layout: vue permalink: /templates/consensus rule: ruleID: consensus timestamp: 2021.3.15 3:27:1 UTC icon: /assets/elements/icon_co.svg name: Consensus lineage: '' summary: >-
Decisions that affect the group collectively should involve participation of
all participants.
name: Media Economies Design Lab
- moduleID: values
name: Values
icon: null
summary: Creativity, empathy, solidarity
modules: []
- moduleID: membership
name: Membership
icon: null
summary: New participants may join as long as no others object.
- moduleID: exclusion
name: Exclusion
icon: null
summary: >-
Participants may be removed if a proposal to do so passes the
consensus process.
modules: []
- moduleID: consensus
name: Consensus
icon: null
summary: >-
Any participant may make a proposal at any group meeting to which all
participants are invited. A decision is made only if there are no serious
objections remaining.
- moduleID: deliberation
name: Deliberation
icon: null
summary: >-
The proposal should be discussed and modified through open
conversation in order to address all concerns.
modules: []
- moduleID: do-ocracy
name: Do-Ocracy
icon: null
summary: >-
People who make proposals that the group agrees on is responsible for its
implementation, delegating as necessary and as participants are willing to
modules: []
Decisions that affect the group collectively should involve participation of all participants.
Media Economies Design Lab