Browse Source

*Reorganized code so that further expansion is possible in a very organized manner.

*modpol.add_member() -- added a check if the member is already a member of that organized

*storage -- fixed bug by moving storageref to top of file

*added on_joinplayer to add players to instance

*moved minetest specific code in init.lua to modpol_minetest, organized in folders.
All overrides in one folder, all chatcommands in another, the on_joinplayer in modpol_minetest/orgs/instance.lua
MisterE123 3 years ago

+ 0 - 0 → DOCS/

+ 24 - 141

@@ -1,164 +1,47 @@
--- ===================================================================
--- /init.lua
--- Modular Politics (modpol) for Minetest
--- TKTK Maybe make this just a quick ref file and locate MT files elsewhere?
--- TKTK need to add player to orgs.instance with on_joinplayer
--- ===================================================================
--- Load modpol system
+modpol = {}
-dofile(minetest.get_modpath("modpol") .. "/modpol.lua")
--- ===================================================================
--- Modular Politics functions
--- Overwriting default API functions with platform-specific ones
--- ===================================================================
--- ===================================================================
--- Function: modpol.list_users(org)
--- Overwrites function at /users.lua
--- Params:
--- if nil, lists instance members; if an org name, lists its members
--- Output: a table with names of players currently in the game
-modpol.list_users = function(org)
-   local users = {}
-   if (org == nil) then -- no specified org; all players
-      for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
-         local name = player:get_player_name()
-         table.insert(users,name)
-      end
-   else -- if an org is specified
-      if (modpol.orgs[org] ~= nil) then -- org exists
-         users = modpol.orgs[org]["members"]
-      end
-   end
-   return users
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: modpol.binary_poll_user(user, question)
--- Overwrites function at /interactions.lua
--- presents a yes/no/abstain poll to a user, returns answer
-modpol.binary_poll_user = function(user, question)
-   -- set up formspec
-   local text = "Poll: " .. question
-   local formspec = {
-      "formspec_version[4]",
-      "size[5,3]",
-      "label[0.375,0.5;", minetest.formspec_escape(text), "]",
-      "button[1,1.5;1,0.8;yes;Yes]",
-      "button[2,1.5;1,0.8;no;No]",    
-      "button[3,1.5;1,0.8;abstain;Abstain]"
-      --TKTK can we enable text wrapping?
-   }
-   local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "")
-   -- present to player
-   minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:binary_poll", formspec_string)
+--preoverrides: certain things must be predefined in the global table for them to have effect (or cmd line version defualts are used)
 -- ===================================================================
--- Minetest commands
 -- ===================================================================
+-- currently:
+-- --get_script_dir: get modpol_minetest's version of directory 
+-- -- Persistent storage
+-- -- -- must implement modpol.load_storage() and modpol.store_data()
+-- -- -- defines the path for the lua file
-local chat_table                -- MT chat command definitions table
-local regchat                   -- Chat-command registration function
-regchat = minetest.register_chatcommand
--- ===================================================================
--- /addorg  /add_org
--- This code defines a chat command which creates a new
--- "org". Presently, the command makes the user the sole member of the
--- "org".
-chat_table = {
-   privs        = {} ,
-   func         = function (user, param)
-      local result = modpol.add_org (param, { user })
-      return true, result
-   end        
-regchat ("addorg"  , chat_table)
-regchat ("add_org" , chat_table)
+-- get modpol_minetest's version of directory
+modpol.get_script_dir = function()
+   return minetest.get_modpath("modpol")
--- ===================================================================
--- /listorg  /listorgs  /list_org  /list_orgs
--- In Minetest mode,  this code defines a chat command which lists the
--- existing "orgs".
--- The list shows one "org" per line in the following format:
--- org_name (member, member, ...)
+-- TKTK: Implement minetest settingtypes for this... for now, the default is to use minetest mod storage. 
+-- However, the default for if modpol.lua is called from the cmd line is to use local storage
+-- Any other implementation may with to make their own persistent storage file and declare it befoe calling modpol.lua in a similar manner
-chat_table = {
-    privs = {} ,
-    func  = function (user, param)
-        return true, "Orgs:\n" .. modpol.list_orgs()
-    end
+-- works with cmd line: "/storage/storage-local.lua", works with Minetest 5.0 and up: "/storage/storage-mod_storage.lua"
-regchat ("listorg"   , chat_table)
-regchat ("listorgs"  , chat_table)
-regchat ("list_org"  , chat_table)
-regchat ("list_orgs" , chat_table)
+modpol.storage_file_path = minetest.get_modpath("modpol").."/storage/storage-mod_storage.lua"
 -- ===================================================================
--- /listplayers
-   "listplayers", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user)
-         local result = table.concat(modpol.list_users(),", ")
-         return true, "All players: " .. result
-      end,
+-- /init.lua
+-- Modular Politics (modpol) for Minetest
+-- TKTK Maybe make this just a quick ref file and locate MT files elsewhere?
+-- TKTK need to add player to orgs.instance with on_joinplayer
 -- ===================================================================
--- /joinorg
-   "joinorg", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user, param)
-         local result = modpol.add_member(param, user)
-         return true, result
-      end,
+-- Load modpol system
+dofile(minetest.get_modpath("modpol") .. "/modpol.lua")
--- ===================================================================
--- /pollself [question]
--- asks the user a question specified in param
-   "pollself", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user, param)
-         modpol.binary_poll_user(user, param)
-         return true, result
-      end,
 -- ===================================================================
--- Minetest events
--- ===================================================================
+-- Modular Politics Minetest Specific Code
 -- ===================================================================
--- Receiving fields
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields)
-      -- modpol:poll
-      if formname == "modpol:binary_poll" then
-         local pname = player:get_player_name()
-         local vote = nil
-         if fields.yes then vote = fields.yes
-         elseif then vote =
-         elseif fields.abstain then vote = fields.abstain
-         end
-         if vote then
-            minetest.chat_send_all(pname .. " voted " .. vote)
-         end
-         minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
-         return vote
-      else -- if the form is not a recognized name
-         return
-      end
+dofile(minetest.get_modpath("modpol") .. "/modpol_minetest/api.lua")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- End of file.

+ 23 - 13

@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 -- Basic tables
 -- Main API table
-modpol = {
+if not modpol then modpol = {} end
 -- Table for modpol data
 modpol.orgs = {
@@ -17,14 +16,21 @@ modpol.orgs = {
 modpol.ledger = {
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Locate framework top-level directory.
--- This function is intended for use under Linux and/or UNIX only.  It
+-- This function is intended for use under Linux and/or UNIX only.  
+-- It
 -- returns  a relative or  absolute path  for the framework  top-level
 -- directory without a trailing slash.
-local get_script_dir = function()
+-- if your application has a different method of getting the script directory, 
+-- then feel free to overwrite this in an init.lua or other such file by first
+-- defining the modpol table and then defining the get_script_dir() function
+local get_script_dir = modpol.get_script_dir or function() 
     local  str = debug.getinfo (2, "S").source:sub (2)
            str = str:match ("(.*/)") or "."
            str = str:gsub ("/$", "", 1)
@@ -40,17 +46,23 @@ print (topdir)
 -- Load dependencies
 -- OldCoder utilities
-dofile (topdir .. "/ocutil.lua")
+dofile (topdir .. "/util/ocutil/ocutil.lua")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Persistent storage
 -- must implement modpol.load_storage() and modpol.store_data()
 -- Select a storage method
+-- -- preferably, declare this in the init.lua that calls modpol.lua  This is the default.
 -- Works with CLI:
-dofile (topdir .. "/storage-local.lua")
+modpol.storage_file_path = modpol.storage_file_path or topdir .. "/storage/storage-local.lua"
 -- Works with Minetest 5:
--- dofile (topdir .. "/storage-mod_storage.lua")
+--modpol.storage_file_path = modpol.storage_file_path or topdir .. "/storage/storage-mod_storage.lua")
+--execute the storage file
+dofile (modpol.storage_file_path)
 -- If available, load persistent storage into active tables
@@ -58,11 +70,9 @@ modpol.load_storage()
 -- ===================================================================
 -- ModPol core features
-dofile (topdir .. "/users.lua")
-dofile (topdir .. "/orgs.lua")
-dofile (topdir .. "/interactions.lua")
--- messaging functions
-dofile (topdir .. "/processes.lua")
+dofile (topdir .. "/modpol/api.lua")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Final checks
@@ -72,7 +82,7 @@ if (modpol.orgs["instance"] == nil) then
    modpol.add_org("instance", modpol.list_users())
-ocutil.log ("modpol loaded")
+modpol.ocutil.log ("modpol loaded")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- End of file.

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--call all files in this directory
+local localdir = modpol.get_script_dir() .. "/modpol"
+dofile (localdir .. "/users/users.lua")
+dofile (localdir .. "/orgs/orgs.lua")
+dofile (localdir .. "/interactions/interactions.lua")
+-- messaging functions
+dofile (localdir .. "/processes/processes.lua")

+ 0 - 0
interactions.lua → modpol/interactions/interactions.lua

+ 13 - 9
orgs.lua → modpol/orgs/orgs.lua

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 -- ===================================================================
 -- /orgs.lua
 -- Org-related functions for Modular Politics
--- Called by modpol.lua
+-- Called by modpol/modpol/api.lua
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Function: modpol.record
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ end
 modpol.add_org = function (org_name, members)
     local str
-    if ocutil.str_empty (org_name) then
+    if modpol.ocutil.str_empty (org_name) then
         return "Error: Org needs a name"
-    ocutil.log ("Adding org " .. org_name)
+    modpol.ocutil.log ("Adding org " .. org_name)
     if modpol.orgs [org_name] ~= nil then
         str = "Error: Org " .. org_name .. " already exists"
-        ocutil.log (str)
+        modpol.ocutil.log (str)
         return str
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ modpol.list_orgs  = function()
                                 -- Process next "org"
                                 -- Build string version of member list
         local memcat = org_data ["members"]
-        if  ocutil.str_empty (memcat) then
+        if  modpol.ocutil.str_empty (memcat) then
               memcat = "(empty)"
               memcat = "(" .. table.concat (memcat, ", ") .. ")"
@@ -120,10 +120,14 @@ modpol.add_member = function(org, member)
    if (modpol.orgs[org] == nil) then
       return "Error: No such org"
-      table.insert(modpol.orgs[org]["members"], member)
-      local message = member .. " added to org " .. org
-      modpol.record(message, org)
-      return message
+      if modpol.is_member(org,member) then
+         return "Error: " .. member .. " is already a member of " .. org
+      else
+         table.insert(modpol.orgs[org]["members"], member)
+         local message = member .. " added to org " .. org
+         modpol.record(message, org)
+         return message
+      end

+ 1 - 1
processes.lua → modpol/processes/processes.lua

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 -- ===================================================================
--- /prcesses.lua
+-- /processes.lua
 -- Process-related functions for Modular Politics
 -- Called by modpol.lua

+ 0 - 0
users.lua → modpol/users/users.lua

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+--call all files in this directory
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Minetest Specific Overrides of modpol functions
+-- ===================================================================
+local localdir = modpol.get_script_dir() .. "/modpol_minetest"
+dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/users/users.lua")
+--dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/orgs/orgs.lua")
+dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/interactions/interactions.lua")
+-- messaging functions
+-- dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/processes/processes.lua")
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Minetest Chatcommands
+-- ===================================================================
+dofile (localdir .. "/chatcommands/chatcommands.lua")
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Minetest Specific code
+-- ===================================================================
+-- orgs
+-- ===================
+dofile (localdir .. "/orgs/instance.lua") --add players to the instance when they join.

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Minetest commands
+-- ===================================================================
+local chat_table                -- MT chat command definitions table
+local regchat                   -- Chat-command registration function
+regchat = minetest.register_chatcommand
+-- ===================================================================
+-- /addorg  /add_org
+-- This code defines a chat command which creates a new
+-- "org". Presently, the command makes the user the sole member of the
+-- "org".
+chat_table = {
+   privs        = {} ,
+   func         = function (user, param)
+      local result = modpol.add_org (param, { user })
+      return true, result
+   end        
+regchat ("addorg"  , chat_table)
+regchat ("add_org" , chat_table)
+-- ===================================================================
+-- /listorg  /listorgs  /list_org  /list_orgs
+-- In Minetest mode,  this code defines a chat command which lists the
+-- existing "orgs".
+-- The list shows one "org" per line in the following format:
+-- org_name (member, member, ...)
+chat_table = {
+    privs = {} ,
+    func  = function (user, param)
+        return true, "Orgs:\n" .. modpol.list_orgs()
+    end
+regchat ("listorg"   , chat_table)
+regchat ("listorgs"  , chat_table)
+regchat ("list_org"  , chat_table)
+regchat ("list_orgs" , chat_table)
+-- ===================================================================
+-- /listplayers
+   "listplayers", {
+      privs = {},
+      func = function(user)
+         local result = table.concat(modpol.list_users(),", ")
+         return true, "All players: " .. result
+      end,
+-- ===================================================================
+-- /joinorg
+   "joinorg", {
+      privs = {},
+      func = function(user, param)
+         local result = modpol.add_member(param, user)
+         return true, result
+      end,
+-- ===================================================================
+-- /pollself [question]
+-- asks the user a question specified in param
+   "pollself", {
+      privs = {},
+      func = function(user, param)
+         modpol.binary_poll_user(user, param)
+         return true, result
+      end,

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+--add members to the instance, if they are not already there.
+    local p_name = player:get_player_name()
+    modpol.add_member("instance", p_name)

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Function: modpol.binary_poll_user(user, question)
+-- Overwrites function at /interactions.lua
+-- presents a yes/no/abstain poll to a user, returns answer
+modpol.binary_poll_user = function(user, question)
+    -- set up formspec
+    local text = "Poll: " .. question
+    local formspec = {
+       "formspec_version[4]",
+       "size[5,3]",
+       "label[0.375,0.5;", minetest.formspec_escape(text), "]",
+       "button[1,1.5;1,0.8;yes;Yes]",
+       "button[2,1.5;1,0.8;no;No]",    
+       "button[3,1.5;1,0.8;abstain;Abstain]"
+       --TKTK can we enable text wrapping?
+       --TKTK we could use scroll boxes to contain the text
+    }
+    local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "")
+    -- present to player
+    minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:binary_poll", formspec_string)
+ end
+--what to do 
+ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields)
+    -- modpol:poll
+    if formname == "modpol:binary_poll" then
+       local pname = player:get_player_name()
+       local vote = nil
+       if fields.yes then vote = fields.yes
+       elseif then vote =
+       elseif fields.abstain then vote = fields.abstain
+       end
+       if vote then
+          minetest.chat_send_all(pname .. " voted " .. vote)
+          --TKTK : we should send the message to all in that org, definately not to all players
+       end
+       minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
+       return vote
+    else -- if the form is not a recognized name
+       return
+    end

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Function: modpol.list_users(org)
+-- Overwrites function at /users.lua
+-- Params:
+-- if nil, lists instance members; if an org name, lists its members
+-- Output: a table with names of players currently in the game
+modpol.list_users = function(org)
+    local users = {}
+    if (org == nil) then -- no specified org; all players
+       for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
+          local name = player:get_player_name()
+          table.insert(users,name)
+       end
+    else -- if an org is specified
+       if (modpol.orgs[org] ~= nil) then -- org exists
+          users = modpol.orgs[org]["members"]
+       end
+    end
+    return users
+ end

+ 21 - 21
storage-local.lua → storage/storage-local.lua

@@ -12,47 +12,47 @@ modpol.file_orgs   = modpol.datadir .. "/orgs.dat"
 os.execute ("mkdir -p " .. modpol.datadir)
-ocutil.setlogdir  (modpol.datadir)
-ocutil.setlogname ("modpol.log")
+modpol.ocutil.setlogdir  (modpol.datadir)
+modpol.ocutil.setlogname ("modpol.log")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Set up the Serpent Serializer functions.
 modpol.serpent = {}
-dofile (modpol.topdir .. "/serpent/serpent.lua")
+dofile (modpol.topdir .. "/util/serpent/serpent.lua")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- This function stores "ledger" data to disk.
 local store_ledger = function()
-    local ok =  ocutil.file_write (modpol.file_ledger,
+    local ok =  modpol.ocutil.file_write (modpol.file_ledger,
 modpol.serpent.dump (modpol.ledger))
     if    ok ~= true then
-        ocutil.fatal_error ("store_data: ledger")
+        modpol.ocutil.fatal_error ("store_data: ledger")
-    local nn  = ocutil.table_length (modpol.ledger)
+    local nn  = modpol.ocutil.table_length (modpol.ledger)
     local str = "entries"
     if nn == 1 then str = "entry" end
-    ocutil.log (nn .. " global ledger entries stored to disk")
+    modpol.ocutil.log (nn .. " global ledger entries stored to disk")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- This function stores "orgs" data to disk.
 local store_orgs = function()
-    local ok =  ocutil.file_write (modpol.file_orgs,
+    local ok =  modpol.ocutil.file_write (modpol.file_orgs,
 modpol.serpent.dump (modpol.orgs))
     if    ok ~= true then
-        ocutil.fatal_error ("store_data: orgs")
+        modpol.ocutil.fatal_error ("store_data: orgs")
-    local nn  = ocutil.table_length (modpol.orgs)
+    local nn  = modpol.ocutil.table_length (modpol.orgs)
     local str = "entries"
     if nn == 1 then str = "entry" end
-    ocutil.log (nn .. " orgs stored to disk")
+    modpol.ocutil.log (nn .. " orgs stored to disk")
 -- ===================================================================
@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@ end
 -- This function loads "ledger" data from disk.
 local load_ledger = function()
-    local obj =  ocutil.file_read (modpol.file_ledger )
+    local obj =  modpol.ocutil.file_read (modpol.file_ledger )
     if    obj ~= nil then
         local func, err = load (obj)
         if err then
-            ocutil.fatal_error ("load_data: ledger"   )
+            modpol.ocutil.fatal_error ("load_data: ledger"   )
         modpol.ledger = func()
-        local nn  = ocutil.table_length (modpol.ledger)
+        local nn  = modpol.ocutil.table_length (modpol.ledger)
         local str = "entries"
         if nn == 1 then str = "entry" end
-        ocutil.log (nn .. " global ledger entries loaded from disk")
+        modpol.ocutil.log (nn .. " global ledger entries loaded from disk")
-        ocutil.log ("No stored global ledger data found")
+        modpol.ocutil.log ("No stored global ledger data found")
@@ -88,20 +88,20 @@ end
 -- This function loads "orgs" data from disk.
 local load_orgs   = function()
-    local obj =  ocutil.file_read (modpol.file_orgs )
+    local obj =  modpol.ocutil.file_read (modpol.file_orgs )
     if    obj ~= nil then
         local func, err = load (obj)
         if err then
-            ocutil.fatal_error ("load_data: orgs"   )
+            modpol.ocutil.fatal_error ("load_data: orgs"   )
         modpol.orgs = func()
-        local nn  = ocutil.table_length (modpol.orgs)
+        local nn  = modpol.ocutil.table_length (modpol.orgs)
         local str = "entries"
         if nn == 1 then str = "entry" end
-        ocutil.log (nn .. " orgs loaded from disk")
+        modpol.ocutil.log (nn .. " orgs loaded from disk")
-        ocutil.log ("No stored orgs data found")
+        modpol.ocutil.log ("No stored orgs data found")

+ 9 - 1
storage-mod_storage.lua → storage/storage-mod_storage.lua

@@ -4,8 +4,15 @@
 -- See
 -- Loads content of stored orgs and ledger from mod_storage
+--get modstorageref
+local mod_storage = minetest.get_mod_storage()
 modpol.load_storage = function()
-   local mod_storage = minetest.get_mod_storage()
    -- load orgs
    local stored_orgs = minetest.deserialize(mod_storage:get_string("orgs"))
    if (stored_orgs ~= nil) then
@@ -20,6 +27,7 @@ end
 -- Stores content of current orgs and ledger to mod_storage
 modpol.store_data = function()
    -- write to storage
    mod_storage:set_string("orgs", minetest.serialize(modpol.orgs))
    mod_storage:set_string("ledger", minetest.serialize(modpol.ledger))

+ 94 - 94
ocutil.lua → util/ocutil/ocutil.lua

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Overview.
--- This file is "top/ocutil.lua".
+-- This file is "top/modpol.ocutil.lua".
 -- This file  provides a  collection of  largely portable  Lua utility
 -- functions.  The collection is descended  from one assembled by Old-
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil = {}
+modpol.ocutil = {}
-ocutil.log_console = true       -- Flag: Copy log to console
-ocutil.logdir      = nil        -- Absolute path for  log-file  direc-
+modpol.ocutil.log_console = true       -- Flag: Copy log to console
+modpol.ocutil.logdir      = nil        -- Absolute path for  log-file  direc-
                                 -- tory (or nil)
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.fixnil
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.fixnil
 -- Params:   string s
 -- Outputs:
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ ocutil.logdir      = nil        -- Absolute path for  log-file  direc-
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.fixnil = function (s)
+modpol.ocutil.fixnil = function (s)
     if     s == nil then s = "(nil)"
     elseif s == ""  then s = "(empty)"
@@ -39,46 +39,46 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.setlogdir
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.setlogdir
 -- Params:   string path
 -- Outputs:
 -- The input string should  be the absolute path for a writable direc-
--- tory that already exists.  This function tells  "ocutil.log" to put
+-- tory that already exists.  This function tells  "modpol.ocutil.log" to put
 -- log files in that directory.
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.setlogdir = function (path)
+modpol.ocutil.setlogdir = function (path)
     if path ~= nil and path ~= "" then
-        ocutil.logdir = path
+        modpol.ocutil.logdir = path
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.setlogname
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.setlogname
 -- Params:   string name
 -- Outputs:
 -- The input string  should  be a filename  without a  path component.
--- This function tells  "ocutil.log" to use the specified filename for
+-- This function tells  "modpol.ocutil.log" to use the specified filename for
 -- the main log file.
--- "ocutil.setlogdir"  must be called  separately  to set the log-file
+-- "modpol.ocutil.setlogdir"  must be called  separately  to set the log-file
 -- directory.
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.setlogname = function (name)
+modpol.ocutil.setlogname = function (name)
     if name ~= nil and name ~= "" then
-        ocutil.logname = name
+        modpol.ocutil.logname = name
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.log
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.log
 -- Params:   string s
 -- Outputs:
@@ -87,26 +87,26 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.log = function (s)
-    s = ocutil.fixnil (s)
+modpol.ocutil.log = function (s)
+    s = modpol.ocutil.fixnil (s)
     s = s:gsub ("\n$", "", 1)   -- Remove trailing newline initially
-    if ocutil.log_console then
+    if modpol.ocutil.log_console then
         print (s)
-    if ocutil.logdir  ~= nil and
-       ocutil.logname ~= nil then
+    if modpol.ocutil.logdir  ~= nil and
+       modpol.ocutil.logname ~= nil then
         s = s .. "\n"           -- Add trailing newline
-        local logpath = ocutil.logdir .. "/" .. ocutil.logname
-        ocutil.file_append (logpath, s)
+        local logpath = modpol.ocutil.logdir .. "/" .. modpol.ocutil.logname
+        modpol.ocutil.file_append (logpath, s)
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.fatal_error
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.fatal_error
 -- Params:   string s
 -- Outputs:
@@ -115,15 +115,15 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.fatal_error = function (s)
-    ocutil.log ("Fatal Error: " .. s)
+modpol.ocutil.fatal_error = function (s)
+    modpol.ocutil.log ("Fatal Error: " .. s)
     os.exit (1)
     return nil                  -- Shouldn't be reached
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.panic
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.panic
 -- Params:   string s
 -- Outputs:
@@ -132,15 +132,15 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.panic = function (s)
-    ocutil.log ("Internal Error: " .. s)
+modpol.ocutil.panic = function (s)
+    modpol.ocutil.log ("Internal Error: " .. s)
     os.exit (1)
     return nil                  -- Shouldn't be reached
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.str_empty
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_empty
 -- Params:   string x
 -- Outputs:
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.str_empty = function (x)
+modpol.ocutil.str_empty = function (x)
     if x == nil or x == "" then
         return true
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.str_nonempty
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_nonempty
 -- Params:   string x
 -- Outputs:
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.str_nonempty = function (x)
+modpol.ocutil.str_nonempty = function (x)
     if x == nil or x == "" then
         return false
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.table_empty
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.table_empty
 -- Params:   table tab
 -- Outputs:
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.table_empty = function (tab)
+modpol.ocutil.table_empty = function (tab)
     local next = next
     if next (tab) == nil then return true end
     return false
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.table_nonempty
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.table_nonempty
 -- Params:   table tab
 -- Outputs:
@@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.table_nonempty = function (tab)
-    if ocutil.table_empty (tab) then return false end
+modpol.ocutil.table_nonempty = function (tab)
+    if modpol.ocutil.table_empty (tab) then return false end
     return true
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.string_contains
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.string_contains
 -- Params:   strings a, b
 -- Outputs:
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.str_contains = function (a, b)
+modpol.ocutil.str_contains = function (a, b)
     if string.match (a, b) then
         return true
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.str_false
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_false
 -- Params:   string x
 -- Outputs:
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.str_false = function (x)
+modpol.ocutil.str_false = function (x)
     if x == "false" or x == "no"  or
        x == "off"   or x == "0"   or
        x == false   or x == 0 then
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.str_true
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_true
 -- Params:   string x
 -- Outputs:
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.str_true  = function (x)
+modpol.ocutil.str_true  = function (x)
     if x == "true" or x == "yes" or
        x == "on"   or x == "1"   or
        x == true   or x == 1 then
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.starts_with
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.starts_with
 -- Params:   strings String, Start
 -- Outputs:
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.starts_with = function (String, Start)
+modpol.ocutil.starts_with = function (String, Start)
     if string.sub (String, 1, string.len (Start)) == Start then
         return true
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.not_starts_with
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.not_starts_with
 -- Params:   strings String, Start
 -- Outputs:
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.not_starts_with = function (String, Start)
+modpol.ocutil.not_starts_with = function (String, Start)
     if string.sub (String, 1, string.len (Start)) == Start then
         return false
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.ends_with
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.ends_with
 -- Params:   strings String, End
 -- Outputs:
@@ -322,14 +322,14 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.ends_with = function (String, End)
+modpol.ocutil.ends_with = function (String, End)
     return End == '' or string.sub (String,
         -string.len (End)) == End
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.not_ends_with
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.not_ends_with
 -- Params:   strings String, End
 -- Outputs:
 -- Returns false if the 1st string ends with the 2nd one
@@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.not_ends_with = function (String, End)
-    if ocutil.ends_with (String, End) then
+modpol.ocutil.not_ends_with = function (String, End)
+    if modpol.ocutil.ends_with (String, End) then
         return false
         return true
@@ -348,33 +348,33 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.firstch
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.firstch
 -- Params:   string str
 -- Outputs:
 -- Returns the 1st character of the string
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.firstch = function (str)
+modpol.ocutil.firstch = function (str)
     return string.sub (str, 1, 1)
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.first_to_upper
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.first_to_upper
 -- Params:   string str
 -- Outputs:
 -- Returns the 1st character of the string in upper case
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.first_to_upper = function (str)
+modpol.ocutil.first_to_upper = function (str)
     return (str:gsub ("^%l", string.upper))
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.all_first_to_upper
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.all_first_to_upper
 -- Params:   string str, flag cvtspace
 -- Outputs:
@@ -385,13 +385,13 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.all_first_to_upper = function (str, cvtspace)
+modpol.ocutil.all_first_to_upper = function (str, cvtspace)
     str = str:gsub ("^%l", string.upper)
     str = str:gsub ("[_ ]%l",
         function (a) return string.upper (a) end)
-    if ocutil.str_true (cvtspace) then
+    if modpol.ocutil.str_true (cvtspace) then
         str = str:gsub ("_", " ")
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.strtok
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.strtok
 -- Params:   strings source, delimitch
 -- Outputs:
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.strtok = function (source, delimitch)
+modpol.ocutil.strtok = function (source, delimitch)
     if delimitch == nil or
        delimitch == ""  then delimitch = " " end
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.swap_key_value
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.swap_key_value
 -- Params:   table itable
 -- Outputs:
 -- Turns  keys into values and  vice versa and  returns  the resulting
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.swap_key_value = function (itable)
+modpol.ocutil.swap_key_value = function (itable)
     if itable == nil then return nil end
     local  otable = {}
     for key, value in pairs (itable) do otable [value] = key end
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.ktable_to_vtable
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.ktable_to_vtable
 -- Params:   table ktable
 -- Outputs:
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ end
 --     print (ii .. ") " .. tabby [ii])
 -- end
--- tabby = ocutil.ktable_to_vtable (tabby)
+-- tabby = modpol.ocutil.ktable_to_vtable (tabby)
 -- print ("\nOutput table:")
 -- for ii, value in ipairs (tabby) do
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.ktable_to_vtable = function (ktable)
+modpol.ocutil.ktable_to_vtable = function (ktable)
     local vtable = {}
     if ktable == nil then return vtable end
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.vtable_to_ktable
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.vtable_to_ktable
 -- Params:   table vtable, scalar set_to
 -- Outputs:
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ end
 --     print (ii .. ") " .. tabby [ii])
 -- end
--- tabby = ocutil.vtable_to_ktable (tabby, 42)
+-- tabby = modpol.ocutil.vtable_to_ktable (tabby, 42)
 -- print ("\nOutput table:")
 -- for ii, value in  pairs (tabby) do
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.vtable_to_ktable = function (vtable, set_to)
+modpol.ocutil.vtable_to_ktable = function (vtable, set_to)
     local ktable = {}
     if vtable == nil then return ktable end
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.make_set
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.make_set
 -- Params:   array harry
 -- Outputs:
@@ -559,12 +559,12 @@ end
 -- Here's  a  complete  code fragment which  demonstrates operation of
 -- this function:
--- local color_set = ocutil.make_set { "red", "green", "blue" }
+-- local color_set = modpol.ocutil.make_set { "red", "green", "blue" }
 -- if    color_set ["red"] ~= nil then print ("Supported color") end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.make_set = function (list)
+modpol.ocutil.make_set = function (list)
     local set = {}
     for _, l in ipairs (list) do set [l] = true end
     return set
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.pos_to_str
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.pos_to_str
 -- Params:   position-table pos
 -- Outputs:
@@ -583,13 +583,13 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.pos_to_str = function (pos)
+modpol.ocutil.pos_to_str = function (pos)
     return pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.table_length
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.table_length
 -- Params:   table tabby
 -- Outputs:  Returns number of entries in table
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.table_length = function (tabby)
+modpol.ocutil.table_length = function (tabby)
     local count = 0
     for _ in pairs (tabby) do count = count+1 end
     return count
@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.clone_table
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.clone_table
 -- Params:   table tabby
 -- Outputs:
@@ -614,25 +614,25 @@ end
 -- should work correctly for most cases,  but special cases  that  re-
 -- quire additional work may exist.
--- This function may also be called as "ocutil.table_clone".
+-- This function may also be called as "modpol.ocutil.table_clone".
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.clone_table = function (tabby)
+modpol.ocutil.clone_table = function (tabby)
     if tabby == nil then return nil end
     local copy = {}
     for k, v in pairs (tabby) do
-        if type (v) == 'table' then v = ocutil.clone_table (v) end
+        if type (v) == 'table' then v = modpol.ocutil.clone_table (v) end
         copy [k] = v
     return copy
-ocutil.table_clone = ocutil.clone_table
+modpol.ocutil.table_clone = modpol.ocutil.clone_table
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.file_exists
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_exists
 -- Params:   string path
 -- Outputs:
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ ocutil.table_clone = ocutil.clone_table
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.file_exists = function (path)
+modpol.ocutil.file_exists = function (path)
     local file, err
     file, err = (path, "rb")
     if err then return false end
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.file_missing
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_missing
 -- Params:   string path
 -- Outputs:
@@ -662,14 +662,14 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.file_missing = function (path)
-    if ocutil.file_exists (path) then return false end
+modpol.ocutil.file_missing = function (path)
+    if modpol.ocutil.file_exists (path) then return false end
     return true
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.file_read
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_read
 -- Params:   string path
 -- Outputs:
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.file_read = function (path)
+modpol.ocutil.file_read = function (path)
     local file, err
     file, err = (path, "rb")
     if err then return nil end
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.file_write
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_write
 -- Params:   strings path, data
 -- Outputs:
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.file_write = function (path, data)
+modpol.ocutil.file_write = function (path, data)
     local file, err
     file, err = (path, "wb")
     if err then return false end
@@ -719,17 +719,17 @@ end
 -- ===================================================================
--- Function: ocutil.file_append
+-- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_append
 -- Params:   strings path, data
 -- Outputs:
--- This function is  identical to  "ocutil.file_write"  except for one
+-- This function is  identical to  "modpol.ocutil.file_write"  except for one
 -- difference:  It  appends to existing files as opposed to overwrites
 -- them.
 -- ===================================================================
-ocutil.file_append = function (path, data)
+modpol.ocutil.file_append = function (path, data)
     local file, err
     file, err = (path, "ab")
     if err then return false end

+ 0 - 0
serpent/LICENSE.txt → util/serpent/LICENSE.txt

+ 0 - 0
serpent/ → util/serpent/

+ 0 - 0
serpent/serpent-git.tar.bz2 → util/serpent/serpent-git.tar.bz2

+ 0 - 0
serpent/serpent.lua → util/serpent/serpent.lua