123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150 |
- ---
- layout: default
- # This is where most of the code for CommunityRule lives
- # Follow comments below in various sections for further explanation
- ---
- {% include rule-scripts.js %}
- <article class="post">
- <header class="post-header">
- <h1 class="post-title" id="title">
- {{ page.title }}
- </h1>
- <button class="pushButton" id="editToggle" onclick="toggleEditMode()">
- Preview</button>
- <div class="post-content">
- {{ content }}
- </div>
- </header>
- <div id="rulebox">
- <span class="prompt">What is the community’s name?</span>
- <h1 contenteditable="true" class="editable output" id="communityname">{{ page.community-name }}</h1>
- <span class="prompt">Summarize its structure:</span>
- <p contenteditable="true" class="editable output" id="structure">{{ page.structure }}</p>
- <!-- RuleBuilder -->
- <div id="rule-builder">
- <button id="module-toggle" onclick="toggleVisible('module-menu')"
- class="button" title="Show/hide">
- <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/tool.svg %}" title="Modules" />
- </button>
- <div id="module-input"
- ondrop="drop(event)" ondragover="allowDrop(event)">
- <span class="prompt" id="drag-directions">Browse modules from below and drag them here.</span>
- </div>
- <div id="builder-field">
- </div>
- <div id="module-menu">
- <!-- Load preset modules from _modules/ -->
- {% assign modules_array = site.modules | sort: "type" %}
- {% assign last_type = "" %}
- {% for module in modules_array %}
- {% if module.layout == "module" %}
- {% if module.type != last_type %}
- {% if last_type != "" %}</div>{% endif %}
- <div class="module-type-header">
- <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/{{ site.data.module_types[module.type].icon }}" />
- {{ module.type }}
- <button onclick="toggleVisible('module-type-{{ module.type }}')" class="button chevrons"><img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/chevrons-down.svg %}" title="Show/hide" /></button>
- </div>
- <div class="module-questions">{{ site.data.module_types[module.type].question }}</div>
- <div id="module-type-{{ module.type }}" style="display: none;">
- {% endif %}
- {% assign last_type = module.type %}
- <span class="module" id="module-{{ module.title | slugify }}"
- draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)">
- <span id="module-name" title="{{ module.summary }}">{{ module.title }}</span>
- <a target="_blank" href="{{ module.url }}">
- <img title="More info" draggable="false" class="module-logo"
- src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg %}" />
- </a>
- <a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()" class="delete-module"
- style="display:none">
- <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" /></a>
- </span>
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
- </div>
- <div id="module-custom-container">
- <!-- Customizable module -->
- <span class="module" id="module-custom"
- draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)">
- <input contenteditable="true" draggable="false" placeholder="Custom..."/>
- <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg %}" class="module-logo"
- draggable="false" />
- <a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()" class="delete-module"
- style="display:none">
- <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" /></a>
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- END RuleBuilder -->
- <div id="rulewriter-box">
- <span class="prompt"></span>
- <p id="rulewriter" contenteditable="true" class="editable output"></p>
- </div>
- <div id="authorship" class="linkbox">
- <span id="authorship-words">Created by</span>
- <input contenteditable="true" class="editable link-text" id="author-text" placeholder="Created by" />
- <span class="link-divider"><img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/pencil.svg %}" title="Add link" /></span>
- <input contenteditable="true" class="editable link-url" id="author-url" placeholder="Creator URL (http://, https://)" type="url" pattern="http://.*|https://.*" />
- <span id="authorship-result"></span>
- </div>
- </div><!--#rulebox-->
- <div id="lineage">
- <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/file.svg %}" title="Derivation lineage" />
- <span id="lineage-list"></span>
- </div>
- <button class="pushButton" id="publishRule" onclick="publishRule()"
- title="Add to the public Library">Publish</button>
- <button class="pushButton" id="fork" onclick="fork()"
- title="Edit this Rule into a new one">Fork</button>
- <button class="pushButton" onclick="textOutput()"
- title="Download this Rule as a Markdown text file">Export</button>
- <button class="pushButton" id="trash" onclick="deleteRule()">
- <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/trash.svg %}" title="Rule deletion request" />
- </button>
- <button class="pushButton"
- onclick="javascript:location.href='https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/content/communityrule-user-feedback'">
- Feedback
- </button>
- <div id="attribution" style="display:none;">
- <br />
- <p><a href="https://communityrule.info">
- <img src="https://communityrule.info{% link assets/CommunityRule-derived-000000.svg %}" alt="CommunityRule derived"></a></p>
- <p id="dateTime"></p>
- <p>Created with <a href="https://communityrule.info">CommunityRule</a>,
- <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons BY-SA</a></p>
- <p><strong>The Publish feature is experimental. Rules may be removed without notice</strong></p>
- </div>
- <div id="attributionMD" style="display:none;">---
- [](https://communityrule.info)
- [Creative Commons BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)</div>
- </article>