--- Display policies -- @module display_policies local display_policies = { name = "Display policies", slug = "display_policies", desc = "Presents a detailed list of org policies", hide = false; } display_policies.data = { } display_policies.config = { } --- Initiate function -- @function display_policies:initiate -- @param result Callback if this module is embedded in other modules function display_policies:initiate(result) local display_table = {} for k,v in pairs(self.org.policies) do if v then -- check the module is allowed local input = modpol.modules[k].name table.insert(display_table, input) if modpol.modules[k].config then for k2,v2 in pairs(modpol.modules[k].config) do if self.org.policies[k][k2] then v2 = self.org.policies[k][k2] end local v2_string = "" if not v2 then v2_string = "none" elseif type(v2) == "string" then v2_string = v2 elseif type(v2) == "table" or type(v2) == "number" then v2_string = tostring(v2) elseif type(v2) == "boolean" then v2_string = tostring(v2) else v2_string = "Could not render" end input = k2..": "..v2_string table.insert(display_table, input) end end table.insert(display_table, "---") end end local output = table.concat(display_table,"\n") if #display_table == 0 then output = "No modules found" end modpol.interactions.display( self.initiator, "Policies in org "..self.org.name, output, function() self.org:delete_process(self.id) modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( self.initiator, self.org.id) if result then result() end end ) end modpol.modules.display_policies = display_policies