فهرست منبع

Added to FAQ, removed variables from templates

Nathan Schneider 5 سال پیش
3فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه11 افزوده شده و 6 حذف شده
  1. 9 4
  2. 1 1
  3. 1 1

+ 9 - 4

@@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ CommunityRule is focused on an often-missing component in online communities: th
 The purpose of CommunityRule is to make it easier for communities to efficiently replace the default feudalism with a more appropriate and accountable governance system, or Rule. Communities can then use their preferred Rule to fill in other layers of the stack through an explicit process.
+**Why does focusing on the governance layer seem important? Haven't online communities gotten along fine so far?**
+This project emerged out of a series of research projects. The first is called "[Admins, Mods, and Benevolent Dictators for Life: The Implicit Feudalism of Online Communities](https://osf.io/gxu3a/?view_only=11c9e93011df4865951f2056a64f5938)," and it traces the quiet persistence of surprisingly undemocratic tool-sets on platforms for online communities. This revealed that fostering democracy online tends to require extra work when compared to more feudal, non-democratic governance. Through the [Metagovernance Project](http://metagov.org/), this led to an ambitious proposal for software development, "[Modular Politics](https://ntnsndr.in/modular-politics)." CommunityRule is a more modest prototype, aiming to fill the gaps in online governance with a simple, natural-language toolkit in lieu of a more sophisticated software framework. 
+**What's with the name "Rule"? Aren't these lists of multiple rules?**
+The use of "Rule" in the singular is a tribute to the idiom used for the governance documents of medieval Latin monastic communities, which go by the name *Regula*. These are some of the oldest governing documents still in active use, and they serve the dual purposes of governance and spiritual guidance.
 **What kinds of projects do you take inspiration from?**
 A bunch of stuff, including but not limited to these:
@@ -34,9 +42,6 @@ A bunch of stuff, including but not limited to these:
     - [Creative Commons](https://creativecommons.org/)
     - [License Zero](https://licensezero.com/)
     - [Polyform Project](https://polyformproject.org/)
-* [Metagovernance Project](http://metagov.org/)
-    - "[Admins, Mods, and Benevolent Dictators for Life](https://osf.io/gxu3a/?view_only=11c9e93011df4865951f2056a64f5938)"
-    - "[Modular Politics](https://ntnsndr.in/modular-politics)"
 * Monastic rules
     - Rule of St. Augustine
     - Rule of St. Benedict
@@ -54,7 +59,7 @@ A bunch of stuff, including but not limited to these:
 Funny you mention it. Right here:
 * Javascript output button
-    - Could it somehow output to IPFS?
+    - Could it output to IPFS or some other persisitent storage medium?
 * Rules (ready-to-deploy presets)
     - Brand preset rules as CommunityRule rules with tools to create badges out of them
 * Less textual, more visual header for Rule pages

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ structure: All members have potentially equal voice in a direct democracy. Volun
 rights: All members have the right to initiate peitions, sign them, and vote in resulting referendums.
 removal: A member may be removed if a petition for their removal passes.
-decision: All policies and governance actions in the community are initiated by petition. Any member can start a petition. If $NUMBER percent of the membership signs it, the content of the petition becomes a referendum in which all members are invited to vote. If 2/3 of the votes are in favor of the petition after 1 week, it passes.
+decision: All policies and governance actions in the community are initiated by petition. Any member can start a petition. If 1/3 of the membership signs it, the content of the petition becomes a referendum in which all members are invited to vote. If 2/3 of the votes are in favor of the petition after 1 week, it passes.
 deliberation: When a petition goes before the community, the petitioner must organize at least one synchronous discussion session open to all members in the first half of the voting period.
 implementation: Administrators are responsible for carrying out the outcomes of the petition process.
 oversight: The petition process may be used to remove administrators if they are deemed non-compliant with community policies, and the petition process may also be used to reverse the outcomes of previous processes.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ structure: An annually self-appointed board of no more than 5 members determines
 rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
-decision: Each year, on $DATE, current board members elect the board members for the subsequent year. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
+decision: Each year current board members elect the board members for the subsequent year. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
 implementation: Board members or their designees are responsible for implementing agreements, and the board should have access to the means to implement the agreements that it has approved.
 oversight: Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may voice their concerns to individual board members or in the community at large.
 limits: Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.