# CommunityRule --- A governance toolkit for great communities, located at [communityrule.info](https://communityrule.info). --- This project welcomes contributors. All contributions are assumed to accept the project's GPL and Creative Commons licenses. To contribute governance templates, copy an existing one at `_template/[template_name].md` and fill out the YAML metadata. This will automatically add a new template into the system. Propose edits to existing governance templates at `_template/[template_name].md`. The app currently depends on Vue.js. Major scripts are located at `assets/js/`. To get involved, [contact MEDLab](mailto:medlab@colorado.edu). # Run Locally 1. [Install Jekyll Prerequisites](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation) 2. Install Jekyll and the bundler with `gem install jekyll bundler` 3. Install project dependencies with `bundle install` 4. Run the webserver with `bundle exec jekyll serve` 5. View your site locally at [https://localhost:4000]](https://localhost:4000)