--- layout: post title: "The Future of Startups, from Unicorns to Zebras" summary: A conversation with Mara Zepeda of Zebras Unite tags: [internet-of-ownership, events] event-date: October 4, 2019 event-location: CASE E422 --- *A conversation with Mara Zepeda, co-founder of Zebras Unite and CEO of Switchboard* ![Graphic from ZebrasUnite.com](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/588e67e0a5790aa54e649863/1518589068860-5QLCX3X0R631IM95D0J3/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kPfTkB9WlY3NNngJ856as8gUqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYwL8IeDg6_3B-BRuF4nNrNcQkVuAT7tdErd0wQFEGFSnLtWIiVBlkNZxDHH90vw4mK2TMUHlvL_OCLYhy8WCvU4QyyigsdnO47i1SC0pwLlxw/unicorn%2Bv%2Bzebra.jpg?format=1500w) [CASE building](https://www.colorado.edu/map/?id=336#!m/347439), rm. E422 October 4, 2019 3 - 4:30 p.m. Startups are increasingly looked to as the future of the economy, but their founders, their investors, and the people they chiefly serve often represent a narrow, privileged minority. Mara Zepeda is working to change that. As CEO of her own startup, Switchboard, and co-founder of the Zebras Unite network, she is opening the doors of startup finance and culture to a much broader range of founders and communities. Come for an open conversation on how to foster truly inclusive entrepreneurship. Coffee and snacks provided. [Please RSVP here](https://cloud.medlab.host/apps/forms/form/UqTEVdpL5gZEkcHw). *Hosted by the Media Enterprise Design Lab in the College of Media, Communication, and Information.*