layout: page title: Create
Use the questions below to begin creating your community's Rule. The suggested modules are linked to (in progress) entries at Democratic Mediums.
[ Default | Elected board ]
What is the community's name?
What is the community's mission?
What core values does it hold?
Modules: secrecy, solidarity, transparency
What is the basic structure of the community?
Modules: federation, friendship, membership, multicameralism, ritual, separation of powers, stake weight
How does someone become a member?
How are members suspended or removed?
Modules: exclusion
Who has the capacity to make and change agreements, and how are they chosen?
Modules: board, debate, disapproval voting, do-ocracy, holographic consensus, referendum, representation, sortition
How are the agreements implemented?
Modules: exclusion, lazy consensus, restorative justice
Who oversees the implementation of the agreements?
Modules: board, disapproval voting, jury, precedent, refusal, rough consensus
How are each of the stewardship roles determined and limited?
Modules: fact-finding, ranked choice, representation, reputation, sortition, term limits
What are the basic rights inscribed in this Rule?
Where do we keep our additional agreements?
How can this Rule be changed?
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