@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
<div id="app">
<div class="app-wrapper" :class="{'is-preview':preview}">
<div class="editor" v-if="!preview && !legacy" v-cloak>
@@ -16,7 +15,8 @@
<div class="dropdown">
<label v-for="(icon, iconName, idx) in ruleIcons" :key="idx"
:class="{ selected: rule.icon == icon }">
- <input type="radio" id="" :selected="rule.icon == icon" :value="icon" v-model="rule.icon">
+ <input type="radio" id="" :selected="rule.icon == icon" :value="icon"
+ v-model="rule.icon">
<div><img :src="icon" :alt="iconName"></div>
<label class="default">
@@ -31,58 +31,52 @@
<div class="rule__modules" :class="{ target: holding }">
- <label class="label" for="" v-if="rule.name"><icon :icon="rule.icon"></icon>[[rule.name]]</label>
- <div
- class="modules__dropzone modules__grid"
- :data-module-id="rule.ruleID"
- .module="rule"
- @drop.prevent="dropOnRule" @dragenter.prevent @dragover.prevent
- >
- <div v-if="rule.modules.length < 1">Drag rules from the library below here, or create your own.</div>
- <module
- v-for="module in rule.modules"
- :key="module"
- @click="handleClickEditModule"
- :module="module"
- draggable="true"
- @dragstart="rearrangeModule"
- ></module>
+ <label class="label" for="" v-if="rule.name">
+ <icon :icon="rule.icon"></icon>[[rule.name]]
+ </label>
+ <div class="modules__dropzone modules__grid" :data-module-id="rule.ruleID" .module="rule"
+ @drop.prevent="dropOnRule" @dragenter.prevent @dragover.prevent>
+ <div v-if="rule.modules.length < 1">Drag rules from the library below here, or create your own.
+ </div>
+ <module v-for="module in rule.modules" :key="module" @click="handleClickEditModule" :module="module"
+ draggable="true" @dragstart="rearrangeModule"></module>
<div class="label-group is-mobile">
<div class="module" @click="newCustomModule">
- <span class="plus"><img :src="icons.plus" alt="Add"></span>
- Create Custom Module
+ <span class="plus"><img :src="icons.plus" alt="Add"></span>
+ Create Custom Module
<div class="module-editor__empty">
- <small>Or click any module in categories like culture/decision/process/struture to start editing it.</small>
+ <small>Or click any module in categories like culture/decision/process/struture to start editing
+ it.</small>
<div class="module-editor__wrapper">
<div class="module-editor">
- <module
- class="module-editor__label"
- hide-submodules
- :module="editor.module"
- draggable="false"
- v-if="editor.module.name"
- ></module>
+ <module class="module-editor__label" hide-submodules :module="editor.module" draggable="false"
+ v-if="editor.module.name"></module>
<div class="module-editor__fields">
<div class="label-group">
<label class="label">
<span>Module name:</span>
- <input class="input-stack" type="text" v-model="editor.module.name" @change="editor.module.moduleID = slugify(editor.module.name)">
+ <input class="input-stack" type="text" v-model="editor.module.name"
+ @change="editor.module.moduleID = slugify(editor.module.name)">
<label class="label">
<div class="dropdown">
- <label v-for="(icon, iconName, idx) in moduleIcons" :key="idx" :class="{ selected: editor.module.icon == icon }">
- <input type="radio" id="" :selected="editor.module.icon == icon" :value="icon" v-model="editor.module.icon">
+ <label v-for="(icon, iconName, idx) in moduleIcons" :key="idx"
+ :class="{ selected: editor.module.icon == icon }">
+ <input type="radio" id="" :selected="editor.module.icon == icon" :value="icon"
+ v-model="editor.module.icon">
<div><img :src="icon" :alt="iconName"></div>
- <label class="default"><div><img :src="icons.blank"></div></label>
+ <label class="default">
+ <div><img :src="icons.blank"></div>
+ </label>
@@ -92,34 +86,28 @@
<label class="label configs">
- <table>
- <tr v-for="(value, key) in editor.module.config">
- <td>[[key]]</td>
- <td><input type="text"
- v-model="editor.module.config[key]" /></td>
- <td style="vertical-align: initial">
- <span class="config-button"
- @click="removeConfig([[key]])">
- <img :src="icons.minus" alt="Remove">
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr >
- <td><input id="newConfigKey"
- type="text"
- value="Configuration" /></td>
- <td>
- <input id="newConfigValue"
- type="text"
- value="Value" /></td>
- <td style="vertical-align: initial">
- <span class="config-button"
- @click="addConfig">
- <img :src="icons.plus" alt="Add">
- </span>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
+ <table>
+ <tr v-for="(value, key) in editor.module.config">
+ <td>[[key]]</td>
+ <td><input type="text" v-model="editor.module.config[key]" /></td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: initial">
+ <span class="config-button" @click="removeConfig([[key]])">
+ <img :src="icons.minus" alt="Remove">
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><input id="newConfigKey" type="text" value="Configuration" /></td>
+ <td>
+ <input id="newConfigValue" type="text" value="Value" />
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align: initial">
+ <span class="config-button" @click="addConfig">
+ <img :src="icons.plus" alt="Add">
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
<!-- Working on custom module library
@@ -150,29 +138,27 @@
- <vue-button class="success" :icon="icons.plus" @click="clickAddModule" v-if="!moduleContains(editor.module) && editor.module">Add</vue-button>
- <vue-button class="danger" :icon="icons.minus" @click="clickRemoveModule" v-if="moduleContains(editor.module)">Remove</vue-button>
+ <vue-button class="success" :icon="icons.plus" @click="clickAddModule"
+ v-if="!moduleContains(editor.module) && editor.module">Add</vue-button>
+ <vue-button class="danger" :icon="icons.minus" @click="clickRemoveModule"
+ v-if="moduleContains(editor.module)">Remove</vue-button>
<div class="modules">
<div class="tabs">
- <div class="tab__control" v-for="(type, name) in moduleTypes" :key="name" @click="moduleLibrary = name" :class="{ active: moduleLibrary == name}">
+ <div class="tab__control" v-for="(type, name) in moduleTypes" :key="name"
+ @click="moduleLibrary = name" :class="{ active: moduleLibrary == name}">
<img :src="type.icon" :alt="name"><span class="tab__control-name">[[ name ]]</span>
<div class="tab__pane">
- <div class="modules__type" v-for="(type, name) in moduleTypes" :key="name" v-show="moduleLibrary == name" :test="name">
+ <div class="modules__type" v-for="(type, name) in moduleTypes" :key="name"
+ v-show="moduleLibrary == name" :test="name">
<p>[[ type.question ]]</p>
<div class="modules__grid">
- <module
- v-for="(module, index) in getModulesByType(name)"
- :key="index"
- :module="module"
- @click="handleClickCopyModule"
- has-grain
- draggable="true"
- @dragstart="startDragModule"
- ></module>
+ <module v-for="(module, index) in getModulesByType(name)" :key="index" :module="module"
+ @click="handleClickCopyModule" has-grain draggable="true" @dragstart="startDragModule">
+ </module>
@@ -188,22 +174,22 @@
<div class="rule" v-show="preview" v-if="!legacy">
<div class="controls">
- <vue-button class="primary is-large" @click="clickPreview" :icon="icons.edit" v-if="!view">Edit</vue-button>
+ <vue-button class="primary is-large" @click="clickPreview" :icon="icons.edit"
+ v-if="!view">Edit</vue-button>
- <h1><icon :icon="rule.icon" v-if="rule.icon"></icon> [[rule.name]]</h1>
+ <h1>
+ <icon :icon="rule.icon" v-if="rule.icon"></icon> [[rule.name]]
+ </h1>
<div class="modules__grid" :data-module-id="rule.ruleID" .module="rule">
- <module-display
- v-for="module in rule.modules"
- :key="module"
- :module="module"
- ></module-display>
+ <module-display v-for="module in rule.modules" :key="module" :module="module"></module-display>
<ul class="module-list">
- <module-list v-for="(module, index) in rule.modules" :key="index" :module="module" v-if="rule.modules"></module-list>
+ <module-list v-for="(module, index) in rule.modules" :key="index" :module="module"
+ v-if="rule.modules"></module-list>
<div class="rule__creator" v-if="rule.creator.name">
Created By
@@ -211,6 +197,17 @@
<span v-if="rule.creator.url"><a :href="rule.creator.url">[[rule.creator.name]]</a></span>
<span v-else>[[rule.creator.name]]</span>
+ Version History:
+ <div style="white-space: normal;">
+ <div v-for="ruleId1 in rule.edit_history" :key="ruleId1"
+ style="display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px;">
+ <a :href="getRuleLink(ruleId1)">[[
+ getRuleName(ruleId1) ]]</a>
+ ==>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<div class="rule legacy" v-if="legacy && preview">
@@ -232,18 +229,23 @@
<div class="btn-group" v-if="!legacy && !view">
<!-- <vue-button class="primary is-large" @click="handleClickPublish" :icon="icons.publish" :loading="publishing">Publish</vue-button> -->
- <vue-button v-if="edit" class="primary is-large" @click="handleClickPublish" :icon="icons.edit" :loading="editing">
+ <vue-button v-if="edit" class="primary is-large" @click="handleClickPublish" :icon="icons.edit"
+ :loading="editing">
- </vue-button>
- <vue-button v-else class="primary is-large" @click="handleClickPublish" :icon="icons.publish" :loading="publishing">Publish</vue-button>
- </vue-button>
+ </vue-button>
+ <vue-button v-else class="primary is-large" @click="handleClickPublish" :icon="icons.publish"
+ :loading="publishing">Publish</vue-button>
+ </vue-button>
<vue-button class="is-large" @click="handleClickDownload" :icon="icons.download">Download</vue-button>
- <vue-button class="is-large" @click="handleClickImport" :icon="icons.upload">Import <div class="btn-cover">coming soon!</div></vue-button>
+ <vue-button class="is-large" @click="handleClickImport" :icon="icons.upload">Import <div class="btn-cover">
+ coming soon!</div></vue-button>
<div class="btn-group" v-if="view && !legacy">
<vue-button class="primary is-large" @click="clickPreview" :icon="icons.fork">Fork & Edit</vue-button>
- <vue-button class="primary is-large" v-if = "isOwner" @click="clickPreviewEdit" :icon="icons.fork">Edit </vue-button>
- <vue-button class="primary is-large" v-if = "isAdmin" @click="clickDelete" :icon="icons.fork">Delete </vue-button>
+ <vue-button class="primary is-large" v-if="isOwner" @click="clickPreviewEdit" :icon="icons.fork">Edit
+ </vue-button>
+ <vue-button class="primary is-large" v-if="isAdmin" @click="clickDelete" :icon="icons.fork">Delete
+ </vue-button>
<vue-button class="is-large" @click="handleClickDownload" :icon="icons.download">Download</vue-button>
@@ -252,7 +254,8 @@
<ul class="module-list">
- <module-list v-for="(module, index) in rule.modules" :key="index" :module="module" v-if="rule.modules" hide-icon></module-list>
+ <module-list v-for="(module, index) in rule.modules" :key="index" :module="module" v-if="rule.modules"
+ hide-icon></module-list>
<h2>Created By</h2>
@@ -272,30 +275,30 @@
let global = {};
global.modules = [
{% assign modules_array = site.modules | sort: "type" %}
- {% for module in modules_array %}
- {
- name: "{{ module.title | escape }}",
- url: "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ module.permalink }}",
+ {% for module in modules_array %}
+ {
+ name: "{{ module.title | escape }}",
+ url: "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ module.permalink }}",
moduleID: "{{ module.slug }}",
- icon: "{{ site.data.module_types[module.type].icon | default: 'null'}}",
- summary: "{{ module.summary }}",
- type: "{{ module.type }}",
- content: `{{ module.content | markdownify }}`,
- {% if module.config %}
- config: {
- {% for config in module.config %}
- "{{ config[0] }}": "{{ config[1] }}"
- {% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}
- {% endfor %}
- },
- {% endif %}
- readonly: true,
- modules: []
- } {% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}
+ icon: "{{ site.data.module_types[module.type].icon | default: 'null'}}",
+ summary: "{{ module.summary }}",
+ type: "{{ module.type }}",
+ content: `{{ module.content | markdownify }}`,
+ {% if module.config %}
+ config: {
+ {% for config in module.config %}
+ "{{ config[0] }}": "{{ config[1] }}"
+ {% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
+ },
+ {% endif %}
+ readonly: true,
+ modules: []
+ } {% unless forloop.last %}, {% endunless %}
+ {% endfor %}
// global.url = "{{ site.url }}{{ site.baseurl }}";
@@ -304,4 +307,4 @@
global.rule = {{ page.rule | jsonify }};
-<script src="/assets/js/vue.rules.js"></script>
+<script src="/assets/js/vue.rules.js"></script>