--- layout: page title: "Create: Elected board" permalink: /create/elected-board/ --- [ Default | Elected board ] --- *What is the community's name?*

## Purpose *What is the community's mission?*

*What core values does it hold?*

*What is the basic structure of the community?*

An annually elected board determines policies and implements them.

## Members *How does someone become a member?*

*How are members suspended or removed?*

## Stewards *Who has the capacity to make and change agreements, and how are they chosen?*

Each year, on $DATE, members vote on nominees for board positions. The 5 nominees with the largest number of votes become board members for the subsequent year. Current board members propose and vote on agreements by a secret ballot. At least 51% of board members must vote to approve a proposal in order for it to become an agreement.

*How are the agreements implemented?*

Board members or their designees should have access to the means to implement the rules that the board has passed.

*Who oversees the implementation of the agreements?*

Community members unhappy with the board's implementation with the agreements may seek to replace board members at the next election.

*How are each of the stewardship roles determined and limited?*

Board members can serve an unlimited number of 1-year terms.

## Agreements *What are the basic rights inscribed in this Rule?*

The board is expected to operate according to this Rule and the explicit agreements it has created.

*Where do we keep our additional agreements?*

## Evolution *How can this Rule be changed?*

Changes to this Rule require 51% of the board to approve a referendum circulated to the entire community. The change passes if it receives 2/3 approval of all who vote after $NUMBER days.

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