-- =================================================================== -- Minetest commands -- =================================================================== command_list = {} -- user-facing table of commands local chat_table -- MT chat command definitions table local regchat -- Chat-command registration function regchat = minetest.register_chatcommand regchat = function(name, command_table) minetest.register_chatcommand(name, command_table) table.insert(command_list, name) end -- =================================================================== -- /menu -- Presents a menu of options to users regchat( "menu", { privs = {}, func = function(user) local result = modpol.menu(user) return true, result end, }) -- =================================================================== -- /reset -- For testing only -- Clears the system and recreates instance with all players regchat( "reset", { privs = {}, func = function(user) modpol.reset_orgs(); return true, "Reset orgs" end, }) -- =================================================================== -- /addorg /add_org -- This code defines a chat command which creates a new -- "org". Presently, the command makes the user the sole member of the -- "org". chat_table = { privs = {} , func = function (user, param) local success, message = modpol.add_org (param, { user }) return true, message end } regchat ("addorg" , chat_table) regchat ("add_org" , chat_table) -- =================================================================== -- /listorg /listorgs /list_org /list_orgs -- In Minetest mode, this code defines a chat command which lists the -- existing "orgs". -- The list shows one "org" per line in the following format: -- org_name (member, member, ...) chat_table = { privs = {} , func = function (user, param) return true, "Orgs:\n" .. modpol.list_orgs() end } regchat ("listorg" , chat_table) regchat ("listorgs" , chat_table) regchat ("list_org" , chat_table) regchat ("list_orgs" , chat_table) -- =================================================================== -- /listplayers regchat( "listplayers", { privs = {}, func = function(user) local result = table.concat(modpol.list_users(),", ") return true, "All players: " .. result end, }) -- =================================================================== -- /joinorg regchat( "joinorg", { privs = {}, func = function(user, param) local org_id = modpol.get_org_id_by_name(param) local success, result = modpol.add_member(org_id, user) return true, result end, }) -- =================================================================== -- /pollself [question] -- asks the user a question specified in param regchat( "pollself", { privs = {}, func = function(user, param) modpol.binary_poll_user(user, param) return true, result end, })