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  61. <h1 class="post-title p-name" itemprop="name headline">Event: Boulder, Meet The Colorado Sun</h1>
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  63. <time class="dt-published" datetime="2019-01-10T00:00:00-07:00" itemprop="datePublished">Jan 10, 2019
  64. </time>• <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""><span class="p-author h-card" itemprop="name">Nathan Schneider</span></span></p>
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  67. <p><strong><a href="">Register here</a></strong></p>
  68. <p>Out of widespread consolidation and layoffs in Colorado journalism, a new publication emerged last summer, The Colorado Sun. After just a few months, it has already produced vital reporting from across the state. The Sun is also journalist-owned and affiliated with the cryptocurrency startup Civil.</p>
  69. <p>Join Colorado Sun editors and reporters, together with CU Boulder students who have been collaborating with them, for a celebration of what they have accomplished. Learn about their work and their business model, and find out how you can get involved in a renaissance for news-gathering in our state.</p>
  70. <p><em>Hosted by the Media Enterprise Design Lab at CU Boulder’s College of Media, Communication and Information, with support from the university’s Office for Outreach and Engagement and the Brett Family Foundation.</em></p>
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  100. <p>MEDLab is a think tank for community ownership and governance in media organizations, based at the University of Colorado Boulder&#39;s College of Media, Communication and Information.</p>
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