Bladeren bron

Added shared ownership project

Nathan Schneider 5 jaren geleden

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@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ summary: Can democratic ownership design foster newfound trust and revenue for j
 In collaboration with pioneering publications, we are exploring how democratic strategies for ownership, financing, and governance can support a new generation of accountable, sustainable news organizations.
+*Supported by grants from the Brett Family Foundation and the CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement.*
 ## Collaborators
 * _[The Colorado Sun](
@@ -18,4 +20,3 @@ In collaboration with pioneering publications, we are exploring how democratic s
 * Open letter from CU Boulder faculty: "[CMCI Faculty Agree: Local News Matters]("
-*Supported by grants from the Brett Family Foundation and the CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement.*

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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
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 &lt;p&gt;I work in a startup town, the rare kind of place where you can trip over veteran founders, with multiple exits behind then, on the sidewalk. By “exits,” I mean the end-goal of most tech-oriented startups—the moment when the startup is sold, either to a bigger company or, more rarely, to the investing public on the stock market. The whole culture of startup communities like Boulder is aimed toward this; it’s when founders and investors get their big payday. And yet this is the logic that turns our online infrastrutures into commodities. In the exit, it is often the data and loyalty of us the users that is being sold to the highest bidder.&lt;/p&gt;

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-{"datePublished":"2019-01-07T15:50:29-07:00","@type":"BlogPosting","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":""},"url":"","headline":"User Trusts","description":"Through employee stock-ownership plans (ESOPs), millions of Americans experience the benefits of being co-owners of their workplaces. But employment is only one kind of economic relationship that can be strengthened with co-ownership trusts. Louis Kelso, the inventor of the ESOP, also imagined other SOPs, including a consumer stock-ownership plan (CSOP). In an era when fixed employment may be in decline, perhaps the time is right to revisit the CSOP proposal.","dateModified":"2019-01-07T15:50:29-07:00","@context":""}</script>
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