# Democratic Mediums *Patterns for decision, deliberation, and noise* A project of the [Media Enterprise Design Lab](http://cmci.colorado.edu/medlab/) at the University of Colorado Boulder. Live demo: [medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums](https://medlabboulder.gitlab.io/democraticmediums/) ## Contributing Democratic Mediums is a participatory project that depends on community contributions. Please share your expertise by helping to make this resource more useful for others. To contribute, you can fork [the project on GitLab](https://gitlab.com/medlabboulder/democraticmediums) and submit a merge request once you have made your changes. The website is built with [MkDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org/), a simple but powerful static site generator for Markdown files. All site content is located in the [docs/ directory](https://gitlab.com/medlabboulder/democraticmediums/tree/master/docs), which in turn is organized roughly as it appears on the site itself. **The easiest way to contribute** is to use the website's integration with the GitLab online editor: * Navigate to the page you want to edit on the Democratic Mediums website and click the edit button (a small pencil icon) * Sign into GitLab with an existing account or create a new one * GitLab will offer to create a "fork" for you, which is a copy of the site in your GitLab account—do so! * Edit the page as you wish; to edit multiple pages, it may be easier to use GitLab's "Web IDE" * Add a "commit message" summarizing your suggested change and click "Commit changes" * Fill out any additional information you want in the merge request form and submit it * Your merge will be approved, if appropriate, as soon as possible Please let us know if you have any questions at [medlab@colorado.edu](mailto:medlab@colorado.edu). If you prefer not to use GitLab for contributions, you can also simply email suggestions there. ## To do * Load initial Mediums pages