--- layout: post author: Nathan Schneider title: "Field Trip to System76" summary: Visit a company that designs and builds open-source computers in Colorado tags: [events] event-date: September 27, 2019 event-time: 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. event-location: Denver, CO --- Most of the computers we use were built far away, often under questionable conditions. But at least one computer company, [System76](https://system76.com/), builds some of its machines here in Colorado. These computers are open hardware and run the company's own Linux-based, open-source operating system. On this field trip, we'll take a tour of the System76 facility and have lunch with employees. This event is open to all members of the CMCI community. [RSVP and sign up to carpool here](https://etherpad.net/p/medlab-system76) Those carpooling meet at the Armory parking lot at 11 a.m. *Learn more on [our interview with Emma Marshall from System76](https://news.kgnu.org/2019/07/looks-like-new-what-makes-computers-happy/) on our radio show, Looks Like New.* **[See photos from our visit here](https://cloud.medlab.host/s/zmZgtyWj8QJDppH)** by Kimberly Coffin