--- layout: project title: Collaborative Governance slug: collab-gov summary: Exploring leading-edge democratic governance and leadership, especially through digital tools --- We are conducting consulting, convening and research on leading-edge democratic governance and leadership, especially through digital tools. ## Publications * [CommunityRule](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/communityrule/), "a governance toolkit for great communities" * [Democratic Mediums](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/), "a directory of patterns for decision, deliberation, and noise" * Nathan Schneider, "[Admins, Mods, and Benevolent Dictators for Life: The Implicit Feudalism of Online Communities](https://nathanschneider.info/implicit-feudalism)" ## Collaborators * [Action Network](https://actionnetwork.org/) * [Metagovernance Project](http://metagov.org/)