@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
name: "",
lineage: "",
summary: "",
- config: {},
+ config: {},
creator: {
name: "",
url: "",
@@ -36,12 +36,16 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
loading: false,
publishing: false,
edit: false,
+ isOwner: false,
+ isAdmin: false,
view: (global.rule) ? true : false,
preview: (global.rule) ? true : false,
template: (global.rule) ? true : false,
steinAPI: 'https://api.steinhq.com/v1/storages/5e8b937ab88d3d04ae0816a5',
- backendUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api/validate_otp',
+ backendUrl: 'http://localhost:3000/api/publish_rule',
backendUrlrule: 'http://localhost:3000/api/get_rule',
+ backedDeleterule: 'http://localhost:3000/api/delete_rule',
+ adminMail: "communityrule@medlab.host",
// TODO keep an array of past states for undo/redo
history: [],
// the data of the current module in the editor
@@ -109,7 +113,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
name: "",
icon: "",
summary: "",
- config: {},
+ config: {},
type: "",
modules: []
@@ -193,7 +197,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
name: module.name,
icon: (module.icon && !module.icon.includes('http')) ? global.url + module.icon : module.icon,
summary: module.summary,
- config: module.config,
+ config: module.config,
type: module.type,
modules: (module.modules) ? module.modules.map(cleanModules) : [],
@@ -251,28 +255,28 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
* @returns {Object} a new module object from the moduleTemplate
- newModule() {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.moduleTemplate));
- },
+ newModule() {
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.moduleTemplate));
+ },
* spreads a source module into a new module from the moduleTemplate
* @param {Object} sourceModule the module to copy
* @param {Boolean} includeSubmodules whether to copy submodules or not
* @returns
- cloneModule(sourceModule,includeSubmodules) {
+ cloneModule(sourceModule, includeSubmodules) {
let output = {
- ...this.moduleTemplate,
- ...sourceModule,
+ ...this.moduleTemplate,
+ ...sourceModule,
//TODO: implement lineage pattern, same as the rule does
source: sourceModule, // keep track of where this module came from
if (!includeSubmodules) output.modules = [];
// clear configs
document.getElementById("newConfigKey").value =
- "Configuration";
+ "Configuration";
document.getElementById("newConfigValue").value =
- "Value";
+ "Value";
// delete unnecessary properties
delete output.content;
delete output.readonly;
@@ -319,7 +323,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
* @param {Object} module to add
* @param {Object} target a module or the rule Object where the module should be added as a submodule
- addModule(module,target = this.rule) {
+ addModule(module, target = this.rule) {
@@ -330,7 +334,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
* @param {Object} target the module or rule to remove the module from (defaults to rule)
removeModule(module, target = this.rule) {
- if (! this.moduleContains(module, target)) return; // if the module is not in the target, do nothing
+ if (!this.moduleContains(module, target)) return; // if the module is not in the target, do nothing
target.modules.forEach((m, idx) => {
if (m === module) {
@@ -360,8 +364,8 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
const module = targetModule.module;
ev.dataTransfer.setDragImage(targetModule, ev.offsetX, ev.offsetY);
- this.holding = {module};
+ this.holding = { module };
* Handles the start drag event for a module
@@ -395,7 +399,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// TODO: return the module location in the haystack (Maybe?)
moduleContains(needle, haystack = this.rule) {
- if (! haystack.modules ) return false; // does the haystack even have modules?
+ if (!haystack.modules) return false; // does the haystack even have modules?
if (haystack.modules.includes(needle)) return true; // is the needle in the haystack?
return haystack.modules.some(submodule => this.moduleContains(needle, submodule)); // is the needle in any of the submodules?
@@ -425,7 +429,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// if the module has a source, remove it from that source
this.removeModule(holdingModule, this.holding.source);
this.addModule(module, landingModule);
@@ -456,31 +460,31 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
const store = new SteinStore(
- const backendUrlGetRule = this.backendUrlrule + "?ruleId="+id;
+ const backendUrlGetRule = this.backendUrlrule + "?ruleId=" + id;
(async () => {
var rule = [];
// read values from all sheets
- console.log(backendUrlGetRule)
await fetch(backendUrlGetRule, {
- method: 'GET',
- headers: {
+ method: 'GET',
+ headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
// Add any other headers you may need, such as authorization headers
- },
- }).then(response => {
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
- }
- return response.json(); // This returns another Promise
- })
- .then (data => {
+ },
+ }).then(response => {
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
+ }
+ return response.json(); // This returns another Promise
+ })
+ .then(data => {
- if (data.rules.length > 0) {
- rule = JSON.parse(data.rules)[0];
- }
+ if (data.rules.length > 0) {
+ rule = JSON.parse(data.rules)[0];
+ }
- });
+ });
// no rule found, exit
// TODO: inform the user that the rule was not found
if (!rule) {
@@ -506,7 +510,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
name: rule.name,
lineage: rule.lineage,
summary: rule.summary,
- config: rule.config,
+ config: rule.config,
creator: {
name: rule.creator_name,
url: rule.creator_url,
@@ -515,12 +519,18 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
latest_version: rule.latest_version
- console.log(this.rule.latest_version)
+ if (rule.email == localStorage.getItem('userEmail')) {
+ this.isOwner = true;
+ }
+ if (localStorage.getItem('userEmail') == this.adminMail) {
+ this.isAdmin = true;
+ }
/** Add name to <title> for v3+ rules */
document.title = rule.name + " / CommunityRule"
this.loading = false;
/*fetch(backendUrlGetRule, {
method: 'GET',
@@ -584,6 +594,35 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// editor methods =========================================================
+ clickDelete() {
+ (async () => {
+ // read values from all sheets
+ console.log("rule to delete " + this.rule.ruleID);
+ const requestData = {
+ ruleID: this.rule.ruleID
+ }
+ await fetch(this.backedDeleterule, {
+ method: 'DELETE',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ // Add any other headers you may need, such as authorization headers
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestData),
+ }).then(response => {
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
+ }
+ alert("Error while deleting rule");
+ return response.json(); // This returns another Promise
+ }).then(data => {
+ alert('Rule deleted successfully');
+ window.open("/library", false);
+ });
+ this.loading = false;
+ })();
+ },
* Adds a module to the editor
@@ -666,23 +705,23 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
// config methods =========================================================
- /**
- * Add custom config entry to the module
- */
- addConfig() {
- const k = document.getElementById("newConfigKey").value;
- const v = document.getElementById("newConfigValue").value;
- this.editor.module.config[k] = v;
- this.resetNewConfigInputs();
- },
- /**
- * Removes the config entry from the module
- */
- removeConfig(key) {
- delete this.editor.module.config[key];
- },
+ /**
+ * Add custom config entry to the module
+ */
+ addConfig() {
+ const k = document.getElementById("newConfigKey").value;
+ const v = document.getElementById("newConfigValue").value;
+ this.editor.module.config[k] = v;
+ this.resetNewConfigInputs();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes the config entry from the module
+ */
+ removeConfig(key) {
+ delete this.editor.module.config[key];
+ },
// custom module methods ==================================================
@@ -733,14 +772,18 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
handleClickPublish() {
// Confirm user knows what they're getting into
+ if (!localStorage.getItem('userEmail')) {
+ alert('Please login first to publish this rule')
+ return;
+ }
if (!confirm("Publish to the public Library?")) return;
- if ( !this.rule.name ) {
+ if (!this.rule.name) {
alert("Please enter a name for this rule.");
- if ( this.rule.modules.length < 1 ) {
+ if (this.rule.modules.length < 1) {
alert("Please add at least one module to this rule.");
@@ -750,78 +793,76 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
const rule = this.ruleExport;
var ruleID = new Date().getTime(); // TODO: allow for custom named IDs, check for uniqueness
if (this.edit) {
- console.log('asdfasdfasdfasdf' + this.rule.ruleID)
ruleID = this.rule.ruleID;
- }
+ }
var latest_ver = 1;
if (this.edit) {
latest_ver = parseInt(this.rule.latest_version) + 1;
- console.log('Updated version' + latest_ver)
-// ------------------ exisituing code ---------------
+ // ------------------ exisituing code ---------------
// add to database
- // const store = new SteinStore(
- // this.steinAPI
- // );
- // store.append('rules', [{
- // ruleID: ruleID,
- // timestamp: rule.timestamp,
- // icon: rule.icon,
- // name: rule.name,
- // lineage: rule.lineage,
- // summary: rule.summary,
- // config: this.jsonify(rule.config),
- // modules: this.jsonify(rule.modules),
- // creatorName: rule.creator.name,
- // creatorUrl: rule.creator.url,
- // version: 3
- // }]).then(data => {
- // this.publishing = false;
- // window.open("/create/?r=" + ruleID, "_self", false);
- // });
- // -=---------------------------- updated code -------------------
- const requestData = {
- ruleID: ruleID,
- timestamp: rule.timestamp,
- icon: rule.icon,
- name: rule.name,
- lineage: rule.lineage,
- summary: rule.summary,
- config: this.jsonify(rule.config),
- modules: this.jsonify(rule.modules),
- creatorName: rule.creator.name,
- creatorUrl: rule.creator.url,
- email: 'rota3015@colorado.edu',
- edit: this.edit,
- otp: 1234,
- version: 3,
- latest_version: latest_ver
- }
- fetch(this.backendUrl, {
- method: 'POST',
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'POST',
- 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type'
- // Add any other headers you may need, such as authorization headers
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requestData),
+ // const store = new SteinStore(
+ // this.steinAPI
+ // );
+ // store.append('rules', [{
+ // ruleID: ruleID,
+ // timestamp: rule.timestamp,
+ // icon: rule.icon,
+ // name: rule.name,
+ // lineage: rule.lineage,
+ // summary: rule.summary,
+ // config: this.jsonify(rule.config),
+ // modules: this.jsonify(rule.modules),
+ // creatorName: rule.creator.name,
+ // creatorUrl: rule.creator.url,
+ // version: 3
+ // }]).then(data => {
+ // this.publishing = false;
+ // window.open("/create/?r=" + ruleID, "_self", false);
+ // });
+ // -=---------------------------- updated code -------------------
+ const requestData = {
+ ruleID: ruleID,
+ timestamp: rule.timestamp,
+ icon: rule.icon,
+ name: rule.name,
+ lineage: rule.lineage,
+ summary: rule.summary,
+ config: this.jsonify(rule.config),
+ modules: this.jsonify(rule.modules),
+ creatorName: rule.creator.name,
+ creatorUrl: rule.creator.url,
+ email: localStorage.getItem('userEmail'),
+ edit: this.edit,
+ version: 3,
+ latest_version: latest_ver
+ }
+ fetch(this.backendUrl, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'POST',
+ 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type'
+ // Add any other headers you may need, such as authorization headers
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(requestData),
}).then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
+ throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
return response.json(); // or response.text() if expecting plain text
}).then(data => {
// Handle the data received from the backend
console.log('Data from backend:', data);
}).then(data => {
- this.publishing = false;
- window.open("/create/?r=" + ruleID, "_self", false);
+ this.publishing = false;
+ window.open("/create/?r=" + ruleID, "_self", false);
}).catch(error => {
// Handle errors that occurred during the fetch
console.error('Fetch error:', error);
@@ -889,7 +930,7 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
* Handles the click event for activating the rule preview
clickPreview() {
- if(this.template) this.rule.icon = ''; // TODO: find a less hacky way to reset template icons
+ if (this.template) this.rule.icon = ''; // TODO: find a less hacky way to reset template icons
this.view = false;
this.preview = !this.preview;
@@ -897,10 +938,10 @@ const app = Vue.createApp({
* Handles the click event for activating the rule preview for edit rule
clickPreviewEdit() {
- if(this.template) this.rule.icon = ''; // TODO: find a less hacky way to reset template icons
- this.view = false;
- this.preview = !this.preview;
- this.edit = true;
+ if (this.template) this.rule.icon = ''; // TODO: find a less hacky way to reset template icons
+ this.view = false;
+ this.preview = !this.preview;
+ this.edit = true;
* Filters module library based on the search term