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+layout: rule
+title: Trias politica
+permalink: /rules/jury/
+values: Any source of authority should be kept in check through a separation of powers.
+structure: Three distinct and countervailing entities carry out executive, legislative, and judicial functions, respectively.
+decision: A 5-member board is responsible for maintaining the list of community policies. To adopt a change to the policies, it must receive win approval from 3 board members. Community members elect the board annually.
+implementation: An administrator is responsible for implementing community policies, or delegating the implementation thereof. Community members elect the administrator annually.
+oversight: A 3-member court can act on community-member complaints. If a policy is found to contradict this Rule, the court can overrule it with 2 votes. If the administrator is found to be failing to implement a policy or this Rule, the court can remove the administrator and call a new election to finish the term. Upon completing an annual term, the administrator may appoint one court member, replacing the longest-serving one.
+limits: No one member may hold a role on the board, administration, or court simultaneously. Each elected role may be held subsequently for no more than two terms.
+modification: Changes to this Rule require 4 votes from the board and 2 votes from the court.