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- <meta name="description" content="MEDLab offers workshops for community-oriented enterprises of all stages using methods of speculative fiction. In collaboration with science-fiction writer and activist Cadwell Turnbull, we are developing a methodology for applying narrative practices to the imaginative process of enterprise building—addressing challenges of internal governance, stakeholder acquisition, and social impact. In addition to helping entrepreneurs and their communities develop their own narratives, we commission original works from leading authors." />
- <meta property="og:description" content="MEDLab offers workshops for community-oriented enterprises of all stages using methods of speculative fiction. In collaboration with science-fiction writer and activist Cadwell Turnbull, we are developing a methodology for applying narrative practices to the imaginative process of enterprise building—addressing challenges of internal governance, stakeholder acquisition, and social impact. In addition to helping entrepreneurs and their communities develop their own narratives, we commission original works from leading authors." />
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- <h1 class="post-title">Social Fiction for Social Enterprise</h1>
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- <p>MEDLab offers workshops for community-oriented enterprises of all stages using methods of speculative fiction. In collaboration with science-fiction writer and activist <a href="https://cadwellturnbull.com/publications/">Cadwell Turnbull</a>, we are developing a methodology for applying narrative practices to the imaginative process of enterprise building—addressing challenges of internal governance, stakeholder acquisition, and social impact. In addition to helping entrepreneurs and their communities develop their own narratives, we commission original works from leading authors.</p>
- <h2 id="related">Related</h2>
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- <li><a href="https://www.zotero.org/groups/2198473/medlab/items/collectionKey/ZHIG3424">Project bibliography</a></li>
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- <p><em>Supported through project funds available through a Luce Foundation grant to CU Boulder’s Center on Media, Religion and Culture.</em></p>
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- <p>The Media Enterprise Design Lab is a think tank for community-oriented media organizations, based at the University of Colorado Boulder's College of Media, Communication and Information.</p>
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