--- INTERACTIONS.LUA (for Minetest) -- CONTEXTUAL STUFF -- ================ -- _contexts to enable passing across formspecs -- https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/players/formspecs.html#contexts local _contexts = {} local function get_context(name) local context = _contexts[name] or {} _contexts[name] = context return context end minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) _contexts[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) -- UTILITIES -- ========= -- Function: formspec_list -- for use generating option lists in formspecs from tables -- input: table of strings -- output: a formspec-ready list of the strings local function formspec_list(array) local escaped = {} if not array then return "" end for i = 1, #array do escaped[i] = minetest.formspec_escape(array[i]) end return table.concat(escaped,",") end -- DASHBOARDS -- ========== -- Function: modpol.interactions.dashboard(user) -- Params: user (string) -- Q: Should this return a menu of commands relevant to the specific user? -- Output: Displays a menu of commands to the user -- TODO currently a manually curated list---needs major improvement function modpol.interactions.dashboard(user) -- prepare data -- to add: nested orgs map local all_orgs = modpol.orgs.list_all() local user_orgs = modpol.orgs.user_orgs(user) local all_users = modpol.instance:list_members() -- pending list local user_pending_count = 0 local user_pending = {} for k,v in ipairs(modpol.orgs.array) do if v.pending and v.pending[user] then if modpol.util.num_pairs(v.pending[user]) ~= 0 then table.insert(user_pending, v.name) user_pending_count = user_pending_count + 1 end end end -- set up formspec local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[10,8]", "hypertext[0.5,0.5;9,1;title;Org dashboard]", "label[0.5,2;All orgs:]", "dropdown[2.5,1.5;7,0.8;all_orgs;View...,"..formspec_list(all_orgs)..";;]", "label[0.5,3;Your orgs:]", "dropdown[2.5,2.5;7,0.8;user_orgs;View...,"..formspec_list(user_orgs)..";;]", "label[0.5,4;All users:]", "dropdown[2.5,3.5;7,0.8;all_users;View...,"..formspec_list(all_users)..";;]", "label[0.5,5;Pending ("..user_pending_count.."):]", "dropdown[2.5,4.5;7,0.8;pending;View...,"..formspec_list(user_pending)..";;]", "button[0.5,7;1,0.8;refresh;Refresh]", "button_exit[8.5,7;1,0.8;close;Close]", } local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") -- present to player minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:dashboard", formspec_string) end -- receive input minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) if formname == "modpol:dashboard" then local pname = player:get_player_name() if nil then elseif fields.close then minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) elseif fields.refresh then modpol.interactions.dashboard(pname) -- Put all dropdowns at the end elseif fields.all_users and fields.all_users ~= "View..." then modpol.interactions.user_dashboard( pname, fields.all_users, function() modpol.interactions.dashboard(pname) end ) elseif fields.all_orgs or fields.user_orgs or fields.pending then local org_name = fields.all_orgs or fields.user_orgs or fields.pending if org_name ~= "View..." then modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( pname, org_name) end end end end) -- Function: modpol.interactions.org_dashboard -- Params: user (string), org_string (string or num) -- Output: Displays a menu of org-specific commands to the user function modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(user, org_string) -- prepare data local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(org_string) if not org then return nil end local function membership_toggle(org_display) local current_org = modpol.orgs.get_org(org_display) if current_org then if current_org:has_member(user) then return " (member)" end end return "" end -- identify parent local parent = modpol.orgs.get_org(org.parent) if parent then parent = parent.name else parent = "none" end -- prepare members menu local members = org.members -- prepare children menu local children = {} for k,v in ipairs(org.children) do local this_child = modpol.orgs.get_org(v) table.insert(children, this_child.name) end table.sort(children) -- prepare modules menu local modules = {} if modpol.modules then for k,v in pairs(modpol.modules) do if not v.hide and -- hide utility modules org.policies[k] then -- org includes it local module_entry = v.name table.insert(modules, module_entry) end end end table.sort(modules) -- prepare pending menu local pending = {} local num_pending = 0 if org.pending[user] then for k,v in pairs(org.pending[user]) do if org.processes[k] ~= "deleted" then local pending_string = org.processes[k].name .." ["..k.."]" table.insert(pending, pending_string) num_pending = num_pending + 1 end end end table.sort(pending) -- set player context local user_context = {} user_context["current_org"] = org.name _contexts[user] = user_context -- set up formspec local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[10,8]", "hypertext[0.5,0.5;9,1;title;Org: ".. minetest.formspec_escape(org.name)..""..membership_toggle(org.name).."]", "label[0.5,1.25;Parent: "..parent..membership_toggle(parent).."]", "label[0.5,2;Members:]", "dropdown[2.5,1.5;7,0.8;members;View...,"..formspec_list(members)..";;]", "label[0.5,3;Child orgs:]", "dropdown[2.5,2.5;7,0.8;children;View...,"..formspec_list(children)..";;]", "label[0.5,4;Modules:]", "dropdown[2.5,3.5;7,0.8;modules;View...,"..formspec_list(modules)..";;]", "label[0.5,5;Pending ("..num_pending.."):]", "dropdown[2.5,4.5;7,0.8;pending;View...,"..formspec_list(pending)..";;]", "button[0.5,7;1,0.8;refresh;Refresh]", "button[8.5,7;1,0.8;back;Back]", } local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") -- present to player minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:org_dashboard", formspec_string) end -- receive input minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) if formname == "modpol:org_dashboard" then local pname = player:get_player_name() local org = modpol.orgs.get_org(_contexts[pname].current_org) -- just confirm the org still exists: if not org then modpol.interactions.message(pname, "Org no longer exists") modpol.interactions.dashboard(pname) return end -- okay, onward if nil then elseif fields.back then modpol.interactions.dashboard(pname) elseif fields.refresh then modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(pname, org.name) -- Put all dropdowns at the end -- Receiving modules elseif fields.members and fields.members ~= "View..." then modpol.interactions.user_dashboard( pname, fields.members, function() modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( pname, org.name) end ) elseif fields.modules and fields.modules ~= "View..." then local module = nil for k,v in pairs(modpol.modules) do if fields.modules == v.name and org.policies[v.slug] then module = v end end if module then modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user( pname, module.name..":\n".. module.desc.."\n".. modpol.interactions.get_policy_string( org.name, module.slug, ", ").. "\n".."Proceed?", function(input) if input == "Yes" then org:call_module(module.slug, pname) elseif input == "No" then modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( pname, org.id) end end) end -- Receiving pending elseif fields.pending and fields.pending ~= "View..." then local pending = string.match( fields.pending,"%[(%d)%]") local process = org.processes[tonumber(pending)] if process then org:interact(process.id, pname) end -- Children elseif fields.children and fields.children ~= "View..." then local org_name = fields.children modpol.interactions.org_dashboard(pname, org_name) end end end) --- Function: modpol.interactions.user_dashboard -- Displays a dashboard about a particular user -- @param viewer Name of user viewing the dashboard (string) -- @param user Name of user being viewed (string) -- @param completion Optional function to call on Done button function modpol.interactions.user_dashboard(viewer, user, completion) local user_orgs = modpol.orgs.user_orgs(user) -- set player context local user_context = {} user_context["viewer"] = viewer user_context["user"] = user user_context["completion"] = completion _contexts[viewer] = user_context -- set up formspec local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[10,8]", "hypertext[0.5,0.5;9,1;title;User: "..user.."]", "label[0.5,2;User's orgs:]", "dropdown[2.5,1.5;7,0.8;user_orgs;View...,"..formspec_list(user_orgs)..";;]", "button[0.5,7;1.5,0.8;message;Message]", "button_exit[8.5,7;1,0.8;close;Close]", } local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") -- present to player minetest.show_formspec(viewer, "modpol:user_dashboard", formspec_string) end -- receive input minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) if formname == "modpol:user_dashboard" then local contexts = _contexts[player:get_player_name()] -- check fields if nil then elseif fields.message then modpol.interactions.message_user( contexts.viewer, contexts.user ) elseif fields.back then if contexts.completion then completion() else modpol.interactions.dashboard( contexts.viewer) end -- dropdown fields elseif fields.user_orgs and fields.user_orgs ~= "View..." then modpol.interactions.org_dashboard( contexts.viewer, fields.user_orgs) end end end) -- INTERACTION PRIMITIVES -- ====================== -- Function: modpol.interactions.message -- Produces a brief message to a user -- input: user (string), message (string) -- output: displays message to specified user function modpol.interactions.message(user, message) if message then minetest.chat_send_player(user, message) end end --- Function: modpol.interactions.message_user -- Gets and sends a message from one user to another -- @param sender Name of user sending (string) -- @param recipient Name of user receiving (string) function modpol.interactions.message_user(sender, recipient) modpol.interactions.text_query( sender, "Message for "..recipient..":", function(input) modpol.interactions.message( recipient, input.." [from "..sender.."]") end ) end --- Function: modpol.interactions.display -- Displays complex data to a user -- @param user Name of target user (string) -- @param title Title of display (string) -- @param message Content of message (string or table of strings) -- @param completion Optional function for what happens when user is done function modpol.interactions.display( user, title, message, completion) -- set up contexts _contexts[user]["completion"] = completion -- set up output local output = "" if type(message) == "table" then output = table.concat(message,"\n") elseif type(message) == "string" then output = message elseif type(message) == "number" then output = message else modpol.interactions.message( self.initiator, "Error: message not typed for display") if completion then completion() else modpol.intereactions.dashboard(user) end return end -- set up formspec local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[10,8]", "label[0.5,0.5;"..title.."]", "hypertext[0.5,1;9,5.5;display;"..output.."]", "button_exit[8.5,7;1,0.8;done;Done]", } local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") -- present to player minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:display", formspec_string) end -- receive fields minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) local pname = player:get_player_name() if formname == "modpol:display" then if fields.done and _contexts[pname].completion then minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) _contexts[pname].completion() end end end) -- Function: modpol.interactions.text_query -- Overrides function at modpol/interactions.lua -- input: user (string), query (string), func (function) -- output: Applies "func" to user input function modpol.interactions.text_query(user, query, func) -- set up formspec local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[10,6]", "label[0.5,1;", minetest.formspec_escape(query), "]", "field[0.5,3.25;9,0.8;input;;]", "button[0.5,4.5;1,0.8;yes;OK]", } local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") -- present to player minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:text_query", formspec_string) -- put func in _contexts if _contexts[user] == nil then _contexts[user] = {} end _contexts[user]["text_query_func"] = func end -- receive fields minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) if formname == "modpol:text_query" then local pname = player:get_player_name() local input = fields.input if not input then -- no input, do nothing else local func = _contexts[pname]["text_query_func"] if func then func(input) else modpol.interactions.message(pname, "text_query: " .. input) end end minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) end end) -- Function: dropdown_query -- input: user (string), label (string), options (table of strings), func (function) -- func input: choice (string) -- output: calls func on user choice function modpol.interactions.dropdown_query(user, label, options, func) -- set up formspec local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[10,4]", "label[0.5,1;"..minetest.formspec_escape(label).."]", "dropdown[0.5,1.25;9,0.8;input;View...,"..formspec_list(options)..";;]", "button[0.5,2.5;1,0.8;cancel;Cancel]", } local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") -- present to players minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:dropdown_query", formspec_string) -- put func in _contexts if _contexts[user] == nil then _contexts[user] = {} end _contexts[user]["dropdown_query_func"] = func end -- receive fields minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) if formname == "modpol:dropdown_query" then local pname = player:get_player_name() if fields.cancel then minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) elseif fields.input == "View..." then -- "View...", do nothing else local choice = fields.input local func = _contexts[pname]["dropdown_query_func"] if not choice then -- empty, do nothing elseif func then --causes issues with sequential dropdowns --minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) func(choice) else minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) modpol.interactions.message(pname, "dropdown_query: " .. choice) end end end end) --- Function: modpol.interactions.checkbox_query -- Allows user to select from a set of options -- @param user Name of user (string) -- @param label Query for user before options (string) -- @param options table of options and their checked status in the form {{"option_1_string", true}, {"option_2_string", false}} -- @param func function to be called with param "input", made up of the corrected table in the same format as the param options function modpol.interactions.checkbox_query( user, label, options, func) -- set up formspec -- prepare options local vertical = 0 local checkbox_options = {} for i,v in ipairs(options) do local fs_line = "" vertical = i * .5 fs_line = "checkbox[0,"..vertical..";checkbox_"..i..";".. minetest.formspec_escape(v[1])..";".. tostring(v[2]).."]" table.insert(checkbox_options, fs_line) end local max = vertical * 4 local bar_height = vertical / 2 local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[10,8]", "label[0.5,0.5;"..label.."]", "scrollbaroptions[arrows=default;max="..max..";smallstep=10;largestep=100;thumbsize="..bar_height.."]", "scrollbar[9,1;0.3,5.5;vertical;scroller;0]", "scroll_container[0.5,1;9,5.5;scroller;vertical]", } -- insert options for i,v in ipairs(checkbox_options) do table.insert(formspec, v) end table.insert(formspec,"scroll_container_end[]") table.insert(formspec,"button[0.5,7;1.5,0.8;submit;Submit]") table.insert( formspec,"button_exit[8,7;1.5,0.8;cancel;Cancel]") local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") -- present to players minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:checkbox_query", formspec_string) -- put func in _contexts if _contexts[user] == nil then _contexts[user] = {} end _contexts[user]["checkbox_query_func"] = func _contexts[user]["checkbox_query_result"] = modpol.util.copy_table(options) end -- receive fields minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) if formname == "modpol:checkbox_query" then local pname = player:get_player_name() -- start checking fields if fields.cancel then minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) elseif fields.submit then -- send in result minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) _contexts[pname].checkbox_query_func( _contexts[pname].checkbox_query_result) else for k,v in pairs(fields) do -- identify checkbox actions and flip bool if string.find(k,"checkbox_") then local index = tonumber( string.match(k,"%d+")) _contexts[pname].checkbox_query_result[index][2] = not _contexts[pname].checkbox_query_result[index][2] end end end end end) -- Function: modpol.binary_poll_user(user, question, function) -- Overrides function at modpol/interactions.lua -- Params: user (string), question (string), func (function) -- func input: user input (string: y/n) -- Output: Applies "func" to user input function modpol.interactions.binary_poll_user(user, question, func) -- set up formspec local formspec = { "formspec_version[4]", "size[8,6]", "label[0.375,0.5;",minetest.formspec_escape(question), "]", "button[1,5;1,0.8;yes;Yes]", "button[2,5;1,0.8;no;No]", --TODO can we enable text wrapping? --TODO we could use scroll boxes to contain the text } local formspec_string = table.concat(formspec, "") if _contexts[user] == nil then _contexts[user] = {} end _contexts[user]["binary_poll_func"] = func -- present to player minetest.show_formspec(user, "modpol:binary_poll_user", formspec_string) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function (player, formname, fields) local pname = player:get_player_name() -- modpol:binary_poll if formname == "modpol:binary_poll_user" then local vote = nil if fields.yes then vote = fields.yes elseif fields.no then vote = fields.no end if vote then local func = _contexts[pname]["binary_poll_func"] if func then func(vote) end end minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname) end end) -- TESTING --testing command for "singleplayer" function modpol.msg(text) modpol.interactions.message("singleplayer",text) end