فهرست منبع

Restructured creation pages to use _layouts, created new templates

Nathan Schneider 5 سال پیش
5فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه179 افزوده شده و 201 حذف شده
  1. 15 99
  2. 19 0
  3. 131 0
  4. 14 102
  5. BIN

+ 15 - 99

@@ -1,103 +1,19 @@
-layout: page
-title: "Create: Elected board"
+layout: create
+title: "Elected board"
 permalink: /create/elected-board/
-<style type="text/css">
-  .editable {
-    background-color: Gainsboro;
-    padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
-    font-family: monospace;
-  }
-Use the questions below to begin creating your community's Rule.
-[ [Default]({% link create.md %}) | 
-Elected board
- ]
+structure: "An annually elected board determines policies and implements them."
+decisions: "Each year, on $DATE, members vote on nominees for board positions. The 5 nominees with the largest number of votes become board members for the subsequent year. Current board members propose and vote on agreements by a secret ballot. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become an agreement."
+implementation: "Board members or their designees should have access to the means to implement the rules that the board has passed."
+oversight: "Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may seek to replace board members at the next election."
+limits: "Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms."
+rights: "The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created."
+evolution: "Changes to this Rule require 51% of the board to approve a referendum circulated to the entire community. The change passes if it receives 2/3 approval of all who vote after $NUMBER days."
-<br />
-*What is the community's name?*
-<h1 contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-## Purpose
-*What is the community's mission?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-*What core values does it hold?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-*What is the basic structure of the community?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-An annually elected board determines policies and implements them.
-## Members
-*How does someone become a member?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-*How are members suspended or removed?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-## Stewards
-*Who has the capacity to make and change agreements, and how are they chosen?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Each year, on $DATE, members vote on nominees for board positions. The 5 nominees with the largest number of votes become board members for the subsequent year.
-Current board members propose and vote on agreements by a secret ballot. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become an agreement.
-*How are the agreements implemented?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Board members or their designees should have access to the means to implement the rules that the board has passed.
-*Who oversees the implementation of the agreements?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may seek to replace board members at the next election.
-*How are each of the stewardship roles determined and limited?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.
-## Agreements
-*What are the basic rights inscribed in this Rule?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.
-*Where do we keep our additional agreements?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-## Evolution
-*How can this Rule be changed?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Changes to this Rule require 51% of the board to approve a referendum circulated to the entire community. The change passes if it receives 2/3 approval of all who vote after $NUMBER days.
-<br />
-*To save your work, copy the text from this page to another document, or use your browser's save function or print the page to PDF. Improved saving functionality will be forthcoming.*

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+layout: create
+title: Jury
+permalink: /create/jury/
+values: Any community member has the right and responsibility to evaluate others' behavior.
+structure: Agreements are implemented through ad hoc juries made up of randomly selected members. A community administrator oversees the process and has the capacity to remove community members.
+removal: A member found by a jury to have broken an agreement once receives a warning. The second time, the member is suspended for one week. The third time, the member is suspended for one year, after which the process resets at the second stage.
+decisions: When a complaint about a community member is submitted to the administrator, a jury is formed to determine whether a violation has occurred. Juries consist of 5 community members selected at random for each complaint. If at least 4 members concur that the complaint accurately reflects the community agreements, the complaint triggers the appropriate consequence.
+implementation: The community administrator is responsible for administering the jury process and carrying out the juries' conclusions.
+oversight: The community administrator monitors the jury processes to ensure they appear fair.
+limits: Jury members serve only one complaint at a time.
+agreements: This community regards the Contributor Covenant (contributor-covenant.org) as its body of agreements.

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+layout: default
+<style type="text/css">
+  .editable {
+    background-color: Gainsboro;
+    padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
+    min-height: 1.5em;
+    font-family: monospace;
+  }
+<article class="post">
+  <header class="post-header">
+    <h1 class="post-title">Create
+      {% if page.title != "Create" %}
+      <span style="color:gray;">
+        / {{ page.title }}&nbsp;
+      </span>
+      {% endif %}
+    </h1>
+  </header>
+  <p>Use the questions below to begin creating your community's Rule. The suggested modules are linked to (in progress) entries at <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/">Democratic Mediums</a>.</p>
+  <p><strong>Templates</strong>
+    [ <a href="{% link create.md %}">Default</a>
+    {% for template in site.create %}
+    / <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ template.url }}">{{ template.title }}</a>
+    {% endfor %}
+    ]
+  <div class="post-content">    
+    {{ content }}
+  </div>
+  <hr />
+  <p></p>
+  <em>What is the community’s name?</em>
+  <h1 contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.community-name }}
+  </h1>
+  <h2 id="purpose">Purpose</h2>
+  <em>What is the community’s mission?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.mission }}
+  </p>
+  <em>What core values does it hold?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.values }}
+  </p>
+  <p>Modules: <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/secrecy/">secrecy</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/solidarity/">solidarity</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/transparency/">transparency</a></p>
+  <em>What is the basic structure of the community?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.structure }}
+  </p>
+  <p>Modules: <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/federation/">federation</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/friendship/">friendship</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/membership/">membership</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/multicameralism/">multicameralism</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/ritual/">ritual</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/separation_of_powers/">separation of powers</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/stake_weight/">stake weight</a></p>
+  <h2 id="members">Members</h2>
+  <em>How does someone become a member?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.membership }}
+  </p>
+  <em>How are members suspended or removed?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.removal }}
+  </p>
+  <p>Modules: <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/exclusion/">exclusion</a></p>
+  <h2 id="stewards">Stewards</h2>
+  <em>Who has the capacity to make and change agreements, and how are they chosen?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.decisions }}
+  </p>
+  <p>Modules: <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/board/">board</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/debate/">debate</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/disapproval_voting/">disapproval voting</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/do-ocracy/">do-ocracy</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/holographic_consensus/">holographic consensus</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/referendum/">referendum</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/representation/">representation</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/sortition/">sortition</a></p>
+  <em>How are the agreements implemented?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.implementation }}
+  </p>
+  <p>Modules: <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/exclusion/">exclusion</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/lazy_consensus/">lazy consensus</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/restorative_justice/">restorative justice</a></p>
+  <em>Who oversees the implementation of the agreements?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.oversight }}
+  </p>
+  <p>Modules: <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/board/">board</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/disapproval_voting/">disapproval voting</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/judiciary/">jury</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/precedent/">precedent</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/refusal/">refusal</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/rough_consensus/">rough consensus</a></p>
+  <em>How are each of the stewardship roles determined and limited?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.limits }}
+  </p>
+  <p>Modules: <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/fact_finding/">fact-finding</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/ranked_choice/">ranked choice</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/representation/">representation</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/reputation/">reputation</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/sortition/">sortition</a>, <a href="https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/term_limit/">term limits</a></p>
+  <h2 id="agreements">Agreements</h2>
+  <em>What are the basic rights inscribed in this Rule?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.rights }}
+  </p>
+  <em>Where do we keep our additional agreements?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.agreements }}
+  </p>
+  <h2 id="evolution">Evolution</h2>
+  <em>How can this Rule be changed?</em>
+  <p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
+    {{ page.evolution }}
+  </p>
+  <p><br /></p>
+  <hr />
+  <p><em>To save your work, copy the text from this page to another document, or use your browser’s save function or print the page to PDF. Improved saving functionality will be forthcoming.</em></p>

+ 14 - 102

@@ -1,107 +1,19 @@
-layout: page
+layout: create
 title: Create
 permalink: /create/
-<style type="text/css">
-  .editable {
-    background-color: Gainsboro;
-    padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
-    font-family: monospace;
-  }
-Use the questions below to begin creating your community's Rule. The suggested modules are linked to (in progress) entries at [Democratic Mediums](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/).
-[ Default | 
-[Elected board]({% link _create/elected_board.md %})
- ]
-<br />
-*What is the community's name?*
-<h1 contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-## Purpose
-*What is the community's mission?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-*What core values does it hold?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Modules: [secrecy](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/secrecy/), [solidarity](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/solidarity/), [transparency](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/transparency/)
-*What is the basic structure of the community?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Modules: [federation](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/federation/), [friendship](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/friendship/), [membership](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/membership/), [multicameralism](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/multicameralism/), [ritual](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/ritual/), [separation of powers](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/separation_of_powers/), [stake weight](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/stake_weight/)
-## Members
-*How does someone become a member?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-*How are members suspended or removed?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Modules: [exclusion](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/exclusion/)
-## Stewards
-*Who has the capacity to make and change agreements, and how are they chosen?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Modules: [board](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/board/), [debate](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/debate/), [disapproval voting](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/disapproval_voting/), [do-ocracy](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/do-ocracy/), [holographic consensus](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/holographic_consensus/), [referendum](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/referendum/), [representation](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/representation/), [sortition](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/sortition/)
-*How are the agreements implemented?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Modules: [exclusion](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/exclusion/), [lazy consensus](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/lazy_consensus/), [restorative justice](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/restorative_justice/)
-*Who oversees the implementation of the agreements?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Modules: [board](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/board/), [disapproval voting](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/disapproval_voting/), [jury](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/judiciary/), [precedent](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/precedent/), [refusal](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/refusal/), [rough consensus](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/rough_consensus/)
-*How are each of the stewardship roles determined and limited?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-Modules: [fact-finding](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/fact_finding/), [ranked choice](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/ranked_choice/), [representation](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/representation/), [reputation](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/reputation/), [sortition](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/sortition/), [term limits](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/mediums/term_limit/)
-## Agreements
-*What are the basic rights inscribed in this Rule?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-*Where do we keep our additional agreements?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-## Evolution
-*How can this Rule be changed?*
-<p contenteditable="true" class="editable">
-<br />
-*To save your work, copy the text from this page to another document, or use your browser's save function or print the page to PDF. Improved saving functionality will be forthcoming.*
