-- INTERACTIONS.LUA (CLI) -- User interaction functions for Modular Politics -- Called by modpol.lua modpol.interactions = {} -- DASHBOARDS -- ========== -- Function: modpol.interactions.dashboard(user) -- Params: user (string) -- Q: Should this return a menu of commands relevant to the specific user? -- Output: Displays a menu of commands to the user -- TKTK currently just prints all of modpol---needs major improvement function modpol.interactions.dashboard(user) -- adds user to root org if not already in it if not modpol.instance:has_member(user) then modpol.instance:add_member(user) end local all_users = modpol.list_users() print('All orgs: (user orgs indicated by *)') for id, org in ipairs(modpol.orgs.array) do if type(org) == "table" then local indicator = "" if org:has_member(user) then indicator = "*" end print('['..id..'] '..indicator..org.name) end end print('All users: ' .. table.concat(all_users, ', ')) print() print('Access which org?') local sel = io.read() print() local sel_org = modpol.orgs.array[tonumber(sel)].name if not sel_org then return end modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(user, sel_org) end -- Function: modpol.interactions.org_dashboard -- Params: user (string), org_name (string) -- Output: Displays a menu of org-specific commands to the user function modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(user, org_name) local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(org_name) if not org then return nil end local parent = "" if org.id == 1 then parent = "none" else parent = modpol.orgs.get_org(org.parent).name end local children = {} for k,v in ipairs(org.children) do local this_child = modpol.orgs.get_org(v) table.insert(children, this_child.name) end local process_msg = #org.processes .. " total" if org.pending[user] then process_msg = process_msg .. " (" .. #org.pending[user] .. " pending)" else process_msg = process_msg .. " (0 pending)" end -- set up output print("Org: " .. org_name) print("Parent: " .. parent) print("Members: " .. table.concat(org.members, ", ")) print("Children: " .. table.concat(children, ", ")) print("Processes: " .. process_msg) print() print("Commands: (L)eave, (J)oin, (P)rocesses, (A)dd child, (D)elete org") local sel = io.read() print() if sel == 'l' or sel == 'L' then org:remove_member(user) elseif sel == 'j' or sel == 'J' then org:make_request({user=user, type="add_member", params={user}}) elseif sel == 'a' or sel == 'A' then print("What should the new org be named?") local new_org_name = io.read() org:make_request({user=user, type="add_org", params={new_org_name}}) elseif sel == 'd' or sel == 'D' then org:make_request({user=user, type="delete", params={}}) elseif sel == 'p' or sel == 'P' then local processes = {} print("All processes: (* indicates pending action)") for k,v in ipairs(org.processes) do local this_request = org.requests[v.request_id] if type(this_request) == "table" then local active = '' if org.pending[user] then if org.pending[user][v.id] then active = '*' end end local req_str = "[" .. v.id .. "] " .. active .. this_request.type if this_request.params[1] then req_str = req_str .. ": " .. table.concat(this_request.params, ", ") end print(req_str) end end print() print("Interact with which one?") local to_interact = io.read() local process = org.processes[tonumber(to_interact)] if not process then return end if org:has_pending_actions(user) then if org.pending[user][process.id] then process:interact(user) end end end end -- Function: modpol.interactions.policy_dashboard -- input: user (string), org_id (int), policy (string) -- if policy is nil, enables creating a new policy -- output: opens a dashboard for viewing/editing policy details -- TODO -- Function: modpol.interactions.message -- input: user (string), message (string) -- output: prints message to CLI function modpol.interactions.message(user, message) print(user .. ": " .. message) end -- Function: modpol.interactions.text_query -- input: User (string), Query (string), func (function) -- func input: user input (string) -- output: Applies "func" to user input function modpol.interactions.text_query(user, query, func) print(user .. ": " .. query) answer = io.read() func(answer) end -- Function: dropdown_query -- input: user (string), label (string), options (table of strings), func(choice) (function) -- func input: choice (string) -- output: calls func on choice function modpol.interactions.dropdown_query(user, label, options, func) -- set up options local options_display = "" local options_number = 0 for k,v in ipairs(options) do options_display = options_display .. k .. ". " .. options[k] .. "\n" options_number = options_number + 1 end options_display = options_display .. "Select number:" if options_number == 0 then print("Error: No options given for dropdown") return nil end -- begin displaying print(user .. ": " .. label) print(options_display) -- read input and produce output local answer answer = io.read() answer = tonumber(answer) if answer then if answer >= 1 and answer <= options_number then print("Selection: " .. options[answer]) func(options[answer]) else print("Error: Not in dropdown range") return nil end else print("Error: Must be a number") return nil end end -- Function: modpol.binary_poll_user(user, question) -- Params: user (string), question (string), func (function) -- func input: user input (string: y/n) -- Output: Applies "func" to user input function modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user(user, question, func) local query = "Poll for " .. user .. " (y/n): ".. question local answer repeat print(query) answer = io.read() until answer == "y" or answer == "n" if answer == "y" then modpol.interactions.message(user, "Response recorded") func("Yes") elseif answer == "n" then modpol.interactions.message(user, "Response recorded") func("No") else modpol.interactions.message(user, "Error: invalid response") end end -- COMPLEX INTERACTIONS -- ==================== -- Function: modpol.interactions.message_org -- input: initiator (string), org_id (number), message (string) -- output: broadcasts message to all org members -- Function: modpol.interactions.binary_poll_org -- input: initator (user string), org_id (number) -- output: gets question from initiator, asks all org members, broadcasts answers