-- =================================================================== -- Overview. -- This file is "top/modpol.ocutil.lua". -- This file provides a collection of largely portable Lua utility -- functions. The collection is descended from one assembled by Old- -- Coder (Robert Kiraly). -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil = {} modpol.ocutil.log_console = true -- Flag: Copy log to console modpol.ocutil.logdir = nil -- Absolute path for log-file direc- -- tory (or nil) -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.fixnil -- Params: string s -- Outputs: -- -- If the string is nil , returns "(nil)" -- if the string is empty , returns "(empty)" -- Otherwise, returns the string as it stands -- -- This function can be used to clarify -- and/or avoid crashes in -- -- debug messages. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.fixnil = function (s) if s == nil then s = "(nil)" elseif s == "" then s = "(empty)" end return s end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.setlogdir -- Params: string path -- Outputs: -- -- The input string should be the absolute path for a writable direc- -- tory that already exists. This function tells "modpol.ocutil.log" to put -- log files in that directory. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.setlogdir = function (path) if path ~= nil and path ~= "" then modpol.ocutil.logdir = path end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.setlogname -- Params: string name -- Outputs: -- -- The input string should be a filename without a path component. -- This function tells "modpol.ocutil.log" to use the specified filename for -- the main log file. -- -- "modpol.ocutil.setlogdir" must be called separately to set the log-file -- directory. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.setlogname = function (name) if name ~= nil and name ~= "" then modpol.ocutil.logname = name end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.log -- Params: string s -- Outputs: -- -- Logs the specified string. Appends a newline if not already pre- -- sent. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.log = function (s) s = modpol.ocutil.fixnil (s) s = s:gsub ("\n$", "", 1) -- Remove trailing newline initially if modpol.ocutil.log_console then print (s) end if modpol.ocutil.logdir ~= nil and modpol.ocutil.logname ~= nil then s = s .. "\n" -- Add trailing newline local logpath = modpol.ocutil.logdir .. "/" .. modpol.ocutil.logname modpol.ocutil.file_append (logpath, s) end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.fatal_error -- Params: string s -- Outputs: -- -- Logs "Fatal error: " plus the specified string. Appends a newline -- if not already present. Terminates the program. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.fatal_error = function (s) modpol.ocutil.log ("Fatal Error: " .. s) os.exit (1) return nil -- Shouldn't be reached end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.panic -- Params: string s -- Outputs: -- -- Logs "Internal error: " plus the specified string. Appends a new- -- line if not already present. Terminates the program. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.panic = function (s) modpol.ocutil.log ("Internal Error: " .. s) os.exit (1) return nil -- Shouldn't be reached end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_empty -- Params: string x -- Outputs: -- -- Returns true if the string is nil or empty -- Returns false otherwise -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.str_empty = function (x) if x == nil or x == "" then return true else return false end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_nonempty -- Params: string x -- Outputs: -- -- Returns true if the string is nil or empty -- Returns false otherwise -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.str_nonempty = function (x) if x == nil or x == "" then return false else return true end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.table_empty -- Params: table tab -- Outputs: -- -- Returns true if the table is empty -- Returns false otherwise -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.table_empty = function (tab) local next = next if next (tab) == nil then return true end return false end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.table_nonempty -- Params: table tab -- Outputs: -- -- Returns false if the table is empty -- Returns true otherwise -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.table_nonempty = function (tab) if modpol.ocutil.table_empty (tab) then return false end return true end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.string_contains -- Params: strings a, b -- Outputs: -- -- Returns true if the 1st string contains the 2nd one -- Returns false otherwise -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.str_contains = function (a, b) if string.match (a, b) then return true else return false end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_false -- Params: string x -- Outputs: -- -- This function checks the string for an explicit false (or equiva- -- lent) setting (as opposed to empty or nil). If such a setting is -- found, true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.str_false = function (x) if x == "false" or x == "no" or x == "off" or x == "0" or x == false or x == 0 then return true else return false end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.str_true -- Params: string x -- Outputs: -- -- This function checks the string for an explicit true (or equiva- -- lent) setting. If such a setting is found, true is returned. Other- -- wise, false is returned. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.str_true = function (x) if x == "true" or x == "yes" or x == "on" or x == "1" or x == true or x == 1 then return true else return false end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.starts_with -- Params: strings String, Start -- Outputs: -- -- Returns true if the 1st string starts with the 2nd one -- Returns false otherwise -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.starts_with = function (String, Start) if string.sub (String, 1, string.len (Start)) == Start then return true else return false end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.not_starts_with -- Params: strings String, Start -- Outputs: -- -- Returns false if the 1st string starts with the 2nd one -- Returns true otherwise -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.not_starts_with = function (String, Start) if string.sub (String, 1, string.len (Start)) == Start then return false else return true end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.ends_with -- Params: strings String, End -- Outputs: -- -- Returns true if the 1st string ends with the 2nd one -- Returns false otherwise -- As a special case, returns true if the 2nd string is empty -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.ends_with = function (String, End) return End == '' or string.sub (String, -string.len (End)) == End end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.not_ends_with -- Params: strings String, End -- Outputs: -- Returns false if the 1st string ends with the 2nd one -- Returns true otherwise -- As a special case, returns false if the 2nd string is empty -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.not_ends_with = function (String, End) if modpol.ocutil.ends_with (String, End) then return false else return true end end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.firstch -- Params: string str -- Outputs: -- Returns the 1st character of the string -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.firstch = function (str) return string.sub (str, 1, 1) end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.first_to_upper -- Params: string str -- Outputs: -- Returns the 1st character of the string in upper case -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.first_to_upper = function (str) return (str:gsub ("^%l", string.upper)) end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.all_first_to_upper -- Params: string str, flag cvtspace -- Outputs: -- -- Converts the 1st character of each word in the string to upper -- case and returns the result. Words are delimited by spaces or un- -- derscores. If the flag is true, also replaces spaces with under- -- scores. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.all_first_to_upper = function (str, cvtspace) str = str:gsub ("^%l", string.upper) str = str:gsub ("[_ ]%l", function (a) return string.upper (a) end) if modpol.ocutil.str_true (cvtspace) then str = str:gsub ("_", " ") end return (str) end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.strtok -- Params: strings source, delimitch -- Outputs: -- -- Breaks the source string up into a list of words and returns the -- list. -- -- If "delimitch" is omitted, nil, or empty, words are delimited by -- spaces. Otherwise, words are delimited by any of the characters in -- "delimitch". -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.strtok = function (source, delimitch) if delimitch == nil or delimitch == "" then delimitch = " " end local parts = {} local pattern = '([^' .. delimitch .. ']+)' string.gsub (source, pattern, function (value) value = value:gsub ("^ *", "") value = value:gsub (" *$", "") parts [#parts + 1] = value end) return parts end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.swap_key_value -- Params: table itable -- Outputs: -- Turns keys into values and vice versa and returns the resulting -- table. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.swap_key_value = function (itable) if itable == nil then return nil end local otable = {} for key, value in pairs (itable) do otable [value] = key end return otable end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.ktable_to_vtable -- Params: table ktable -- Outputs: -- -- "ktable_to_vtable" is short for "convert key table to value table". -- -- The input table is assumed to be an arbitrary key-based list of the -- general form: -- { dog="woof", apple="red", book="read" } -- -- This function takes the keys and returns them as an integer-indexed -- array with the former keys stored now as values. The array is sort- -- ed based on the former keys. The original values in the input table -- are discarded. Sample output: -- -- { "apple", "book", "dog", ... } -- Here's a complete code fragment which demonstrates operation of -- this function: -- local tabby = { dog="woof", apple="red", book="read" } -- -- print ("\nInput table:") -- for ii, value in pairs (tabby) do -- print (ii .. ") " .. tabby [ii]) -- end -- -- tabby = modpol.ocutil.ktable_to_vtable (tabby) -- -- print ("\nOutput table:") -- for ii, value in ipairs (tabby) do -- print (ii .. ") " .. tabby [ii]) -- end -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.ktable_to_vtable = function (ktable) local vtable = {} if ktable == nil then return vtable end for key, _ in pairs (ktable) do table.insert (vtable, key) end table.sort (vtable) return vtable end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.vtable_to_ktable -- Params: table vtable, scalar set_to -- Outputs: -- -- "vtable_to_ktable" is short for "convert value table to key table". -- -- The input table is assumed to be an integer-indexed array of scalar -- values. -- -- This function creates a general table that holds the scalar values -- stored now as keys and returns the new table. The new table maps -- each of the keys to the value specified by "set_to". -- -- If "set_to" is omitted or nil, it defaults to boolean true. -- Here's a complete code fragment which demonstrates operation of -- this function: -- -- local tabby = { "apple", "book", "dog" } -- -- print ("\nInput table:") -- for ii, value in ipairs (tabby) do -- print (ii .. ") " .. tabby [ii]) -- end -- -- tabby = modpol.ocutil.vtable_to_ktable (tabby, 42) -- -- print ("\nOutput table:") -- for ii, value in pairs (tabby) do -- print (ii .. ") " .. tabby [ii]) -- end -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.vtable_to_ktable = function (vtable, set_to) local ktable = {} if vtable == nil then return ktable end if set_to == nil then set_to = true end for _, value in pairs (vtable) do ktable [value] = set_to end return ktable end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.make_set -- Params: array harry -- Outputs: -- -- This function makes a set out of an array. Specifically, it returns -- a new table with the array's values as keys. The new table maps -- each key to boolean true. -- -- Here's a complete code fragment which demonstrates operation of -- this function: -- -- local color_set = modpol.ocutil.make_set { "red", "green", "blue" } -- if color_set ["red"] ~= nil then print ("Supported color") end -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.make_set = function (list) local set = {} for _, l in ipairs (list) do set [l] = true end return set end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.pos_to_str -- Params: position-table pos -- Outputs: -- -- This function takes a table of the following form as input: -- { x=25.0, y=-135.5, z=2750.0 } -- -- It returns the x-y-z values, separated by commas, as a string. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.pos_to_str = function (pos) return pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.table_length -- Params: table tabby -- Outputs: Returns number of entries in table -- -- Note: This function works for tables in general as well as for int- -- eger-indexed tables (i.e., arrays). -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.table_length = function (tabby) local count = 0 for _ in pairs (tabby) do count = count+1 end return count end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.clone_table -- Params: table tabby -- Outputs: -- -- This function returns an independent clone of the input table. It -- should work correctly for most cases, but special cases that re- -- quire additional work may exist. -- -- This function may also be called as "modpol.ocutil.table_clone". -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.clone_table = function (tabby) if tabby == nil then return nil end local copy = {} for k, v in pairs (tabby) do if type (v) == 'table' then v = modpol.ocutil.clone_table (v) end copy [k] = v end return copy end modpol.ocutil.table_clone = modpol.ocutil.clone_table -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_exists -- Params: string path -- Outputs: -- -- The input string should be the relative or absolute pathname for a -- data file. If the file is read-accessible, this function returns -- true. Otherwise, it returns false. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.file_exists = function (path) local file, err file, err = io.open (path, "rb") if err then return false end file:close() return true end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_missing -- Params: string path -- Outputs: -- -- The input string should be the relative or absolute pathname for a -- data file. If the file is read-accessible, this function returns -- false. Otherwise, it returns true. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.file_missing = function (path) if modpol.ocutil.file_exists (path) then return false end return true end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_read -- Params: string path -- Outputs: -- -- The input string should be the absolute pathname for a data file. -- If the file is read-accessible, this function returns the contents -- of the file. Otherwise, it returns nil. -- -- Warning: There is presently no check for a maximum file size. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.file_read = function (path) local file, err file, err = io.open (path, "rb") if err then return nil end local data = file:read ("*a") file:close() return data end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_write -- Params: strings path, data -- Outputs: -- -- The 1st string should be the absolute pathname for a data file. The -- file doesn't need to exist initially but the directory that will -- contain it does need to exist. -- -- This function writes the 2nd string to the file. Existing stored -- data is discarded. -- -- This function returns true if successful and false otherwise. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.file_write = function (path, data) local file, err file, err = io.open (path, "wb") if err then return false end io.output (file) io.write (data) io.close (file) return true end -- =================================================================== -- Function: modpol.ocutil.file_append -- Params: strings path, data -- Outputs: -- -- This function is identical to "modpol.ocutil.file_write" except for one -- difference: It appends to existing files as opposed to overwrites -- them. -- =================================================================== modpol.ocutil.file_append = function (path, data) local file, err file, err = io.open (path, "ab") if err then return false end io.output (file) io.write (data) io.close (file) return true end -- =================================================================== -- End of file.