""culture"",
  8749. ""modules"": []
  8750. },
  8751. {
  8752. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  8753. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  8754. ""icon"": """",
  8755. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."",
  8756. ""config"": {},
  8757. ""type"": ""process"",
  8758. ""modules"": []
  8759. },
  8760. {
  8761. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  8762. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  8763. ""icon"": """",
  8764. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  8765. ""config"": {},
  8766. ""type"": ""process"",
  8767. ""modules"": []
  8768. },
  8769. {
  8770. ""moduleID"": ""reputation"",
  8771. ""name"": ""Reputation"",
  8772. ""icon"": """",
  8773. ""summary"": ""A system measures and evaluates participants' behavior and weighs their relative rights or credibility accordingly."",
  8774. ""config"": {},
  8775. ""type"": ""process"",
  8776. ""modules"": []
  8777. },
  8778. {
  8779. ""moduleID"": ""ownership"",
  8780. ""name"": ""Ownership"",
  8781. ""icon"": """",
  8782. ""summary"": ""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."",
  8783. ""config"": {},
  8784. ""type"": ""structure"",
  8785. ""modules"": []
  8786. },
  8787. {
  8788. ""moduleID"": ""roles"",
  8789. ""name"": ""Roles"",
  8790. ""icon"": """",
  8791. ""summary"": ""Certain participants hold specialized rights and responsibilities."",
  8792. ""config"": {},
  8793. ""type"": ""structure"",
  8794. ""modules"": []
  8795. },
  8796. {
  8797. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  8798. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  8799. ""icon"": """",
  8800. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  8801. ""config"": {},
  8802. ""type"": ""culture"",
  8803. ""modules"": []
  8804. },
  8805. {
  8806. ""moduleID"": ""rough_consensus"",
  8807. ""name"": ""Rough Consensus"",
  8808. ""icon"": """",
  8809. ""summary"": ""Decisions are made not through formal processes but through an informal sense of the group's shared will."",
  8810. ""config"": {},
  8811. ""type"": ""decision"",
  8812. ""modules"": []
  8813. },
  8814. {
  8815. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  8816. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  8817. ""icon"": """",
  8818. ""summary"": ""Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  8819. ""config"": {},
  8820. ""type"": ""decision"",
  8821. ""modules"": []
  8822. }
  8823. ]",,,3,
  8824. 1671963853478,2022.12.25 10:24:13 UTC,,Unity Farms and Ranches ,,"MEMBERSHIP IS OWNERSHIP | MEMBER OWNED | FARM COOP
  8825. ","[
  8826. {
  8827. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  8828. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  8829. ""icon"": """",
  8830. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  8831. ""config"": {},
  8832. ""type"": ""culture"",
  8833. ""modules"": []
  8834. },
  8835. {
  8836. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  8837. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  8838. ""icon"": """",
  8839. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  8840. ""config"": {},
  8841. ""type"": ""structure"",
  8842. ""modules"": []
  8843. },
  8844. {
  8845. ""moduleID"": ""ownership"",
  8846. ""name"": ""Ownership"",
  8847. ""icon"": """",
  8848. ""summary"": ""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."",
  8849. ""config"": {},
  8850. ""type"": ""structure"",
  8851. ""modules"": []
  8852. },
  8853. {
  8854. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  8855. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  8856. ""icon"": """",
  8857. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."",
  8858. ""config"": {},
  8859. ""type"": ""process"",
  8860. ""modules"": []
  8861. },
  8862. {
  8863. ""moduleID"": ""approval_voting"",
  8864. ""name"": ""Approval voting"",
  8865. ""icon"": """",
  8866. ""summary"": ""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."",
  8867. ""config"": {
  8868. ""Approvals"": """",
  8869. ""Denials"": """"
  8870. },
  8871. ""type"": ""decision"",
  8872. ""modules"": []
  8873. },
  8874. {
  8875. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  8876. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  8877. ""icon"": """",
  8878. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collective action."",
  8879. ""config"": {},
  8880. ""type"": ""culture"",
  8881. ""modules"": []
  8882. }
  8883. ]",,,3,
  8884. 1673999588961,2023.1.17 23:53:8 UTC,,Simple board,,,"[
  8885. {
  8886. ""moduleID"": ""board"",
  8887. ""name"": ""Board"",
  8888. ""icon"": """",
  8889. ""summary"": ""A small group of people shares top-level authority over an organization."",
  8890. ""config"": {
  8891. ""Number of members"": """"
  8892. },
  8893. ""type"": ""structure"",
  8894. ""modules"": [
  8895. {
  8896. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  8897. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  8898. ""icon"": """",
  8899. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  8900. ""config"": {
  8901. ""Duration"": """",
  8902. ""Facilitation"": """"
  8903. },
  8904. ""type"": ""process"",
  8905. ""modules"": []
  8906. },
  8907. {
  8908. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  8909. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  8910. ""icon"": """",
  8911. ""summary"": ""All participants must consent to decisions that affect the entire group."",
  8912. ""config"": {
  8913. ""Max. opposed"": """"
  8914. },
  8915. ""type"": ""decision"",
  8916. ""modules"": []
  8917. }
  8918. ]
  8919. }
  8920. ]",,,3,
  8921. 1674549076870,2023.1.24 8:31:16 UTC,,D4lmål1 Planning Team,,Decisions that affect the group collectively should involve participation of all participants.,"[
  8922. {
  8923. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  8924. ""name"": ""Values"",
  8925. ""icon"": null,
  8926. ""summary"": ""Creativity, empathy, solidarity"",
  8927. ""modules"": []
  8928. },
  8929. {
  8930. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  8931. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  8932. ""icon"": null,
  8933. ""summary"": ""New participants may join as long as no others object."",
  8934. ""modules"": []
  8935. },
  8936. {
  8937. ""moduleID"": ""consensus"",
  8938. ""name"": ""Consensus"",
  8939. ""icon"": null,
  8940. ""summary"": ""Any participant may make a proposal at any group meeting to which all participants are invited. A decision is made only if there are no serious objections remaining."",
  8941. ""modules"": [
  8942. {
  8943. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  8944. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  8945. ""icon"": null,
  8946. ""summary"": ""The proposal should be discussed and modified through open conversation in order to address all concerns. "",
  8947. ""modules"": []
  8948. }
  8949. ]
  8950. },
  8951. {
  8952. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  8953. ""name"": ""Do-Ocracy"",
  8954. ""icon"": null,
  8955. ""summary"": ""People who make proposals that the group agrees on is responsible for its implementation, delegating as necessary and as participants are willing to help."",
  8956. ""modules"": []
  8957. }
  8958. ]",tretton37,https://tretton37,3,
  8959. 1674846529150,2023.1.27 19:8:7 UTC,,Our SNNJ,,Our SNNJ facilitates meeting between groups in mutual aid in the tri-state area. We help groups share data amongst others and plan events while providing much needed resources.,"[
  8960. {
  8961. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  8962. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  8963. ""icon"": """",
  8964. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  8965. ""config"": {
  8966. ""We are anti-capitalists:"": ""through mutual aid, we can better realize the collective power necessary to abolish systems of oppression by building a community of resistance to capitalism. We envision and work to build a solidarity economy, in which the primary goal is to address and meet peoples’ needs collectively, instead of fostering endless growth and profit for capitalists."",
  8967. ""We are abolitionists:"": ""while we fight to shut down jails, prisons and detention centers, we also build a world where power originates from the strength of community and relationships, rather than positions of privilege and wealth. Some folks in this space and in our networks are vulnerable to both police and white supremacists, so a commitment to protect each other from these elements is paramount. "",
  8968. ""We are anti-racist:"": ""e understand that racism is implemented deep within the American economic, social and political structure, and work to fight it at every stage through material support and by forging organized networks of solidarity. "",
  8969. ""We are anti-imperialist:"": ""workers across the world have historically learned from and taught each other. As residents of the imperial core, it is our duty to fight within the belly of the beast, by fighting efforts by the United States and its allies to continue their imperialist policies of war and economic exploitation and educating the communities we are in about them.""
  8970. },
  8971. ""type"": ""culture"",
  8972. ""modules"": []
  8973. },
  8974. {
  8975. ""moduleID"": ""committments"",
  8976. ""name"": ""Committments"",
  8977. ""icon"": """",
  8978. ""summary"": ""Agreement of our commitments are required to access community resources within the network. "",
  8979. ""config"": {
  8980. ""Who is a member?"": ""Membership is obtained through staying current with dues and submitting a application that enables access with agreements to our community agreement. ""
  8981. },
  8982. ""type"": ""structure"",
  8983. ""modules"": []
  8984. },
  8985. {
  8986. ""moduleID"": ""ownership"",
  8987. ""name"": ""Ownership"",
  8988. ""icon"": """",
  8989. ""summary"": ""An organization is controlled through the rights of possession by one or more owners."",
  8990. ""config"": {
  8991. ""Who is a member?"": ""Membership is obtained through staying current with dues and submitting a application that enables access with agreements to our community agreement. ""
  8992. },
  8993. ""type"": ""structure"",
  8994. ""modules"": []
  8995. },
  8996. {
  8997. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  8998. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  8999. ""icon"": """",
  9000. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  9001. ""config"": {
  9002. ""Who is a member?"": ""Membership is obtained through staying current with dues and submitting a application that enables access with agreements to our community agreement. ""
  9003. },
  9004. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9005. ""modules"": []
  9006. }
  9007. ]",Mia Mathews,,3,
  9008. 1676061180164,2023.2.10 20:33:0 UTC,,prueba,,lococococo,"[
  9009. {
  9010. ""moduleID"": ""disapproval_voting"",
  9011. ""name"": ""Disapproval voting"",
  9012. ""icon"": """",
  9013. ""summary"": ""Votes are cast for the options voters do not want, and the option with the fewest votes wins."",
  9014. ""config"": {},
  9015. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9016. ""modules"": []
  9017. }
  9018. ]",popo,,3,
  9019. 1676216019921,2023.2.12 15:32:53 UTC,,Circles,,"Units called Circles have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a Council.","[
  9020. {
  9021. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  9022. ""name"": ""Values"",
  9023. ""icon"": null,
  9024. ""summary"": ""Decentralization, delegation, trust"",
  9025. ""modules"": []
  9026. },
  9027. {
  9028. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  9029. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  9030. ""icon"": null,
  9031. ""summary"": ""To join, a person must be welcomed into a particular Circle according to its policies."",
  9032. ""modules"": []
  9033. },
  9034. {
  9035. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  9036. ""name"": ""Council"",
  9037. ""icon"": null,
  9038. ""summary"": ""Representatives of Circles regularly meet in a Council to coordinate efforts and determine the domains of each Circle, as well as to add or remove Circles from the Council."",
  9039. ""modules"": []
  9040. },
  9041. {
  9042. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  9043. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  9044. ""icon"": null,
  9045. ""summary"": ""A Circle can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains."",
  9046. ""modules"": []
  9047. },
  9048. {
  9049. ""moduleID"": ""lazy-consensus"",
  9050. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  9051. ""icon"": null,
  9052. ""summary"": ""Circles and the Council use consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal."",
  9053. ""modules"": []
  9054. }
  9055. ]",Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  9056. 1676991209738,2023.2.21 14:52:52 UTC,,Het Republiek der Verenigde Provinciën (de VP),,"Cellular democracy
  9057. Modified MARS (Mixed Absolute and Relative Scores) voting
  9058. Vertical separation of governmental powers
  9059. Dictatorial Voluntarism
  9060. Meritocratic-Libertarian Parallelism","[
  9061. {
  9062. ""moduleID"": ""stability"",
  9063. ""name"": ""Stability"",
  9064. ""icon"": """",
  9065. ""summary"": """",
  9066. ""config"": {},
  9067. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9068. ""modules"": []
  9069. },
  9070. {
  9071. ""moduleID"": ""liberty"",
  9072. ""name"": ""Liberty"",
  9073. ""icon"": """",
  9074. ""summary"": """",
  9075. ""config"": {},
  9076. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9077. ""modules"": []
  9078. },
  9079. {
  9080. ""moduleID"": ""cellular-democracy"",
  9081. ""name"": ""Cellular democracy"",
  9082. ""icon"": """",
  9083. ""summary"": ""The inhabitants of the lowest level of government (e.g. neighbourhood) that can legally vote do so for their single representative. These representatives of each lowest-level political group then vote for their representative of the level of government above (e.g. municipality). This continues until the highest level of government (federal) is reached where a single representative of the nation-state (president) is elected."",
  9084. ""config"": {
  9085. ""Vertical levels of government (example)"": ""Federal, Provincial, Municipal, Neighbourhood"",
  9086. ""Single representative per level (example)"": ""President, Governor, Mayor, Sheriff"",
  9087. ""Personal relationship between citizens of adjacent levels"": ""Accountability"",
  9088. ""Decentralization of government"": ""Diversity of policy"",
  9089. ""Small-scale elections"": ""\""Money out of politics\"""",
  9090. ""Local elections"": ""Better informed electorate"",
  9091. ""Separated political entities"": ""Policy experimentation""
  9092. },
  9093. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9094. ""modules"": []
  9095. },
  9096. {
  9097. ""moduleID"": ""modified-mars-voting"",
  9098. ""name"": ""Modified MARS voting"",
  9099. ""icon"": """",
  9100. ""summary"": ""There are two variants of this voting system: a 6-point scale and a 3-point scale. The 6-point scale is typically used for an election with multiple different options (electing a political leader/representative), while the 3-point scale is better used for a decision election (a yes or no outcome for a single decision).\nIn the Republiek der Verenigde Provinciën, the 6-point scale variant is used for all political leader/representative elections (except for \""libertarian neighbourhoods\"", explained elsewhere) while the 3-point scale variant is used for the approval of judicial appointees from the non-lowest level of government by the representatives of the level below.\nThe 6-point scale variant system works as follows. Each citizen that can legally vote does so on their ballot by giving each option a grade from 1 to 6 (explained below). The results are then best presented visually. Imagine two parallel posts between which thin ropes will be tightly sprung from one post to the other. For a particular option, the following rope will be sprung. On the left post, the height from which the rope is sprung depends proportionally on the resulting score of adding all the grades that have been awarded to this option. On the right post, the height at which this rope connects depends proportionally on the amount of ballots where this option was the or among the highest graded options. The resulting sprung rope is this option's resulting rope. The same height to number proportion is used for all options and both posts. Finally, the option whose rope is sprung the highest for the most distance between these two posts is the winner of the election.\nFor the 3-point variant used for single-decision elections, it suffices to calculate the average grade awarded (using the -1, 0 and 1 scale). If this number is positive, the decision is carried out."",
  9101. ""config"": {
  9102. ""Balance between Condorcet and score outcomes"": """",
  9103. ""Maximum information from electorate"": """",
  9104. ""6-point scale: 1"": ""I hate this option or decision"",
  9105. ""6-point scale: 2"": ""I dislike this option or decision"",
  9106. ""6-point scale: 3"": ""I reject this option or decision"",
  9107. ""6-point scale: 4"": ""I consent to this option or decision"",
  9108. ""6-point scale: 5"": ""I like this option or decision"",
  9109. ""6-point scale: 6"": ""I love this option or decision"",
  9110. ""3-point scale: -1"": ""I'm against this decision"",
  9111. ""3-point scale: 0"": ""I'm neutral/consenting to this decision"",
  9112. ""3-point scale: 1"": ""I'm in favour of this decision""
  9113. },
  9114. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9115. ""modules"": []
  9116. },
  9117. {
  9118. ""moduleID"": ""vertical-separation-of-powers"",
  9119. ""name"": ""Vertical separation of powers"",
  9120. ""icon"": """",
  9121. ""summary"": ""The governmental powers that are the executive, legislative and judicial powers are vertically separated.\nThe executive power is present on both the lowest and the highest governmental level. On the lowest level, it is typically the police force assembled by the leader/representative of the lowest level, responsible for enforcing the law or policies that are conducted by this leader/representative. On the highest level, it is the military which is under command of the president. Aside of enforcing foreign policy conducted by the president, it is responsible for domestic intervention when the leader/representative of a lower level government is violating constitutional rights of citizens.\nThe legislative power is domestically present only on the lowest level of government. The law on this level is decided on by way of Dictatorial Voluntarism. Evidently, this law has to be consistent with the constitution. The constitution includes both the structure of the government/state, and the constitutional rights of citizens. It can only be amended when every leader/representative of every governmental level is consenting to it.\nThe judicial power is present on every governmental level. Each leader/representative above the lowest governmental level appoints candidates that have to be approved by the leaders/representatives of the level below. The leader/representative of the lowest level decides its judicial power by way of Dictatorial Voluntarism. A court only handles cases that occur within its area. Appeals to higher courts can be made by citizens."",
  9122. ""config"": {
  9123. ""Federal level"": ""Executive (military), Legislative (foreign policy), Judicial (federal court, approved by the level below)"",
  9124. ""Intermediate levels"": ""Judicial (courts of this level, approved by the level below)"",
  9125. ""Lowest level"": ""Executive (police), Legislative (law), Judicial (court of this level)""
  9126. },
  9127. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9128. ""modules"": []
  9129. },
  9130. {
  9131. ""moduleID"": ""dictatorial-voluntarism"",
  9132. ""name"": ""Dictatorial Voluntarism"",
  9133. ""icon"": """",
  9134. ""summary"": ""Dictatorial Voluntarism is based on the following principles. The decision-making of a group is most efficient when this group has only one leader that is a dictator, meaning that only this person dictates what decisions are carried out or not by the group. Groups should only be formed when each member of this group voluntarily does so, such that no dictator is involuntarily imposed on any member. The key to solve election results that a group member does not consent to is further decentralization. Communication and especially consent (voluntary agreement or approval) of any group member is key. Evidently, any group member is free to inform or convince the dictator on any decision, although only the dictator can make decisions for its group and no other decision-making power exists. This includes appointing a new dictator (the new dictator has to consent to this decision).\nThe process works as follows and starts with the \""whole group\"" and one elected dictator. Let's say the election of a sheriff for a neighbourhood has concluded and its results are made public. There is no election system inherently part of Dictatorial Voluntarism, but in the Republiek der Verenigde Provinciën, this is done using the Modified MARS voting system. Consequently, communication among voters occurs where each voter expresses whether they consent to the result or not. This can be done fairly dynamically (in a roundtable) and only concludes when each member has done so. Until that point, any member can change their voiced opinion based on those of others. Finally, only the members who consent to the result will form a group with the elected as dictator. The other members will perform a new election. This way, only groups are formed with an elected dictator and members that voluntarily are part of this group. This process can be sped up with certain members declaring in advance that they want to form a group of their own and consequently doing so. After all group elections or formations are concluded, one final round is held where each member of the whole group can try to join another. For such changes to be made, any group member can voluntarily leave a group without the need for anyone else's (even the dictator's) consent, but voluntarily joining another group requires the consent of its dictator alone. Groups can also merge or split in this final round. This entire process finishes when once again, each member consents to its own group and dictator. Depending on what kind of groups are formed, groups can either change dynamically at any point or have to remain the same until the next election for the whole group."",
  9135. ""config"": {
  9136. ""Monolithic leadership and responsibility"": """",
  9137. ""Voluntary agreement or approval by each member of each group"": """"
  9138. },
  9139. ""type"": ""process"",
  9140. ""modules"": []
  9141. },
  9142. {
  9143. ""moduleID"": ""meritocratic-libertarian-parallelism"",
  9144. ""name"": ""Meritocratic-Libertarian Parallelism"",
  9145. ""icon"": """",
  9146. ""summary"": ""The following is only relevant to commit to balancing the requirements of liberty and stability for a nation-state, such as the Republiek der Verenigde Provinciën. To promote stability, the state may be interested in restricting voting power to its citizens that sufficiently care and are sufficiently informed about their nation-state by some measure (e.g. only parents can vote because of their children as stake into the future of the nation-state, or only those can vote that can recite the constitution because of their intelligence and knowledge of the procedures of the nation-state). However, this would impede on the political liberty of others. Therefore, a best-of-both-worlds solution is to have two different kinds of governmental groups at the lowest level. The first kind would be meritocratic ones that restrict voting power for stability based on some merit but participate in the election of the above government level. The second kind would be libertarian ones that have no state-imposed restrictions (not even the Modified MARS voting system imposition) aside of remaining constitutional, while these groups would not participate in the election of the above government level."",
  9147. ""config"": {
  9148. ""Promote stability without impeding liberty"": """"
  9149. },
  9150. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9151. ""modules"": []
  9152. }
  9153. ]",Perceval,,3,
  9154. 1677804691478,2023.3.3 0:51:0 UTC,,Unity Farms and Ranches ,,"MEMBERSHIP IS OWNERSHIP | MEMBER OWNED | FARM COOP
  9155. ","[
  9156. {
  9157. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  9158. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  9159. ""icon"": """",
  9160. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  9161. ""config"": {},
  9162. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9163. ""modules"": []
  9164. },
  9165. {
  9166. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  9167. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  9168. ""icon"": """",
  9169. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  9170. ""config"": {},
  9171. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9172. ""modules"": []
  9173. },
  9174. {
  9175. ""moduleID"": ""ownership"",
  9176. ""name"": ""Ownership"",
  9177. ""icon"": """",
  9178. ""summary"": ""An organization is controlled through rights of possession by one or more owners."",
  9179. ""config"": {},
  9180. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9181. ""modules"": []
  9182. },
  9183. {
  9184. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  9185. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  9186. ""icon"": """",
  9187. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."",
  9188. ""config"": {},
  9189. ""type"": ""process"",
  9190. ""modules"": []
  9191. },
  9192. {
  9193. ""moduleID"": ""approval_voting"",
  9194. ""name"": ""Approval voting"",
  9195. ""icon"": """",
  9196. ""summary"": ""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."",
  9197. ""config"": {
  9198. ""Approvals"": """",
  9199. ""Denials"": """"
  9200. },
  9201. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9202. ""modules"": []
  9203. },
  9204. {
  9205. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  9206. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  9207. ""icon"": """",
  9208. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collective action."",
  9209. ""config"": {},
  9210. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9211. ""modules"": []
  9212. }
  9213. ]",,,3,
  9214. 1679503436357,2023.3.22 16:43:56 UTC,,Federation of Limonia,,Network state,"[
  9215. {
  9216. ""moduleID"": ""federation"",
  9217. ""name"": ""Federation"",
  9218. ""icon"": """",
  9219. ""summary"": ""A central authority delegates power to, and is co-governed by, subsidiary authorities."",
  9220. ""config"": {},
  9221. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9222. ""modules"": []
  9223. },
  9224. {
  9225. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  9226. ""name"": ""Council"",
  9227. ""icon"": """",
  9228. ""summary"": ""Member groups meet together for coordination and collective decision-making."",
  9229. ""config"": {},
  9230. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9231. ""modules"": []
  9232. },
  9233. {
  9234. ""moduleID"": ""executive"",
  9235. ""name"": ""Executive"",
  9236. ""icon"": """",
  9237. ""summary"": ""A specific entity implements policy for the community."",
  9238. ""config"": {},
  9239. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9240. ""modules"": []
  9241. },
  9242. {
  9243. ""moduleID"": ""committee"",
  9244. ""name"": ""Committee"",
  9245. ""icon"": """",
  9246. ""summary"": ""A sub-group of the community tasked with a particular role or domain of authority."",
  9247. ""config"": {
  9248. ""Duration"": """"
  9249. },
  9250. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9251. ""modules"": []
  9252. },
  9253. {
  9254. ""moduleID"": ""identity"",
  9255. ""name"": ""Identity"",
  9256. ""icon"": """",
  9257. ""summary"": ""How participants represent themselves and are seen by the community."",
  9258. ""config"": {},
  9259. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9260. ""modules"": []
  9261. },
  9262. {
  9263. ""moduleID"": ""rights"",
  9264. ""name"": ""Rights"",
  9265. ""icon"": """",
  9266. ""summary"": ""All participants are entitled to certain specified guarantees."",
  9267. ""config"": {},
  9268. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9269. ""modules"": []
  9270. },
  9271. {
  9272. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  9273. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  9274. ""icon"": """",
  9275. ""summary"": ""Clear lines distinguish those who are members of the group from those who are not."",
  9276. ""config"": {},
  9277. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9278. ""modules"": []
  9279. },
  9280. {
  9281. ""moduleID"": ""judiciary"",
  9282. ""name"": ""Judiciary"",
  9283. ""icon"": """",
  9284. ""summary"": ""Courts or other oversight mechanisms ensure that policies are being properly implemented."",
  9285. ""config"": {},
  9286. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9287. ""modules"": []
  9288. },
  9289. {
  9290. ""moduleID"": ""constitution"",
  9291. ""name"": ""Constitution"",
  9292. ""icon"": """",
  9293. ""summary"": ""A shared set of agreements underlies all future ones and is harder to change than other agreements."",
  9294. ""config"": {},
  9295. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9296. ""modules"": []
  9297. },
  9298. {
  9299. ""moduleID"": ""legislature"",
  9300. ""name"": ""Legislature"",
  9301. ""icon"": """",
  9302. ""summary"": ""A specific entity sets policy for the community."",
  9303. ""config"": {},
  9304. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9305. ""modules"": []
  9306. },
  9307. {
  9308. ""moduleID"": ""representation"",
  9309. ""name"": ""Representation"",
  9310. ""icon"": """",
  9311. ""summary"": ""Rather than decide directly, people choose representatives to participate in decision making on their behalf."",
  9312. ""config"": {},
  9313. ""type"": ""process"",
  9314. ""modules"": []
  9315. },
  9316. {
  9317. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  9318. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  9319. ""icon"": """",
  9320. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  9321. ""config"": {},
  9322. ""type"": ""process"",
  9323. ""modules"": []
  9324. },
  9325. {
  9326. ""moduleID"": ""debate"",
  9327. ""name"": ""Debate"",
  9328. ""icon"": """",
  9329. ""summary"": ""Deliberation occurs through a structured presentation of arguments."",
  9330. ""config"": {},
  9331. ""type"": ""process"",
  9332. ""modules"": []
  9333. },
  9334. {
  9335. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  9336. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  9337. ""icon"": """",
  9338. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences."",
  9339. ""config"": {},
  9340. ""type"": ""process"",
  9341. ""modules"": []
  9342. },
  9343. {
  9344. ""moduleID"": ""meritocracy"",
  9345. ""name"": ""Meritocracy"",
  9346. ""icon"": """",
  9347. ""summary"": ""Participants gain authority according to their excellence by shared standards."",
  9348. ""config"": {},
  9349. ""type"": ""process"",
  9350. ""modules"": []
  9351. },
  9352. {
  9353. ""moduleID"": ""approval_voting"",
  9354. ""name"": ""Approval voting"",
  9355. ""icon"": """",
  9356. ""summary"": ""Voters can approve or deny approval for each option."",
  9357. ""config"": {
  9358. ""Approvals"": """",
  9359. ""Denials"": """"
  9360. },
  9361. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9362. ""modules"": []
  9363. },
  9364. {
  9365. ""moduleID"": ""proof_of_work"",
  9366. ""name"": ""Proof of Work"",
  9367. ""icon"": """",
  9368. ""summary"": ""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community."",
  9369. ""config"": {},
  9370. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9371. ""modules"": []
  9372. },
  9373. {
  9374. ""moduleID"": ""disapproval_voting"",
  9375. ""name"": ""Disapproval voting"",
  9376. ""icon"": """",
  9377. ""summary"": ""Votes are cast for the options voters do not want, and the option with the fewest votes wins."",
  9378. ""config"": {},
  9379. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9380. ""modules"": []
  9381. },
  9382. {
  9383. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  9384. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  9385. ""icon"": """",
  9386. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  9387. ""config"": {},
  9388. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9389. ""modules"": []
  9390. },
  9391. {
  9392. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  9393. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  9394. ""icon"": """",
  9395. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  9396. ""config"": {},
  9397. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9398. ""modules"": []
  9399. },
  9400. {
  9401. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  9402. ""name"": ""Values"",
  9403. ""icon"": """",
  9404. ""summary"": ""Shared commitments are clearly defined."",
  9405. ""config"": {},
  9406. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9407. ""modules"": []
  9408. },
  9409. {
  9410. ""moduleID"": ""diversity"",
  9411. ""name"": ""Diversity"",
  9412. ""icon"": """",
  9413. ""summary"": ""Ensure that participants are not homogeneous in certain relevant ways."",
  9414. ""config"": {
  9415. ""Relevant vectors"": ""age, ethnicity, gender, skills""
  9416. },
  9417. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9418. ""modules"": []
  9419. }
  9420. ]",Flooyd Brazil LLC,,3,
  9421. 1682911971667,2023.5.1 3:32:51 UTC,,Tech Theatre,,"Director makes blueprints and in charge of teaching cast and crew members, assigns a Stage Manager and she assigns jobs to all of the crew. They all build set parts and do everything from lights and sound to curtains, props, and set pieces.","[
  9422. {
  9423. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  9424. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  9425. ""icon"": """",
  9426. ""summary"": ""A shared purpose is clearly defined."",
  9427. ""config"": {},
  9428. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9429. ""modules"": []
  9430. },
  9431. {
  9432. ""moduleID"": ""stake"",
  9433. ""name"": ""Stake"",
  9434. ""icon"": """",
  9435. ""summary"": ""Participants contribute something of value to indicate commitment."",
  9436. ""config"": {},
  9437. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9438. ""modules"": []
  9439. },
  9440. {
  9441. ""moduleID"": ""ritual"",
  9442. ""name"": ""Ritual"",
  9443. ""icon"": """",
  9444. ""summary"": ""A repeated cultural practice builds solidarity and community."",
  9445. ""config"": {
  9446. ""Frequency"": """"
  9447. },
  9448. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9449. ""modules"": []
  9450. },
  9451. {
  9452. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  9453. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  9454. ""icon"": """",
  9455. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  9456. ""config"": {},
  9457. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9458. ""modules"": []
  9459. }
  9460. ]",Ali,,3,
  9461. 1683280567567,2023.5.5 9:56:7 UTC,,Sociocracy Protocol,,"This is a basic set of agreements for a fully functioning sociocratic organization. Sociocracy is a governance system based on: (1) structure by interlinked circles, (2) decision-making by consent, and (3) continuous evolution by feedback.","[
  9462. {
  9463. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  9464. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  9465. ""icon"": """",
  9466. ""summary"": ""The organization has a shared purpose."",
  9467. ""config"": {},
  9468. ""type"": """",
  9469. ""modules"": []
  9470. },
  9471. {
  9472. ""moduleID"": ""effectiveness"",
  9473. ""name"": ""Effectiveness"",
  9474. ""icon"": """",
  9475. ""summary"": ""All members and circles effectively contribute to the realization of the organization’s purpose."",
  9476. ""config"": {},
  9477. ""type"": """",
  9478. ""modules"": []
  9479. },
  9480. {
  9481. ""moduleID"": ""structure"",
  9482. ""name"": ""Structure"",
  9483. ""icon"": """",
  9484. ""summary"": ""The organization is structured as a system of interlinked circles. "",
  9485. ""config"": {},
  9486. ""type"": """",
  9487. ""modules"": []
  9488. },
  9489. {
  9490. ""moduleID"": ""circle"",
  9491. ""name"": ""Circle"",
  9492. ""icon"": """",
  9493. ""summary"": ""A circle is a group of people working and making decisions together within a mandate, that is a description of its authority."",
  9494. ""config"": {},
  9495. ""type"": """",
  9496. ""modules"": []
  9497. },
  9498. {
  9499. ""moduleID"": ""decentralization"",
  9500. ""name"": ""Decentralization"",
  9501. ""icon"": """",
  9502. ""summary"": ""Authority is actively distributed from circles with a broader focus to those with a narrower focus. A circle (parent circle) consents to the mandates of its sub-circles."",
  9503. ""config"": {},
  9504. ""type"": """",
  9505. ""modules"": []
  9506. },
  9507. {
  9508. ""moduleID"": ""equivalence"",
  9509. ""name"": ""Equivalence"",
  9510. ""icon"": """",
  9511. ""summary"": ""Circle members have equal rights in policy decision-making. "",
  9512. ""config"": {},
  9513. ""type"": """",
  9514. ""modules"": []
  9515. },
  9516. {
  9517. ""moduleID"": ""rounds"",
  9518. ""name"": ""Rounds"",
  9519. ""icon"": """",
  9520. ""summary"": ""Circles commit to speak in rounds in order to build shared understanding, explore ideas, and make decisions."",
  9521. ""config"": {},
  9522. ""type"": """",
  9523. ""modules"": []
  9524. },
  9525. {
  9526. ""moduleID"": ""policy"",
  9527. ""name"": ""Policy"",
  9528. ""icon"": """",
  9529. ""summary"": ""Policies are circle decisions that regulate and guide operations and processes. Circles can adopt policies to self-govern and, if they have the mandate to do so, with cross-circles effects."",
  9530. ""config"": {},
  9531. ""type"": """",
  9532. ""modules"": []
  9533. },
  9534. {
  9535. ""moduleID"": ""consent"",
  9536. ""name"": ""Consent"",
  9537. ""icon"": """",
  9538. ""summary"": ""A circle makes policy decisions by consent, that is in the absence of reasoned objections. All circle members collaborate in order to integrate objections."",
  9539. ""config"": {},
  9540. ""type"": """",
  9541. ""modules"": []
  9542. },
  9543. {
  9544. ""moduleID"": ""logbook"",
  9545. ""name"": ""Logbook"",
  9546. ""icon"": """",
  9547. ""summary"": ""A circle shall transparently record all its policies in a logbook."",
  9548. ""config"": {},
  9549. ""type"": """",
  9550. ""modules"": []
  9551. },
  9552. {
  9553. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  9554. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  9555. ""icon"": """",
  9556. ""summary"": ""Circle membership is decided by consent and recorded in the circle's logbook."",
  9557. ""config"": {},
  9558. ""type"": """",
  9559. ""modules"": []
  9560. },
  9561. {
  9562. ""moduleID"": ""review"",
  9563. ""name"": ""Review"",
  9564. ""icon"": """",
  9565. ""summary"": ""Circles evolve over time by regularly reviewing the policies under their authority. "",
  9566. ""config"": {},
  9567. ""type"": """",
  9568. ""modules"": []
  9569. },
  9570. {
  9571. ""moduleID"": ""roles"",
  9572. ""name"": ""Roles"",
  9573. ""icon"": """",
  9574. ""summary"": ""Each circle shall select holders among its members for the following roles:\n(a) A Facilitator, to support policy decision-making.\n(b) An Administrator, to keep record of circle policies and key information.\n(c) A Leader, to support circle activities within their mandate and to bring the parent circle’s voice to the subcircle. \n(d) A Delegate, to bring the circle’s voice to the parent circle. \n(e) Operational roles, defined by consent to hold part of the circle’s mandate"",
  9575. ""config"": {},
  9576. ""type"": """",
  9577. ""modules"": []
  9578. },
  9579. {
  9580. ""moduleID"": ""double-linking"",
  9581. ""name"": ""Double-linking"",
  9582. ""icon"": """",
  9583. ""summary"": ""A circle’s Leader and Delegate are members of both the circle and its parent circle."",
  9584. ""config"": {},
  9585. ""type"": """",
  9586. ""modules"": []
  9587. }
  9588. ]",Thomas K,,3,
  9589. 1683915396107,2023.5.12 18:16:29 UTC,,Asociación de Guardianes de la Papa Nativa del Perú,,"La Asociación ""AGUAPAN"" representa a los agricultores custodios de variedades de papas nativas. Actualmente, cuenta con 103 miembros o Guardianes distribuidos en nueve regiones de Perú. AGUAPAN cuenta con una junta directiva bienal que incluye los siguientes cargos: presidente, vicepresidente, secretario, tesorero y dos miembros del comité. Además, hay nueve coordinadores regionales con la capacidad de tomar decisiones que afectan a su región. Los coordinadores encabezan el comité de decisiones regional, el cual lidera un sistema de control interno en cada región. Este sistema consta de al menos un inspector y recibe el apoyo y asesoramiento de técnicos externos. Ambos implementan el sistema de garantía participativa para obtener el certificado orgánico. La junta directiva también supervisa el brazo comercial de la asociación, el cual tiene dos roles: asistencia administrativa y gestión de la marca colectiva.","[
  9590. {
  9591. ""moduleID"": ""apertura"",
  9592. ""name"": ""Apertura"",
  9593. ""icon"": """",
  9594. ""summary"": ""Serán los miembros de la asociación aquellos agricultores que mantengan más de 50 variedades de papa nativa por más de dos generaciones y sean reconocidos por su comunidad."",
  9595. ""config"": {},
  9596. ""type"": """",
  9597. ""modules"": []
  9598. },
  9599. {
  9600. ""moduleID"": ""trato-directo"",
  9601. ""name"": ""Trato directo."",
  9602. ""icon"": """",
  9603. ""summary"": ""Diálogo e inversión entre agricultores y empresas para compartir beneficios sin costos de transacción."",
  9604. ""config"": {},
  9605. ""type"": """",
  9606. ""modules"": []
  9607. },
  9608. {
  9609. ""moduleID"": ""autodeterminacion"",
  9610. ""name"": ""Autodeterminación"",
  9611. ""icon"": """",
  9612. ""summary"": ""Son los propios custodios quienes conocen sus necesidades y saben que beneficios requieren."",
  9613. ""config"": {},
  9614. ""type"": """",
  9615. ""modules"": []
  9616. },
  9617. {
  9618. ""moduleID"": ""confianza-y-transparencia"",
  9619. ""name"": ""Confianza y transparencia"",
  9620. ""icon"": """",
  9621. ""summary"": ""La información tiene que ser compartida entre todos los socios."",
  9622. ""config"": {},
  9623. ""type"": """",
  9624. ""modules"": []
  9625. },
  9626. {
  9627. ""moduleID"": ""buen-gobierno"",
  9628. ""name"": ""Buen gobierno"",
  9629. ""icon"": """",
  9630. ""summary"": ""Los directivos elegidos tienen responsabilidades claras, promueven equidad de género y mejorar continuamente la gestión."",
  9631. ""config"": {},
  9632. ""type"": """",
  9633. ""modules"": []
  9634. }
  9635. ]",AGUAPAN,,3,
  9636. 1686767602213,2023.6.14 18:33:22 UTC,,Crypto Musica Labs actualización Alfa 1.0,,"Unidades llamadas Crypto Musica Squads crean y. gobiernan sus propios dominios, siempre basándose en las propuestas de valor y propósitos de la comunidad. Y respetando la participación y gobernanza del consejo para la toma de decisiones.","[
  9637. {
  9638. ""moduleID"": ""valores"",
  9639. ""name"": ""Valores"",
  9640. ""icon"": """",
  9641. ""summary"": ""Descentralización: Promovemos la distribución equitativa y la máxima descentralización en nuestras operaciones y decisiones.\nConfianza: Fomentamos un ambiente de confianza donde los miembros pueden trabajar juntos y colaborar en un entorno seguro.\nDelegación de trabajos: Reconocemos y valoramos la capacidad de los equipos para tomar decisiones y llevar a cabo tareas de manera autónoma.\nRecompensas por PoW (Prueba de Trabajo): Premiamos el esfuerzo y la contribución de los miembros en función de su trabajo y participación activa."",
  9642. ""modules"": []
  9643. },
  9644. {
  9645. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  9646. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  9647. ""icon"": """",
  9648. ""summary"": ""Los squads tienen la autonomía de decidir quiénes ingresan y salen dentro de los círculos, pero siempre tomando en cuenta las normas preestablecidas por consenso y las normas establecidas por los propios miembros de cada círculo, en colaboración con el consejo.\n\nAdemás, es relevante destacar que los Tokens serán la clave de entrada a la comunidad. Estos Tokens o NFTs, los cuales se pueden ganar sin ningún costo monetario inicial, pero tienen un valor intrínseco. Para acceder a los beneficios y participar en la comunidad, será necesario poseer y utilizar estos Tokens como una forma de autenticación y participación activa."",
  9649. ""modules"": []
  9650. },
  9651. {
  9652. ""moduleID"": ""consejo"",
  9653. ""name"": ""Consejo"",
  9654. ""icon"": """",
  9655. ""summary"": ""El consejo está conformado por los miembros del equipo central, quienes han sido los encargados de diseñar y construir la comunidad desde el año 2021. Su rol principal consiste en la macro organización y estructuración de la columna vertebral de la comunidad, sin imponer decisiones dentro de los squads o círculos."",
  9656. ""modules"": []
  9657. },
  9658. {
  9659. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  9660. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  9661. ""icon"": """",
  9662. ""summary"": ""Squads: Los círculos, o subcomunidades, tienen la libertad de crear sus propios roles y establecer las normas de trabajo y criterios de aceptación dentro de ellos, teniendo como limitaciones y guía el libro de Squads entregado por Crypto Musica Records."",
  9663. ""modules"": []
  9664. },
  9665. {
  9666. ""moduleID"": ""lazy-consensus"",
  9667. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  9668. ""icon"": """",
  9669. ""summary"": ""En ausencia de una causa o motivo específico, las decisiones se toman en reuniones entre el consejo y los miembros más activos o con mayor participación en cada círculo. No siempre es necesario realizar campañas o presentar propuestas altamente estructuradas."",
  9670. ""modules"": []
  9671. },
  9672. {
  9673. ""moduleID"": ""autonomia"",
  9674. ""name"": ""Autonomia"",
  9675. ""icon"": """",
  9676. ""summary"": ""Cada Squad tiene autonomía creativa y capacidad de autogobierno, aunque las decisiones se toman de manera conjunta con el consejo."",
  9677. ""config"": {},
  9678. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9679. ""modules"": []
  9680. },
  9681. {
  9682. ""moduleID"": ""diversidad"",
  9683. ""name"": ""Diversidad"",
  9684. ""icon"": """",
  9685. ""summary"": ""\nLa diversidad de géneros es esencial en cada squad, equipo y producto final, ya que buscamos lograr un equilibrio."",
  9686. ""config"": {
  9687. ""Relevant vectors"": ""Edad, Etnia, género, Habilidades.""
  9688. },
  9689. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9690. ""modules"": []
  9691. },
  9692. {
  9693. ""moduleID"": ""proposito"",
  9694. ""name"": ""Propósito"",
  9695. ""icon"": """",
  9696. ""summary"": ""\""Nos especializamos en la organización de equipos de trabajo con el objetivo de maximizar sus beneficios económicos, centrándonos en la música multidisciplinaria.\"""",
  9697. ""config"": {},
  9698. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9699. ""modules"": []
  9700. },
  9701. {
  9702. ""moduleID"": ""procedencia-colectiva"",
  9703. ""name"": ""Procedencia Colectiva"",
  9704. ""icon"": """",
  9705. ""summary"": ""Se está trabajando para lograr una distribución equitativa de las procedencias de los productos finales, con el objetivo de fomentar la máxima descentralización. Los splits, es decir, las divisiones de ganancias, se repartirán siempre en porcentajes que beneficien a aquellos que trabajaron en el proyecto, sin importar un eje central protagonista. La procedencia de los productos es colectiva, lo que significa que las comunidades comparten una historia de origen común que ayuda a explicar las normas compartidas. "",
  9706. ""config"": {
  9707. ""Founding date"": ""Enero 2021""
  9708. },
  9709. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9710. ""modules"": []
  9711. },
  9712. {
  9713. ""moduleID"": ""privacidad"",
  9714. ""name"": ""Privacidad"",
  9715. ""icon"": """",
  9716. ""summary"": ""Privacidad:\nRespetamos la privacidad de los miembros de nuestros Squads y reconocemos que cada individuo puede desear mantener cierta privacidad en los procesos creativos.\nNo guardamos secretos, pero permitimos que los Squads tengan autonomía para decidir qué información desean compartir y qué información prefieren mantener dentro del equipo.\nNo solicitamos datos personales ni información sobre la vida privada de nadie, a menos que sea estrictamente necesario para fines específicos y con el consentimiento expreso de los involucrados.\nTransparencia:\nPracticamos la transparencia en los procesos de toma de decisiones y en las propuestas importantes dentro de los Squads.\nFavorecemos el consenso abierto y respetamos el principio de lazy consensus, permitiendo que los miembros participen y expresen sus opiniones libremente.\nMantenemos una comunicación abierta y clara en la divulgación de información relevante dentro de los Squads, promoviendo una comprensión compartida y una toma de decisiones informada."",
  9717. ""config"": {},
  9718. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9719. ""modules"": []
  9720. },
  9721. {
  9722. ""moduleID"": ""reglamento-squad"",
  9723. ""name"": ""Reglamento Squad"",
  9724. ""icon"": """",
  9725. ""summary"": ""Es un conjunto de principios y marco regulatorio que esta hecho por el consejo, viene a definir el limite de los reglamentos particulares de cada squad, directrices para ejecución e implementación de los Squads propósito , manifesto, como se relacionan los Squads con el consejo, formula de resolución de conflictos, formas de constituir un Squad."",
  9726. ""config"": {},
  9727. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9728. ""modules"": []
  9729. }
  9730. ]",Crypto Música Labs,,3,
  9731. 1687382624793,2023.6.21 21:23:44 UTC,,Open-access textbook,,A governance and sustainability plan for an OER textbook.,"[
  9732. {
  9733. ""moduleID"": ""editor"",
  9734. ""name"": ""Editor"",
  9735. ""icon"": """",
  9736. ""summary"": ""The editor is the ultimate decider about what is and is not included in the book."",
  9737. ""config"": {},
  9738. ""type"": """",
  9739. ""modules"": []
  9740. },
  9741. {
  9742. ""moduleID"": ""editorial-team"",
  9743. ""name"": ""Editorial team"",
  9744. ""icon"": """",
  9745. ""summary"": ""Student workers and/or external consultants compile contributions to produce each year's release, under the oversight of the Editor."",
  9746. ""config"": {},
  9747. ""type"": """",
  9748. ""modules"": [
  9749. {
  9750. ""moduleID"": ""budget"",
  9751. ""name"": ""Budget"",
  9752. ""icon"": """",
  9753. ""summary"": ""The budget is overseen by the Editor."",
  9754. ""config"": {},
  9755. ""type"": """",
  9756. ""modules"": [
  9757. {
  9758. ""moduleID"": ""grant-funding"",
  9759. ""name"": ""Grant funding"",
  9760. ""icon"": """",
  9761. ""summary"": ""Funding from grants supports major initiatives."",
  9762. ""config"": {},
  9763. ""type"": """",
  9764. ""modules"": []
  9765. },
  9766. {
  9767. ""moduleID"": ""member-contribtions"",
  9768. ""name"": ""Member contribtions"",
  9769. ""icon"": """",
  9770. ""summary"": ""Faculty, institutions, and students contribute financially to the project's sustainability."",
  9771. ""config"": {},
  9772. ""type"": """",
  9773. ""modules"": []
  9774. }
  9775. ]
  9776. }
  9777. ]
  9778. },
  9779. {
  9780. ""moduleID"": ""contributors"",
  9781. ""name"": ""Contributors"",
  9782. ""icon"": """",
  9783. ""summary"": ""The collection of people who have contributed content to the text."",
  9784. ""config"": {},
  9785. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9786. ""modules"": [
  9787. {
  9788. ""moduleID"": ""student-contributors"",
  9789. ""name"": ""Student contributors"",
  9790. ""icon"": """",
  9791. ""summary"": """",
  9792. ""config"": {},
  9793. ""type"": """",
  9794. ""modules"": []
  9795. },
  9796. {
  9797. ""moduleID"": ""faculty-contributors"",
  9798. ""name"": ""Faculty contributors"",
  9799. ""icon"": """",
  9800. ""summary"": """",
  9801. ""config"": {},
  9802. ""type"": """",
  9803. ""modules"": []
  9804. },
  9805. {
  9806. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  9807. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  9808. ""icon"": """",
  9809. ""summary"": ""Contributions arise through motivated users of the book."",
  9810. ""config"": {},
  9811. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9812. ""modules"": []
  9813. },
  9814. {
  9815. ""moduleID"": ""contributor-protocols"",
  9816. ""name"": ""Contributor protocols"",
  9817. ""icon"": """",
  9818. ""summary"": ""A series of structured forms organize contributions to the book,"",
  9819. ""config"": {},
  9820. ""type"": """",
  9821. ""modules"": []
  9822. },
  9823. {
  9824. ""moduleID"": ""annual-meeting"",
  9825. ""name"": ""Annual meeting"",
  9826. ""icon"": """",
  9827. ""summary"": ""Each year, contributors and other stakeholders can attend a virtual meeting for updates and discussion on the progress of the book."",
  9828. ""config"": {},
  9829. ""type"": ""process"",
  9830. ""modules"": []
  9831. }
  9832. ]
  9833. },
  9834. {
  9835. ""moduleID"": ""release-cycle"",
  9836. ""name"": ""Release cycle"",
  9837. ""icon"": """",
  9838. ""summary"": ""A new edition is released each year during the summer."",
  9839. ""config"": {},
  9840. ""type"": """",
  9841. ""modules"": [
  9842. {
  9843. ""moduleID"": ""peer-review"",
  9844. ""name"": ""Peer review"",
  9845. ""icon"": """",
  9846. ""summary"": ""Each new edition will be reviewed by two faculty stakeholders (e.g., faculty contributors and faculty adopters) before release."",
  9847. ""config"": {},
  9848. ""type"": """",
  9849. ""modules"": []
  9850. }
  9851. ]
  9852. }
  9853. ]",MEDLab,,3,
  9854. 1687453607558,2023.6.22 17:6:47 UTC,,The humans r social media Community,,"To start with, Diana holds ultimate decision-making power, but all involved are working toward a more inclusive and decentralized structure.","[
  9855. {
  9856. ""moduleID"": ""do-ocracy"",
  9857. ""name"": ""Do-ocracy"",
  9858. ""icon"": """",
  9859. ""summary"": ""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community and engagement with the book, in a multi-tiered system. Those who step forward to do a given task can decide how it should be done."",
  9860. ""config"": {},
  9861. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9862. ""modules"": [
  9863. {
  9864. ""moduleID"": ""proof_of_work"",
  9865. ""name"": ""Proof of Work"",
  9866. ""icon"": """",
  9867. ""summary"": ""Power in decision-making is proportionate to a participant's labor for the community and engagement with the book, in a multi-tiered system. "",
  9868. ""config"": {},
  9869. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9870. ""modules"": [
  9871. {
  9872. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  9873. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  9874. ""icon"": """",
  9875. ""summary"": ""The Community Member Tier criteria include adoption or use of the book, available to all interested students and faculty. Member groups can be Institution-based or Member-organized provided two or More members petition to be in the group for the next year."",
  9876. ""config"": {},
  9877. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9878. ""modules"": [
  9879. {
  9880. ""moduleID"": ""ranked_choice"",
  9881. ""name"": ""Ranked Choice"",
  9882. ""icon"": """",
  9883. ""summary"": ""Voters rank options, and the option with a majority of top-ranked votes wins; if there is no majority, options with the least top-ranked votes are removed until a majority appears."",
  9884. ""config"": {},
  9885. ""type"": ""decision"",
  9886. ""modules"": []
  9887. }
  9888. ]
  9889. },
  9890. {
  9891. ""moduleID"": ""coalition"",
  9892. ""name"": ""Coalition"",
  9893. ""icon"": """",
  9894. ""summary"": ""A network of diverse participants working toward a common aim. Coalition member criteria include contributing work to the book or community. "",
  9895. ""config"": {},
  9896. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9897. ""modules"": [
  9898. {
  9899. ""moduleID"": ""deliberation"",
  9900. ""name"": ""Deliberation"",
  9901. ""icon"": """",
  9902. ""summary"": ""A space and process for discussing and reflecting on possible courses of action."",
  9903. ""config"": {
  9904. ""Duration"": """",
  9905. ""Facilitation"": """"
  9906. },
  9907. ""type"": ""process"",
  9908. ""modules"": []
  9909. }
  9910. ]
  9911. },
  9912. {
  9913. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  9914. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  9915. ""icon"": """",
  9916. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  9917. ""config"": {},
  9918. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9919. ""modules"": []
  9920. },
  9921. {
  9922. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  9923. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  9924. ""icon"": """",
  9925. ""summary"": ""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."",
  9926. ""config"": {},
  9927. ""type"": ""process"",
  9928. ""modules"": []
  9929. }
  9930. ]
  9931. },
  9932. {
  9933. ""moduleID"": ""council-meetings"",
  9934. ""name"": ""Council Meetings"",
  9935. ""icon"": """",
  9936. ""summary"": ""The Council is the Coalition and a representative from each Member group. There is an annual Council meeting in late May each year to celebrate the release of the new book (generally May 1) and to determine the next book's direction. "",
  9937. ""config"": {},
  9938. ""type"": ""structure"",
  9939. ""modules"": [
  9940. {
  9941. ""moduleID"": ""ritual"",
  9942. ""name"": ""Ritual"",
  9943. ""icon"": """",
  9944. ""summary"": ""The annual Council Meeting is a ritual or repeated cultural practice both to organize the book and build solidarity and community. We will try to make it rewarding for face-to-face attendance, but virtual attendance will be an option."",
  9945. ""config"": {
  9946. ""Frequency"": """"
  9947. },
  9948. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9949. ""modules"": []
  9950. },
  9951. {
  9952. ""moduleID"": ""petition"",
  9953. ""name"": ""Petition"",
  9954. ""icon"": """",
  9955. ""summary"": ""If a certain number of people sign on to a statement, it triggers the official decision-making process."",
  9956. ""config"": {
  9957. ""Threshold"": """"
  9958. },
  9959. ""type"": ""process"",
  9960. ""modules"": []
  9961. },
  9962. {
  9963. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  9964. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  9965. ""icon"": """",
  9966. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available."",
  9967. ""config"": {},
  9968. ""type"": ""process"",
  9969. ""modules"": []
  9970. },
  9971. {
  9972. ""moduleID"": ""recess"",
  9973. ""name"": ""Recess"",
  9974. ""icon"": """",
  9975. ""summary"": ""A 6-week official break in governance is instituted at the beginning of each new year, typically mid-June to the end of July, following each annual Council meeting."",
  9976. ""config"": {
  9977. ""Duration"": """"
  9978. },
  9979. ""type"": ""process"",
  9980. ""modules"": []
  9981. },
  9982. {
  9983. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  9984. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  9985. ""icon"": """",
  9986. ""summary"": ""Relationships among participants facilitate or inhibit governance processes."",
  9987. ""config"": {},
  9988. ""type"": ""culture"",
  9989. ""modules"": []
  9990. },
  9991. {
  9992. ""moduleID"": ""diversity"",
  9993. ""name"": ""Diversity"",
  9994. ""icon"": """",
  9995. ""summary"": ""Ensure that participants are not homogeneous in certain relevant ways."",
  9996. ""config"": {
  9997. ""Relevant vectors"": ""age, ethnicity, gender, skills""
  9998. },
  9999. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10000. ""modules"": []
  10001. }
  10002. ]
  10003. },
  10004. {
  10005. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  10006. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  10007. ""icon"": """",
  10008. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards or face certain consequences. These include acknowledgement at the beginning of each synchronous meeting of the WAIT principles (Why Am I Talking? and Why Aren't I Talking?) Also see Norms."",
  10009. ""config"": {},
  10010. ""type"": ""process"",
  10011. ""modules"": []
  10012. }
  10013. ]
  10014. },
  10015. {
  10016. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  10017. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  10018. ""icon"": """",
  10019. ""summary"": ""Our shared purpose is the creation of a dynamic textbook about social media that meets our shares Values. (See Values)."",
  10020. ""config"": {},
  10021. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10022. ""modules"": [
  10023. {
  10024. ""moduleID"": ""diversity"",
  10025. ""name"": ""Diversity"",
  10026. ""icon"": """",
  10027. ""summary"": ""Ensure that participants are not homogeneous in certain relevant ways."",
  10028. ""config"": {
  10029. ""Relevant vectors"": ""age, ethnicity, gender, skills""
  10030. },
  10031. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10032. ""modules"": []
  10033. },
  10034. {
  10035. ""moduleID"": ""purpose"",
  10036. ""name"": ""Purpose"",
  10037. ""icon"": """",
  10038. ""summary"": ""Shared goals for which the community exists."",
  10039. ""config"": {},
  10040. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10041. ""modules"": []
  10042. },
  10043. {
  10044. ""moduleID"": ""norms"",
  10045. ""name"": ""Norms"",
  10046. ""icon"": """",
  10047. ""summary"": ""Informally agreed-on practices or beliefs "",
  10048. ""config"": {},
  10049. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10050. ""modules"": []
  10051. },
  10052. {
  10053. ""moduleID"": ""anti-racism"",
  10054. ""name"": ""Anti-Racism"",
  10055. ""icon"": """",
  10056. ""summary"": ""Our goal as a community is to be anti-racist. This means recognizing that racism is fundamentally woven into academia through norms around meritocracy that does not recognize privilege; individualistic education; and myopic and capitalistic views of power. Our anti-racist goal means resisting and actively disbanding these norms based in white supremacy, to nurture success in and connection among all learners and community members engaging with the book."",
  10057. ""config"": {},
  10058. ""type"": """",
  10059. ""modules"": []
  10060. },
  10061. {
  10062. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  10063. ""name"": ""Values"",
  10064. ""icon"": null,
  10065. ""summary"": ""remains accessible, current, free or very low cost, and inclusive (listed alphabetically, not prioritized order). Other potential values may be servant leadership, singular vision, voluntarism..."",
  10066. ""modules"": []
  10067. },
  10068. {
  10069. ""moduleID"": ""solidarity"",
  10070. ""name"": ""Solidarity"",
  10071. ""icon"": """",
  10072. ""summary"": ""A commitment to mutual support infuses collection action."",
  10073. ""config"": {},
  10074. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10075. ""modules"": []
  10076. },
  10077. {
  10078. ""moduleID"": ""friendship"",
  10079. ""name"": ""Friendship"",
  10080. ""icon"": """",
  10081. ""summary"": ""This community honors friendship as well as respectful disagreement and active listening among all involved."",
  10082. ""config"": {},
  10083. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10084. ""modules"": []
  10085. }
  10086. ]
  10087. }
  10088. ]",Diana Daly and the Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  10089. 1688045689723,2023.6.29 13:34:49 UTC,,Circles,,"Units called Circles have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a Council.","[
  10090. {
  10091. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  10092. ""name"": ""Values"",
  10093. ""icon"": null,
  10094. ""summary"": ""Decentralization, delegation, trust"",
  10095. ""modules"": []
  10096. },
  10097. {
  10098. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  10099. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  10100. ""icon"": null,
  10101. ""summary"": ""To join, a person must be welcomed into a particular Circle according to its policies."",
  10102. ""modules"": []
  10103. },
  10104. {
  10105. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  10106. ""name"": ""Council"",
  10107. ""icon"": null,
  10108. ""summary"": ""Representatives of Circles regularly meet in a Council to coordinate efforts and determine the domains of each Circle, as well as to add or remove Circles from the Council."",
  10109. ""modules"": []
  10110. },
  10111. {
  10112. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  10113. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  10114. ""icon"": null,
  10115. ""summary"": ""A Circle can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains."",
  10116. ""modules"": []
  10117. },
  10118. {
  10119. ""moduleID"": ""lazy-consensus"",
  10120. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  10121. ""icon"": null,
  10122. ""summary"": ""Circles and the Council use consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal."",
  10123. ""modules"": []
  10124. }
  10125. ]",Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  10126. 1691463940058,2023.8.8 3:5:40 UTC,,Humanity ,,Advanced Resource Management Systems governed by the Global Workforce ,"[
  10127. {
  10128. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  10129. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  10130. ""icon"": """",
  10131. ""summary"": ""Improve the living and working conditions of everyone everywhere "",
  10132. ""config"": {},
  10133. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10134. ""modules"": []
  10135. },
  10136. {
  10137. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  10138. ""name"": ""Values"",
  10139. ""icon"": """",
  10140. ""summary"": ""Fair and humane laws and practices "",
  10141. ""config"": {},
  10142. ""type"": """",
  10143. ""modules"": []
  10144. },
  10145. {
  10146. ""moduleID"": ""goals"",
  10147. ""name"": ""Goals"",
  10148. ""icon"": """",
  10149. ""summary"": ""Reduce pollution, end poverty, and prevent war and corruption "",
  10150. ""config"": {},
  10151. ""type"": """",
  10152. ""modules"": []
  10153. }
  10154. ]",Alex Masiak,,3,
  10155. 1694141012023,2023.9.8 2:43:32 UTC,,Bonfire,,,"[
  10156. {
  10157. ""moduleID"": ""autonomy"",
  10158. ""name"": ""Autonomy"",
  10159. ""icon"": """",
  10160. ""summary"": ""A high value is placed on self-determination among individuals or groups."",
  10161. ""config"": {
  10162. ""Configuration"": ""Value""
  10163. },
  10164. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10165. ""modules"": []
  10166. }
  10167. ]",,,3,
  10168. 1694141063277,2023.9.8 2:44:23 UTC,,Circles,,"Units called Circles have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domains, which their members agree on through a Council.","[
  10169. {
  10170. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  10171. ""name"": ""Values"",
  10172. ""icon"": null,
  10173. ""summary"": ""Decentralization, delegation, trust"",
  10174. ""modules"": []
  10175. },
  10176. {
  10177. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  10178. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  10179. ""icon"": null,
  10180. ""summary"": ""To join, a person must be welcomed into a particular Circle according to its policies."",
  10181. ""modules"": []
  10182. },
  10183. {
  10184. ""moduleID"": ""council"",
  10185. ""name"": ""Council"",
  10186. ""icon"": null,
  10187. ""summary"": ""Representatives of Circles regularly meet in a Council to coordinate efforts and determine the domains of each Circle, as well as to add or remove Circles from the Council."",
  10188. ""modules"": []
  10189. },
  10190. {
  10191. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  10192. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  10193. ""icon"": null,
  10194. ""summary"": ""A Circle can create roles for its members and assign authority over specified sub-domains."",
  10195. ""modules"": []
  10196. },
  10197. {
  10198. ""moduleID"": ""lazy-consensus"",
  10199. ""name"": ""Lazy consensus"",
  10200. ""icon"": null,
  10201. ""summary"": ""Circles and the Council use consent to make decisions. Consent means that nobody presents a serious objection to a proposal."",
  10202. ""modules"": []
  10203. }
  10204. ]",Media Enterprise Design Lab,,3,
  10205. 1696202037851,2023.10.1 23:13:57 UTC,,Armory Coffee Club v0.1,,"The Benevolent Dictator holds ultimate decision-making power, until the group is ready for a more inclusive structure.","[
  10206. {
  10207. ""moduleID"": ""values"",
  10208. ""name"": ""Values"",
  10209. ""icon"": null,
  10210. ""summary"": ""Servant leadership, singular vision, voluntarism"",
  10211. ""modules"": []
  10212. },
  10213. {
  10214. ""moduleID"": ""membership"",
  10215. ""name"": ""Membership"",
  10216. ""icon"": null,
  10217. ""summary"": ""Participation is open to anyone who wants to join, but the Benevolent Dictator can remove participants at will."",
  10218. ""modules"": [
  10219. {
  10220. ""moduleID"": ""dues"",
  10221. ""name"": ""Dues"",
  10222. ""icon"": """",
  10223. ""summary"": ""All members must have an active recurring donation, of any amount, on the ACC Open Collective page."",
  10224. ""config"": {},
  10225. ""type"": """",
  10226. ""modules"": []
  10227. }
  10228. ]
  10229. },
  10230. {
  10231. ""moduleID"": ""autocracy"",
  10232. ""name"": ""Autocracy"",
  10233. ""icon"": null,
  10234. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator has authority and can change the group's governance as necessary."",
  10235. ""modules"": [
  10236. {
  10237. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  10238. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  10239. ""icon"": null,
  10240. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator can invite participants to help with managing the group."",
  10241. ""modules"": []
  10242. },
  10243. {
  10244. ""moduleID"": ""executive"",
  10245. ""name"": ""Executive"",
  10246. ""icon"": null,
  10247. ""summary"": ""The Benevolent Dictator is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions."",
  10248. ""modules"": []
  10249. },
  10250. {
  10251. ""moduleID"": ""lobbying"",
  10252. ""name"": ""Lobbying"",
  10253. ""icon"": null,
  10254. ""summary"": ""If participants are not happy with the Benevolent Dictator's leadership, they may voice their concerns or leave the group."",
  10255. ""modules"": []
  10256. },
  10257. {
  10258. ""moduleID"": ""expiration"",
  10259. ""name"": ""Expiration"",
  10260. ""icon"": null,
  10261. ""summary"": ""When the group is sufficiently mature, the Benevolent Dictator will establish a more inclusive structure through a consent vote among all members at the time."",
  10262. ""modules"": []
  10263. }
  10264. ]
  10265. },
  10266. {
  10267. ""moduleID"": ""coffee-selection"",
  10268. ""name"": ""Coffee selection"",
  10269. ""icon"": """",
  10270. ""summary"": ""The benevolent dictator will put all purchases to a ranked-choice vote of the membership."",
  10271. ""config"": {},
  10272. ""type"": """",
  10273. ""modules"": []
  10274. }
  10275. ]",Armory Coffee Club,,3,
  10276. 1697305767654,2023.10.14 17:49:27 UTC,,SEMF,,"SEMF is a non-profit organization fostering rigorous intellectual enquiry and transdisciplinary research as an international community spanning a variety of disciplines and professional backgrounds.
  10277. The organization consists of three layers:
  10278. a) Executive, comprised by a board of directors.
  10279. b) Operational, comprised by founding members, associates and delegates.
  10280. c) Community, comprising all the above plus the SEMF public (discord members, school participants, newsletter subscribers, social media followers)
  10281. ","[
  10282. {
  10283. ""moduleID"": ""constitution"",
  10284. ""name"": ""Constitution"",
  10285. ""icon"": """",
  10286. ""summary"": ""A shared set of agreements underlies all future ones and is harder to change than other agreements."",
  10287. ""config"": {},
  10288. ""type"": ""structure"",
  10289. ""modules"": [
  10290. {
  10291. ""moduleID"": ""principles"",
  10292. ""name"": ""Principles"",
  10293. ""icon"": """",
  10294. ""summary"": ""- Deep Analysis \n- Holistic Integration \n- Intellectual Honesty\n- Effective Communication\n- Equanimity\n- Epistemological Transparency\n- Inclusivity"",
  10295. ""config"": {},
  10296. ""type"": """",
  10297. ""modules"": []
  10298. },
  10299. {
  10300. ""moduleID"": ""mission"",
  10301. ""name"": ""Mission"",
  10302. ""icon"": """",
  10303. ""summary"": ""1. Celebrate, foster and communicate scientific thinking, rationality and systematic analysis in accordance with our principles.\n2. Reflect critically on the nature of knowledge, making distinctions between disciplines based on criteria such as depth, breadth, universality, reductive-emergent power, etc.\n3. Adopt a transdisciplinary approach to identify deep issues in the intellectual landscape and develop a map that maps the current frontiers of human knowledge.\n4. Bridge traditionally distant disciplines by blurring conventional divides such as the gap between the sciences and the humanities or the distinction between technology and art.\n5. Create a pluralistic and diverse community of scientists, creators, academics, students and enthusiasts whose interests and motivations align with what SEMF sets out to do."",
  10304. ""config"": {},
  10305. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10306. ""modules"": []
  10307. },
  10308. {
  10309. ""moduleID"": ""transparency"",
  10310. ""name"": ""Transparency"",
  10311. ""icon"": """",
  10312. ""summary"": ""Important information is widely available. The general stucture of the organization is explicit and can be accessed at:"",
  10313. ""config"": {},
  10314. ""type"": ""process"",
  10315. ""modules"": []
  10316. },
  10317. {
  10318. ""moduleID"": ""non-profit"",
  10319. ""name"": ""Non-Profit"",
  10320. ""icon"": """",
  10321. ""summary"": ""SEMF is legally registered as a Spanish non-profit."",
  10322. ""config"": {},
  10323. ""type"": """",
  10324. ""modules"": []
  10325. }
  10326. ]
  10327. },
  10328. {
  10329. ""moduleID"": ""board"",
  10330. ""name"": ""Board"",
  10331. ""icon"": """",
  10332. ""summary"": ""A board is responsible for making decisions and implementing them, including by delegating necessary work to others."",
  10333. ""modules"": [
  10334. {
  10335. ""moduleID"": ""general-assembly"",
  10336. ""name"": ""General Assembly"",
  10337. ""icon"": """",
  10338. ""summary"": ""The General Assembly shall agree on a series of concrete tasks and projects in order to execute and materialize the activities of the organization."",
  10339. ""config"": {},
  10340. ""type"": """",
  10341. ""modules"": [
  10342. {
  10343. ""moduleID"": ""ranked-choice"",
  10344. ""name"": ""Ranked Choice"",
  10345. ""icon"": """",
  10346. ""summary"": ""Voters rank options, and the option with a majority of top-ranked votes wins; if there is no majority, options with the least top-ranked votes are removed until a majority appears."",
  10347. ""config"": {},
  10348. ""type"": ""decision"",
  10349. ""modules"": []
  10350. },
  10351. {
  10352. ""moduleID"": ""representation"",
  10353. ""name"": ""Representation"",
  10354. ""icon"": """",
  10355. ""summary"": ""Any community participant can be a nominee for board positions. In annual elections, the nominees ranked first become board members."",
  10356. ""modules"": []
  10357. }
  10358. ]
  10359. }
  10360. ]
  10361. },
  10362. {
  10363. ""moduleID"": ""operations"",
  10364. ""name"": ""Operations"",
  10365. ""icon"": """",
  10366. ""summary"": """",
  10367. ""config"": {},
  10368. ""type"": """",
  10369. ""modules"": [
  10370. {
  10371. ""moduleID"": ""delegation"",
  10372. ""name"": ""Delegation"",
  10373. ""icon"": """",
  10374. ""summary"": ""Participants allocate their power to a specific representative for a fixed period or a specified role."",
  10375. ""config"": {},
  10376. ""type"": ""process"",
  10377. ""modules"": []
  10378. },
  10379. {
  10380. ""moduleID"": ""proposals"",
  10381. ""name"": ""Proposals"",
  10382. ""icon"": """",
  10383. ""summary"": ""Deciding what needs to be done is a distributed lazy consensus process involving soft proposals and comments on them both by board and associates members."",
  10384. ""config"": {},
  10385. ""type"": """",
  10386. ""modules"": []
  10387. },
  10388. {
  10389. ""moduleID"": ""functions"",
  10390. ""name"": ""Functions"",
  10391. ""icon"": """",
  10392. ""summary"": ""The internal operation of the Association will be managed through the definition of Functions, each of which consists of a concrete task with clear practical purposes together with an estimated workload."",
  10393. ""config"": {},
  10394. ""type"": """",
  10395. ""modules"": []
  10396. }
  10397. ]
  10398. },
  10399. {
  10400. ""moduleID"": ""community"",
  10401. ""name"": ""Community"",
  10402. ""icon"": """",
  10403. ""summary"": """",
  10404. ""config"": {},
  10405. ""type"": """",
  10406. ""modules"": [
  10407. {
  10408. ""moduleID"": ""code_of_conduct"",
  10409. ""name"": ""Code of Conduct"",
  10410. ""icon"": """",
  10411. ""summary"": ""Participants agree to abide by certain standards of respectfull behaviour. Failure to comply will result in the loss of membership."",
  10412. ""config"": {},
  10413. ""type"": ""process"",
  10414. ""modules"": []
  10415. },
  10416. {
  10417. ""moduleID"": ""creativity"",
  10418. ""name"": ""Creativity"",
  10419. ""icon"": """",
  10420. ""summary"": ""Participants are encouraged to brainstorm and come up with creative proposlas and solutions to problems."",
  10421. ""config"": {},
  10422. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10423. ""modules"": []
  10424. },
  10425. {
  10426. ""moduleID"": ""diversity"",
  10427. ""name"": ""Diversity"",
  10428. ""icon"": """",
  10429. ""summary"": ""Ensure that participants from a variety of intellectual and demographic backgrounds are represented in the organization."",
  10430. ""config"": {},
  10431. ""type"": ""culture"",
  10432. ""modules"": []
  10433. }
  10434. ]
  10435. }
  10436. ]",SEMF,,3,
  10437. 1699538761329,2023.11.9 14:6:1 UTC,,Academic department,,A set of roles and circles among faculty seeks to delegate authority and reduce redundancy while ensuring accountability.,"[
  10438. {
  10439. ""moduleID"": ""executive-circle"",
  10440. ""name"": ""Executive circle"",
  10441. ""icon"": """",
  10442. ""summary"": """",
  10443. ""config"": {},
  10444. ""type"": """",
  10445. ""modules"": [
  10446. {
  10447. ""moduleID"": ""chair"",
  10448. ""name"": ""Chair"",
  10449. ""icon"": """",
  10450. ""summary"": ""The department chair holds overall responsibility for the department."",
  10451. ""config"": {},
  10452. ""type"": """",
  10453. ""modules"": []
  10454. },
  10455. {
  10456. ""moduleID"": ""associate-chairs"",
  10457. ""name"": ""Associate chairs"",
  10458. ""icon"": """",
  10459. ""summary"": """",
  10460. ""config"": {},
  10461. ""type"": """",
  10462. ""modules"": []
  10463. }
  10464. ]
  10465. },
  10466. {
  10467. ""moduleID"": ""faculty-affairs-circle"",
  10468. ""name"": ""Faculty affairs circle"",
  10469. ""icon"": """",
  10470. ""summary"": """",
  10471. ""config"": {},
  10472. ""type"": """",
  10473. ""modules"": [
  10474. {
  10475. ""moduleID"": ""fa-associate-chair"",
  10476. ""name"": ""FA associate chair"",
  10477. ""icon"": """",
  10478. ""summary"": """",
  10479. ""config"": {},
  10480. ""type"": """",
  10481. ""modules"": []
  10482. },
  10483. {
  10484. ""moduleID"": ""tenure-and-promotion"",
  10485. ""name"": ""Tenure and promotion"",
  10486. ""icon"": """",
  10487. ""summary"": """",
  10488. ""config"": {},
  10489. ""type"": """",
  10490. ""modules"": []
  10491. },
  10492. {
  10493. ""moduleID"": ""annual-merit"",
  10494. ""name"": ""Annual merit"",
  10495. ""icon"": """",
  10496. ""summary"": """",
  10497. ""config"": {},
  10498. ""type"": """",
  10499. ""modules"": []
  10500. },
  10501. {
  10502. ""moduleID"": ""mentorship"",
  10503. ""name"": ""Mentorship"",
  10504. ""icon"": """",
  10505. ""summary"": """",
  10506. ""config"": {},
  10507. ""type"": """",
  10508. ""modules"": []
  10509. }
  10510. ]
  10511. },
  10512. {
  10513. ""moduleID"": ""undergraduate-curriculum"",
  10514. ""name"": ""Undergraduate circle"",
  10515. ""icon"": """",
  10516. ""summary"": """",
  10517. ""config"": {},
  10518. ""type"": """",
  10519. ""modules"": [
  10520. {
  10521. ""moduleID"": ""ug-associate-chair"",
  10522. ""name"": ""UG associate chair"",
  10523. ""icon"": """",
  10524. ""summary"": """",
  10525. ""config"": {},
  10526. ""type"": """",
  10527. ""modules"": []
  10528. },
  10529. {
  10530. ""moduleID"": ""curriculum-advisors"",
  10531. ""name"": ""Curriculum advisors"",
  10532. ""icon"": """",
  10533. ""summary"": """",
  10534. ""config"": {},
  10535. ""type"": """",
  10536. ""modules"": []
  10537. }
  10538. ]
  10539. },
  10540. {
  10541. ""moduleID"": ""graduate-program-circle"",
  10542. ""name"": ""Graduate program circle"",
  10543. ""icon"": """",
  10544. ""summary"": """",
  10545. ""config"": {},
  10546. ""type"": """",
  10547. ""modules"": [
  10548. {
  10549. ""moduleID"": ""grad-associate-chair"",
  10550. ""name"": ""Grad associate chair"",
  10551. ""icon"": """",
  10552. ""summary"": """",
  10553. ""config"": {},
  10554. ""type"": """",
  10555. ""modules"": []
  10556. },
  10557. {
  10558. ""moduleID"": ""ma-director"",
  10559. ""name"": ""MA director"",
  10560. ""icon"": """",
  10561. ""summary"": """",
  10562. ""config"": {},
  10563. ""type"": """",
  10564. ""modules"": []
  10565. },
  10566. {
  10567. ""moduleID"": ""colloquium-coordination"",
  10568. ""name"": ""Colloquium"",
  10569. ""icon"": """",
  10570. ""summary"": """",
  10571. ""config"": {},
  10572. ""type"": """",
  10573. ""modules"": []
  10574. },
  10575. {
  10576. ""moduleID"": ""phd-admissions-review-and-advisors"",
  10577. ""name"": ""PhD admissions, review, and advisors"",
  10578. ""icon"": """",
  10579. ""summary"": """",
  10580. ""config"": {},
  10581. ""type"": """",
  10582. ""modules"": []
  10583. },
  10584. {
  10585. ""moduleID"": ""ma-admissions-and-advisors"",
  10586. ""name"": ""MA admissions and advisors"",
  10587. ""icon"": """",
  10588. ""summary"": """",
  10589. ""config"": {},
  10590. ""type"": """",
  10591. ""modules"": []
  10592. }
  10593. ]
  10594. },
  10595. {
  10596. ""moduleID"": ""ma-admissions-and-advisors"",
  10597. ""name"": ""External roles"",
  10598. ""icon"": """",
  10599. ""summary"": """",
  10600. ""config"": {},
  10601. ""type"": """",
  10602. ""modules"": [
  10603. {
  10604. ""moduleID"": ""faculty-council"",
  10605. ""name"": ""Faculty council"",
  10606. ""icon"": """",
  10607. ""summary"": """",
  10608. ""config"": {},
  10609. ""type"": """",
  10610. ""modules"": []
  10611. },
  10612. {
  10613. ""moduleID"": ""tech-advisory"",
  10614. ""name"": ""Tech advisory"",
  10615. ""icon"": """",
  10616. ""summary"": """",
  10617. ""config"": {},
  10618. ""type"": """",
  10619. ""modules"": []
  10620. },
  10621. {
  10622. ""moduleID"": ""college-personnel-committee"",
  10623. ""name"": ""College personnel committee"",
  10624. ""icon"": """",
  10625. ""summary"": """",
  10626. ""config"": {},
  10627. ""type"": """",
  10628. ""modules"": []
  10629. }
  10630. ]
  10631. }
  10632. ]",,,3,