-Too many of our communities, especially online, rely on governance practices based on top-down "[implicit feudalism](https://osf.io/gxu3a/?view_only=11c9e93011df4865951f2056a64f5938)"—relying on admins or moderators, lacking even basic features of small-scale democracy. The purpose of CommunityRule is to help communities establish democratic norms for decision-making, stewardship, and culture.
+Too many of our communities, especially online, adopt default governance practices based on top-down "[implicit feudalism](https://osf.io/gxu3a/?view_only=11c9e93011df4865951f2056a64f5938)"—relying on admins or moderators, lacking even basic features of small-scale democracy. The purpose of CommunityRule is to help communities establish democratic norms for decision-making, stewardship, and culture.