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  61. <h2 id="looks-like-new-conversations-on-tech-and-justice"><strong>Looks Like New</strong><br /> Conversations on Tech and Justice</h2>
  62. <p><img src="/medlab/assets/LooksLikeNew.png" style="width:40%; float:right; padding:0 0 10px 10px;" alt="Looks Like New" /></p>
  63. <p>MEDLab’s radio show and podcast, <em>Looks Like New</em>, asks old questions about new tech. Each month, we speak with someone who works with technology in ways that challenge conventional narratives and dominant power structures. The name comes from the phrase “a philosophy so old that it looks like new,” repeated throughout the works of Peter Maurin, the French agrarian poet and co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement.</p>
  64. <p>Listen to <em>Looks Like New</em> the fourth Thursday of every month on <a href="">KGNU radio</a> at 6 p.m., or online as a podcast.</p>
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  100. <p>MEDLab is a think tank for community ownership and governance in media organizations, based at the University of Colorado Boulder&#39;s College of Media, Communication and Information.</p>
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