--- A utility module that outputs a random result from a set of options -- @module randomizer local randomizer = { name = "Randomizer", slug = "randomizer", desc = "A utility module other modules use for random decisions", hide = true } randomizer.data = { } -- options_table should be a table of strings randomizer.config = { options_table = {}, num_results = 1, result_table = {} } --- Initiate function -- @function randomizer:initiate -- @param result Callback if this module is embedded in other modules function randomizer:initiate(result) self.data.result = result self.data.options_table = modpol.util.copy_table(self.config.options_table) -- if options table is empty, randomizer returns that if #self.data.options_table == 0 or self.config.num_results == 0 then if self.data.result then self.data.result({}) end self.org:delete_process(self.id) else -- otherwise, choose a random result self.random_loop() end end --- Returns result_table -- @function randomizer:random_loop function randomizer:random_loop() self.data.results = 0 if results == self.config.num_results then self.data.result(self.data.result_table) else math.randomseed(os.time()) local index = math.random(self.data.options_table) table.insert(self.data.result_table, self.data.options_table[index]) table.remove(self.data.options_table, index) self.data.results = self.data.results + 1 end end modpol.modules.randomizer = randomizer