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Updated _templates/*.md with new Rule structure

Nathan Schneider 4 years ago

+ 19 - 4

@@ -5,17 +5,32 @@ permalink: /templates/benevolent-dictator/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/eye.svg
+structure: One community member, the benevolent dictator for life (BDFL), holds ultimate decision-making power while seeking to represent a balance of the views and the best interests of the community as a whole.
-structure: One community member, the benevolent dictator for life (BDFL), holds ultimate decision-making power while seeking to represent a balance of the views and the best interests of the community as a whole.
 membership: Membership is open to anyone who wants to join.
 removal: The BDFL can remove misbehaving members at will for the sake of the common good.
+limits: In the event that the BDFL is unable or unwilling to continue leadership, the BDFL may appoint a new BDFL or choose to alter the governance structure entirely.
 decision: The BDFL sets the community's policies and makes decisions for the community, taking reasonable account of input from other community members.
-deliberation: Community members are free to discuss and debate community policies, practices, and culture.
 implementation: The BDFL is responsible for implementing—or delegating implementation of—policies and other decisions.
 oversight: If members are not happy with the BDFL's leadership, they are free to voice their concerns or leave the community.
-limits: In the event that the BDFL is unable or unwilling to continue leadership, the BDFL may appoint a new BDFL or choose to alter the governance structure entirely.
+deliberation: Community members are free to discuss and debate community policies, practices, and culture.
 modification: The BDFL can change the governance structure of the community at will.

+ 19 - 4

@@ -5,17 +5,32 @@ permalink: /templates/circles/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/circle.svg
 structure: Activities are carried out through individual Roles and small groups called Circles, which have the ability to decide and act on matters in their domain. Representatives of Circles meet in a Council to coordinate efforts and determine the domains of each Circle.
 values: The purpose of this structure is to empower individuals and small groups to act in their domains of expertise in ways that are accountable to the larger group.
 membership: To join the community, a person must request membership in a particular Circle, and the Circle's members can respond as they see fit.
-decision: Policies are determined by consent within the Circle assigned to the relevant domain. Consent means that no more than one-tenth of the relevant group presents a serious objection to a policy. Circles may be self-organized among members, provided they do not overlap with the domains of other Circles. In a Council, made up of one representative from each Circle, changes may be made by consent over the Circles' domains. Circles may also elect members to Roles by consent, thus assigning them to oversee specific sub-domains.
-deliberation: Circles and the Council should establish regular meetings at which they coordinate their activities and adjudicate conflicts over domains.
+roles: Each Circle chooses one representative to the Council.
+limits: Circles should rotate their representative to the Council at each Council meeting so that every member of the Circle has an equal opportunity to participate.
+decision: Policies are determined by consent within the Circle assigned to the relevant domain. Consent means that no more than one-tenth of the relevant group presents a serious objection to a policy. Circles may be self-organized among members, provided they do not overlap with the domains of other Circles. In a Council, changes may be made by consent over the Circles' domains. Circles may also elect members to Roles by consent, thus assigning them to oversee specific sub-domains.
 implementation: Circles, as well as individual Role-holders, are responsible for implementing the decisions they make over their respective domains.
 oversight: Circles should evaluate the actions of the Role-holders within them, and the Council should evaluate the Circles within it.
-limits: Circles should rotate their representative to the Council at each Council meeting so that every member of the Circle has an equal opportunity to participate.
+deliberation: Circles and the Council should establish regular meetings at which they coordinate their activities and adjudicate conflicts over domains.
 modification: The Council may modify this Rule by consent.

+ 15 - 3

@@ -5,20 +5,32 @@ permalink: /templates/do-ocracy/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/lock-open.svg
 structure: Those who take initiative to do work for the community can decide how they do that work. If any community members hold serious concerns, they can start a proposal to halt what someone is doing.
 values: This community shares a bias for action and a commitment to empowering and encouraging its members. Exceptions should be on the basis of serious ethical or moral concerns, not disagreements. Do-ers should keep in mind the best interests of the community as a whole and consult with community members when those interests are not clear.
-rights: Members have a right to decide how they make their contributions, while other members have the right to object on the basis of serious concerns.
 membership: A member is anyone who has actively contributed to the community's mission within the past year.
 removal: If a member believes another member is not respecting the serious concerns of others, a proposal for removal may be submitted. The proposal goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, the offending member is removed.
+limits: If a member exhibits disregard for others' serious concerns, they can be removed from the community.
+rights: Members have a right to decide how they make their contributions, while other members have the right to object on the basis of serious concerns.
 decision: Individual members and subgroups can decide what and how they want to contribute to the community, reasonably respecting the community's precedent and the expressed opinions of others.
 implementation: Community members are responsible for carrying out their own initiatives, and they will not expect any other members to do so, except by those members' own volition.
 oversight: If another member holds serious ethical or moral concerns, that member can create a proposal stating clearly what actions should be prohibited. The proposal goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and becomes a policy for the community.
-limits: If a member exhibits disregard for others' serious concerns, they can be removed from the community.
 modification: A proposal to change this Rule goes for a vote before all members for 1 week. If at least 2/3 of voting members agree with the proposal, it passes and the Rule changes accordingly.

+ 15 - 2

@@ -4,21 +4,34 @@ title: Elected board
 permalink: /templates/elected-board/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/user-check.svg
 structure: An annually elected board of no more than 5 members determines policies and implements them.
-rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
 membership: The board's policies determine the criteria for membership.
 removal: The board may choose to remove a member if at least 51% of board members vote for removal.
+rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
 decision: Each year, members vote on nominees for board positions. The 5 nominees with the largest number of votes become board members for the subsequent year. Current board members propose and vote on agreements by a secret ballot. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
 implementation: Board members or their designees are responsible for implementing agreements, and the board should have access to the means to implement the agreements that it has approved.
 oversight: Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may seek to replace board members at the next election.
 limits: Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.
 modification: Changes to this Rule require 51% of the board to approve a referendum circulated to the entire community. The change passes if it receives 2/3 approval of all who vote after one week.

+ 18 - 3

@@ -5,16 +5,31 @@ permalink: /templates/jury/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/friends.svg
+structure: Agreements are implemented through ad hoc juries made up of randomly selected members. A community administrator oversees the process and has the capacity to remove community members.
 values: Any community member has the right and responsibility to evaluate others' behavior.
-structure: Agreements are implemented through ad hoc juries made up of randomly selected members. A community administrator oversees the process and has the capacity to remove community members.
-rights: This community regards the Contributor Covenant ( as its body of policies.
 removal: A member found by a jury to have broken an agreement once receives a warning. The second time, the member is suspended for one week. The third time, the member is suspended for one year, after which the process resets at the second stage.
+limits: Jury members serve only one complaint at a time.
+rights: This community regards the Contributor Covenant ( as its body of policies.
 decision: When a complaint about a community member is submitted to the administrator, a jury is formed to determine whether a violation has occurred. Juries consist of 5 community members selected at random for each complaint. If at least 4 members concur that the complaint accurately reflects the community agreements, the complaint triggers the appropriate consequence.
 implementation: The community administrator is responsible for administering the jury process and carrying out the juries' conclusions.
 oversight: The community administrator monitors the jury processes to ensure they appear fair.
-limits: Jury members serve only one complaint at a time.
 modification: A special jury may be called to consider a proposed modification to this Rule, and all jury members must agree to the modification for it to pass.

+ 14 - 3

@@ -6,20 +6,31 @@ icon: /assets/tabler_icons/clipboard-list.svg
 structure: All members have potentially equal voice in a direct democracy. Volunteer community administrators, who are invited by other administrators, carry out the community's decisions.
 values: Every member's voice should have the chance to be heard in decision making.
-rights: All members have the right to initiate peitions, sign them, and vote in resulting referendums.
 membership: Anyone may in principle become a member, but administrators can prevent someone from joining if they have reason to suspect bad faith.
 removal: A member may be removed if a petition for their removal passes.
+limits: Administrators reserve the right to refrain from implementing decisions they regard as infeasible.
+rights: All members have the right to initiate peitions, sign them, and vote in resulting referendums.
 decision: All policies and governance actions in the community are initiated by petition. Any member can start a petition. If 1/3 of the membership signs it, the content of the petition becomes a referendum in which all members are invited to vote. If at least 2/3 of the votes are in favor of the petition after 1 week, it passes.
-deliberation: When a petition goes before the community, the petitioner must organize at least one synchronous discussion session open to all members in the first half of the voting period.
 implementation: Administrators are responsible for carrying out the outcomes of the petition process.
 oversight: The petition process may be used to remove administrators if they are deemed non-compliant with community policies, and the petition process may also be used to reverse the outcomes of previous processes.
-limits: Administrators reserve the right to refrain from implementing decisions they regard as infeasible.
+deliberation: When a petition goes before the community, the petitioner must organize at least one synchronous discussion session open to all members in the first half of the voting period.
 modification: The petition process may be used to modify this Rule.

+ 16 - 4

@@ -4,21 +4,33 @@ title: Self-appointed board
 permalink: /templates/self-appointed-board/
 icon: /assets/tabler_icons/user-plus.svg
 structure: An annually self-appointed board of no more than 5 members determines policies and implements them.
-rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
 membership: The board's policies determine the criteria for membership.
 removal: The board may choose to remove a member if at least 51% of board members vote for removal.
+roles: Each year current board members elect the board members for the subsequent year.
+limits: Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.
-decision: Each year current board members elect the board members for the subsequent year. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
+rights: The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
+decision: At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become a community agreement.
 implementation: Board members or their designees are responsible for implementing agreements, and the board should have access to the means to implement the agreements that it has approved.
 oversight: Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may voice their concerns to individual board members or in the community at large.
-limits: Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.
 modification: Changes to this Rule require 2/3 approval of the board.

+ 10 - 2

@@ -6,19 +6,27 @@ icon: /assets/tabler_icons/dots.svg
 structure: Three distinct and countervailing entities carry out executive, legislative, and judicial functions, respectively.
 values: Any source of authority should be kept in check through a separation of powers.
 membership: New members may join according to the community's policies.
 removal: The executive may remove a member for violating the community's policies at least twice.
+limits: No one member may hold a role on the board, administration, or court simultaneously. Each elected role may be held subsequently for no more than two terms.
 decision: A 5-member board is responsible for maintaining the list of community policies. To adopt a change to the policies, it must receive win approval from 3 board members. Community members elect the board annually.
 implementation: An administrator is responsible for implementing community policies, or delegating the implementation thereof. Community members elect the administrator annually.
 oversight: A 3-member court can act on community-member complaints. If a policy is found to contradict this Rule, the court can overrule it with 2 votes. If the administrator is found to be failing to implement a policy or this Rule, the court can remove the administrator and call a new election to finish the term. Upon completing an annual term, the administrator may appoint one court member, replacing the longest-serving one.
-limits: No one member may hold a role on the board, administration, or court simultaneously. Each elected role may be held subsequently for no more than two terms.
 modification: Changes to this Rule require 4 votes from the board and 2 votes from the court.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ removal: