--- change_modules -- @module change_modules -- Depends on consent local change_modules = { name = "Change modules (consent)", slug = "change_modules", desc = "Add or remove modules from the org with member consent", hide = false; } change_modules.data = { result = nil } change_modules.config = { } function change_modules:initiate(result) self.data.result = result -- Step 1: add or remove? modpol.interactions.dropdown_query( self.initiator, "Module change options:", {"Add module","Remove module"}, function(input) if input == "Add module" then self:add_module() elseif input == "Remove module" then self:remove_module() end end ) end function change_modules:add_module() -- prepare module options local available_modules = modpol.util.copy_table(modpol.modules) for k,org_mod in pairs(self.org.modules) do if available_modules[org_mod.slug] then available_modules[org_mod.slug] = nil end end -- present module options local modules_list = {} for k,v in pairs(available_modules) do table.insert(modules_list,v.name) end if #modules_list == 0 then modpol.interactions.message( self.initiator, "Org has all modules") modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( self.initiator, self.org.id) if self.data.result then self.data.result() end self.org:delete_process(self.id) return end table.sort(modules_list) -- now ask which to add modpol.interactions.dropdown_query( self.initiator, "Choose a module to add:", modules_list, function(mod_choice) -- confirm choice modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user( self.initiator, "Confirm: propose to add module \"" .. mod_choice .. "\"?", function(input) if input == "Yes" then self:propose_change("add",mod_choice) modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( self.initiator, self.org.id) else self:add_module() end end ) end ) end function change_modules:remove_module() -- prepare module options local available_modules = {} for k,org_mod in pairs(self.org.modules) do if not org_mod.hide then available_modules[org_mod.slug] = modpol.util.copy_table(org_mod) end end local modules_list = {} local modules_count = 0 for k,v in pairs(available_modules) do table.insert(modules_list,v.name) modules_count = modules_count + 1 end -- abort if no modules to remove if modules_count == 0 then modpol.interactions.message( self.initiator, "Org has no modules") modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( self.initiator, self.org.id) if self.data.result then self.data.result() end self.org:delete_process(self.id) return end table.sort(modules_list) -- now ask which to remove modpol.interactions.dropdown_query( self.initiator, "Choose a module to remove:", modules_list, function(mod_choice) -- confirm choice modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user( self.initiator, "Confirm: propose to remove module \"" .. mod_choice .. "\"?", function(input) if input == "Yes" then self:propose_change("remove",mod_choice) modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( self.initiator, self.org.id) else self:remove_module() end end ) end ) end --- propose_change -- @field type "add" or "remove" function change_modules:propose_change(type, mod_text) self.org:call_module( "consent",self.initiator, { prompt = "Do you consent to "..type.. " this module in org "..self.org.name.. ":\n"..mod_text, votes_required = #self.org.members }, function() if type == "add" then for k,v in pairs(modpol.modules) do if v.name == mod_text then table.insert(self.org.modules,v) end end modpol.interactions.message_org( self.initiator,self.org.id, "Consent reached:\nAdding \"" ..mod_text.."\" to org "..self.org.name) elseif type == "remove" then local i = 0 for k,v in pairs(self.org.modules) do i = i + 1 if v.name == mod_text then self.org.modules[k] = nil end end modpol.interactions.message_org( self.initiator,self.org.id, "Consent reached:\nRemoving \"" ..mod_text.."\" from org "..self.org.name) end end) if self.data.result then self.data.result() end self.org:delete_process(self.id) end --- (Required) Add to module table modpol.modules.change_modules = change_modules