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Changes to the structure of Create questions and variables

Nathan Schneider 5 years ago

+ 4 - 4

@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ community-name:
 structure: One community member, the benevolent dictator for life (BDFL), holds ultimate decision-making power while seeking to represent a balance of the views and the best interests of the community as a whole.
 removal: The BDFL can remove misbehaving members at will for the sake of the common good.
-decisions: The BDFL sets the community's policies and makes decisions for the community, taking reasonable account of input from other community members.
+decision: The BDFL sets the community's policies and makes decisions for the community, taking reasonable account of input from other community members.
 deliberation: Community members are free to discuss and debate community policies, practices, and culture.
 implementation: The BDFL is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions.
 oversight: If members are not happy with the BDFL's leadership, they are free to voice their concerns or leave the community.
 limits: In the event that the BDFL is unable or unwilling to continue leadership, the BDFL may appoint a new BDFL or choose to alter the governance structure entirely.
-evolution: The BDFL can change the governance structure of the community at will.
+modification: The BDFL can change the governance structure of the community at will.

+ 4 - 4

@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ name:
 structure: An annually elected board of no more than 5 members determines policies and implements them.
+rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
-decisions: Each year, on $DATE, members vote on nominees for board positions. The 5 nominees with the largest number of votes become board members for the subsequent year. Current board members propose and vote on agreements by a secret ballot. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
+decision: Each year, on $DATE, members vote on nominees for board positions. The 5 nominees with the largest number of votes become board members for the subsequent year. Current board members propose and vote on agreements by a secret ballot. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
 implementation: Board members or their designees are responsible for implementing agreements, and the board should have access to the means to implement the agreements that it has approved.
 oversight: Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may seek to replace board members at the next election.
 limits: Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.
-rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
-evolution: Changes to this Rule require 51% of the board to approve a referendum circulated to the entire community. The change passes if it receives 2/3 approval of all who vote after $NUMBER days.
+modification: Changes to this Rule require 51% of the board to approve a referendum circulated to the entire community. The change passes if it receives 2/3 approval of all who vote after $NUMBER days.

+ 4 - 4

@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ community-name:
 values: Any community member has the right and responsibility to evaluate others' behavior.
 structure: Agreements are implemented through ad hoc juries made up of randomly selected members. A community administrator oversees the process and has the capacity to remove community members.
+rights: This community regards the Contributor Covenant ( as its body of policies.
 removal: A member found by a jury to have broken an agreement once receives a warning. The second time, the member is suspended for one week. The third time, the member is suspended for one year, after which the process resets at the second stage.
-decisions: When a complaint about a community member is submitted to the administrator, a jury is formed to determine whether a violation has occurred. Juries consist of 5 community members selected at random for each complaint. If at least 4 members concur that the complaint accurately reflects the community agreements, the complaint triggers the appropriate consequence.
+decision: When a complaint about a community member is submitted to the administrator, a jury is formed to determine whether a violation has occurred. Juries consist of 5 community members selected at random for each complaint. If at least 4 members concur that the complaint accurately reflects the community agreements, the complaint triggers the appropriate consequence.
 implementation: The community administrator is responsible for administering the jury process and carrying out the juries' conclusions.
 oversight: The community administrator monitors the jury processes to ensure they appear fair.
 limits: Jury members serve only one complaint at a time.
-agreements: This community regards the Contributor Covenant ( as its body of agreements.

+ 4 - 4

@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ community-name:
 values: Every member's voice should have the chance to be heard in decision making.
 structure: All members have potentially equal voice in a direct democracy. Volunteer community administrators, who are invited by other administrators, carry out the community's decisions.
+rights: All members have the right to initiate peitions, sign them, and vote in resulting referendums.
 removal: A member may be removed if a petition for their removal passes.
-decisions: All policies and governance actions in the community are initiated by petition. Any member can start a petition. If $NUMBER percent of the membership signs it, the content of the petition becomes a referendum in which all members are invited to vote. If 2/3 of the votes are in favor of the petition after 1 week, it passes.
+decision: All policies and governance actions in the community are initiated by petition. Any member can start a petition. If $NUMBER percent of the membership signs it, the content of the petition becomes a referendum in which all members are invited to vote. If 2/3 of the votes are in favor of the petition after 1 week, it passes.
 deliberation: When a petition goes before the community, the petitioner must organize at least one synchronous discussion session open to all members in the first half of the voting period.
 implementation: Administrators are responsible for carrying out the outcomes of the petition process.
 oversight: The petition process may be used to remove administrators if they are deemed non-compliant with community policies, and the petition process may also be used to reverse the outcomes of previous processes.
 limits: Administrators reserve the right to refrain from implementing decisions they regard as infeasible.
-rights: All members have the right to initiate peitions, sign them, and vote in resulting referendums.
-evolution: The petition process may be used to modify this Rule.
+modification: The petition process may be used to modify this Rule.

+ 4 - 4

@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ name:
 structure: An annually self-appointed board of no more than 5 members determines policies and implements them.
+rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
-decisions: Each year, on $DATE, current board members elect the board members for the subsequent year. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
+decision: Each year, on $DATE, current board members elect the board members for the subsequent year. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
 implementation: Board members or their designees are responsible for implementing agreements, and the board should have access to the means to implement the agreements that it has approved.
 oversight: Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may voice their concerns to individual board members or in the community at large.
 limits: Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.
-rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
-evolution: Changes to this Rule require 2/3 approval of the board.
+modification: Changes to this Rule require 2/3 approval of the board.

+ 14 - 16

@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ layout: default
     {{ page.structure }}
+  <span class="question">What are the basic rights that this Rule guarantees?</span>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.rights }}
+  </p>
   <h2 id="members">Members</h2>
   <span class="question">How does someone become a member?</span>
@@ -116,15 +121,15 @@ layout: default
   <h2 id="stewards">Stewards</h2>
-  <span class="question">Who has the capacity to make and change agreements, and how are they chosen?</span>
+  <span class="question">Who has the capacity to decide on our policies, and how do they do so?</span>
   <div class="tooltip">Modules
     <span class="tooltiptext"><a href="">disapproval voting</a>, <a href="">do-ocracy</a>, <a href="">holographic consensus</a>, <a href="">referendum</a>, <a href="">representation</a>, <a href="">sortition</a></span>
   <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-    {{ page.decisions }}
+    {{ page.decision }}
-  <span class="question">Where do stewards and community members deliberate about potential agreements?</span>
+  <span class="question">Where do stewards and community members deliberate about potential policies?</span>
   <div class="tooltip">Modules
     <span class="tooltiptext"><a href="">caucus</a>, <a href="">coalition</a>, <a href="">board</a>, <a href="">debate</a>, <a href="">lobbying</a>, <a href="">recess</a>, <a href="">secrecy</a>, <a href="">transparency</a></span>
@@ -132,7 +137,7 @@ layout: default
     {{ page.deliberation }}
-  <span class="question">How are the agreements implemented?</span>
+  <span class="question">How are policies implemented?</span>
   <div class="tooltip">Modules
     <span class="tooltiptext"><a href="">exclusion</a>, <a href="">lazy consensus</a>, <a href="">restorative justice</a></span>
@@ -156,23 +161,16 @@ layout: default
     {{ page.limits }}
-  <h2 id="agreements">Agreements</h2>
+  <h2 id="evolution">Evolution</h2>
-  <span class="question">What are the basic rights inscribed in this Rule?</span>
+  <span class="question">Where do we maintain our policies and records?</span>
   <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-    {{ page.rights }}
+    {{ page.records }}
-  <span class="question">Where do we keep our additional agreements?</span>
-  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-    {{ page.agreements }}
-  </p>
-  <h2 id="evolution">Evolution</h2>
-  <span class="question">How can this Rule be changed?</span>
+  <span class="question">How can this Rule be modified?</span>
   <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-    {{ page.evolution }}
+    {{ page.modification }}
   <p><br /></p>

+ 4 - 4

@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ community-name: