#4 Icon doesn't stick when template is being edited

7 ماه پیش باز شده توسط ntnsndr · 0 دیدگاه

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open a template
  2. click fork & edit
  3. change the rule icon
  4. click preview
  5. click edit

The icon will not show up in the preview and the icon selection will not be maintained once back in the edit area.

This doesn't happen when creating a rule from scratch. The rule data rule.icon in Vue is consistent.

Steps to reproduce: 1. open a template 2. click fork & edit 3. change the rule icon 4. click preview 5. click edit The icon will not show up in the preview and the icon selection will not be maintained once back in the edit area. This doesn't happen when creating a rule from scratch. The rule data `rule.icon` in Vue is consistent.
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