When calling modpol.lua from another file, one may wish to use different functions than those included by default. So far, 2 definitions need to be made BEFORE calling modpol.lua, the rest can be overwritten after calling modpol.lua . setup: ---------------- Define the global modpol table: modpol = {} the following 2 items *may* be defined, if they are not, then defaults will be used: ======================== -------------------- modpol.get_script_dir() -------------------- type: function defaults to: a function that can only work in linux usage: must return the file path of the modpol directory. If modpol is in a larger directory, such as a mod filesystem, make sure that the path returned is the "base" modpol folder, i.e. the folder with all the original modpol files. ======================== -------------------- modpol.storage_file_path -------------------- type: string defaults to: topdir .. "/storage/storage-local.lua", where topdir is the directory defined by modpol.storage_file_path usage: if you wish to use another method of storage than that provided by default, then you can save a filepath to the storage script here.