--- Send token. -- Depends on tokenomics -- @module send_token local send_token = { name = "Send tokens", slug = "send_token", desc = "Send tokens to another user", hide = false; } --- (Required) Data for module -- Variables that module uses during the course of a process -- Can be blank send_token.data = { } send_token.config = { token_name = "" } --- initiate function -- @function send_token:initiate -- @param result Callback if this module is embedded in other modules function send_token:initiate(result) local token_list = {} if self.org.tokens then for k,v in pairs(self.org.tokens) do table.insert(token_list, k) end end if token_list == {} then modpol.interactions.message( self.initiator, "No tokens in org") modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( self.initiator, self.org.name) self.org:delete_process(self.id) return else modpol.interactions.dropdown_query( self.initiator, "Which token do you want to send?", token_list, function(input_token) modpol.interactions.dropdown_query( self.initiator, "Who do you want to send to?", modpol.util.copy_table(self.org.members), function(input_recipient) modpol.interactions.text_query( self.initiator, "How much do you want to give (a number)?", function(input_amount) modpol.modules.tokenomics.transfer( self.org.id, input_token, self.initiator, input_recipient, input_amount ) modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( self.initiator, self.org.name) -- close process if result then result() end self.org:delete_process(self.id) end ) end ) end ) end end modpol.modules.send_token = send_token