#8 Add a way to safely embed links to relevant resources within a Rule

ntnsndr atvēra 7 mēneši atpakaļ · 1 komentāri

More broadly, this is a strategy for integrating the layers of community life and embedding pointers to them in the Rule. Two approaches:

  • Structured links associated with each section, e.g., Modules on Democratic Mediums, Contributor Covenant, Loomio page, Open Collective page
  • Arbitrary links within text

Could be:

  • Have a link icon with each question
  • When user presses icon, two fields come up: Resource Name and URL, and an "Add" button
  • This adds a link under the text of that field
  • Use a captcha?
  • Markdown support

Arbitrary links run risk of spam. And currently we strip all HTML tags from text.

More broadly, this is a strategy for integrating the layers of community life and embedding pointers to them in the Rule. Two approaches: - Structured links associated with each section, e.g., Modules on Democratic Mediums, Contributor Covenant, Loomio page, Open Collective page - Arbitrary links within text Could be: - Have a link icon with each question - When user presses icon, two fields come up: Resource Name and URL, and an "Add" button - This adds a link under the text of that field - Use a captcha? - Markdown support Arbitrary links run risk of spam. And currently we strip all HTML tags from text.
Nathan Schneider komentēja 7 mēneši atpakaļ

For example, a user-submitted Rule with URLs: https://communityrule.info/create/?r=1720924412951

For example, a user-submitted Rule with URLs: https://communityrule.info/create/?r=1720924412951
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