What is the community’s name?
{{ page.community-name }}
What is the basic structure of the community?
{{ page.structure }}
What is the community’s mission?
{{ page.mission }}
What core values does it hold?
{{ page.values }}
What are the basic rights that this Rule guarantees?
{{ page.rights }}
How does someone become a member?
{{ page.membership }}
How are members suspended or removed?
{{ page.removal }}
Who has the capacity to decide on policies, and how do they do so?
{{ page.decision }}
Where do community members deliberate about potential policies?
{{ page.deliberation }}
How are policies implemented?
{{ page.implementation }}
Who oversees the implementation of policies?
{{ page.oversight }}
What limits are there on member roles and policies?
{{ page.limits }}
Where do we maintain our policies and records?
{{ page.records }}
How can this Rule be modified?
{{ page.modification }}
When you're finished, use the button below and print, copy/paste, or save your Rule to where your community can keep track of it and edit it in the future.