Sfoglia il codice sorgente

Re-merged builder and writer into Create

Nathan Schneider 4 anni fa

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Whether your community is already up and running or still just an ambition, choo
 **Get that? Be brief.** The longer your Rule is, the more likely you'll be to confuse people and introduce internal inconsistencies.
 **Get that? Be brief.** The longer your Rule is, the more likely you'll be to confuse people and introduce internal inconsistencies.
-**It may be easiest to start with a [template]({% link rule-picker.md %}), but you can also [start from scratch]({% link rule-writer.md %}).** On a template, press the <span class="pushButton">Customize</span> button to get started. Even if you end up changing almost everything you find in a template, the process can spur thinking in ways that a blank canvas would not.
+**It may be easiest to start with a [template]({% link templates.md %}), but you can also [start from scratch]({% link create.md %}).** On a template, press the <span class="pushButton">Customize</span> button to get started. Even if you end up changing almost everything you find in a template, the process can spur thinking in ways that a blank canvas would not.
 **Press the <span class="pushButton"><img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/plus.svg %}" title="Expand" /></span> buttons to expand each section and start exploring.** You don't need to fill every field or even every section. If you don't leave an answer, the field will simply disappear when you publish.
 **Press the <span class="pushButton"><img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/plus.svg %}" title="Expand" /></span> buttons to expand each section and start exploring.** You don't need to fill every field or even every section. If you don't leave an answer, the field will simply disappear when you publish.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ have the rules in the background.
 **Make explicit where you are.** [Create your first
 **Make explicit where you are.** [Create your first
 Rule](https://communityrule.info/guides/first-rule/), using the
 Rule](https://communityrule.info/guides/first-rule/), using the
-[RuleWriter]({% link rule-writer.md %}) tool, to determine and
+[Create]({% link create.md %}) tool, to determine and
 articulate how your group currently functions. Pick a template that
 articulate how your group currently functions. Pick a template that
 closely reflects where your group currently stands.
 closely reflects where your group currently stands.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ closely reflects where your group currently stands.
 -   Don't get stuck on utopianism, use it as a mirror
 -   Don't get stuck on utopianism, use it as a mirror
 **Introduce achievable commitments to strive toward.** Draw from the
 **Introduce achievable commitments to strive toward.** Draw from the
-[Templates](https://communityrule.info/templates/) to think about what
+[Templates]({% link templates.md %}) to think about what
 you might like to have in your Rule in the future, filing in the current
 you might like to have in your Rule in the future, filing in the current
 gaps with reasonable additions. Consider adding---either in your Rule or
 gaps with reasonable additions. Consider adding---either in your Rule or
 linked from it---a code of conduct, community agreement, safer space
 linked from it---a code of conduct, community agreement, safer space

+ 0 - 467

@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-layout: default
-# This is where most of the code for CommunityRule lives
-# Follow comments below in various sections for further explanation
-  // Enter JavaScript-land!
-  // First, some functions, followed by initialization commands
-  // Begin BUILDER functions
-  // source: https://www.codecanal.com/html5-drag-and-copy/
-  function allowDrop(ev) {
-      ev.preventDefault();
-  }
-  function drag(ev) {
-      ev.dataTransfer.setData("text", ev.target.id);
-  }
-  function drop(ev) {
-      ev.preventDefault();
-      var target = ev.target;
-      // Prevents dropping into text field
-      if (target.id == "drag-directions") {
-          target = target.parentElement;
-      }
-      // Set up transfer
-      var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text");
-      // Iff module is from the menu clone it
-      var module = document.getElementById(data);
-      if (module.parentElement.id == "module-menu") {
-          module = module.cloneNode(true);
-          // Add a corresponding text field
-          var name = module.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,'');
-          var query = "Explain how the <strong>" + name + "</strong> module works.";
-          addField(query);
-      }
-      // append name
-      module.id += "-dropped";
-      // display the deletion button
-      module.children[2].style.display = "inline";
-      // pop it in!
-      target.appendChild(module);
-      // be sure the dummy text is gone
-      document.getElementById("drag-directions").style.display = "none";
-      // Send field contents to console to aid in database stuff
-      console.log(document.getElementById("module-input"));   
-  }
-  // Adds a new question field
-  function addField(content) {
-      // if input is null, add an empty field to the list
-      // include a field removal button
-      var destination = document.getElementById("builder-field");
-      if (content == null) { content = ""; }     
-      var output = '\n<div><a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()"><img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" class="delete-module" align="right" /></a>';
-      output += '<span class="question">' + content + '</span>';
-      output += '<p contenteditable="true" class="editable output" id="custom-field"></p></div>\n';
-      destination.innerHTML += output;
-  }
-  // end BUILDER functions
-  // toggleVisible(id)
-  // Toggles the visibility of a given element by given ID
-  function toggleVisible(id) {
-      var x = document.getElementById(id);
-      if (x.style.display === "none") {
-          x.style.display = "block";
-      } else {
-          x.style.display = "none";
-      }
-  }
-  // classDisplayAll(className, value)
-  // Assigns given display value to all elements with a given className
-  function classDisplayAll(className, value) {
-      var elements = document.getElementsByClassName(className);
-      for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
-          elements[i].style.display = value;
-      } 
-  }
-  // toggleEditMode()
-  // Toggles whether editable fields are editable or not
-  // and removes editing tools.
-  function toggleEditMode() {
-      if (editMode === true) { // switch to preview mode
-          editMode = false;
-          classDisplayAll("section","block");
-          classDisplayAll("button","none");
-          classDisplayAll("question","none");
-          classDisplayAll("delete-module","none");
-          var editableFields = document.getElementsByClassName("editable");  
-          // de-editable-ize the editable fields
-          for (var i = 0; i < editableFields.length; i++) {
-              editableFields[i].contentEditable = "false";
-              editableFields[i].style.borderStyle = "none";
-              // Remove empty fields entirely
-              var content = editableFields[i].innerHTML;
-              content = content.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,''); // strips stray tags
-              if (content === "") {
-                  editableFields[i].style.display = "none";
-              }   
-          }
-          // Remove headers of empty sections
-          // Inefficient! Might be merged with the above iteration
-          var sections = document.getElementsByClassName("section");
-          for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) {
-              var sectionQuestions = sections[i].getElementsByClassName("editable");
-              var blanks = 0;
-              for (var x = 0; x < sectionQuestions.length; x++) {
-                  var content = sectionQuestions[x].innerHTML;
-                  content = content.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,''); // strips stray tags
-                  if (content == "") { blanks++; }
-                  if (blanks == sectionQuestions.length) {
-                      var headerID = "header-s" + (i + 1);
-                      document.getElementById(headerID).style.display = "none";
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-          // Handle links
-          // TKTK
-          // Handle author link
-          var authorName = document.getElementById("author-text").value;
-          var authorURL = document.getElementById("author-url").value;
-          if (authorName != "") {
-              document.getElementById("authorship-words").style.display = "inline";
-              if (authorURL != "") { // both author and URL present                
-                  document.getElementById("authorship-result").innerHTML = "<a href='" + authorURL +"'>" + authorName + "</a>";
-                  document.getElementById("authorship-result").style.display = "inline";
-              } else { // only authorName present
-                  document.getElementById("authorship-result").innerHTML = authorName;
-                  document.getElementById("authorship-result").style.display = "inline";
-              }
-          } else {
-              document.getElementById("authorship").style.display = "none";
-          }
-          // Finally, change button name
-          document.getElementById("editToggle").innerHTML = "Customize";
-      } else { // Switch to editMode
-          editMode = true;
-          classDisplayAll("button","block");
-          classDisplayAll("question","block");
-          classDisplayAll("editable","block");
-          classDisplayAll("header","block");
-          classDisplayAll("section","none");
-          classDisplayAll("link-text","inline");
-          classDisplayAll("link-url","inline");
-          classDisplayAll("delete-module","inline");
-          // link handling TKTK
-          // author handling
-          document.getElementById("authorship-result").style.display = "none";
-          document.getElementById("authorship-words").style.display = "none";
-          document.getElementById("authorship").style.display = "block";
-          // make all editable fields visible
-          var editableFields = document.getElementsByClassName("editable");
-          for (var i = 0; i < editableFields.length; i++) {
-              editableFields[i].style.borderStyle = "none none dashed none";
-              editableFields[i].contentEditable = "true";
-          }
-          // Change button name
-          document.getElementById("editToggle").innerHTML = "Preview";
-      }
-  }
-  // toggleDisplayMode()
-  // toggles full displayMode, the Rule-only display for a published Rule
-  // first, initialize variable:
-  var displayMode = false;
-  function toggleDisplayMode() {
-      if (displayMode == false) {
-          editMode = true;
-          toggleEditMode(); // turns off editMode
-          classDisplayAll("site-nav","none");
-          classDisplayAll("post-header","none");
-          classDisplayAll("site-footer","none");
-          document.getElementById("attribution").style.display = "block";
-          document.getElementById("toggleDisplayMode").style.display = "inline-block";
-          document.getElementById("publishRule").style.display = "none";
-          document.getElementById("trash").style.display = "inline-block";
-          displayMode = true;
-      } else {
-          toggleEditMode() // turns on editMode
-          classDisplayAll("site-nav","block");
-          classDisplayAll("post-header","block");
-          classDisplayAll("site-footer","block");
-          document.getElementById("attribution").style.display = "none";
-          document.getElementById("toggleDisplayMode").style.display = "none";
-          document.getElementById("publishRule").style.display = "inline-block";
-          document.getElementById("trash").style.display = "none";
-          displayMode = false;
-      }
-  }
-  // textOutput()
-  // Produces Markdown rendition of Rule from Export button
-  function textOutput() {
-      var filename = 'GOVERNANCE.md';
-      // First, add title, whether there is one or not
-      var content = '# '+ document.getElementById('communityname').innerHTML + '\n\n';
-      content = content.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,''); // strips stray tags
-      // Now, begin adding other elements
-      var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('output');
-      for (var i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) {
-          var thisBit = elements[i].innerHTML;
-          thisBit = thisBit.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,''); // strips stray tags
-          if (thisBit != "") {
-              if (elements[i].classList.contains("subhead")) {
-                  // Before printing subhead, make sure it's not empty
-                  var i2 = i + 1;
-                  while ((i2 < elements.length) &&
-                         (!(elements[i2].classList.contains("subhead")))) {
-                      if (elements[i2].innerHTML != "") {
-                          // in this case, it's not empty, so print and move on
-                          content += '## ';
-                          content += thisBit + '\n\n';
-                          break;
-                      } else { i2++; }
-                  } // won't print anything if a subhead has only empty children
-              } else {
-                  // Non-subhead elements can just go ahead and print
-                  content += thisBit + '\n\n';
-              }
-          }
-      }
-      // Add authorship block
-      var authorName = document.getElementById("author-text").value;
-      var authorURL = document.getElementById("author-url").value;
-      var authorshipBlock = "---\n\nCreated by ";
-      if (authorName != "") {
-          if (authorURL != "") { // both author and URL present                
-              authorshipBlock += ("[" + authorName + "](" + authorURL + ")");
-          } else { // only authorName present
-              authorshipBlock += authorName;
-          }
-          content += (authorshipBlock + "\n");
-      } 
-      // Add attribution block
-      content += document.getElementById('attributionMD').innerHTML;
-      // Starting here, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/33542499
-      var blob = new Blob([content], {type: 'text/plain'});
-      if(window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
-          window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
-      }
-      else{
-          var elem = window.document.createElement('a');
-          elem.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
-          elem.download = filename;
-          document.body.appendChild(elem);
-          elem.click();
-          document.body.removeChild(elem);
-          URL.revokeObjectURL(); // This needs an arg but I can't figure out what
-      }
-      var myFile = new Blob([fileContent], {type: 'text/plain'});
-      window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; document.getElementById('download').setAttribute('href',window.URL.createObjectURL(myFile));
-      document.getElementById('download').setAttribute('download', fileName);
-  }
-  // BEGIN Publish tools, via SteinHQ.com
-  // publishRule()
-  // Publishes existing fields to new page, /create/?rule=[ruleID]
-  // Opens new page in Display mode
-  function publishRule() {
-      // Confirm user knows what they're getting into
-      var r = confirm("Publish to the public Library?");
-      if (r == false) { return; }
-      // Proceed with publication
-      var now = new Date();
-      // Numerical ID for published Rule
-      var timeID = now.getTime();
-      // Readable UTC timestamp
-      var dateTime = now.getUTCFullYear()+'.'+(now.getUTCMonth()+1)+'.'+now.getUTCDate()
-          +' '+now.getUTCHours()+":"+ now.getUTCMinutes()+":"+now.getUTCSeconds()
-          + ' UTC';
-      // TKTK: Check if ruleID exists; while yes, replace and repeat
-      var rule = [{
-          ruleID: timeID,
-          timestamp: dateTime,
-      }];
-      var fields = document.getElementsByClassName("editable");
-      for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
-          var key = fields[i].id;
-          var value = "";
-          if (fields[i].nodeName == "INPUT") { // for <input>
-              value = fields[i].value.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
-          } else { // for other fields
-              value = fields[i].innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
-          }
-          rule[0][key] = value;
-      }
-      const store = new SteinStore(
-          "https://api.steinhq.com/v1/storages/5e8b937ab88d3d04ae0816a5"
-      );
-      store.append("rules", rule).then(data => {
-          window.open("/create/?r=" + timeID, "_self", false);
-      });
-  }
-  // displayRule(ID)
-  // Displays content based on ID
-  function displayRule(ID) {
-      const store = new SteinStore(
-          "https://api.steinhq.com/v1/storages/5e8b937ab88d3d04ae0816a5"
-      );     
-      store.read("rules", { search: { ruleID: ID } }).then(data => {
-          // only runs when we have the data from Goog:
-          var rule = data[0];
-          var fields = document.getElementsByClassName("editable");
-          for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
-              var key = fields[i].id;
-              var value = rule[key];
-              if (typeof value === "undefined") {
-                  value = "";
-              } else if (key.includes("-")) { // links
-                  document.getElementById(key).value = value;
-              } else {
-                  document.getElementById(key).innerHTML = value;
-              }
-          }
-          // Publish timestamp to Rule
-          document.getElementById('dateTime').innerHTML = rule['timestamp'];
-          // Finish
-          displayMode = false;
-          toggleDisplayMode();
-          document.title = rule['communityname'] + " / CommunityRule";
-      });
-  }
-  // deleteRule()
-  // A temporary placeholder that sends an email requesting rule deletion
-  function deleteRule() {
-      var urlParamz = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);      
-      var rID = urlParamz.get('r');
-      window.open("mailto:medlab@colorado.edu?subject=Delete Rule request ("
-                  + rID + ")&body=Please explain your rationale:\n");
-  }
-  // END Publish tools
-  // FINALLY, Page loading
-  // First, grab the current URL
-  var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
-  // Determine if it is a published Rule
-  if (urlParams.has('r')) {
-      // If so, grab the Rule from database and enter displayMode
-      var rID = urlParams.get('r');
-      displayRule(rID);
-  } else {
-      // Otherwise, open in editMode as default
-      var editMode = true;
-      // switch out of editMode in special cases
-      window.onload = function() {
-          if ((window.location.href.indexOf("/templates/") != -1) ||
-              (window.location.href.indexOf("/about/") != -1)) {
-              toggleEditMode();
-          }
-      }
-  }  
-<article class="post">
-  <header class="post-header">
-    <h1 class="post-title" id="title">      
-        {{ page.title }}
-    </h1>
-    <button class="pushButton" id="editToggle" onclick="toggleEditMode()">
-      Preview</button>
-  <div class="post-content">    
-    {{ content }}
-  </div>
-  </header>
-  <div id="rulebox">
-    <span class="question">What is the community’s name?</span>
-    <h1 contenteditable="true" class="editable output" id="communityname">{{ page.community-name }}</h1>
-    <!-- BUILDER -->
-    <div ondrop="drop(event)" ondragover="allowDrop(event)"
-         class="modulebox" id="module-input">
-      <span class="question" id="drag-directions">
-        Drag modules from the icon at right</span>      
-      <div class="button">
-        <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/tool.svg %}" title="Modules" />
-        <div class="tooltiptext" id="module-menu">
-          <!-- Customizable module -->
-          <span class="module" id="module-custom"
-                draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)">
-			<input contenteditable="true" placeholder="Custom..." />
-            <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg %}"
-                 draggable="false" />
-		    <a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()" class="delete-module"
-			   style="display:none">
-			  <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" /></a>
-		  </span>
-		  <!-- Load preset modules from _data/modules.csv -->
-		  {% for module in site.data.modules %}
-		  <span class="module fixed" id="module-{{ module.id }}"
-			  draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)">
-		    <span>{{ module.name }}</span>
-		  <a target="_blank" href="{{ module.url }}">
-			<img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/link.svg %}"
-				 draggable="false" /></a>
-		  <a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()" class="delete-module"
-			 style="display:none">
-			<img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" /></a>
-		  </span>
-          {% endfor %}
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="builder-field">
-    </div>
-  <div id="authorship" class="linkbox">
-    <span id="authorship-words">Created by</span>
-    <input contenteditable="true" class="editable link-text" id="author-text" placeholder="Created by" />
-    <span class="link-divider"><img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/pencil.svg %}" title="Add link" /></span>
-    <input contenteditable="true" class="editable link-url" id="author-url" placeholder="Creator URL (http://, https://)" type="url" pattern="http://.*|https://.*" />
-    <span id="authorship-result"></span>
-  </div>
-  </div><!--#rulebox-->
-  <div id="attribution" style="display:none;">
-    <br />
-    <p><a href="https://communityrule.info">
-        <img src="https://communityrule.info{% link assets/CommunityRule-derived-000000.svg %}" alt="CommunityRule derived"></a></p>
-    <p id="dateTime"></p>
-    <p>Created with <a href="https://communityrule.info">CommunityRule</a><br />
-      <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons BY-SA</a></p>
-    <p><strong>The Publish feature is experimental. Rules may be removed without notice</strong></p>
-  </div>
-  <div id="attributionMD" style="display:none;">
-[![CommunityRule derived](https://communityrule.info{% link assets/CommunityRule-derived-000000.svg %})](https://communityrule.info)
-[Creative Commons BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)</div>
-  <button class="pushButton" id="publishRule" onclick="publishRule()"
-    title="Add to the public Library">Publish</button>
-  <button class="pushButton" id="toggleDisplayMode" onclick="toggleDisplayMode()"
-    title="Edit this Rule into a new one">Fork</button>
-  <button class="pushButton" onclick="textOutput()"
-    title="Download this Rule as a Markdown text file">Export</button>
-  <button class="pushButton" id="trash" onclick="deleteRule()">
-    <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/trash.svg %}" title="Rule deletion request" />
-  </button>
-  <button class="pushButton"
-          onclick="javascript:location.href='https://www.colorado.edu/lab/medlab/content/communityrule-user-feedback'">
-    Feedback
-  </button>
-  <span class="question">Publish and Export are not yet available for the RuleBuilder</span>

+ 94 - 3

@@ -8,6 +8,57 @@ layout: default
   // Enter JavaScript-land!
   // Enter JavaScript-land!
   // First, some functions, followed by initialization commands
   // First, some functions, followed by initialization commands
+  // Begin BUILDER functions
+  // source: https://www.codecanal.com/html5-drag-and-copy/
+  function allowDrop(ev) {
+      ev.preventDefault();
+  }
+  function drag(ev) {
+      ev.dataTransfer.setData("text", ev.target.id);
+  }
+  function drop(ev) {
+      ev.preventDefault();
+      var target = ev.target;
+      // Prevents dropping into text field
+      if (target.id == "drag-directions") {
+          target = target.parentElement;
+      }
+      // Set up transfer
+      var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text");
+      // Iff module is from the menu clone it
+      var module = document.getElementById(data);
+      if (module.parentElement.id == "module-menu") {
+          module = module.cloneNode(true);
+          // Add a corresponding text field
+          var name = module.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,'');
+          var query = "Explain how the <strong>" + name + "</strong> module works.";
+          addField(query);
+      }
+      // append name
+      module.id += "-dropped";
+      // display the deletion button
+      module.children[2].style.display = "inline";
+      // pop it in!
+      target.appendChild(module);
+      // be sure the dummy text is gone
+      document.getElementById("drag-directions").style.display = "none";
+      // Send field contents to console to aid in database stuff
+      console.log(document.getElementById("module-input"));   
+  }
+  // Adds a new question field
+  function addField(content) {
+      // if input is null, add an empty field to the list
+      // include a field removal button
+      var destination = document.getElementById("builder-field");
+      if (content == null) { content = ""; }     
+      var output = '\n<div><a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()"><img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" class="delete-module" align="right" /></a>';
+      output += '<span class="question">' + content + '</span>';
+      output += '<p contenteditable="true" class="editable output" id="custom-field"></p></div>\n';
+      destination.innerHTML += output;
+  }
+  // end BUILDER functions
   // toggleVisible(id)
   // toggleVisible(id)
   // Toggles the visibility of a given element by given ID
   // Toggles the visibility of a given element by given ID
   function toggleVisible(id) {
   function toggleVisible(id) {
@@ -37,6 +88,7 @@ layout: default
+          classDisplayAll("delete-module","none");
           var editableFields = document.getElementsByClassName("editable");  
           var editableFields = document.getElementsByClassName("editable");  
           // de-editable-ize the editable fields
           // de-editable-ize the editable fields
           for (var i = 0; i < editableFields.length; i++) {
           for (var i = 0; i < editableFields.length; i++) {
@@ -93,6 +145,7 @@ layout: default
+          classDisplayAll("delete-module","inline");
           // link handling TKTK
           // link handling TKTK
           // author handling
           // author handling
           document.getElementById("authorship-result").style.display = "none";
           document.getElementById("authorship-result").style.display = "none";
@@ -205,7 +258,7 @@ layout: default
   // BEGIN Publish tools, via SteinHQ.com
   // BEGIN Publish tools, via SteinHQ.com
   // publishRule()
   // publishRule()
-  // Publishes existing fields to new page, /create/?rule=[ruleID]
+  // Publishes existing fields to new page, /builder/?rule=[ruleID]
   // Opens new page in Display mode
   // Opens new page in Display mode
   function publishRule() {
   function publishRule() {
       // Confirm user knows what they're getting into
       // Confirm user knows what they're getting into
@@ -327,7 +380,44 @@ layout: default
     <span class="question">What is the community’s name?</span>
     <span class="question">What is the community’s name?</span>
     <h1 contenteditable="true" class="editable output" id="communityname">{{ page.community-name }}</h1>
     <h1 contenteditable="true" class="editable output" id="communityname">{{ page.community-name }}</h1>
+    <!-- BUILDER -->
+    <div ondrop="drop(event)" ondragover="allowDrop(event)"
+         class="modulebox" id="module-input">
+      <span class="question" id="drag-directions">
+        Drag modules from the icon at right</span>      
+      <div class="button">
+        <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/tool.svg %}" title="Modules" />
+        <div class="tooltiptext" id="module-menu">
+          <!-- Customizable module -->
+          <span class="module" id="module-custom"
+                draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)">
+			<input contenteditable="true" placeholder="Custom..." />
+            <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/bulb.svg %}"
+                 draggable="false" />
+		    <a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()" class="delete-module"
+			   style="display:none">
+			  <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" /></a>
+		  </span>
+		  <!-- Load preset modules from _data/modules.csv -->
+		  {% for module in site.data.modules %}
+		  <span class="module fixed" id="module-{{ module.id }}"
+			  draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)">
+		    <span>{{ module.name }}</span>
+		  <a target="_blank" href="{{ module.url }}">
+			<img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/link.svg %}"
+				 draggable="false" /></a>
+		  <a onclick="this.parentNode.remove()" class="delete-module"
+			 style="display:none">
+			<img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/x.svg %}" /></a>
+		  </span>
+          {% endfor %}
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div id="builder-field">
+    </div>
     <!-- SECTION S1: BASICS -->
     <!-- SECTION S1: BASICS -->
     <h2 id="header-s1" class="header">
     <h2 id="header-s1" class="header">
       <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg %}"
       <img src="{% link assets/tabler_icons/info-circle.svg %}"
@@ -464,7 +554,6 @@ layout: default
 [Creative Commons BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)</div>
 [Creative Commons BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)</div>
   <button class="pushButton" id="publishRule" onclick="publishRule()"
   <button class="pushButton" id="publishRule" onclick="publishRule()"
     title="Add to the public Library">Publish</button>
     title="Add to the public Library">Publish</button>
   <button class="pushButton" id="toggleDisplayMode" onclick="toggleDisplayMode()"
   <button class="pushButton" id="toggleDisplayMode" onclick="toggleDisplayMode()"
@@ -478,6 +567,8 @@ layout: default
+  <div class="question">Publish and Export are not yet available for the modules and associated fields</div>

+ 4 - 1

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
   padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
   padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
   margin-bottom: 15px;
   margin-bottom: 15px;
   text-align: center;
   text-align: center;
-  min-height: 150px;
+  min-height: 50px;
 .module {
 .module {
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@
 .module a:hover {
 .module a:hover {
+.delete-module {
+    cursor: pointer;
 /* pushButton
 /* pushButton
 These are the major functional buttons*/
 These are the major functional buttons*/

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Benevolent dictator
 title: Benevolent dictator
 permalink: /templates/benevolent-dictator/
 permalink: /templates/benevolent-dictator/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/eye.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/eye.svg

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Circles
 title: Circles
 permalink: /templates/circles/
 permalink: /templates/circles/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/circle.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/circle.svg

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Do-ocracy
 title: Do-ocracy
 permalink: /templates/do-ocracy/
 permalink: /templates/do-ocracy/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/lock-open.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/lock-open.svg

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Elected board
 title: Elected board
 permalink: /templates/elected-board/
 permalink: /templates/elected-board/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/user-check.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/user-check.svg

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Jury
 title: Jury
 permalink: /templates/jury/
 permalink: /templates/jury/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/friends.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/friends.svg

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Petition
 title: Petition
 permalink: /templates/petition/
 permalink: /templates/petition/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/clipboard-list.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/clipboard-list.svg

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Self-appointed board
 title: Self-appointed board
 permalink: /templates/self-appointed-board/
 permalink: /templates/self-appointed-board/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/user-plus.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/user-plus.svg

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-layout: rule
+layout: writer
 title: Trias politica
 title: Trias politica
 permalink: /templates/trias-politica/
 permalink: /templates/trias-politica/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/dots.svg
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/dots.svg

+ 2 - 2
rule-writer.md → create.md

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 layout: rule
 layout: rule
-title: RuleWriter
-permalink: /rule-writer/
+title: Create
+permalink: /create/

+ 1 - 1

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ permalink: /
     <div class="callout-text">
     <div class="callout-text">
-        <a href="{% link rule-writer.md %}">Start from scratch</a> or <a href="{% link rule-picker.md %}">choose a template</a>
+        <a href="{% link create.md %}">Start from scratch</a> or <a href="{% link templates.md %}">choose a template</a>
     <div class="callout-icon">
     <div class="callout-icon">

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-layout: build
-title: RuleBuilder
-permalink: /rule-builder/
-Build your Rule by dragging modules in the area below.

+ 2 - 2
rule-picker.md → templates.md

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 layout: page
 layout: page
-title: RulePicker
-permalink: /rule-picker/
+title: Templates
+permalink: /templates/
 {% for rule in site.templates %}
 {% for rule in site.templates %}