Histórico de Commits

Autor SHA1 Mensagem Data
  Nathan Schneider c61c4b62d2 Several usability improvements, such as hiding RuleWriter by default and having modules hidden by default há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider b9ff86b70a Used CSS animation to highlight custom-field-container when created or changed há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 2bc77b9710 Added rule lineage derivation breadcrumbs há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider cc5d46013c Added questions and icons to module_types database há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 88040c0f1b publishRule and displayRule now work with consolidated text input há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 6eb33ca44c Turned RuleWriter into single field, replaced type icons in modules with info buttons and put type icons in type headers há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 3ff3af185b A bunch of fixes and changes including: /about/ is no longer a Rule; RuleBuilder and RuleWriter are now labeled and collapsable há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider e06423356f Added type categories in module menus há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 97a8863b11 Added consensus template há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 2cba6d1d1d Simplified Builder list display há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 296cb41c21 Updated first-rule guide for Builder integration. Now deploying v2 beta! há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 67746a0fd9 Added modules to Library listing há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 306fe2bc4f Improvements to rule.html and library.html há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 7a0a18144f Added RuleBuilder to publishRule and displayRule há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 4043d084fd Hid remove-module in module-menu há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 7ef547252c Improvements to RuleBuilder, including HTML output for preview há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 957c54a8fb Moved module-menu to fixed position, not tooltip há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider fdd7888020 Attached module descriptions to title tags, extensive module formatting work há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 69b31331a3 Added module categories and other Builder fixes há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider ad10228a18 Several improvements to builder, including moveable text fields há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider a9d2dbdd19 Re-merged builder and writer into Create há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider c7eb080c1f Turned Templates into RulePicker, added Decider app modules há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 6730732297 Initial testing of module block authoring há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 6de1e91c5b Improved appearance of module tooltips há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 1ed178593b Lightened border on linkbox há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 9f76699b30 Added optional author functionality to rule.html and library.html, as well as css há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 268d5f2c68 Fixed missing 'top' CSS attribute in Module tooltip há 4 anos atrás
  Nathan Schneider 88735cfed3 Fixed communityrule css import há 4 anos atrás