Bladeren bron

Initializing repo

Nathan Schneider 1 jaar geleden
3 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 255 en 0 verwijderingen
  1. 74 0
  2. 149 0
  3. 32 0

+ 74 - 0

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+# A ledger and calculator for Monopoly games
+# Enables equal distributions to all (other) players
+# This was the original experiment
+numPlayers = 0
+accounts = []
+# accounts[0] is the pot, players are after that
+def printBalances():
+    for account in accounts:
+        print(account[0] + ": " + str(account[1]))
+def initialize():
+    global numPlayers
+    global accounts
+    numPlayers = int(input("How many players (>1)? "))
+    if numPlayers < 2:
+        initialize()
+        return
+    startingValue = int(input("How much for each player? "))
+    accounts.append(["Pot",0])
+    while len(accounts) < numPlayers + 1:
+        i = len(accounts)
+        accounts.append(["Player " + str(i), startingValue])
+    print ("Created:\n")
+    printBalances()
+    print("Let the game begin!\n")
+def play():
+    global accounts
+    playing = True
+    while playing:
+        option = input("[b]alances, [s]end, [q]uit: ")
+        if option == "q":
+            print("Game over!")
+            playing = False
+        if option == "b":
+            printBalances()
+        if option == "s":
+            fromAcc = input("From (Choose pot, bank, or 1-" +
+                         str(numPlayers) + " for players): ")
+            toAcc = input("To (Choose pot, bank, 1-" +
+                          str(numPlayers) +
+                          " for players, or all): ")
+            amount = int((input("Amount (integer): ")))
+            #DEBIT
+            if fromAcc != "bank":
+                if fromAcc == "pot":
+                    fromAcc = 0
+                else:
+                    fromAcc = int(fromAcc)
+                accounts[fromAcc][1] = accounts[fromAcc][1] - amount
+            #CREDIT
+            if toAcc != "bank":
+                if toAcc == "all":
+                    remainder = amount
+                    i = 1
+                    while remainder > 0:
+                        if i != fromAcc:
+                            remainder -= 1
+                            accounts[i][1] += 1
+                            i += 1
+                        if i > numPlayers:
+                            i = 1
+                else:
+                    if toAcc == "pot":
+                        toAcc = 0
+                    else:
+                        toAcc = int(toAcc)
+                    accounts[toAcc][1] = accounts[toAcc][1] + amount
+            printBalances()

+ 149 - 0

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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <title>Monopoly Ledger</title>
+  <h1>Monopoly Ledger</h1>
+  <div id="output"></div>
+  <div id="transactions">
+    <h2>Transactions</h2>
+    <form id="form" onsubmit="event.preventDefault();">
+      <label for="fromAcc">From:</label>
+      <select id="fromAcc">
+        <option value="pot">Pot</option>
+        <option value="bank">Bank</option>
+        <!-- Generate player options dynamically -->
+      </select>
+      <br>
+      <label for="toAcc">To:</label>
+      <select id="toAcc">
+        <option value="pot">Pot</option>
+        <option value="bank">Bank</option>
+        <!-- Generate player options dynamically -->
+        <option value="all">All</option>
+      </select>
+      <br>
+      <label for="amount">Amount:</label>
+      <input type="number" id="amount">
+      <br>
+      <button onclick="sendMoney()">Send</button>
+    </form>
+  </div>
+  <script>
+    var numPlayers = 0;
+    var accounts = [];
+    function printBalances() {
+      var output = document.getElementById("output");
+      output.innerHTML = "";
+      accounts.forEach(function(account) {
+        output.innerHTML += account[0] + ": " + account[1] + "<br>";
+      });
+    }
+    function initialize() {
+      numPlayers = parseInt(prompt("How many players (>1)?"));
+      if (numPlayers < 2) {
+        initialize();
+        return;
+      }
+      var startingValue = parseInt(prompt("How much for each player?"));
+      accounts.push(["Pot", 0]);
+      for (var i = 1; i <= numPlayers; i++) {
+        accounts.push(["Player " + i, startingValue]);
+      }
+      console.log("Created:");
+      printBalances();
+      console.log("Let the game begin!");
+      generatePlayerOptions();
+    }
+    function generatePlayerOptions() {
+      var fromAccSelect = document.getElementById("fromAcc");
+      var toAccSelect = document.getElementById("toAcc");
+      // Clear existing options
+      fromAccSelect.innerHTML = "";
+      toAccSelect.innerHTML = "";
+      // Add options for Pot and Bank
+      var potOption = document.createElement("option");
+      potOption.value = "pot";
+      potOption.text = "Pot";
+      fromAccSelect.add(potOption.cloneNode(true));
+      toAccSelect.add(potOption.cloneNode(true));
+      var bankOption = document.createElement("option");
+      bankOption.value = "bank";
+      bankOption.text = "Bank";
+      fromAccSelect.add(bankOption.cloneNode(true));
+      toAccSelect.add(bankOption.cloneNode(true));
+      // Add player options
+      for (var i = 1; i <= numPlayers; i++) {
+        var playerOption = document.createElement("option");
+        playerOption.value = i.toString();
+        playerOption.text = "Player " + i;
+        fromAccSelect.add(playerOption.cloneNode(true));
+        toAccSelect.add(playerOption.cloneNode(true));
+      }
+      // Add option for "All" to the "To" dropdown
+      var allOption = document.createElement("option");
+      allOption.value = "all";
+      allOption.text = "All";
+      toAccSelect.add(allOption.cloneNode(true));
+    }
+    function sendMoney() {
+      var fromAcc = document.getElementById("fromAcc").value;
+      var toAcc = document.getElementById("toAcc").value;
+      var amount = parseInt(document.getElementById("amount").value);
+      // DEBIT
+      if (fromAcc !== "bank") {
+        if (fromAcc === "pot") {
+          fromAcc = 0;
+        } else {
+          fromAcc = parseInt(fromAcc);
+        }
+        accounts[fromAcc][1] -= amount;
+      }
+      // CREDIT
+      if (toAcc !== "bank") {
+        if (toAcc === "all") {
+          var remainder = amount;
+          var i = 1;
+          while (remainder > 0) {
+            if (i !== fromAcc) {
+              remainder -= 1;
+              accounts[i][1] += 1;
+            }
+            i = (i % numPlayers) + 1;
+          }
+        } else {
+          if (toAcc === "pot") {
+            toAcc = 0;
+          } else {
+            toAcc = parseInt(toAcc);
+          }
+          accounts[toAcc][1] += amount;
+        }
+      }
+      printBalances();
+    }
+    initialize();
+  </script>

+ 32 - 0

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+# Monopoly Ledger
+A Javascript tool to support more diverse rules for Monopoly not easy to implement with cash.
+This project is in keeping with the original purpose of Monopoly's predecessor, The Landlord's Game, which was to demonstrate the effects of different economic rules.
+Created with the assistance of ChatGPT based on an original Python prototype.
+## Suggested rules
+The following are example rule changes that can be tried up against the standard Parker Brothers rules.
+### Goals
+* All players win when each player builds a hotel
+### Transactions
+* Rents are paid to pot
+* Rents are paid to all other players
+* Pot distributed to a player who rolls doubles
+* Land tax paid to all other players on passing go (percentage of total property values)
+* Ban gifts and trades
+## Citations
+* [Coopoly]( - "All players are on the same team and work together to start a cooperative business or organization and compete against the Point Bank"
+* [The Landlord's Game]( - The original version of Monopoly intended to teach Georgist idea, with several rule variants
+## To do
+* Do a game jam on alternative Monopoly rules, designing and testing them.