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Cleaned up modpol_minetest directory structure

Nathan Schneider il y a 2 ans

+ 9 - 13

@@ -10,31 +10,27 @@
 local localdir = minetest.get_modpath("modpol") .. "/modpol_minetest"
-dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/users/users.lua")
+dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/users.lua")
---dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/orgs/orgs.lua")
+--dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/orgs.lua")
-dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/interactions/interactions.lua")
--- messaging functions
--- dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/processes/processes.lua")
+dofile (localdir .. "/overrides/interactions.lua")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Minetest Chatcommands
 -- ===================================================================
-dofile (localdir .. "/chatcommands/chatcommands.lua")
+dofile (localdir .. "/chatcommands.lua")
 -- ===================================================================
 -- Minetest Specific code
 -- ===================================================================
--- orgs
--- ===================
-dofile (localdir .. "/orgs/instance.lua") --add players to the instance when they join.
+--add members to the instance, if they are not already there.
+    local p_name = player:get_player_name()
+    modpol.instance:add_member(p_name)

+ 0 - 108

@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
--- ===================================================================
--- Minetest commands
--- ===================================================================
-command_list = {}               -- user-facing table of commands
-local chat_table                -- MT chat command definitions table
-local regchat                   -- Chat-command registration function
-regchat = minetest.register_chatcommand
-regchat = function(name, command_table)
-   minetest.register_chatcommand(name, command_table)
-   table.insert(command_list, name)
--- ===================================================================
--- /modpol
--- Presents a menu of options to users
-   "modpol", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user)
-         modpol.interactions.dashboard(user)
-      end,
--- ===================================================================
--- /reset
--- For testing only
--- Clears the system and recreates instance with all players
-   "reset", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user)
-         modpol.orgs.reset();
-         return true, "Reset orgs"
-      end,
--- ===================================================================
--- /addorg
--- This code defines a chat command which creates a new
--- "org". Presently, the command makes the user the sole member of the
--- "org".
-   "addorg", {
-      privs        = {} ,
-      func         = function (user, param)
-         local success, message = modpol.instance:add_org (param)
-         return true, message
-      end        
--- ===================================================================
--- /listorgs
--- In Minetest mode, this code defines a chat command which lists
--- existing "orgs".
--- The list shows one "org" per line in the following format:
--- org_name (member, member, ...)
-   "listorgs", {
-      privs = {} ,
-      func  = function (user, param)
-         return true, "Orgs: " ..
-            table.concat(modpol.orgs.list_all(), ", ")
-      end
--- ===================================================================
--- /listplayers
-   "listplayers", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user)
-         local result = table.concat(modpol.list_users(),", ")
-         return true, "All players: " .. result
-      end,
--- ===================================================================
--- /joinorg
-   "joinorg", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user, param)
-         local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(param)
-         local success, result = org:add_member(user)
-         return true, result
-      end,
--- ===================================================================
--- /pollself [question]
--- asks the user a question specified in param
-   "pollself", {
-      privs = {},
-      func = function(user, param)
-         modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user(user, param)
-         return true, result
-      end,

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
---add members to the instance, if they are not already there.
-    local p_name = player:get_player_name()
-    modpol.instance:add_member(p_name)

+ 0 - 487

@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
--- INTERACTIONS.LUA (for Minetest)
--- ================
--- _contexts to enable passing across formspecs
-local _contexts = {}
-local function get_context(name)
-    local context = _contexts[name] or {}
-    _contexts[name] = context
-    return context
-    _contexts[player:get_player_name()] = nil
--- =========
--- Function: formspec_list
--- for use generating option lists in formspecs from tables
--- input: table of strings
--- output: a formspec-ready list of the strings
-local function formspec_list(array)
-   local escaped = {}
-   if not array then
-      return ""
-   end
-   for i = 1, #array do
-      escaped[i] = minetest.formspec_escape(array[i])
-   end
-   return table.concat(escaped,",")
--- ==========
--- Function: modpol.interactions.dashboard(user)
--- Params: user (string)
--- Q: Should this return a menu of commands relevant to the specific user?
--- Output: Displays a menu of commands to the user
--- TODO currently a manually curated list---needs major improvement
-function modpol.interactions.dashboard(user)
-   -- prepare data
-   -- to add: nested orgs map
-   local all_orgs = modpol.orgs.list_all()
-   local user_orgs = modpol.orgs.user_orgs(user)
-   local all_users = modpol.list_users()
-   -- set up formspec
-    local formspec = {
-       "formspec_version[4]",
-       "size[10,8]",
-       "label[0.5,0.5;MODPOL DASHBOARD]",
-       "label[0.5,2;All orgs:]",
-       "dropdown[2,1.5;5,0.8;all_orgs;"..formspec_list(all_orgs)..";;]",
-       "label[0.5,3;Your orgs:]",
-       "dropdown[2,2.5;5,0.8;user_orgs;"..formspec_list(user_orgs)..";;]",
-       "label[0.5,4;All users:]",
-       "dropdown[2,3.5;5,0.8;all_users;"..formspec_list(all_users)..";;]",
-       "button[0.5,7;1,0.8;test_poll;Test poll]",
-       "button[2,7;1,0.8;add_org;Add org]",
-       "button[3.5,7;1.5,0.8;remove_org;Remove org]",
-       "button[5.5,7;1.5,0.8;reset_orgs;Reset orgs]",
-       "button_exit[8.5,7;1,0.8;close;Close]",
-    }
-    local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "")
-    -- present to player
-    minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:dashboard", formspec_string)
--- receive input
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields)
-      if formname == "modpol:dashboard" then
-         local pname = player:get_player_name()
-         if nil then
-            -- buttons first
-         elseif fields.test_poll then
-            modpol.interactions.text_query(
-               pname,"Poll question:",
-               function(input)
-                  modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user(
-                     pname, input,
-                     function(vote)
-                        modpol.interactions.message(
-                           pname, pname .. " voted " .. vote)
-                  end)
-            end)
-         elseif fields.add_org then
-            modpol.interactions.add_org(pname, 1)
-         elseif fields.remove_org then
-            modpol.interactions.remove_org(pname)
-         elseif fields.reset_orgs then
-            modpol.orgs.reset()
-            modpol.instance:add_member(pname)
-            modpol.interactions.dashboard(pname)
-         -- Put all dropdowns at the end
-         elseif fields.close then
-            minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
-         elseif fields.all_orgs or fields.user_orgs then
-            local org_name = fields.all_orgs or fields.user_orgs
-            modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(pname, org_name)
-         end
-      end
--- Function: modpol.interactions.org_dashboard
--- Params: user (string), org_name (string)
--- Output: Displays a menu of org-specific commands to the user
-function modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(user, org_name)
-   -- prepare data
-   local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(org_name)
-   if not org then return nil end
-   local is_member = org:has_member(user)
-   local membership_toggle = function()
-      local toggle_code = ""
-      if is_member then
-         toggle_code = toggle_code
-            ..minetest.formspec_escape("leave")..";"
-            ..minetest.formspec_escape("Leave").."]"
-      else
-         toggle_code = toggle_code
-            ..minetest.formspec_escape("join")..";"
-            ..minetest.formspec_escape("Join").."]"
-      end
-      return toggle_code
-   end
-   -- identify parent
-   local parent = modpol.orgs.get_org(org.parent)
-   if parent then parent =
-   else parent = "none" end
-   -- prepare children menu
-   local children = {"View..."}
-   for k,v in ipairs(org.children) do
-      local this_child = modpol.orgs.get_org(v)
-      table.insert(children,
-   end
-   -- prepare policies menu
-   local policies = {"View..."}
-   for k,v in pairs(org.policies) do
-      table.insert(policies, k .. ": " ..
-                   org.policies[k].process_type)
-   end
-   table.insert(policies, "Add policy")
-   -- prepare processes menu
-   local processes = {"View..."}
-   for k,v in ipairs(org.processes) do
-      local this_request = org.requests[v.request_id]
-      if type(this_request) == "table" then 
-         local active = ''
-         if org.pending[user] then
-            if org.pending[user][] then
-               active = '*'
-            end
-         end
-         local req_str = "[" .. .. "] " ..
-            active .. this_request.type
-         if this_request.params[1] then
-            req_str = req_str .. ": " ..
-               table.concat(this_request.params, ", ")
-         end
-         table.insert(processes, req_str)
-      end
-   end
-   -- set player context
-   local user_context = {}
-   user_context["current_org"] = org_name
-   _contexts[user] = user_context
-   -- set up formspec
-    local formspec = {
-       "formspec_version[4]",
-       "size[10,8]",
-       "label[0.5,0.5;Org: "..
-          minetest.formspec_escape(org_name).."]",
-       "label[0.5,1;Parent: "..parent.."]",
-       "button[8.5,0.5;1,0.8;"..membership_toggle(),
-       "label[0.5,2;Members:]",
-       "dropdown[2,1.5;5,0.8;user_orgs;"..formspec_list(org.members)..";;]",
-       "label[0.5,3;Children:]",
-       "dropdown[2,2.5;5,0.8;children;"..formspec_list(children)..";;]",
-       "label[0.5,4;Policies:]",
-       "dropdown[2,3.5;5,0.8;policies;"..formspec_list(policies)..";;]",
-       "label[0.5,5;Processes:]",
-       "dropdown[2,4.5;5,0.8;processes;"..formspec_list(processes)..";;]",
-       "button[0.5,7;1,0.8;test_poll;Test poll]",
-       "button[2,7;1,0.8;add_child;Add child]",
-       "button[3.5,7;1.5,0.8;remove_org;Remove org]",
-       "button[8.5,7;1,0.8;back;Back]",
-    }
-    local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "")
-    -- present to player
-    minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:org_dashboard", formspec_string)
--- receive input
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields)
-      if formname == "modpol:org_dashboard" then
-         local pname = player:get_player_name()
-         local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(_contexts[pname].current_org)
-         if nil then
-         elseif fields.join then
-            local new_request = {
-               user = pname,
-               type = "add_member",
-               params = {pname}
-            }
-            org:make_request(new_request)
-            modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(pname,
-         elseif fields.leave then
-            org:remove_member(pname)
-            modpol.interactions.dashboard(pname)
-         elseif fields.test_poll then
-            modpol.interactions.binary_poll_org(
-               pname,,
-               function(input)
-                  modpol.interactions.message_org(
-                     pname,
-           ,
-                     "New response: " .. input)
-            end)
-         elseif fields.add_child then
-            modpol.interactions.text_query(
-               pname, "Child org name:",
-               function(input)   
-                  local new_request = {
-                     user = pname,
-                     type = "add_org",
-                     params = {input}
-                  }
-                  org:make_request(new_request)
-                  modpol.interactions.message(pname,"requested")
-                  modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(
-                     pname,
-            end)
-         elseif fields.remove_org then
-            local new_request = {
-               user = pname,
-               type = "delete",
-               params = {}
-            }
-            org:make_request(new_request)
-            modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(pname,
-         elseif fields.back then
-            modpol.interactions.dashboard(pname)
-         -- Put all dropdowns at the end
-         elseif fields.policies
-            and fields.policies ~= "View..." then
-            local policy
-            if fields.policies == "Add policy" then
-               policy = nil
-            elseif fields.policies == "View..." then
-               return
-            else
-               policy = string.match(fields.policies,"(%w+)%:")
-            end
-            modpol.interactions.policy_dashboard(
-               pname,, policy)
-         elseif fields.processes
-            and fields.processes ~= "View..." then
-            local sel = string.match(fields.processes,"%[(%d)%]")
-            local process = org.processes[tonumber(sel)]
-            if process then
-               process:interact(pname)
-            end
-         elseif fields.children
-               and fields.children ~= "View..." then
-            local org_name = fields.children
-            modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(pname, org_name)
-         end
-      end
--- Function: modpol.interactions.policy_dashboard
--- input: user (string), org_id (int), policy (string)
--- output: opens a dashboard for viewing/editing policy details
--- TODO
-function modpol.interactions.policy_dashboard(
-      user, org_id, policy)
-   modpol.interactions.message(
-      user,
-      "Not yet implemented: " .. policy)
--- ===========================
--- Function: modpol.interactions.message
--- input: message (string)
--- output
-function modpol.interactions.message(user, message)
-   minetest.chat_send_player(user, message)
--- Function: modpol.interactions.text_query
--- Overrides function at modpol/interactions.lua
--- input: user (string), query (string), func (function)
---   func input: user input (string)
--- output: Applies "func" to user input
-function modpol.interactions.text_query(user, query, func)
-   -- set up formspec
-    local formspec = {
-       "formspec_version[4]",
-       "size[10,4]",
-       "label[0.5,1;", minetest.formspec_escape(query), "]",
-       "field[0.5,1.25;9,0.8;input;;]",       
-       "button[0.5,2.5;1,0.8;yes;OK]",
-    }
-    local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "")
-    -- present to players
-    minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:text_query", formspec_string)
-    -- put func in _contexts
-    if _contexts[user] == nil then _contexts[user] = {} end
-    _contexts[user]["text_query_func"] = func
--- receive fields
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields)
-      if formname == "modpol:text_query" then
-         local pname = player:get_player_name()
-         local input = fields.input
-         if not input then
-            -- no input, do nothing
-         else
-            local func = _contexts[pname]["text_query_func"]
-            if func then
-               func(input)
-            else
-               modpol.interactions.message(pname, "text_query: " .. input)
-            end
-         end
-         minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
-      end
--- Function: dropdown_query
--- input: user (string), label (string), options (table of strings), func (function)
---    func input: choice (string)
--- output: calls func on user choice
-function modpol.interactions.dropdown_query(user, label, options, func)
-   -- set up formspec
-   local formspec = {
-      "formspec_version[4]",
-      "size[10,4]",
-      "label[0.5,1;"..minetest.formspec_escape(label).."]",
-      "dropdown[0.5,1.25;9,0.8;input;"..formspec_list(options)..";;]",
-      "button[0.5,2.5;1,0.8;cancel;Cancel]",
-   }
-   local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "")
-   -- present to players
-   minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:dropdown_query", formspec_string)
-   -- put func in _contexts
-   if _contexts[user] == nil then _contexts[user] = {} end
-   _contexts[user]["dropdown_query_func"] = func
--- receive fields
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields)
-      if formname == "modpol:dropdown_query" then
-         local pname = player:get_player_name()            
-         if fields.cancel ~= "cancel" then
-            local choice = fields.input
-            local func = _contexts[pname]["dropdown_query_func"]
-            if not choice then
-               -- no choice, do nothing
-            elseif func then
-               func(choice)
-            else
-               modpol.interactions.message(pname, "dropdown_query: " .. choice)
-            end
-         end
-         minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
-      end
--- ======================
--- Function: modpol.binary_poll_user(user, question, function)
--- Overrides function at modpol/interactions.lua
--- Params: user (string), question (string), func (function)
---   func input: user input (string: y/n)
--- Output: Applies "func" to user input
-function modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user(user, question, func)
-   -- set up formspec
-   local formspec = {
-      "formspec_version[4]",
-      "size[5,3]",
-      "label[0.375,0.5;",minetest.formspec_escape(question), "]",
-      "button[1,1.5;1,0.8;yes;Yes]",
-      "button[2,1.5;1,0.8;no;No]",
-      --TKTK can we enable text wrapping?
-      --TKTK we could use scroll boxes to contain the text
-   }
-   local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "")
-   if _contexts[user] == nil then _contexts[user] = {} end
-   _contexts[user]["binary_poll_func"] = func
-   -- present to player
-   minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:binary_poll_user", formspec_string)
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields)
-      local pname = player:get_player_name()
-      -- modpol:binary_poll
-      if formname == "modpol:binary_poll_user" then
-         local vote = nil
-         if fields.yes then vote = fields.yes
-         elseif then vote =
-         end
-         if vote then
-            modpol.interactions.message(pname, "Responded " .. vote)
-            local func = _contexts[pname]["binary_poll_func"]
-            if func then func(vote) end
-         end
-         minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
-      end
--- ====================
--- Function: modpol.interactions.message_org
--- input: initiator (string), org_id (number), message (string)
--- output: broadcasts message to all org members
-function modpol.interactions.message_org(initiator, org_id, message)
-   local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(org_id)
-   local users = org:list_members()
-   for k,v in ipairs(users) do
-      modpol.interactions.message(v, message)
-   end
--- Function: modpol.interactions.binary_poll_org
--- input: initator (user string), org_id (number)
--- output: gets question from initiator, asks all org members, broadcasts answers
--- TODO for testing. This should be implemented as a request.
-function modpol.interactions.binary_poll_org(initiator, org_id, func)
-   local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(org_id)
-   local users = org:list_members()
-   modpol.interactions.text_query(
-      initiator, "Yes/no poll question:",
-      function(input)
-         for k,v in ipairs(users) do
-            modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user(v, input, func)
-         end
-   end)
--- Function: modpol.interactions.add_org
--- input: initator (user string), base_org_id (ID)
--- output: interaction begins
-function modpol.interactions.add_org(user, base_org_id)
-   modpol.interactions.text_query(
-      user,"Org name:",
-      function(input)
-         local base_org = modpol.orgs.get_org(1)
-         local result = base_org:add_org(input, user)
-         local message = input .. " created"
-         modpol.interactions.message(user, message)
-         modpol.interactions.dashboard(user)
-   end)
--- Function: modpol.interactions.remove_org
--- input: initator (user string)
--- output: interaction begins
-function modpol.interactions.remove_org(user)
-   -- start formspec
-   local orgs_list = modpol.orgs.list_all()
-   local label = "Choose an org to remove:"
-   modpol.interactions.dropdown_query(
-      user, label, orgs_list,
-      function(input)
-         if input then
-            local target_org = modpol.orgs.get_org(input)
-            local result = target_org:delete()
-            local message = input .. " deleted"
-            modpol.interactions.message(user, message)
-         end
-         modpol.interactions.dashboard(user)
-   end)

+ 0 - 21

@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- ===================================================================
--- Function: modpol.list_users(org)
--- Overwrites function at /users.lua
--- Params:
--- if nil, lists instance members; if an org name, lists its members
--- Output: a table with names of players currently in the game
-modpol.list_users = function(org)
-    local users = {}
-    if (org == nil) then -- no specified org; all players
-       for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do
-          local name = player:get_player_name()
-          table.insert(users,name)
-       end
-    else -- if an org is specified
-       if (modpol.orgs[org] ~= nil) then -- org exists
-          users = modpol.orgs[org]["members"]
-       end
-    end
-    return users
- end