What is the community’s name?
What is the basic structure of the community?
{{ page.structure }}
What is the community’s mission?
{{ page.mission }}
What core values does the community hold?
{{ page.values }}
What is the legal status of the community’s assets and creations?
{{ page.legal }}
How does someone become a participant?
{{ page.membership }}
How are participants suspended or removed?
{{ page.removal }}
What special roles can participants hold, and how are roles assigned?
{{ page.roles }}
Are there limits on the terms or powers of participant roles?
{{ page.limits }}
What basic rights does this Rule guarantee?
{{ page.rights }}
Who has the capacity to decide on policies, and how do they do so?
{{ page.decision }}
How are policies implemented?
{{ page.implementation }}
How does the community monitor and evaluate its policy implementation?
{{ page.oversight }}
Where does the community deliberate about policies and governance?
{{ page.deliberation }}
How does the community manage access to administrative accounts and other tools?
{{ page.access }}
How does the community manage funds and economic flows?
{{ page.economics }}
How are grievances among participants addressed?
{{ page.grievances }}
Where are policies and records kept?
{{ page.records }}
How can this Rule be modified?
{{ page.modification }}
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