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+layout: page
+title: "[Guide] Rules for Mutual Aid Groups"
+permalink: /guides/mutual-aid/
+"Mutual aid" groups generally seek to address community challenges
+through peer relationships and an eye toward transformative social
+change. They seek to operate by the dictum "solidarity, not charity."
+Adopting clear governance plans early can increase the effectiveness and
+sustainability of mutual aid groups. Undefined means of operating can
+lead to what feminist scholar Jo Freeman refers to as a "[tyranny of
+structurelessness](https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm)." This
+concept addresses the potential of unacknowledged power relations to
+dominate a group's decision making process. Without structure there is
+no means to question de facto leadership or hierarchies.
+Here are some ideas about how to start:
+**Don't overdo it.** Too many rules and documents can stifle volunteer
+groups. Regulations should be mostly invisible, except when they're
+needed. The vast majority of good governance work is not rules or tech:
+it is culture, communication, and trust. Keep your focus on those, but
+have the rules in the background.
+**Make explicit where you are.** [Create your first
+Rule](https://communityrule.info/guides/first-rule/), using the
+[Create](https://communityrule.info/create/) page, to determine and
+articulate how your group currently functions. Pick a template that
+closely reflects where your group currently stands.
+- Be honest with yourself and your community
+- Don't claim to do what you are not ready for
+- Don't get stuck on utopianism, use it as a mirror
+**Introduce achievable commitments to strive toward.** Draw from the
+[Templates](https://communityrule.info/templates/) to think about what
+you might like to have in your Rule in the future, filing in the current
+gaps with reasonable additions. Consider adding---either in your Rule or
+linked from it---a code of conduct, community agreement, safer space
+policy or the like.
+- Be sure all the main questions are answered
+- Reflect on the values that are widespread in the group
+- Share a draft for feedback
+- Devise an appropriate ratification process
+- Ensure there is a mechanism for modifying the Rule---it should be
+ harder than most decisions, but not out of reach
+**Honor your commitments.** As specified in your Rule, make sure you
+have clear mechanism for carrying out all governance procedures and
+resolving issues that arise. Enforce any agreements about behavior
+fairly and uniformly.
+- Share governance roles as widely as possible without creating
+ burdens
+- Account for members' needs and time commitments, recognizing that
+ not everyone will be able to attend every meeting and enabling
+ multiple methods for participation
+- If possible, separate out enforcement and rule-making roles
+- Be prepared to allow changes to the Rule as experience requires
+- Keep the focus on the work
+Designing governance for volunteer-powered groups can be challenging.
+Focus on transparency and fairness. And remember: culture,
+communication, and trust are vital elements of successful